Update resubmit.erb

Include instructions for an existing committer who erroneously submits another ICLA
diff --git a/www/secretary/workbench/templates/resubmit.erb b/www/secretary/workbench/templates/resubmit.erb
index 7ca829a..2e3fc36 100644
--- a/www/secretary/workbench/templates/resubmit.erb
+++ b/www/secretary/workbench/templates/resubmit.erb
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
 Dear <%= @email.display_names.join(', ') %>,
 Thanks for the ICLA, however we already have a copy.
-The <%= @cttee %> can use the existing ICLA to request your account by using Whimsy:
+If you are not already a committer, the <%= @cttee %> can use the existing ICLA to request your account by using Whimsy:
 https://whimsy.apache.org/officers/acreq.cgi (PMC chair and ASF members only)
+If you are already a committer on another project, the <%= @cttee %> can use Whimsy to give you permissions to the repository:
 Please take up any further queries with the <%= @cttee %>.
 Warm Regards,