blob: e7a494657f0d429f4c0cb978f66ff12418f9c343 [file] [log] [blame]
* File containing the ezcTemplateStringFunctions class
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @access private
* @package Template
* @version //autogen//
* @access private
class ezcTemplateStringFunctions extends ezcTemplateFunctions
* Stores the charset used for iconv
const CHARSET = 'utf-8';
* Translates a function used in the Template language to a PHP function call.
* The function call is represented by an array with three elements:
* 1. The return typehint. Is it an array, a non-array, or both.
* 2. The parameter input definition.
* 3. The AST nodes.
* @param string $functionName
* @param array(ezcTemplateAstNode) $parameters
* @return array(mixed)
public static function getFunctionSubstitution( $functionName, $parameters )
switch ( $functionName )
// str_replace( $sl, $index, $len, $sr )
// substr( $sl, 0, $index ) . $sr . substr( $sl, $index + $len );
case "str_replace":
return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%left", "%index", "%length", "%right" ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_substr", array( "%left", self::value( 0 ), "%index", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ),
array( "%left", array( "ezcTemplateAdditionOperatorAstNode", array( "%index", "%length" ) ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_strlen", array("%left", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ), self::value( self::CHARSET ) )
// str_remove( $s, $index, $len )
// substr( $s, 0, $index ) . substr( $s, $index + $len );
case "str_remove":
return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%index", "%length" ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_substr", array( "%string", self::value( 0 ), "%index", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_substr",
array( "%string", array( "ezcTemplateAdditionOperatorAstNode", array( "%index", "%length" ) ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_strlen", array("%string", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ), self::value( self::CHARSET ) )
// string str_chop( $s, $len ) ( QString::chop ):
// substr( $s, 0, strlen( $string ) - $len );
case "str_chop":
return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%length" ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_substr", array(
self::value( 0 ),
array( "ezcTemplateSubtractionOperatorAstNode", array( self::functionCall( "iconv_strlen", array( "%string", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ), "%length" ) ),
self::value( self::CHARSET )
) );
// string str_chop_front( $s, $len )
// substr( $s, $len );
case "str_chop_front":
return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%length" ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_substr", array( "%string", "%length",
self::functionCall( "iconv_strlen", array("%string", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ), self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ) );
case "str_append": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%left", "%right" ), self::concat( "%left", "%right" ) );
case "str_prepend": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%left", "%right"), self::concat( "%right", "%left" ) );
// str_compare( $sl, $sr )
// strcmp( $sl, $sr );
case "str_compare": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%left", "%right"), self::functionCall( "strcmp", array( "%left", "%right" ) ) );
// str_nat_compare( $sl, $sr )
// strnatcmp( $sl, $sr );
case "str_nat_compare": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%left", "%right"), self::functionCall( "strnatcmp", array( "%left", "%right" ) ) );
// str_contains( $sl, $sr ) ( QString::compare )::
// strpos( $sl, $sr ) !== false
case "str_contains": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%left", "%right" ),
array( "ezcTemplateNotIdenticalOperatorAstNode",
array( self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::strpos", array( "%left", "%right" ) ), self::value( false ) ) ) );
// str_len( $s )
// strlen( $s )
case "str_len": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string" ), self::functionCall( "iconv_strlen", array( "%string", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ) );
// str_left( $s, $len )
// substr( $s, 0, $len )
case "str_left": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%length"), self::functionCall( "iconv_substr", array( "%string", self::value( 0 ), "%length", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ) );
// str_starts_with( $sl, $sr )
// strpos( $sl, $sr ) === 0
case "str_starts_with": return array(
array( "%haystack", "%needle" ),
array( "ezcTemplateIdenticalOperatorAstNode", array(
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::strpos", array( "%haystack", "%needle" ) ),
self::value( 0 )
) ) );
// str_right( $s, $len )
// substr( $s, -$len )
case "str_right":
return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%length" ),
"iconv_substr", array( "%string", array( "ezcTemplateArithmeticNegationOperatorAstNode", array( "%length" ) ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_strlen", array("%string", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ), self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ) );
// str_ends_with( $sl, $sr )
// strrpos( $sl, $sr ) === ( strlen( $sl ) - strlen( $sr) )
case "str_ends_with": return array(
array( "%haystack", "%needle" ),
array( "ezcTemplateIdenticalOperatorAstNode", array(
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::strrpos", array( "%haystack", "%needle" ) ),
array( "ezcTemplateSubtractionOperatorAstNode", array(
self::functionCall( "iconv_strlen", array( "%haystack", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_strlen", array( "%needle", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) )
) ) ) ) );
// str_mid( $s, $index, $len )
// substr( $s, $index, $len )
case "str_mid": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%index", "%length" ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_substr", array( "%string", "%index", "%length", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ) );
// str_at( $s, $index )
// substr( $s, $index, 1 )
case "str_at": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%index" ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_substr", array( "%string", "%index", self::value( 1 ), self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ) );
// str_fill( $s, $len )
// str_repeat( $s, $len )
case "str_fill": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%length" ),
self::functionCall( "str_repeat", array( "%string", "%length" ) ) );
// str_index_of( $sl, $sr [, $index ] )
// strpos( $sl, $sr [, $index ] )
case "str_index_of": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%haystack", "%needle", "[%index]" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::strpos", array( "%haystack", "%needle", "[%index]" ) ) );
// str_last_index( $sl, $sr [, $index] )
// strrpos( $sl, $sr [, $index ] )
case "str_last_index": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%haystack", "%needle", "[%index]" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::strrpos", array( "%haystack", "%needle", "[%index]" ) ) );
// str_is_empty( $s )
// strlen( $s ) === 0
case "str_is_empty": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string" ),
array( "ezcTemplateIdenticalOperatorAstNode", array(
self::functionCall( "iconv_strlen", array( "%string", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ),
self::value( 0 ) ) ) );
// str_pad_left( $s, $len, $fill )
// str_pad( $s, $len, $fill, STR_PAD_LEFT )
case "str_pad_left": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%length", "%fill" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::str_pad", array( "%string", "%length", "%fill", self::constant( "STR_PAD_LEFT" ) ) ) );
// str_pad_right( $s, $len, $fill ) ( QString::rightJustified() )::
// str_pad( $s, $len, $fill, STR_PAD_RIGHT )
case "str_pad_right": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%length", "%fill" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::str_pad", array( "%string", "%length", "%fill", self::constant( "STR_PAD_RIGHT" ) ) ) );
// str_number( $num, $decimals, $point, $sep )
// number_format( $num, $decimals, $point, $sep )
case "str_number": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%number", "%decimals", "%point", "%separator" ),
self::functionCall( "number_format", array( "%number", "%decimals", "%point", "%separator") ) );
// str_trim( $s [, $chars ] )
// trim( $s [, $chars] )
case "str_trim": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "[%chars]" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::trim", array( "%string", "[%chars]") ) );
// str_trim_left( $s [, $chars] )
// ltrim( $s [, $chars] )
case "str_trim_left": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "[%chars]" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::ltrim", array( "%string", "[%chars]") ) );
// str_trim_right( $s [, $chars] )
// rtrim( $s, [$chars] )
case "str_trim_right": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "[%chars]" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::rtrim", array( "%string", "[%chars]") ) );
// str_simplified( $s )
// trim( preg_replace( "/(\n|\t|\r\n|\s)+/", " ", $s ) )
case "str_simplify": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::trim", array(
self::functionCall( "preg_replace", array( self::constant( '"/(\n|\t|\r\n|\s)+/"' ), self::value( " " ), "%string" ) )
) ) );
// str_split( $s, $sep[, $max] )
// explode( $s, $sep, $max )
case "str_split": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE | ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_ARRAY, array( "%string", "%separator", "[%max]" ),
self::functionCall( "explode", array( "%separator", "%string", "[%max]" ) ) );
// str_join( $s_list, $sep )
// join( $sList, $sep )
case "str_join": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%list", "%separator" ),
self::functionCall( "join", array( "%separator", "%list" ) ) );
// str_printf( $format [...] )
// sprintf( $format [...] )
// str_chr( $ord1 [, $ord2...] )::
// ord( $ord1 ) [ . ord( $ord2 ) ...]
// str_ord( $c )
// ord( $c )
case "str_ord": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%char" ),
self::functionCall( "ord", array( "%char" ) ) );
// chr( $c )
case "str_chr": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%char" ),
self::functionCall( "chr", array( "%char" ) ) );
// str_ord_list( $s )::
// chr( $s[0] ) [ . chr( $s[1] ) ]
// str_upper( $s )
// strtoupper( $s )
case "str_upper": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::strtoupper", array( "%string") ) );
// str_lower( $s )
// strtolower( $s )
case "str_lower": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::strtolower", array( "%string") ) );
// str_capitalize( $s )::
// ucfirst( $s )
case "str_capitalize": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::ucfirst", array( "%string") ) );
// str_find_replace( $s, $find, $replace, $count )::
// str_replace( $s, $replace, $find, $count )
case "str_find_replace": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%find", "%replace", "[%count]" ),
self::functionCall( "str_replace", array( "%find", "%replace", "%string", "[%count]") ) );
// str_reverse( $s )::
// strrev( $s )
case "str_reverse": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::strrev", array( "%string" ) ) );
// str_section( $s, $sep, $start, $end = -1 )
// join( array_slice( split( $s, $sep, $end != -1 ? $end, false ), $start, $end ? $end : false ) )
// str_char_count( $s )::
// strlen( $s )
case "str_char_count": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string" ),
self::functionCall( "iconv_strlen", array( "%string", self::value( self::CHARSET ) ) ) );
// str_word_count( $s [, $wordsep] )
// str_word_count( $s, 0 [, $wordsep] )
case "str_word_count": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "[%wordsep]" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::str_word_count", array( "%string", self::value( 0 ), "[%wordsep]" ) ) );
// - *string* str_paragraph_count( $s )::
// Code.
case "str_paragraph_count": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::str_paragraph_count", array( "%string" ) ) );
// - *string* str_sentence_count( $s )::
// $pos = 0;
// $count = 0;
// while ( preg_match( "/. /", $s, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos )
// {
// ++$count;
// $pos = $m[0][1];
// }
// - *string* str_break( $s, $eol = contextaware, $lbreak = contextaware )::
// str_replace( context_eol_char( $eol ), context_linebreak_char( $eol ), $s )
// - *string* str_break_chars( $s, $cbreak )::
// $sNew = '';
// for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen( $s ) - 1; ++$i )
// {
// $sNew .= $s[$i] . $cbreak;
// }
// $sNew .= $s[strlen( $s ) - 1];
// str_wrap( $s, $width, $break, $cut )
// wordwrap( $s, $width, $break, $cut )
case "str_wrap": return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string", "%width", "%break", "[%cut]" ),
self::functionCall( "ezcTemplateString::wordwrap", array( "%string", "%width", "%break", "[%cut]" ) ) );
// base64_encode( $s )
case "str_base64_encode":
return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string" ), self::functionCall( "base64_encode", array( "%string" ) ) );
// base64_decode( $s )
case "str_base64_decode":
return array( ezcTemplateAstNode::TYPE_VALUE, array( "%string" ), self::functionCall( "base64_decode", array( "%string" ) ) );
// - *string* str_wrap_indent::
// $tmp = wordwrap( $s, $width, $break, $cut )
// $lines = explode( "\n", $tmp );
// $newLines = array();
// foreach ( $lines as $line )
// {
// $newLines[] = $prefix . $line . $suffix;
// }
// return join( "\n", $newLines )
// - *string* str_block( $s, $prefix, $suffix )
// - *string* str_shorten_right( $s, $max_size )
// - *string* str_shorten_mid( $s, $max_size )
// - *string* str_shorten_left( $s, $max_size )
// - *string* str_crc32( $s )::
// crc32( $s )
// - *string* str_md5( $s )::
// md5( $s )
// - *string* str_sha1( $s )::
// sha1( $s )
// - *string* str_rot13( $s )::
// str_rot13( $s )
// Some of the functions are also available as case insensitive versions, they are:
// - *string* stri_contains( $sl, $sr ) ( QString::compare )::
// stristr( $sl, $sr ) !== false
// - *string* stri_starts_with( $sl, $sr ) ( QString::startsWith )::
// stripos( strtolower( $sl ), strtolower( $sr ) ) === 0
// - *string* stri_ends_with( $sl, $sr ) ( QString::endsWith )::
// strripos( $sl, $sr ) === ( strlen( $sl ) - 1 )
// - *string* stri_index( $sl, $sr [, $from] ) ( QString::indexOf )::
// stripos( $sl, $sr [, $from ] )
// - *string* stri_last_index( $sl, $sr [, $from] ) ( QString::lastIndexOf )::
// strirpos( $sl, $sr [, $from ] )
// - *string* stri_find_replace( $s, $find, $replace, $count )::
// str_ireplace( $s, $replace, $find, $count )
// - *string* stri_compare( $sl, $sr ) ( QString::compare )::
// strcasecmp( $sl, $sr );
// - *string* stri_nat_compare( $sl, $sr )::
// strnatcasecmp( $sl, $sr );
return null;