Splits file upload page
diff --git a/source/core-developers/action-file-upload-interceptor.md b/source/core-developers/action-file-upload-interceptor.md
index 6019347..1c89024 100644
--- a/source/core-developers/action-file-upload-interceptor.md
+++ b/source/core-developers/action-file-upload-interceptor.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 > Available since Struts 6.4.0 as replacement for [File Upload Interceptor](file-upload-interceptor)
-See [this page](file-upload) for more examples and advanced configuration.
+See [this page](action-file-upload) for more examples and advanced configuration.
 Interceptor that is based off of `MultiPartRequestWrapper`, which is automatically applied for any request that includes 
 a file. If an action implements `org.apache.struts2.action.UploadedFilesAware` interface, the interceptor will pass
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+layout: default
+title: Action File Upload
+  title: Action File Upload Interceptor
+  url: action-file-upload-interceptor
+# Action File Upload
+* Will be replaced with the ToC, excluding a header
+The Struts 2 framework provides built-in support for processing file uploads that conform to [RFC 1867](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1867.txt), 
+"Form-based File Upload in HTML". When correctly configured the framework will pass uploaded file(s) into your Action
+class. Support for individual and multiple file uploads are provided. When a file is uploaded it will typically be
+stored in a temporary directory. Uploaded files should be processed or moved by your Action class to ensure the data is
+not lost. Be aware that servers may have a security policy in place that prohibits you from writing to directories other
+than the temporary directory and the directories that belong to your web application.
+## Dependencies
+The Struts 2 framework leverages the Commons FileUpload library as a based library to support file upload in the framework.
+The library is included in a base Struts 2 distribution.
+## Basic Usage
+The `org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ActionFileUploadInterceptor` interceptor is included as part of the `defaultStack` 
+and named `actionFileUpload`. As long as the required libraries are added to your project you will be able to take 
+advantage of the Struts 2 file upload capability. Configure an Action mapping for your Action class as you typically would.
+### Example action mapping:
+<action name="doUpload" class="com.example.UploadAction">
+    <result name="success">good_result.jsp</result>
+A form must be created with a form field of type file, `<INPUT type="file" name="upload">`. The form used to upload the
+file must have its encoding type set to `multipart/form-data`, `<form action="doUpload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">`.
+The standard procedure for adding these elements is by using the Struts 2 tag libraries as shown in the following
+### Example JSP form tags:
+<s:form action="doUpload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+    <s:file name="upload" label="File"/>
+    <s:submit/>
+The actionFileUpload interceptor will use a dedicated interface `org.apache.struts2.action.UploadedFilesAware` to transfer
+information and content of uploaded file. Your action should implement the interface to receive the uploaded file:
+public class UploadAction extends ActionSupport implements UploadedFilesAware {
+    private UploadedFile uploadedFile;
+    private String contentType;
+    private String fileName;
+    private String originalName;
+    @Override
+    public void withUploadedFiles(List<UploadedFile> uploadedFiles) {
+        if (!uploadedFiles.isEmpty()) {
+          this.uploadedFile = uploadedFiles.get(0);
+          this.fileName = uploadedFile.getName();
+          this.contentType = uploadedFile.getContentType();
+          this.originalName = uploadedFile.getOriginalName();
+        }
+    }
+    public String execute() {
+        // do something with the file
+        return SUCCESS;
+    }
+## Uploading Multiple Files
+As mentioned in the previous section one technique for uploading multiple files would be to simply have multiple form
+input elements of type file all with different names. This would require a number of setter methods that was equal to 3
+times the number of files being uploaded. Another option is to use Arrays or java.util.Lists. The following examples are
+taken from the Showcase example application that is part sample applications you can download
+at [http://struts.apache.org/download.cgi](http://struts.apache.org/download.cgi). For the Action mapping details
+see `struts-fileupload.xml` in the sample application download.
+### Uploading Multiple Files using Arrays
+`multipleUploadUsingArray.jsp` Notice all file input types have the same name.
+<s:form action="doMultipleUploadUsingArray" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+    <s:file label="File (1)" name="upload"/>
+    <s:file label="File (2)" name="upload"/>
+    <s:file label="FIle (3)" name="upload"/>
+    <s:submit cssClass="btn btn-primary"/>
+The `org.apache.struts2.action.UploadedFilesAware` interface already supports uploading multiple files, you do not need 
+to  follow the below example.
+## Advanced Configuration
+The Struts 2 `default.properties` file defines several settings that affect the behavior of file uploading. You may find
+it necessary to change these values. The names and default values are:
+struts.multipart.saveDir= # Filesystem location to save parsed request data
+struts.multipart.maxSize=2097152 # Max combined size of files per request
+struts.multipart.maxFiles=256 # Max number of files per request
+struts.multipart.maxFileSize= # Max size per file per request
+struts.multipart.maxStringLength=4096 # Max length of a string parameter (a normal field) in a multipart request (since Struts
+You can also set the max options to unlimited by setting their value to `-1`, but please see the sections below for
+further details on these options first.
+### Files Number Limit
+Since Struts 6.1.2 a new option was added, which uses Commons FileUpload feature to limit how many files can be
+uploaded at once, in one request. This option requires to use Commons FileUpload ver. 1.5 at least and by default is set
+to **256**. Please always set this to a finite value to prevent DoS attacks.
+To change this value define a constant in `struts.xml` as follows:
+    <constant name="struts.multipart.maxFiles" value="500"/>
+### File Size Limits
+There are multiple methods to enforce file size limits.
+There is `struts.multipart.maxSize` which is loaded from the Struts configuration. This setting exists for security
+reasons to prohibit a malicious user from uploading extremely large files to fill up your server's disk space. This
+setting defaults to approximately 2MB and should be adjusted to the maximum size (2GB) that you expect to parse. If you
+are uploading more than one file in a single request, the `struts.multipart.maxSize` applies to the combined total, not
+the individual files.
+There is also `struts.multipart.maxFileSize` which is not enforced by default, but can be enabled to enforce a max size
+on a per-file basis.
+The other setting, `maximumSize`, is an interceptor setting that is used to ensure a particular Action does not receive
+a file that is too large. Note that the aforementioned settings are applied at the request parsing level and take
+precedence over this interceptor setting.
+Notice the locations of these settings in the following example:
+    <constant name="struts.multipart.maxSize" value="1000000"/>
+    <constant name="struts.multipart.maxFileSize" value="750000"/>
+    <action name="doUpload" class="com.example.UploadAction">
+        <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>
+        <interceptor-ref name="fileUpload">
+            <param name="maximumSize">500000</param>
+        </interceptor-ref>
+        <interceptor-ref name="validation"/>
+        <interceptor-ref name="workflow"/>
+        <result name="success">good_result.jsp</result>
+    </action>
+### Normal Field Size Limit
+Since Struts a new option has been introduced to limit the size of a normal string field in the multipart request.
+The default limit is set to 4096 bytes:
+This options prevents attacks, which consists of multiple large objects in the multipart request. Such attack can exhaust 
+the available memory and finally produce `OutOfMemoryException`. If the limit is too low you can increase it by defining
+the following constant in `struts.xml`:
+    <constant name="struts.multipart.maxStringLength" value="10000"/>
+    <action name="doUpload" class="com.example.UploadAction">
+          ...
+    </action>
+### File Types
+There are two ways to limit the uploaded file type, decoratively and programmatically. To decoratively limit the file
+type a comma separated list of allowedTypes can be specified as a fileUpload interceptor param as shown in the following
+<action name="doUpload" class="com.example.UploadAction">
+    <interceptor-ref name="basicStack"/>
+    <interceptor-ref name="fileUpload">
+        <param name="allowedTypes">image/jpeg,image/gif</param>
+    </interceptor-ref>
+    <interceptor-ref name="validation"/>
+    <interceptor-ref name="workflow"/>
+    <result name="success">good_result.jsp</result>
+When the uploaded file type does not match one of the MIME types specified a field error will be created as described in
+the next section entitled Error Messages. Programmatically limiting the file type means using the information passed in
+to your Action class via the `setXContentType(String contentType)` method. The benefit to this type of approach would be
+that it's more flexible and no interceptor configuration would be needed if file sizes are keep under 2 megs.
+### Error Messages
+If an error occurs several field errors will be added assuming that the action
+implements `com.opensymphony.xwork2.ValidationAware`
+or extends `com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport`. These error messages are based on several i18n values stored in
+struts-messages.properties, a default i18n file processed for all i18n requests. You can override the text of these
+messages by providing text for the following keys:
+| Error Key                                                      | Description                                                                                            |
+| `struts.messages.error.uploading`                              | A general error that occurs when the file could not be uploaded                                        |
+| `struts.messages.error.file.too.large`                         | Occurs when the uploaded file is too large as specified by maximumSize.                                |
+| `struts.messages.error.content.type.not.allowed`               | Occurs when the uploaded file does not match the expected content types specified                      |
+| `struts.messages.error.file.extension.not.allowed`             | Occurs when uploaded file has disallowed extension                                                     |
+| `struts.messages.upload.error.SizeLimitExceededException`      | Occurs when the upload request (as a whole) exceed configured **struts.multipart.maxSize**             |
+| `struts.messages.upload.error.FileSizeLimitExceededException`  | Occurs when a file within the upload request exceeds configured **struts.multipart.maxFileSize**       |
+| `struts.messages.upload.error.FileCountLimitExceededException` | Occurs when the number of files in the upload request exceeds configured **struts.multipart.maxFiles** |
+| `struts.messages.upload.error.<Exception class SimpleName>`    | Occurs when any other exception took place during file upload process                                  |
+### Temporary Directories
+All uploaded files are saved to a temporary directory by the framework before being passed in to an Action. Depending on
+the allowed file sizes it may be necessary to have the framework store these temporary files in an alternate location.
+To do this change `struts.multipart.saveDir`
+to the directory where the uploaded files will be placed. If this property is not set it defaults
+to `javax.servlet.context.tempdir`. Keep in mind that on some operating systems, like Solaris, `/tmp` is memory based
+and files stored in that directory would consume an amount of RAM approximately equal to the size of the uploaded file.
+### Alternate Libraries
+The `struts.multipart.parser` used by the fileUpload interceptor to handle HTTP POST requests, encoded using the
+MIME-type `multipart/form-data`, can be changed out. Currently there are two choices, jakarta and pell. The jakarta
+parser is a standard part of the Struts 2 framework needing only its required libraries added to a project. The pell
+parser uses Jason Pell's multipart parser instead of the Commons-FileUpload library. The pell parser is a Struts 2
+plugin, for more details see: [Pell multipart plugin](../plugins/pell/). There was a third alternative, cos, but it was
+removed due to licensing incompatibilities.
+As from Struts version 2.3.18 a new implementation of `MultiPartRequest` was added - `JakartaStreamMultiPartRequest`. It
+can be used to handle large files, see [WW-3025](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WW-3025) for more details, but
+you can simple set
+<constant name="struts.multipart.parser" value="jakarta-stream" />
+in struts.xml to start using it.
+### Request validation
+The `struts.multipart.validationRegex` is used to define a RegEx to be used to validate if the incoming request is a
+multipart request. The request must use the `POST` method and match the RegEx, by default the RegEx is defined as
+Please read [RFC1341](https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc1341/7_2_Multipart.html) the **Multipart section** for more details, existing Struts `Multipart` parsers support 
+only `multipart/form-data` content type. This option is available since Struts 2.3.11.
+### Disabling file upload support
+You can alternatively disable the whole file upload mechanism defining a constant in `struts.xml`:
+<constant name="struts.multipart.enabled" value="false"/>
+With this constant in place, Struts will ignore a `Content-Type` header and will treat each request as an ordinary http
+request. This option is available since Struts 2.3.11. 
diff --git a/source/core-developers/file-upload.md b/source/core-developers/file-upload.md
index 054464f..0f61e2a 100644
--- a/source/core-developers/file-upload.md
+++ b/source/core-developers/file-upload.md
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 layout: default
 title: File Upload
-  title: Action File Upload Interceptor
-  url: action-file-upload-interceptor
+  title: File Upload Interceptor
+  url: file-upload-interceptor
 # File Upload
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
 * Will be replaced with the ToC, excluding a header
+Since Struts 6.4.0 the `FileUploadInterceptor` is deprecated, and you should use [ActionFileUploadInterceptor](action-file-upload-interceptor) instead!
+{:.alert .alert-block .alert-error}
 The Struts 2 framework provides built-in support for processing file uploads that conform to [RFC 1867](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1867.txt), 
 "Form-based File Upload in HTML". When correctly configured the framework will pass uploaded file(s) into your Action
 class. Support for individual and multiple file uploads are provided. When a file is uploaded it will typically be
@@ -24,14 +27,11 @@
 The Struts 2 framework leverages the Commons FileUpload library as a based library to support file upload in the framework.
 The library is included in a base Struts 2 distribution.
-> NOTE: Since Struts 6.4.0 the `FileUploadInterceptor` is deprecated, and you should use `ActionFileUploadInterceptor` instead!
 ## Basic Usage
-The `org.apache.struts2.interceptor.FileUploadInterceptor` and `org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ActionFileUploadInterceptor`
-interceptors are included as part of the `defaultStack` and named appropriately: `fileUpload` and `actionFileUpload`. 
-As long as the required libraries are added to your project you will be able to take advantage of the Struts 2 file upload 
-capability. Configure an Action mapping for your Action class as you typically would.
+The `org.apache.struts2.interceptor.FileUploadInterceptor` interceptor is included as part of the `defaultStack` 
+and named `fileUpload`. As long as the required libraries are added to your project you will be able to take 
+advantage of the Struts 2 file upload capability. Configure an Action mapping for your Action class as you typically would.
 ### Example action mapping:
@@ -56,35 +56,7 @@
-The actionFileUpload interceptor will use a dedicated interface `org.apache.struts2.action.UploadedFilesAware` to transfer
-information and content of uploaded file. Your action should implement the interface to receive the uploaded file:
-public class UploadAction extends ActionSupport implements UploadedFilesAware {
-    private UploadedFile uploadedFile;
-    private String contentType;
-    private String fileName;
-    private String originalName;
-    @Override
-    public void withUploadedFiles(List<UploadedFile> uploadedFiles) {
-        if (!uploadedFiles.isEmpty()) {
-          this.uploadedFile = uploadedFiles.get(0);
-          this.fileName = uploadedFile.getName();
-          this.contentType = uploadedFile.getContentType();
-          this.originalName = uploadedFile.getOriginalName();
-        }
-    }
-    public String execute() {
-        // do something with the file
-        return SUCCESS;
-    }
-**Deprecated approach**: the fileUpload interceptor will use setter injection to insert the uploaded file and related data into your Action
+The **fileUpload** interceptor will use setter injection to insert the uploaded file and related data into your Action
 class. For a form field named `upload` you would provide the three setter methods shown in the following example:
 ### Example Action class:
@@ -155,10 +127,7 @@
-The `org.apache.struts2.action.UploadedFilesAware` interface already supports uploading multiple files, you do not need to
-follow the below example.
-**Deprecated approach**: `MultipleFileUploadUsingArrayAction.java`
 public class MultipleFileUploadUsingArrayAction extends ActionSupport {
@@ -347,6 +316,7 @@
 ### Normal Field Size Limit
 Since Struts a new option has been introduced to limit the size of a normal string field in the multipart request.