blob: cba33c91842474f99450b03a73c4f0248b539cf0 [file] [log] [blame]
1. {str_replace( "Say yes!", 4, 3, "no")}
2. {str_remove( "Say yes!", 4, 3 )}
3. {str_chop( "Say yes!", 5 )}
4. {str_chop_front( "Say yes!", 4 )}
5. {str_append( "abc", "def" )}
6. {str_prepend( "abc", "def" )}
7. {str_compare( "abcd", "abcd" ) == 0}{str_compare( "abc2", "abc12" ) > 0}
8. {str_nat_compare( "abc2", "abc12" ) < 0}
9. {str_contains("je moeder", "moe")}
10. {str_len("abcdefg")}
11. {str_left("abcdefg", 3)}
12. {str_starts_with("abcdefg", "abc")}
13. {str_right("abcdefg", 3)}
14. {str_ends_with("abcdefg", "efg")}
15. {str_mid( "abcdefg", 3, 2)}
16. {str_at( "abcdefg", 1)}
17. {str_fill( "ab", 3)}
18. {str_index_of( "abcdefgcdab", "def")} {str_index_of( "abcdefgcdab", "cd", 5 ) }
18.2. {str_last_index( "abcdefgcdab", "ab")} {str_last_index( "abcdefgcdab", "ab", -5 ) }
19. {str_is_empty( "" )} {str_is_empty("") !== false}
20. {str_pad_left( "abc", 5, ".." )}
21. {str_pad_right( "abc", 5, ".." )}
22. {str_number( 3.14159, 2, ",", "")}
23. #{str_trim( " blabla ")}# #{str_trim( ". bla", ".")}#
24. #{str_trim_left( " blabla ")}#
25. #{str_trim_right( " blabla ")}#
26. #{str_simplify( " hello world
bla " )}#
27. {var $a = str_split("hello/world", "/")}{$a[1]} {$a[0]}
28. {str_join( array("hello", "world"), " ")}
29. {str_upper( "heLLo World" )}
30. {str_lower( "HelLO WoRLd" )}
31. {str_capitalize( "hello world" )}
32. {str_find_replace( "Hello earth!", "earth", "world" )}
33. {str_reverse( "Hello world" )}
34. {str_word_count( "Hello world" )}
35. {str_paragraph_count("This text
two paragraphs")}
36. {str_wrap("abcdefghijklmnop", 4, "\n", true)}{str_wrap("qrst asdf asdf", 5, "\n")}
37. {str_base64_encode( "I don't want to be encoded!" )}
38. {str_base64_decode( "SSBkb24ndCB3YW50IHRvIGJlIGVuY29kZWQh" )}
39. {str_ord( "A" )}
40. {str_char_count( "hello" )}
41. {str_index_of( "Hello", "l")}
42. {str_chr( 65 )}