WW-5360 Adds note about a version since the new properties are available
diff --git a/source/tag-developers/iterator-tag.md b/source/tag-developers/iterator-tag.md
index 263eca4..2c4cc69 100644
--- a/source/tag-developers/iterator-tag.md
+++ b/source/tag-developers/iterator-tag.md
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
 Values generated by the tag are subject of internal conversion mechanism. It means when generating ordinary numbers
 and then using them with `<s:property/>`, the Integers will be converted to Strings using the current locale.
-This can impact how the numbers are presented. To avoid conversion you can use the `status` object and its `countStr` 
-and `indexStr` which are a String representation of the numbers. The following example demonstrates the case when 
-using `fa_IR` locale:
+This can impact how the numbers are presented. Since **Struts 6.4.0** to avoid conversion you can use the `status` object 
+and its `countStr` and `indexStr` which are a String representation of the numbers. The following example demonstrates 
+the case when using `fa_IR` locale:
 <s:iterator begin="1" end="3" status="status">