Update client and server properties for 2.0 (#136)

diff --git a/_docs-2/configuration/client-properties.md b/_docs-2/configuration/client-properties.md
index 456f287..6c300e3 100644
--- a/_docs-2/configuration/client-properties.md
+++ b/_docs-2/configuration/client-properties.md
@@ -11,29 +11,29 @@
 | Property | Default value | Since | Description |
-| <a name="instance_name" class="prop"></a> instance.name | *empty* |  | Name of Accumulo instance to connect to |
-| <a name="instance_zookeepers" class="prop"></a> instance.zookeepers | localhost:2181 |  | Zookeeper connection information for Accumulo instance |
-| <a name="instance_zookeepers_timeout" class="prop"></a> instance.zookeepers.timeout | 30s |  | Zookeeper session timeout |
-| <a name="auth_type" class="prop"></a> auth.type | password |  | Authentication method (i.e password, kerberos, PasswordToken, KerberosToken, etc) |
-| <a name="auth_principal" class="prop"></a> auth.principal | *empty* |  | Accumulo principal/username for chosen authentication method |
-| <a name="auth_token" class="prop"></a> auth.token | *empty* |  | Authentication token (ex. mypassword, /path/to/keytab) |
-| <a name="batch_writer_durability" class="prop"></a> batch.writer.durability | default |  | Change the durability for the BatchWriter session. To use the table's durability setting. use "default" which is the table's durability setting. |
-| <a name="batch_writer_max_latency_sec" class="prop"></a> batch.writer.max.latency.sec | 120 |  | Max amount of time (in seconds) to hold data in memory before flushing it |
-| <a name="batch_writer_max_memory_bytes" class="prop"></a> batch.writer.max.memory.bytes | 52428800 |  | Max memory (in bytes) to batch before writing |
-| <a name="batch_writer_max_timeout_sec" class="prop"></a> batch.writer.max.timeout.sec | 0 |  | Max amount of time (in seconds) an unresponsive server will be re-tried. An exception is thrown when this timeout is exceeded. Set to zero for no timeout. |
-| <a name="batch_writer_max_write_threads" class="prop"></a> batch.writer.max.write.threads | 3 |  | Maximum number of threads to use for writing data to tablet servers. |
-| <a name="batch_scanner_num_query_threads" class="prop"></a> batch.scanner.num.query.threads | 3 |  | Number of concurrent query threads to spawn for querying |
-| <a name="scanner_batch_size" class="prop"></a> scanner.batch.size | 1000 |  | Number of key/value pairs that will be fetched at time from tablet server |
+| <a name="instance_name" class="prop"></a> instance.name | *empty* | 2.0.0 | Name of Accumulo instance to connect to |
+| <a name="instance_zookeepers" class="prop"></a> instance.zookeepers | localhost:2181 | 2.0.0 | Zookeeper connection information for Accumulo instance |
+| <a name="instance_zookeepers_timeout" class="prop"></a> instance.zookeepers.timeout | 30s | 2.0.0 | Zookeeper session timeout |
+| <a name="auth_type" class="prop"></a> auth.type | password | 2.0.0 | Authentication method (i.e password, kerberos, PasswordToken, KerberosToken, etc) |
+| <a name="auth_principal" class="prop"></a> auth.principal | *empty* | 2.0.0 | Accumulo principal/username for chosen authentication method |
+| <a name="auth_token" class="prop"></a> auth.token | *empty* | 2.0.0 | Authentication token (ex. mypassword, /path/to/keytab) |
+| <a name="batch_writer_durability" class="prop"></a> batch.writer.durability | default | 2.0.0 | The durability used to write to the write-ahead log. Legal values are: none, which skips the write-ahead log; log, which sends the data to the write-ahead log, but does nothing to make it durable; flush, which pushes data to the file system; and sync, which ensures the data is written to disk. Setting this property will change the durability for the BatchWriter session. A value of "default" will use the table's durability setting.  |
+| <a name="batch_writer_latency_max" class="prop"></a> batch.writer.latency.max | 120s | 2.0.0 | Max amount of time (in seconds) to hold data in memory before flushing it |
+| <a name="batch_writer_memory_max" class="prop"></a> batch.writer.memory.max | 50M | 2.0.0 | Max memory (in bytes) to batch before writing |
+| <a name="batch_writer_threads_max" class="prop"></a> batch.writer.threads.max | 3 | 2.0.0 | Maximum number of threads to use for writing data to tablet servers. |
+| <a name="batch_writer_timeout_max" class="prop"></a> batch.writer.timeout.max | 0 | 2.0.0 | Max amount of time (in seconds) an unresponsive server will be re-tried. An exception is thrown when this timeout is exceeded. Set to zero for no timeout. |
+| <a name="batch_scanner_num_query_threads" class="prop"></a> batch.scanner.num.query.threads | 3 | 2.0.0 | Number of concurrent query threads to spawn for querying |
+| <a name="scanner_batch_size" class="prop"></a> scanner.batch.size | 1000 | 2.0.0 | Number of key/value pairs that will be fetched at time from tablet server |
 | <a name="ssl_enabled" class="prop"></a> ssl.enabled | false |  | Enable SSL for client RPC |
 | <a name="ssl_keystore_password" class="prop"></a> ssl.keystore.password | *empty* |  | Password used to encrypt keystore |
-| <a name="ssl_keystore_path" class="prop"></a> ssl.keystore.path | *empty* |  | Path to SSL keystore file |
+| <a name="ssl_keystore_path" class="prop"></a> ssl.keystore.path | *empty* | 2.0.0 | Path to SSL keystore file |
 | <a name="ssl_keystore_type" class="prop"></a> ssl.keystore.type | jks |  | Type of SSL keystore |
 | <a name="ssl_truststore_password" class="prop"></a> ssl.truststore.password | *empty* |  | Password used to encrypt truststore |
-| <a name="ssl_truststore_path" class="prop"></a> ssl.truststore.path | *empty* |  | Path to SSL truststore file |
+| <a name="ssl_truststore_path" class="prop"></a> ssl.truststore.path | *empty* | 2.0.0 | Path to SSL truststore file |
 | <a name="ssl_truststore_type" class="prop"></a> ssl.truststore.type | jks |  | Type of SSL truststore |
 | <a name="ssl_use_jsse" class="prop"></a> ssl.use.jsse | false |  | Use JSSE system properties to configure SSL |
 | <a name="sasl_enabled" class="prop"></a> sasl.enabled | false |  | Enable SASL for client RPC |
 | <a name="sasl_kerberos_server_primary" class="prop"></a> sasl.kerberos.server.primary | accumulo |  | Kerberos principal/primary that Accumulo servers use to login |
 | <a name="sasl_qop" class="prop"></a> sasl.qop | auth |  | SASL quality of protection. Valid values are 'auth', 'auth-int', and 'auth-conf' |
 | <a name="trace_span_receivers" class="prop"></a> trace.span.receivers | org.apache.accumulo.tracer.ZooTraceClient |  | A list of span receiver classes to send trace spans |
-| <a name="trace_zookeeper_path" class="prop"></a> trace.zookeeper.path | /tracers |  | The zookeeper node where tracers are registered |
+| <a name="trace_zookeeper_path" class="prop"></a> trace.zookeeper.path | /tracers | 2.0.0 | The zookeeper node where tracers are registered |
diff --git a/_docs-2/configuration/server-properties.md b/_docs-2/configuration/server-properties.md
index 26a767b..efdc08e 100644
--- a/_docs-2/configuration/server-properties.md
+++ b/_docs-2/configuration/server-properties.md
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 | <a name="instance_prefix" class="prop"></a> **instance.*** | Properties in this category must be consistent throughout a cloud. This is enforced and servers won't be able to communicate if these differ. |
 | <a name="instance_crypto_opts_prefix" class="prop"></a> **instance.crypto.opts.*** | **Experimental.** Properties related to on-disk file encryption. |
 | <a name="instance_crypto_opts_sensitive_prefix" class="prop"></a> **instance.crypto.opts.sensitive.*** | **Experimental.** Sensitive properties related to on-disk file encryption. |
-| <a name="instance_crypto_service" class="prop"></a> instance.crypto.service | **Experimental.** The class which executes on-disk file encryption. The default does nothing. To enable encryption, replace this classname with an implementation of theorg.apache.accumulo.core.spi.crypto.CryptoService interface.<br>**type:** CLASSNAME, **zk mutable:** no, **default value:** {% jlink -f org.apache.accumulo.core.security.crypto.impl.NoCryptoService %} |
+| <a name="instance_crypto_service" class="prop"></a> instance.crypto.service | **Experimental.** The class which executes on-disk file encryption. The default does nothing. To enable encryption, replace this classname with an implementation of theorg.apache.accumulo.core.spi.crypto.CryptoService interface.<br>**type:** CLASSNAME, **zk mutable:** no, **default value:** {% jlink -f org.apache.accumulo.core.cryptoImpl.NoCryptoService %} |
 | <a name="instance_dfs_dir" class="prop"></a> instance.dfs.dir | **Deprecated.** ~~This property is deprecated since 1.6.0. HDFS directory in which accumulo instance will run. Do not change after accumulo is initialized.~~<br>~~**type:** ABSOLUTEPATH~~, ~~**zk mutable:** no~~, ~~**default value:** `/accumulo`~~ |
 | <a name="instance_dfs_uri" class="prop"></a> instance.dfs.uri | **Deprecated.** ~~This property is deprecated since 1.6.0. A url accumulo should use to connect to DFS. If this is empty, accumulo will obtain this information from the hadoop configuration. This property will only be used when creating new files if instance.volumes is empty. After an upgrade to 1.6.0 Accumulo will start using absolute paths to reference files. Files created before a 1.6.0 upgrade are referenced via relative paths. Relative paths will always be resolved using this config (if empty using the hadoop config).~~<br>~~**type:** URI~~, ~~**zk mutable:** no~~, ~~**default value:** empty~~ |
 | <a name="instance_rpc_sasl_allowed_host_impersonation" class="prop"></a> instance.rpc.sasl.allowed.host.impersonation | One-line configuration property controlling the network locations (hostnames) that are allowed to impersonate other users<br>**type:** STRING, **zk mutable:** no, **default value:** empty |