blob: ce5b8f5a129b9895403ce2615e22f4b40e6675a5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<!-- $Revision$ $Date$ -->
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>TomEE TCK Harness</name>
TomEE TCK Harness
<!-- Settings to run against TomEE 9.0.0-M7 which passes all the Web Profile tests -->
<!-- <openejb.inzip.version>8.0.7</openejb.inzip.version>-->
<!-- <tomee.inzip.version>8.0.7</tomee.inzip.version>-->
<!-- <>org.apache.tomee</>-->
<!-- <>9.0.0-M7</>-->
NOTE: User must define "javaee8.cts.home" and "javaee8.ri.home" in ~/.m2/settings.xml
NOTE: Same for the Jakarta version "jakartaee9.cts.home" and "jakartaee9.ri.home" in ~/.m2/settings.xml
<!-- externalized ports for tx.jte file -->
<!-- Random CTS properties that have been externalized -->
<!-- Disable Surefire, we are using Javatest to execute integration tests -->
<!-- This is just so we can compile the WebappDeployer in this project
This jar is not required in tomee because we pull the transformed version and therefor
the api is already converted - but we can't reference it in Maven
<!-- required dependency for active mq -->
<!-- =================== -->
<!-- TomEE Environment -->
<!-- =================== -->
<!-- where we will unpack tomee -->
<!-- ==================== -->
<!-- Reverse Test setup -->
<!-- ==================== -->
<plugin> <!-- not used by tomee yet -->
new openejb.tck.commands.ReverseSetupCommand(this).execute()
sql commands are very long to execute
and not always useful (jaxrs tests for instance)
so simply let skip it in an easy manner
NOTE: These are the default plugin executions that should always execute.
This performs setup and validation of the environment.
<!-- this gets overridden based on the profile with whatever distribution pulled -->
This basically adds into the lib directory for the client the necessary jars
Do not add any TomEE, Tomcat jar because they have to come from the lib above.
Otherwise, they won't be jakartized
ActiveMQ is a bit special because it's old and still requires Geronimo Spec for JMS 1.1 which is not Jakarta compliant
<!-- This has extra libraries required to run the TCK -->
TomEE embeds a lot of applications in. We should remove all not necessary web
application for TCK (ie. all but openejb and ROOT
<copy todir="${}/lib">
<fileset dir="${openejb.home}/lib">
<!-- we essentially take everything from openejb-lite dependency tree - probably too much but fine to start -->
<include name="jakartaee-api*.jar"/>
<include name="openejb-core*.jar"/>
<include name="mbean-annotation-api*.jar"/>
<include name="openejb-jpa-integration*.jar"/>
<include name="commons-lang3*.jar"/>
<include name="openejb-api*.jar"/>
<include name="openejb-loader*.jar"/>
<include name="openejb-javaagent*.jar"/>
<include name="openejb-jee*.jar"/>
<include name="openejb-cxf*.jar"/>
<include name="jaxb-runtime*.jar"/>
<include name="jakarta.xml.bind-api*.jar"/>
<include name="jakarta.activation*.jar"/>
<include name="txw2*.jar"/>
<include name="istack-commons*.jar"/>
<include name="stax-ex*.jar"/>
<include name="FastInfoset*.jar"/>
<include name="openejb-jee-accessors*.jar"/>
<include name="sxc-shade*.jar"/>
<include name="commons-cli*.jar"/>
<include name="commons-collections*.jar"/>
<include name="activemq-jdbc*.jar"/>
<include name="geronimo-connector*.jar"/>
<include name="geronimo-j2ee*.jar"/>
<include name="geronimo-transaction*.jar"/>
<include name="howl*.jar"/>
<include name="jackson-databind*.jar"/>
<include name="jackson-annotations*.jar"/>
<include name="jackson-core*.jar"/>
<include name="xbean-asm*.jar"/>
<include name="xbean-finder*.jar"/>
<include name="xbean-reflect*.jar"/>
<include name="xbean-naming*.jar"/>
<include name="xbean-bundleutils*.jar"/>
<include name="hsqldb*.jar"/>
<include name="commons-dbcp2*.jar"/>
<include name="commons-pool2*.jar"/>
<include name="swizzle*.jar"/>
<include name="commons-logging*.jar"/>
<include name="quartz-openejb*.jar"/>
<include name="slf4j-api*.jar"/>
<include name="openwebbeans-impl*.jar"/>
<include name="openwebbeans-spi*.jar"/>
<include name="openwebbeans-ejb*.jar"/>
<include name="openwebbeans-ee*.jar"/>
<include name="openwebbeans-ee-common*.jar"/>
<include name="openwebbeans-web*.jar"/>
<include name="openwebbeans-el22*.jar"/>
<include name="openjpa*.jar"/>
<include name="serp*.jar"/>
<include name="bval-jsr*.jar"/>
<!-- Hibernate Validator -->
<include name="classmate-*.jar"/>
<include name="hibernate-validator-*.jar"/>
<include name="jboss-logging-*.jar"/>
<include name="jasper*.jar"/>
<include name="tomcat-websocket*.jar"/>
<include name="tomcat-util*.jar"/>
<include name="tomcat-juli*.jar"/>
<include name="catalina.jar"/>
<include name="jaspic-api*.jar"/>
<include name="tomcat-api*.jar"/>
<include name="websocket-api*.jar"/>
<include name="jsp-api*.jar"/>
<include name="el-api*.jar"/>
<include name="servlet-api*.jar"/>
<include name="tomee-security*.jar"/>
<include name="tomee-catalina*.jar"/>
<include name="geronimo-mail_2.1_spec*.jar"/>
<include name="geronimo-mail_2.1_provider*.jar"/>
<include name="eclipselink*.jar"/>
<include name="yoko*.jar"/>
<copy todir="${}/lib">
<fileset dir="${openejb.home}/bin">
<include name="tomcat-juli.jar"/>
<delete dir="${openejb.home}/webapps/ROOT"/>
<delete dir="${openejb.home}/webapps/docs"/>
<delete dir="${openejb.home}/webapps/examples"/>
<delete dir="${openejb.home}/webapps/ejb-examples"/>
<delete dir="${openejb.home}/webapps/manager"/>
<delete dir="${openejb.home}/webapps/host-manager"/>
new openejb.tck.commands.ValidateCommand(this).execute()
new openejb.tck.commands.SetupCommand(this).execute()
<!-- Included to access the testsuite reporting classes -->
new openejb.tck.commands.JavaTestCommand(this).execute()
<name>Apache M2 Snapshot Repository</name>
<name>OpenEJB CTS File Repository</name>
<name>Codehaus Snapshot</name>
<name>OpenEJB CTS File Repository</name>