blob: b02ccdb4c88343bd010f7a44b1dedfc1750d753b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.opengis.util.FactoryException;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.PixelInCell;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.Matrix;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridGeometry;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridExtent;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.ImageRenderer;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.PixelTranslation;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.SampleDimension;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.AbstractEnvelope;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.Envelope2D;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.Shapes2D;
import org.apache.sis.image.PlanarImage;
import org.apache.sis.image.ErrorHandler;
import org.apache.sis.image.ImageProcessor;
import org.apache.sis.internal.coverage.SampleDimensions;
import org.apache.sis.internal.coverage.j2d.ColorModelType;
import org.apache.sis.internal.coverage.j2d.ImageUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.WraparoundApplicator;
import org.apache.sis.internal.system.Modules;
import org.apache.sis.math.Statistics;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Quantities;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Units;
import org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.Extents;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.LinearTransform;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransforms;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.AffineTransforms2D;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.CRS;
import org.apache.sis.util.Debug;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.Utilities;
import org.apache.sis.util.logging.Logging;
import org.apache.sis.portrayal.PlanarCanvas; // For javadoc.
* The {@code RenderedImage} to draw in a {@link PlanarCanvas} together with transforms from pixel coordinates
* to display coordinates. This is a helper class for implementations of stateful renderer.
* All grid geometries and transforms managed by this class are two-dimensional.
* If the source data have more dimensions, a two-dimensional slice will be taken.
* <h2>Note on Java2D optimizations</h2>
* {@link Graphics2D#drawRenderedImage(RenderedImage, AffineTransform)} implementation
* has the following optimizations:
* <ul class="verbose">
* <li>If the image is an instance of {@link BufferedImage},
* then the {@link AffineTransform} can be anything. Java2D applies interpolations efficiently.</li>
* <li>Otherwise if the {@link AffineTransform} scale factors are 1 and the translations are integers,
* then Java2D invokes {@link RenderedImage#getTile(int, int)}. It makes possible for us to create
* a very large image covering the whole data but with tiles computed only when first requested.</li>
* <li>Otherwise Java2D invokes {@link RenderedImage#getData(Rectangle)}, which is more costly.
* We try to avoid that situation.</li>
* </ul>
* Consequently, our strategy is to prepare a resampled image for the whole data when the zoom level changed
* and rely on tiling for reducing actual computations to required tiles. Since pan gestures are expressed
* in pixel coordinates, the translation terms in {@code resampledToDisplay} transform should stay integers.
* <p>Current version of this class does not perform a special case for {@link BufferedImage}.
* It may not be desirable because interpolations would not be applied in the same way, except
* when SIS {@link ImageProcessor} would have interpolated RGB color values anyway like Java2D.
* We wait to see if this class works well in the general case before doing special cases.</p>
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.4
* @since 1.1
public class RenderingData implements Cloneable {
* The logger for portrayal.
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Modules.PORTRAYAL);
* The {@value} value, for identifying code that assume two-dimensional objects.
* @see #xyDimensions
private static final int BIDIMENSIONAL = 2;
* Whether to allow the creation of {@link java.awt.image.IndexColorModel}. This flag may be temporarily set
* to {@code false} for testing or debugging. If {@code false}, images may be only grayscale and may be much
* slower to render, but should still be visible.
private static final boolean CREATE_INDEX_COLOR_MODEL = true;
* Loader for reading and caching coverages at various resolutions.
* Required if no image has been explicitly assigned to {@link #data}.
* The same instance may be shared by many {@link RenderingData} objects.
public MultiResolutionCoverageLoader coverageLoader;
* The pyramid level of {@linkplain #data} loaded by the {@linkplain #coverageLoader}.
* Value 0 is finest resolution.
private int currentPyramidLevel;
* The slice extent which has been used for rendering the {@linkplain #data}.
* May be {@code null} if the grid coverage has only two dimensions with a size greater than 1 cell.
private GridExtent currentSlice;
* The dimensions to select in the grid coverage for producing an image.
* This is an array of length {@value #BIDIMENSIONAL} almost always equal to {0,1}.
* The values are inferred from {@link #currentSlice}.
private int[] xyDimensions;
* The data fetched from {@link GridCoverage#render(GridExtent)} for {@link #currentSlice}.
* This rendered image may be tiled and fetching those tiles may require computations to be performed
* in background threads. Pixels in this {@code data} image are mapped to pixels in the display
* {@link PlanarCanvas} by the following chain of operations:
* <ol>
* <li><code>{@linkplain #dataGeometry}.getGridGeometry(CELL_CENTER)</code></li>
* <li><code>{@linkplain #changeOfCRS}.getMathTransform()</code></li>
* <li>{@link PlanarCanvas#getObjectiveToDisplay()}</li>
* </ol>
* This field is initially {@code null}.
* @see #dataGeometry
* @see #dataRanges
* @see #ensureImageLoaded(GridCoverage, GridExtent, boolean)
* @see #getSourceImage()
private RenderedImage data;
* Conversion from {@link #data} pixel coordinates to the coverage CRS, together with geospatial area.
* It contains the {@link GridGeometry#getGridToCRS(PixelInCell)} value of {@link GridCoverage} reduced
* to two dimensions and with a translation added for taking in account the requested {@code sliceExtent}.
* The coverage CRS is initially the same as the {@linkplain PlanarCanvas#getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS},
* but may become different later if user selects a different objective CRS.
* @see #data
* @see #dataRanges
* @see #setImageSpace(GridGeometry, List, int[])
private GridGeometry dataGeometry;
* Ranges of sample values in each band of {@link #data}. This is used for determining on which sample values
* to apply colors when user asked to apply a color ramp. May be {@code null}.
* @see #setImageSpace(GridGeometry, List, int[])
* @see #statistics()
private List<SampleDimension> dataRanges;
* Conversion or transformation from {@linkplain #data} CRS to {@linkplain PlanarCanvas#getObjectiveCRS()
* objective CRS}, or {@code null} if not yet computed. This is an identity operation if the user did not
* selected a different CRS after the coverage has been shown.
private CoordinateOperation changeOfCRS;
* Conversion from {@link #data} pixel coordinates to {@linkplain PlanarCanvas#getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS}.
* This is value of {@link GridGeometry#getGridToCRS(PixelInCell)} invoked on {@link #dataGeometry}, concatenated
* with {@link #changeOfCRS} and potentially completed by a wraparound operation.
* May be {@code null} if not yet computed.
private MathTransform cornerToObjective;
* Conversion from {@linkplain PlanarCanvas#getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS} to {@link #data} pixel coordinates.
* This is the inverse of {@link #changeOfCRS} (potentially with a wraparound operation) concatenated with inverse
* of {@link GridGeometry#getGridToCRS(PixelInCell)} on {@link #dataGeometry}.
* May be {@code null} if not yet computed.
private MathTransform objectiveToCenter;
* The inverse of the {@linkplain PlanarCanvas#objectiveToDisplay objective to display} transform which was
* active at the time resampled images have been computed. The concatenation of this transform with the actual
* "objective to display" transform at the time the rendered image is drawn should be a translation.
* May be {@code null} if not yet computed.
* @see #getTransform(LinearTransform)
private AffineTransform displayToObjective;
* Statistics on pixel values of current {@link #data}, or {@code null} if not yet computed.
* This is the cached value of {@link #statistics()}.
* @see #statistics()
private Statistics[] statistics;
* The processor that we use for resampling image and recoloring the image.
public final ImageProcessor processor;
* Creates a new instance initialized to no image.
* @param errorHandler where to report errors during tile computations.
public RenderingData(final ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
processor = new ImageProcessor();
* Clears this renderer. This method should be invoked when the source of data (resource or coverage) changed.
* The {@link #displayToObjective} transform will be recomputed from scratch when first needed.
public final void clear() {
coverageLoader = null;
displayToObjective = null;
statistics = null;
data = null;
dataRanges = null;
dataGeometry = null;
xyDimensions = null;
currentSlice = null;
* Clears the cache of transforms that depend on the CRS.
private void clearCRS() {
changeOfCRS = null;
cornerToObjective = null;
objectiveToCenter = null;
* Verifies if this {@code RenderingData} contains an image for the given objective CRS.
* If this is not the case, the cached resampled images will need to be discarded.
* @param objectiveCRS the coordinate reference system to use for rendering.
* @return whether the data are valid for the given objective CRS.
public final boolean validateCRS(final CoordinateReferenceSystem objectiveCRS) {
if (changeOfCRS != null && !Utilities.equalsIgnoreMetadata(objectiveCRS, changeOfCRS.getTargetCRS())) {
return false;
return true;
* Sets the input space (domain) and output space (ranges) of the image to be rendered.
* Those values can be initially provided by {@link}
* and replaced later by the actual {@link GridCoverage} values after coverage loading is completed.
* It is caller's responsibility to reduce <var>n</var>-dimensional domain to two dimensions.
* @param domain the two-dimensional grid geometry, or {@code null} if there is no data.
* @param ranges descriptions of bands, or {@code null} if there is no data.
* @param xyDims the dimensions to select in the grid coverage for producing an image.
* This is an array of length {@value #BIDIMENSIONAL} almost always equal to {0,1}.
public final void setImageSpace(final GridGeometry domain, final List<SampleDimension> ranges, final int[] xyDims) {
dataRanges = ranges; // Not cloned because already an unmodifiable list.
dataGeometry = domain;
xyDimensions = xyDims;
* If the grid geometry does not define a "grid to CRS" transform, set it to an identity transform.
* We do that because this class needs a complete `GridGeometry` as much as possible.
if (domain != null && !domain.isDefined(GridGeometry.GRID_TO_CRS)
&& domain.isDefined(GridGeometry.EXTENT))
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = null;
if (domain.isDefined(GridGeometry.CRS)) {
crs = domain.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
final GridExtent extent = domain.getExtent();
dataGeometry = new GridGeometry(extent, PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER,
MathTransforms.identity(extent.getDimension()), crs);
* Loads a new grid coverage if {@linkplain #data} is null or if the pyramid level changed.
* It is caller's responsibility to ensure that {@link #coverageLoader} has a non-null value
* and is using the right resource before to invoke this method.
* <p>Caller should invoke {@link #ensureImageLoaded(GridCoverage, GridExtent, boolean)}
* after this method (this is not done automatically).</p>
* @param objectiveToDisplay transform used for rendering the coverage on screen.
* @param objectivePOI point where to compute resolution, in coordinates of objective CRS.
* @return the loaded grid coverage, or {@code null} if no loading has been done
* (which means that the coverage is unchanged, not that it does not exist).
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while computing resolution from given transforms.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while loading the coverage.
* @see #setImageSpace(GridGeometry, List, int[])
public final GridCoverage ensureCoverageLoaded(final LinearTransform objectiveToDisplay, final DirectPosition objectivePOI)
throws TransformException, DataStoreException
final MathTransform dataToObjective = (changeOfCRS != null) ? changeOfCRS.getMathTransform() : null;
final MultiResolutionCoverageLoader loader = coverageLoader;
final int level = loader.findPyramidLevel(dataToObjective, objectiveToDisplay, objectivePOI);
if (data != null && level == currentPyramidLevel) {
return null;
data = null;
currentPyramidLevel = level;
return loader.getOrLoad(level);
* Fetches the rendered image if {@linkplain #data} is null or is for a different slice.
* This method needs to be invoked at least once after {@link #setImageSpace(GridGeometry, List, int[])}.
* The {@code coverage} given in argument should be the value returned by a previous call to
* {@link #ensureCoverageLoaded(LinearTransform, DirectPosition)}, except that it shall not be null.
* @param coverage the coverage from which to read data. Shall not be null.
* @param sliceExtent a subspace of the grid coverage extent where all dimensions except two have a size of 1 cell.
* May be {@code null} if this grid coverage has only two dimensions with a size greater than 1 cell.
* @param force whether to force data loading. Should be {@code true} if {@code coverage} changed since last call.
* @return whether the {@linkpalin #data} changed.
* @throws FactoryException if the CRS changed but the transform from old to new CRS cannot be determined.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while transforming coordinates from old to new CRS.
public final boolean ensureImageLoaded(GridCoverage coverage, final GridExtent sliceExtent, final boolean force)
throws FactoryException, TransformException
if (!force && data != null && Objects.equals(currentSlice, sliceExtent)) {
return false;
coverage = coverage.forConvertedValues(true);
final GridGeometry old = dataGeometry;
final List<SampleDimension> ranges = coverage.getSampleDimensions();
final RenderedImage image = coverage.render(sliceExtent);
final Object value = image.getProperty(PlanarImage.GRID_GEOMETRY_KEY);
final GridGeometry domain;
final int[] xyDims;
if (value instanceof GridGeometry) {
domain = (GridGeometry) value;
xyDims = (sliceExtent == null) ? ArraysExt.range(0, BIDIMENSIONAL)
: sliceExtent.getSubspaceDimensions(BIDIMENSIONAL);
} else {
ImageRenderer r = new ImageRenderer(coverage, sliceExtent);
domain = r.getImageGeometry(BIDIMENSIONAL);
xyDims = r.getXYDimensions();
setImageSpace(domain, ranges, xyDims); // Implies `dataGeometry = domain`.
currentSlice = sliceExtent;
data = image;
* Update the transforms in a way that preserve the current zoom level, translation, etc.
* We compute the change in the "data grid to objective CRS" transforms caused by the change
* in data grid geometry, then we concatenate that change to the existing transforms.
* That way, the objective CRS is kept unchanged.
if (old != null && cornerToObjective != null && objectiveToCenter != null) {
MathTransform toNew = null, toOld = null;
if (old.isDefined(GridGeometry.CRS) && domain.isDefined(GridGeometry.CRS)) {
final CoordinateReferenceSystem oldCRS = old.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
final CoordinateReferenceSystem newCRS = dataGeometry.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
if (newCRS != oldCRS) { // Quick check for the vast majority of cases.
* Transform computed below should always be the identity transform,
* but we check anyway as a safety. A non-identity transform would be
* a pyramid where the CRS changes according the pyramid level.
final GeographicBoundingBox areaOfInterest = Extents.union(
toNew = CRS.findOperation(oldCRS, newCRS, areaOfInterest).getMathTransform();
toOld = toNew.inverse();
* `inverse` is the transform from new grid coordinates to old grid coordinates.
* `forward` is the converse, with the addition of half-pixel translation terms.
final MathTransform inverse = concatenate(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, dataGeometry, old, toOld);
final MathTransform forward = concatenate(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER, old, dataGeometry, toNew);
cornerToObjective = MathTransforms.concatenate(inverse, cornerToObjective);
objectiveToCenter = MathTransforms.concatenate(objectiveToCenter, forward);
return true;
* Note: the `forward` transform above is of particular interest and may be returned in a future version.
* It is the transform from new pixel coordinates to old pixel coordinates of the data before resampling
* (i.e. ignoring changes caused by user's zoom or pan gestures on the map). Typical values are:
* • An identity transform, meaning that the data changed but the new data uses the same pixel coordinates
* than the previous data. For example the user may have selected a new slice in a three-dimensional cube.
* • An affine transform represented by a diagonal matrix, i.e. with only scale factors and no translation.
* It happens when there is a change of resolution between the previous data and the new one, for example
* because a zoom change caused a change of pyramid level in `MultiResolutionCoverageLoader`.
* In such case the scale factors are typically 0.5 (after zoom-in) or 2 (after zoom out).
* That transform has already been applied to `RenderingData` internal state,
* but maybe some caller will need to apply that change to its own data.
* We wait to see if such need happens.
* Computes the transform that represent a change of "data grid to objective" transform
* @param anchor the cell part to map (center or corner).
* @param toCRS the grid geometry for which to use the "grid to CRS" transform.
* @param toGrid the grid geometry for which to use the "CRS to grid" transform.
* @param changeOfCRS transform from CRS of {@code toCRS} to CRS of {@code toGrid}.
private static MathTransform concatenate(final PixelInCell anchor, final GridGeometry toCRS,
final GridGeometry toGrid, final MathTransform changeOfCRS) throws TransformException
final MathTransform forward = toCRS .getGridToCRS(anchor);
final MathTransform inverse = toGrid.getGridToCRS(anchor).inverse();
if (changeOfCRS != null) {
return MathTransforms.concatenate(forward, changeOfCRS, inverse);
} else {
return MathTransforms.concatenate(forward, inverse);
* Returns the image which will be used as the source for rendering operations.
* @return the image loaded be {@link #ensureImageLoaded(GridCoverage, GridExtent, boolean)}.
public final RenderedImage getSourceImage() {
return data;
* Returns the position at the center of source data, or {@code null} if none.
* The coordinates are expressed in the CRS of the source coverage.
private DirectPosition getSourceMedian() {
if (dataGeometry.isDefined(GridGeometry.ENVELOPE)) {
return AbstractEnvelope.castOrCopy(dataGeometry.getEnvelope()).getMedian();
return null;
* Returns statistics on the source image (computed when first requested, then cached).
* There is one {@link Statistics} instance per band. This is an information for dynamic
* stretching of image color ramp. Such recoloring operation should use statistics on the
* source image instead of statistics on the shown image in order to have stable colors
* during pans or zooms.
* <p>The returned map is suitable for use with {@link ImageProcessor#stretchColorRamp(RenderedImage, Map)}.
* The map content is:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@code "statistics"}: the statistics as a {@code Statistics[]} array.</li>
* <li>{@code "sampleDimensions"}: band descriptions as a {@code List<SampleDimension>}.</li>
* </ul>
* This operation may be costly since it causes the loading of full image.
* If {@link #coverageLoader} is non-null, statistics will be computed on the
* image with coarsest resolution.
* @return statistics on sample values for each band, in a modifiable map.
* @throws DataStoreException if an error occurred while reading the image at coarsest resolution.
protected final Map<String,Object> statistics() throws DataStoreException {
if (statistics == null) {
RenderedImage image = data;
final MultiResolutionCoverageLoader loader = coverageLoader;
if (loader != null) {
final int level = loader.getLastLevel();
if (level != currentPyramidLevel) {
* If coarser data are available, we will compute statistics on those data instead of on the
* current pyramid level. We need to adjust the slice extent to the coordinates of coarser data.
final GridCoverage coarse = loader.getOrLoad(level).forConvertedValues(true);
GridExtent sliceExtent = currentSlice;
if (sliceExtent != null) {
if (sliceExtent.getDimension() <= BIDIMENSIONAL) {
sliceExtent = null;
} else {
final GridExtent ce = coarse.getGridGeometry().getExtent();
for (final int i : xyDimensions) {
sliceExtent = sliceExtent.withRange(i, ce.getLow(i), ce.getHigh(i));
image = coarse.render(sliceExtent);
statistics = processor.valueOfStatistics(image, null, SampleDimensions.toSampleFilters(processor, dataRanges));
final Map<String,Object> modifiers = new HashMap<>(8);
modifiers.put("statistics", statistics);
modifiers.put("sampleDimensions", dataRanges);
return modifiers;
* Sets the coordinate reference system of the display. This method does nothing if the CRS was already set.
* <em>It does not verify if CRS is the same</em>, it is caller responsibility to clear {@link #changeOfCRS}
* before to invoke this method for forcing a change of CRS.
* <p>This method updates the following fields only:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #changeOfCRS}</li>
* <li>{@link #processor} positional accuracy hint</li>
* </ul>
* @param objectiveCRS value of {@link PlanarCanvas#getObjectiveCRS()}.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred while transforming coordinates from grid to new CRS.
public final void setObjectiveCRS(final CoordinateReferenceSystem objectiveCRS) throws TransformException {
if (changeOfCRS == null && objectiveCRS != null && dataGeometry.isDefined(GridGeometry.CRS)) try {
changeOfCRS = CRS.findOperation(dataGeometry.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), objectiveCRS,
final double accuracy = CRS.getLinearAccuracy(changeOfCRS);
// TODO: uncomment after is fixed.
// Quantities.create(0.25, Units.PIXEL),
(accuracy > 0) ? Quantities.create(accuracy, Units.METRE) : null);
} catch (FactoryException e) {
// Leave `changeOfCRS` to null.
* Creates the resampled image, then optionally applies an index color model.
* This method will compute the {@link MathTransform} steps from image coordinate system
* to display coordinate system if those steps have not already been computed.
* @param recoloredImage {@link #data} or a derived (typically recolored) image.
* @param objectiveToDisplay value of {@link PlanarCanvas#getObjectiveToDisplay()}.
* @param objectivePOI value of {@link PlanarCanvas#getPointOfInterest(boolean)} in objective CRS.
* @return image with operation applied and color ramp stretched.
* @throws TransformException if an error occurred in the use of "grid to CRS" transforms.
public final RenderedImage resampleAndConvert(final RenderedImage recoloredImage,
final LinearTransform objectiveToDisplay,
final DirectPosition objectivePOI)
throws TransformException
* Following transforms are computed when first needed after the new data have been specified,
* or after the objective CRS changed. If non-null, `objToCenterNoWrap` is the same transform
* than `objectiveToCenter` but without wraparound steps. A non-null value means that we need
* to check if wraparound step is really needed and replace `objectiveToCenter` if it appears
* to be unnecessary.
MathTransform objToCenterNoWrap = null;
if (cornerToObjective == null || objectiveToCenter == null) {
cornerToObjective = dataGeometry.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER);
objectiveToCenter = dataGeometry.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER).inverse();
if (changeOfCRS != null) {
DirectPosition median = getSourceMedian();
MathTransform forward = changeOfCRS.getMathTransform();
MathTransform inverse = forward.inverse();
MathTransform nowrap = inverse;
try {
forward = applyWraparound(forward, median, objectivePOI, changeOfCRS.getTargetCRS());
inverse = applyWraparound(inverse, objectivePOI, median, changeOfCRS.getSourceCRS());
} catch (TransformException e) {
if (inverse != nowrap) {
objToCenterNoWrap = MathTransforms.concatenate(nowrap, objectiveToCenter);
cornerToObjective = MathTransforms.concatenate(cornerToObjective, forward);
objectiveToCenter = MathTransforms.concatenate(inverse, objectiveToCenter);
* Create a resampled image for current zoom level. If the image is zoomed, the resampled image bounds
* will be very large, potentially larger than 32 bit integer capacity (calculation done below clamps
* the result to 32 bit integer range). This is okay because only visible tiles will be created.
* NOTE: if user pans image close to integer range limit, a new resampled image will need to be computed
* for shifting away from integer overflow risk situation. This check is done by the caller.
final LinearTransform inverse = objectiveToDisplay.inverse();
displayToObjective = AffineTransforms2D.castOrCopy(inverse);
MathTransform cornerToDisplay = MathTransforms.concatenate(cornerToObjective, objectiveToDisplay);
MathTransform displayToCenter = MathTransforms.concatenate(inverse, objectiveToCenter);
* If the source image is world-wide and if the transform involves a projection that cannot represent
* the whole world, then we need to clip the image to a domain supported by the map projection.
final Rectangle bounds = ImageUtilities.getBounds(recoloredImage);
MathTransforms.getDomain(cornerToDisplay).ifPresent((domain) -> {
Shapes2D.intersect(bounds, domain, 0, 1);
Shapes2D.transform(MathTransforms.bidimensional(cornerToDisplay), bounds, bounds);
* Verify if wraparound is really necessary. We do this check because the `displayToCenter` transform
* may be used for every pixels, so it is worth to make that transform more efficient if possible.
if (objToCenterNoWrap != null) {
final MathTransform nowrap = MathTransforms.concatenate(inverse, objToCenterNoWrap);
if (!isWraparoundNeeded(bounds, displayToCenter, nowrap)) {
objectiveToCenter = objToCenterNoWrap;
displayToCenter = nowrap;
* Apply a map projection on the image, then convert the floating point results to integer values
* that we can use with IndexColorModel.
* TODO: if `colors` is null, instead of defaulting to `Colorizer.GRAYSCALE` we should get the colors
* from the current ColorModel. This work should be done in Colorizer by converting the ranges of
* sample values in source image to ranges of sample values in destination image, then query
* ColorModel.getRGB(Object) for increasing integer values in that range.
final ColorModelType ct = ColorModelType.find(recoloredImage.getColorModel());
if (ct.isSlow || (ct.useColorRamp && processor.getCategoryColors() != null)) {
return processor.visualize(recoloredImage, bounds, displayToCenter, dataRanges);
return processor.resample(recoloredImage, bounds, displayToCenter);
* Conversion or transformation from {@linkplain PlanarCanvas#getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS} to
* {@linkplain #data} CRS. This transform will include {@code WraparoundTransform} steps if needed.
* @param transform the transform to concatenate with a "wraparound" operation.
* @param sourceMedian point of interest in the <em>source</em> CRS of given transform.
* @param targetMedian point of interest after wraparound.
* @param targetCRS the target CRS of the given transform.
private static MathTransform applyWraparound(final MathTransform transform, DirectPosition sourceMedian,
final DirectPosition targetMedian, final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS) throws TransformException
if (targetMedian == null) {
return transform;
* This method is invoked with `sourceMedian` expressed in the transform source CRS.
* But by contract, `WraparoundApplicator` needs that point in the transform target CRS.
if (sourceMedian != null && !transform.isIdentity()) {
sourceMedian = transform.transform(sourceMedian, null);
return new WraparoundApplicator(sourceMedian, targetMedian, targetCRS.getCoordinateSystem()).forDomainOfUse(transform);
* Tests whether wraparound step seems necessary. This method transforms all corners and all centers
* of the given rectangle using the two specified transform. If the results differ by one pixel or more,
* the wraparound step is considered necessary.
* @param bounds rectangular coordinates of the display device, in pixels.
* @param reference transform from display coordinates to {@link #dataGeometry} cell coordinates.
* @param nowrap same as {@code reference} but with a wraparound step. Used as a reference.
* @return {@code true} if at least one coordinate is distant from the reference coordinate by at least one pixel.
* @see org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.CoordinateOperationFinder#isWraparoundNeeded
private static boolean isWraparoundNeeded(final Rectangle bounds,
final MathTransform reference, final MathTransform nowrap) throws TransformException
final int numPts = 9;
final int srcDim = nowrap.getSourceDimensions(); // Should always be 2, but we are paranoiac.
final int tgtDim = nowrap.getTargetDimensions(); // Idem.
final double[] source = new double[srcDim * numPts];
final double[] target = new double[tgtDim * numPts];
for (int pi=0; pi<numPts; pi++) {
final double x, y;
switch (pi % 3) {
case 0: x = bounds.getMinX(); break;
case 1: x = bounds.getMaxX(); break;
default: x = bounds.getCenterX(); break;
switch (pi / 3) {
case 0: y = bounds.getMinY(); break;
case 1: y = bounds.getMaxY(); break;
default: y = bounds.getCenterY(); break;
final int i = pi * srcDim;
source[i ] = x;
source[i+1] = y;
nowrap .transform(source, 0, target, 0, numPts);
reference.transform(source, 0, source, 0, numPts);
for (int i=0; i<target.length; i++) {
final double r = source[i];
if (!(Math.abs(target[i] - r) < 1) && Double.isFinite(r)) { // Use `!` for catching NaN.
return true;
return false;
* Computes immediately, possibly using many threads, the tiles that are going to be displayed.
* The returned instance should be used only for current rendering event; it should not be cached.
* @param resampledImage the image computed by {@link #resampleAndConvert resampleAndConvert(…)}.
* @param resampledToDisplay the transform computed by {@link #getTransform(LinearTransform)}.
* @param displayBounds size and location of the display device (plus margin), in pixel units.
* @return a temporary image with tiles intersecting the display region already computed.
public final RenderedImage prefetch(final RenderedImage resampledImage, final AffineTransform resampledToDisplay,
final Envelope2D displayBounds)
final Rectangle areaOfInterest;
try {
areaOfInterest = (Rectangle) AffineTransforms2D.transform(resampledToDisplay.createInverse(), displayBounds, new Rectangle());
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
return resampledImage;
return processor.prefetch(resampledImage, areaOfInterest);
* Gets the transform to use for painting the resampled image. If the image to draw is an instance of
* {@link BufferedImage}, then it is okay to have any transform. However for other kinds of image,
* it is important that the transform has scale factors of 1 and integer translations because Java2D
* has an optimization which avoid to copy the whole data only for that case.
* @param objectiveToDisplay the transform from objective CRS to canvas coordinates.
* @return transform from resampled image to canvas (display) coordinates.
public final AffineTransform getTransform(final LinearTransform objectiveToDisplay) {
if (displayToObjective == null) {
return new AffineTransform();
AffineTransform resampledToDisplay = AffineTransforms2D.castOrCopy(objectiveToDisplay);
if (resampledToDisplay == objectiveToDisplay) {
resampledToDisplay = new AffineTransform(resampledToDisplay);
return resampledToDisplay;
* Returns an estimation of the size of data pixels, in objective CRS.
* @param objectivePOI point of interest in objective CRS.
* @return an estimation of the source pixel size at the given location.
public final float getDataPixelSize(final DirectPosition objectivePOI) {
if (objectiveToCenter != null) try {
final Matrix d = objectiveToCenter.derivative(objectivePOI);
double sum = 0;
for (int j=d.getNumRow(); --j >= 0;) {
for (int i=d.getNumCol(); --i >= 0;) {
final double v = d.getElement(j, i);
sum += v*v;
final float r = (float) (1 / Math.sqrt(sum));
if (r > 0 && r != Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
return r;
} catch (TransformException e) {
return 0;
* Returns the conversion from {@link #data} pixel coordinates to
* {@linkplain PlanarCanvas#getObjectiveCRS() objective CRS}.
* @param anchor whether the conversion should start from pixel corner or pixel center.
* @return conversion from data pixel coordinates to objective CRS.
public final MathTransform getDataToObjective(final PixelInCell anchor) {
return PixelTranslation.translate(cornerToObjective, PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, anchor);
* Converts the given bounds from objective coordinates to pixel coordinates in the source coverage.
* @param bounds objective coordinates.
* @return data coverage cell coordinates (in pixels), or {@code null} if unknown.
* @throws TransformException if the bounds cannot be transformed.
public final Rectangle objectiveToData(final Rectangle2D bounds) throws TransformException {
if (objectiveToCenter == null) return null;
return (Rectangle) Shapes2D.transform(MathTransforms.bidimensional(objectiveToCenter), bounds, new Rectangle());
* Returns whether {@link #dataGeometry} or {@link #objectiveToCenter} changed since a previous rendering.
* This is used for information purposes only.
* @param previous previous instance of {@code RenderingData}.
* @return whether this {@code RenderingData} does a different rendering than previous {@code RenderingData}.
public final boolean hasChanged(final RenderingData previous) {
* Really !=, not Object.equals(Object), because we rely on new instances to be created
* (even if equal) as a way to detect that cached values have not been reused.
return (previous.dataGeometry != dataGeometry) || (previous.objectiveToCenter != objectiveToCenter);
* Invoked when an exception occurred while computing a transform but the painting process can continue.
* This method pretends that the warning come from {@link PlanarCanvas} class since it is the public API.
private static void recoverableException(final Exception e) {
Logging.recoverableException(LOGGER, PlanarCanvas.class, "render", e);
* Creates new rendering data initialized to a copy of this instance.
public RenderingData clone() {
try {
return (RenderingData) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
* Returns a string representation for debugging purposes.
* The string content may change in any future version.
public String toString() {
final String lineSeparator = System.lineSeparator();
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(6000);
final TableAppender table = new TableAppender(buffer);
try {
table.append("Geometry of source coverage:").append(lineSeparator)
table.append("Pixel corners to objective CRS:").append(lineSeparator)
table.append("Median in data CRS:").append(lineSeparator)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e); // Should never happen since we are writing to `StringBuilder`.
return buffer.toString();