Add JShell Accumulo Feature Blog (#274)

This commit contains a blog about
JShell Accumulo Feature for 2.1.
diff --git a/_posts/blog/ b/_posts/blog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1e2007
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+++ b/_posts/blog/
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+Title: JShell Accumulo Feature
+## Overview
+First introduced in Java 9, [JShell][jshell-doc] is an interactive Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop (REPL) 
+Java tool that interprets user's input and outputs the results. This tool provides a convenient 
+way to test out and execute quick tasks with Accumulo in the terminal. This feature is a part 
+of the upcoming Accumulo 2.1 release. If you're a developer and want to get involved in testing, 
+[contact us][contact] or review our [contributing guide][guide].
+## Major Features
+* Default JShell script provides initial imports for interacting with Accumulo's API and 
+provided in Accumulo's binary distribution tarball
+* On startup, JShell Accumulo  will automatically import the `CLASSPATH`, load in a configured 
+environment from user's `conf/`, and invoke `conf/jshell-init.jsh` 
+to allow rapid Accumulo task executions
+* JShell Accumulo can startup using default/custom JShell script and users can append any JShell 
+command-line [options][jshell-option] to the startup command
+## Booting Up JShell Accumulo
+1) Open up a terminal and navigate to Accumulo's installation directory 
+2) To startup JShell with **default script** use this command:
+$ bin/accumulo jshell 
+3) To startup JShell with **custom script** use this command:
+$ bin/accumulo jshell --startup file/path/to/custom_script.jsh
+**Note:** One can execute the `jshell` command to startup JShell. However, doing so will require 
+manually importing the `CLASSPATH` and the configured environment from `conf/` 
+and manually specifying the startup file for `conf/jshell-init.jsh` before any Accumulo tasks 
+can be performed. Using one of the startup commands above will automate that process 
+for convenience. 
+## JShell Accumulo Default Script
+The auto-generated `jshell-init.jsh` is a customizable file located in Accumulo's installation 
+`conf/` directory. Inside, `jshell-init.jsh` contains [Accumulo Java APIs][public APIs] 
+formatted as import statements and [AccumuloClient][client] build implementation. On startup, 
+the script automatically loads in the APIs and attempts to construct a client. Should additional 
+APIs and/or code implementations be needed, simply append them to `jshell-init.jsh`. 
+Alternatively, you can create a separate JShell script and specify the custom script's file path 
+on startup.
+To construct an [AccumuloClient][client], the provided `conf/jshell-init.jsh` script finds 
+and uses `` in Accumulo's class path, and assigns the result 
+to a variable called **client**. 
+If `` is found, a similar result will be produced below:
+Preparing JShell for Apache Accumulo 
+Building Accumulo client using 'jar:file:/home/accumulo/lib/accumulo-client.jar!/'
+Use 'client' to interact with Accumulo
+|  Welcome to JShell -- Version 11.0.10
+|  For an introduction type: /help intro
+If `` is not found, an [AccumuloClient][client] will not 
+auto-generate and will produce the following result below:
+Preparing JShell for Apache Accumulo 
+'' was not found on the classpath
+|  Welcome to JShell -- Version 11.0.10
+|  For an introduction type: /help intro
+## JShell Accumulo Example
+1) Booting up JShell Accumulo using default script
+Preparing JShell for Apache Accumulo 
+Building Accumulo client using 'file:/home/accumulo/conf/'
+Use 'client' to interact with Accumulo
+|  Welcome to JShell -- Version 11.0.10
+|  For an introduction type: /help intro
+2) Providing JShell with an Accumulo task
+  // Create a table called "GothamPD".
+  client.tableOperations().create("GothamPD");
+  // Create a Mutation object to hold all changes to a row in a table. 
+  // Each row has a unique row ID.
+  Mutation mutation = new Mutation("id0001");
+  // Create key/value pairs for Batman. Put them in the "hero" family.
+  mutation.put("hero", "alias", "Batman");
+  mutation.put("hero", "name", "Bruce Wayne");
+  mutation.put("hero", "wearsCape?", "true");
+  // Create a BatchWriter to the GothamPD table and add your mutation to it. 
+  // Try w/ resources will close for us.
+  try (BatchWriter writer = client.createBatchWriter("GothamPD")) {
+      writer.addMutation(mutation);
+  }
+  // Read and print all rows of the "GothamPD" table. 
+  // Try w/ resources will close for us.
+  try (ScannerBase scan = client.createScanner("GothamPD", Authorizations.EMPTY)) {
+    System.out.println("Gotham Police Department Persons of Interest:");
+    // A Scanner is an extension of java.lang.Iterable so behaves just like one.
+    scan.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.printf("Key : %-50s Value : %s\n", k, v));
+  }
+**Note:** The fully-qualified class name for Accumulo Scanner or 
+`org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner` needs to be used due to conflicting issues with 
+Java's built-in java.util.Scanner. However, to shorten the Accumulo Scanner's declaration, assign 
+scan to `ScannerBase` type instead.  
+3) Executing the Accumulo task above outputs:
+mutation ==>
+Gotham Police Department Persons of Interest:
+Key : id0001 hero:alias [] 1618926204602 false            Value : Batman
+Key : id0001 hero:name [] 1618926204602 false             Value : Bruce Wayne
+Key : id0001 hero:wearsCape? [] 1618926204602 false       Value : true
+[public APIs]: