Add blog post about storing Accumulo data in S3 (#192)

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+title: "Using S3 as a data store for Accumulo"
+author: Keith Turner
+Accumulo can store its files in S3, however S3 does not support the needs of
+write ahead logs and the Accumulo metadata table. One way to solve this problem
+is to store the metadata table and write ahead logs in HDFS and everything else
+in S3.  This post shows how to do that using Accumulo 2.0 and Hadoop 3.2.0.
+Running on S3 requires a new feature in Accumulo 2.0, that volume choosers are
+aware of write ahead logs.
+## Hadoop setup
+At least the following settings should be added to Hadoop's `core-site.xml` file on each node in the cluster. 
+  <name>fs.s3a.access.key</name>
+  <value>KEY</value>
+  <name>fs.s3a.secret.key</name>
+  <value>SECRET</value>
+<!-- without this setting Accumulo tservers would have problems when trying to open lots of files -->
+  <name>fs.s3a.connection.maximum</name>
+  <value>128</value>
+See [S3A docs](
+for more S3A settings.  To get hadoop command to work with s3 set `export
+HADOOP_OPTIONAL_TOOLS="hadoop-aws"` in ``.
+When trying to use Accumulo with Hadoop's AWS jar [HADOOP-16080] was
+encountered.  The following instructions build a relocated hadoop-aws jar as a
+work around.  After building the jar copy it to all nodes in the cluster.
+mkdir -p /tmp/haws-reloc
+cd /tmp/haws-reloc
+# get the Maven pom file that builds a relocated jar
+mvn package -Dhadoop.version=<your hadoop version>
+# the new jar will be in target
+ls target/
+## Accumulo setup
+For each node in the cluster, modify `` to add S3 jars to the
+classpath.  Your versions may differ depending on your Hadoop version,
+following versions were included with Hadoop 3.2.0.
+# The following are dependencies needed by by the previous jars and are subject to change
+Set the following in `` and then run `accumulo init`, but don't start Accumulo.
+instance.volumes=hdfs://<name node>/accumulo
+After running Accumulo init we need to configure storing write ahead logs in
+HDFS.  Set the following in ``.
+instance.volumes=hdfs://<name node>/accumulo,s3a://<bucket>/accumulo
+Run `accumulo init --add-volumes` to initialize the S3 volume.  Doing this
+in two steps avoids putting any Accumulo metadata files in S3 during init.
+Copy `` to all nodes and start Accumulo.
+Individual tables can be configured to store their files in HDFS by setting the
+table property `table.custom.volume.preferred`.  This should be set for the
+metadata table in case it splits using the following Accumulo shell command.
+config -t accumulo.metadata -s table.custom.volume.preferred=hdfs://<namenode>/accumulo
+## Accumulo example
+The following Accumulo shell session shows an example of writing data to S3 and
+reading it back.  It also shows scanning the metadata table to verify the data
+is stored in S3.
+root@muchos> createtable s3test
+root@muchos s3test> insert r1 f1 q1 v1
+root@muchos s3test> insert r1 f1 q2 v2
+root@muchos s3test> flush -w
+2019-09-10 19:39:04,695 [shell.Shell] INFO : Flush of table s3test  completed.
+root@muchos s3test> scan 
+r1 f1:q1 []    v1
+r1 f1:q2 []    v2
+root@muchos s3test> scan -t accumulo.metadata -c file
+2< file:s3a://<bucket>/accumulo/tables/2/default_tablet/F000007b.rf []    234,2
+These instructions were only tested a few times and may not result in a stable
+system. I have [run] a 24hr test with Accumulo and S3.
+## Is S3Guard needed?
+I am not completely certain about this, but I don't think S3Guard is needed for
+regular Accumulo tables.  There are two reasons I think this is so.  First each
+Accumulo user tablet stores its list of files in the metadata table using
+absolute URIs.  This allows a tablet to have files on multiple DFS instances.
+Therefore Accumulo never does a DFS list operation to get a tablets files, it
+always uses whats in the metadata table.  Second, Accumulo gives each file a
+unique name using a counter stored in Zookeeper and file names are never
+Things are sligthly different for Accumulo's metadata.  User tablets store
+their file list in the metadata table.  Metadata tablets store their file list
+in the root table.  The root table stores its file list in DFS.  Therefore it
+would be dangerous to place the root tablet in S3 w/o using S3Guard.  That is
+why these instructions place Accumulo metadata in HDFS. **Hopefully** this
+configuration allows the system to be consistent w/o using S3Guard.
+When Accumulo 2.1.0 is released with the changes made by {% ghi 1313 %} for issue
+{% ghi 936 %}, it may be possible to store the metadata table in S3 w/o
+S3Gaurd.  If this is the case then only the write ahead logs would need to be
+stored in HDFS.