blob: 3b2c98ffb88d57edc5313a1e4e90f224d01af78f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.accumulo.testing.core;
import java.util.Properties;
public class TestProps {
private static final String PREFIX = "test.";
private static final String COMMON = PREFIX + "common.";
private static final String CI = PREFIX + "ci.";
private static final String CI_COMMON = CI + "common.";
private static final String CI_INGEST = CI + "ingest.";
private static final String CI_WALKER = CI + "walker.";
private static final String CI_BW = CI + "batch.walker.";
private static final String CI_SCANNER = CI + "scanner.";
private static final String CI_VERIFY = CI + "verify.";
/** Common properties **/
// HDFS root path. Should match 'fs.defaultFS' property in Hadoop's core-site.xml
public static final String HDFS_ROOT = COMMON + "hdfs.root";
// YARN resource manager hostname. Should match 'yarn.resourcemanager.hostname' property in
// Hadoop's yarn-site.xml
public static final String YARN_RESOURCE_MANAGER = COMMON + "yarn.resource.manager";
// Memory (in MB) given to each YARN container
public static final String YARN_CONTAINER_MEMORY_MB = COMMON + "yarn.container.memory.mb";
// Number of cores given to each YARN container
public static final String YARN_CONTAINER_CORES = COMMON + "yarn.container.cores";
/** Continuous ingest test properties **/
/** Common **/
// Accumulo table used by continuous ingest tests
public static final String CI_COMMON_ACCUMULO_TABLE = CI_COMMON + "accumulo.table";
// Number of tablets that should exist in Accumulo table when created
public static final String CI_COMMON_ACCUMULO_NUM_TABLETS = CI_COMMON + "accumulo.num.tablets";
// Optional authorizations (in CSV format) that if specified will be
// randomly selected by scanners
// and walkers
public static final String CI_COMMON_AUTHS = CI_COMMON + "auths";
/** Ingest **/
// Number of entries each ingest client should write
public static final String CI_INGEST_CLIENT_ENTRIES = CI_INGEST + "client.entries";
// Minimum random row to generate
public static final String CI_INGEST_ROW_MIN = CI_INGEST + "row.min";
// Maximum random row to generate
public static final String CI_INGEST_ROW_MAX = CI_INGEST + "row.max";
// Maximum number of random column families to generate
public static final String CI_INGEST_MAX_CF = CI_INGEST + "";
// Maximum number of random column qualifiers to generate
public static final String CI_INGEST_MAX_CQ = CI_INGEST + "max.cq";
// Optional visibilities (in CSV format) that if specified will be randomly
// selected by ingesters for
// each linked list
public static final String CI_INGEST_VISIBILITIES = CI_INGEST + "visibilities";
// Checksums will be generated during ingest if set to true
public static final String CI_INGEST_CHECKSUM = CI_INGEST + "checksum";
// Enables periodic pausing of ingest
public static final String CI_INGEST_PAUSE_ENABLED = CI_INGEST + "pause.enabled";
// Minimum wait between ingest pauses (in seconds)
public static final String CI_INGEST_PAUSE_WAIT_MIN = CI_INGEST + "pause.wait.min";
// Maximum wait between ingest pauses (in seconds)
public static final String CI_INGEST_PAUSE_WAIT_MAX = CI_INGEST + "pause.wait.max";
// Minimum pause duration (in seconds)
public static final String CI_INGEST_PAUSE_DURATION_MIN = CI_INGEST + "pause.duration.min";
// Maximum pause duration (in seconds)
public static final String CI_INGEST_PAUSE_DURATION_MAX = CI_INGEST + "pause.duration.max";
/** Batch Walker **/
// Sleep time between batch scans (in ms)
public static final String CI_BW_SLEEP_MS = CI_BW + "";
// Scan batch size
public static final String CI_BW_BATCH_SIZE = CI_BW + "batch.size";
/** Walker **/
// Sleep time between scans (in ms)
public static final String CI_WALKER_SLEEP_MS = CI_WALKER + "";
/** Scanner **/
// Sleep time between scans (in ms)
public static final String CI_SCANNER_SLEEP_MS = CI_SCANNER + "";
// Scanner entries
public static final String CI_SCANNER_ENTRIES = CI_SCANNER + "entries";
/** Verify **/
// Maximum number of mapreduce mappers
public static final String CI_VERIFY_MAX_MAPS = CI_VERIFY + "max.maps";
// Number of mapreduce reducers
public static final String CI_VERIFY_REDUCERS = CI_VERIFY + "reducers";
// Perform the verification directly on the files while the table is
// offline"
public static final String CI_VERIFY_SCAN_OFFLINE = CI_VERIFY + "scan.offline";
// Comma separated list of auths to use for verify
public static final String CI_VERIFY_AUTHS = CI_VERIFY + "auths";
// Location in HDFS to store output
public static final String CI_VERIFY_OUTPUT_DIR = CI_VERIFY + "output.dir";
public static Properties loadFromFile(String propsFilePath) {
try {
return loadFromStream(new FileInputStream(propsFilePath));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
public static Properties loadFromStream(FileInputStream fis) throws IOException {
Properties props = new Properties();
return props;