Merge pull request #59 from n-jay/PR-template

Add PR template markdown file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07f684a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+## Purpose
+> Describe the problems, issues, or needs driving this feature/fix and include links to related issues in the following 
+> format: Resolves issue1, issue2, etc.
+## Approach
+> Describe how you are implementing the solutions. Include an animated GIF or screenshot if the change affects the UI. 
+> Include a link to a Markdown file or Google doc if the feature 
+> write-up is too long to paste here.
+## Release note
+> If applicable a brief description of the new feature or bug fix as it will appear in the release notes
+## Automation tests
+ - Unit tests 
+   > Code coverage information
+ - Integration tests
+   > Details about the test cases and coverage
+## Related PRs
+> List any other related PRs
+## Test environment
+> List all JDK versions, operating systems, databases, and browser/versions on which this feature/fix was tested
+## Learning
+> Describe the research phase and any blog posts, patterns, libraries, or add-ons you used to solve the problem.                        
\ No newline at end of file