blob: 6fefa1a70d22e2922feb3fd35ee1dc4a18f82482 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use lib '.'; use lib 't';
use SATest; sa_t_init("spamd_plugin");
use Test::More;
plan skip_all => "Spamd tests disabled" if $SKIP_SPAMD_TESTS;
plan skip_all => "Tests don't work on windows" if $RUNNING_ON_WINDOWS;
plan skip_all => "UID nobody tests" if $SKIP_SETUID_NOBODY_TESTS;
plan tests => 6;
diag("NOTE: A rare single failure in this test may be a race condition in the test that can be ignored");
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
tstprefs ('
loadplugin myTestPlugin ../../../data/
header MY_TEST_PLUGIN eval:check_test_plugin()
# create a shared counter file for this test
use Cwd;
$ENV{'SPAMD_PLUGIN_COUNTER_FILE'} = getcwd."/$workdir/spamd_plugin.tmp";
print COUNTER "0";
close COUNTER;
chmod (0666, "$workdir/spamd_plugin.tmp");
my $sockpath = mk_socket_tempdir()."/spamd.sock";
start_spamd("-D -L --socketpath=$sockpath");
%patterns = (
q{ test: called myTestPlugin, round 1 }, 'called1'
ok (spamcrun ("-U $sockpath < data/spam/001", \&patterns_run_cb));
checkfile($spamd_stderr, \&patterns_run_cb);
%patterns = (
q{ called myTestPlugin, round 2 }, 'called2'
ok (spamcrun ("-U $sockpath < data/nice/001", \&patterns_run_cb));
checkfile($spamd_stderr, \&patterns_run_cb);
%patterns = (
q{ called myTestPlugin, round 3 }, 'called3'
ok (spamcrun ("-U $sockpath < data/nice/001", \&patterns_run_cb));
checkfile($spamd_stderr, \&patterns_run_cb);