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Title: Apache Accumulo Proxy
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This module provides proxy server for Apache Accumulo. It enables using languages
other than Java to interact with the database.
1. Building
The proxy server is built by the Accumulo build process. Read ../README
for more information.
2. Installation
The proxy server is installed during the Accumulo installation process. Read ../README
for more information.
3. Configuration
Please note the proxy server only functions correctly when connected to an
Accumulo 1.5 instance, or when run standalone in the Mock configuration.
- Edit the file.
- Change the useMockInstance value to 'true' if you wish to use an in-memory Mock instance.
- Change the useMiniAccumulo value to 'true' if you wish to use a Mini Accumulo Cluster.
- When using a "real" Accumulo instance:
- Ensure useMockInstance and useMiniAccumulo are both set to 'false'
- Set the instance name
- Set the list of ZooKeepers
4. Execution
Run the following command.
./bin/accumulo proxy -p ./opt/proxy/
5. Clients
You need the language-specific library for Thrift installed to be able to use said Thrift client
code in that language. In other words, you need to install the Python Thrift library to use the Python
example. Typically, your operating system's package manager will be able to automatically install
these for you in an expected location such as /usr/lib/python/site-packages/thrift.
An example Java client is incuded with this distribution in the class TestProxyClient. Also the
unit tests included show how to use the proxy. Normal Accumulo APIs are emulated wherever possible.
Additional client examples can be found in the examples directory. These clients are tested and
functional; however, the setup for each language is beyond the scope of this document currently.