blob: c5981e85404e85f08d3960255001d18b459e17eb [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env bash
build_jekyll_site() {
# $1 is the expected source branch
local source_br; source_br=$1
# $2 is the name of the target branch
local tgt_br; tgt_br=$2
local cur_branch; cur_branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD) || return 1
# skip execution on other branches
[[ $cur_branch == "refs/heads/$source_br" ]] || return 0
# create message
local message; message="Jekyll build from $source_br:$(git rev-parse --verify 'HEAD^{commit}' | cut -c1-7)"$'\n'$'\n'"$(git cat-file commit HEAD | sed '1,/^$/d')"
# import git utils: needed for die, require_clean_work_tree
. "$(git --exec-path)/git-sh-setup" || return 1
# ensure target branch exists
local not_a_branch_msg; not_a_branch_msg="$tgt_br is not a branch; this script can only update branches named $tgt_br (try: git checkout -t origin/$tgt_br)"
local target_branch; target_branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name "$tgt_br" 2>/dev/null) || die "fatal: $not_a_branch_msg"
case "$target_branch" in
die "fatal: $not_a_branch_msg"
# don't build what's not checked in
# check gem versions
bundle check >/dev/null || die "fatal: gems are out of date; run 'bundle install'"
# prep the working location
local workdir; workdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/jekyll-XXXXXXXXXX) || die "fatal: unable to allocate a temporary directory"
trap "rm -rf '""$workdir""'" 0 1 2 3 15
# actually generate the site
bundle exec jekyll build --destination "$workdir/_site" || die "fatal: jekyll build failure"
# prepare and commit to the target branch
export GIT_INDEX_FILE="$workdir/index"
rm -f "$workdir/_site/Gemfile" "$workdir/_site/Gemfile.lock"
git --work-tree="$workdir/_site" add . || die "fatal: error adding $workdir/_site"
local tree; tree=$(git write-tree) || die "fatal: error writing tree"
local commit; commit=$(git commit-tree "$tree" -p "$target_branch" -m "$message") || die "fatal: error writing commit"
git update-ref -m "$message" "$target_branch" "$commit" || die "fatal: error updating ref"
return 0
build_jekyll_site 'master' 'asf-site'