blob: 07ecc324633d46f7488b85bcda0e9c4d0ebc69d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.sis.gui.coverage;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
import javafx.scene.layout.Background;
import javafx.scene.layout.BackgroundFill;
import javafx.beans.DefaultProperty;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.concurrent.Task;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javax.measure.Quantity;
import javax.measure.quantity.Length;
import org.opengis.geometry.Envelope;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.referencing.datum.PixelInCell;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.CommonCRS;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.MathTransforms;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.transform.LinearTransform;
import org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.matrix.AffineTransforms2D;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.Category;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.SampleDimension;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.SubspaceNotSpecifiedException;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridExtent;
import org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridGeometry;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.Envelope2D;
import org.apache.sis.geometry.Shapes2D;
import org.apache.sis.image.PlanarImage;
import org.apache.sis.image.Interpolation;
import org.apache.sis.portrayal.RenderException;
import org.apache.sis.internal.coverage.j2d.TileErrorHandler;
import org.apache.sis.internal.processing.isoline.Isolines;
import org.apache.sis.internal.gui.BackgroundThreads;
import org.apache.sis.internal.gui.ExceptionReporter;
import org.apache.sis.internal.gui.GUIUtilities;
import org.apache.sis.internal.gui.LogHandler;
import org.apache.sis.util.logging.Logging;
import org.apache.sis.measure.Units;
import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt;
import org.apache.sis.util.Debug;
import static org.apache.sis.internal.gui.LogHandler.LOGGER;
* A canvas for {@link RenderedImage} provided by a {@link GridCoverage} or a {@link GridCoverageResource}.
* In the latter case where the source of data is specified by {@link #resourceProperty}, the grid coverage
* instance (given by {@link #coverageProperty}) will change automatically according the zoom level.
* @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys)
* @version 1.4
* @see CoverageExplorer
* @since 1.1
public class CoverageCanvas extends MapCanvasAWT {
* An arbitrary safety margin (in number of pixels) for avoiding integer overflow situation.
* This margin shall be larger than any reasonable widget width or height, and much smaller
* than {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.
private static final int OVERFLOW_SAFETY_MARGIN = 10_000_000;
* Whether to print debug information. If {@code true}, we use {@link System#out} instead of logging
* because the log messages are intercepted and rerouted to the "logging" tab in the explorer widget.
* This field should always be {@code false} except during debugging.
* @see #trace(String, Object...)
static final boolean TRACE = false;
* The source of coverage data shown in this canvas. If this property value is non-null,
* then {@link #coverageProperty} value will change at any time (potentially many times)
* depending on the zoom level or other user interaction. Conversely if a value is set
* explicitly on {@link #coverageProperty}, then this {@code resourceProperty} is cleared.
* @see #getResource()
* @see #setResource(GridCoverageResource)
* @see CoverageExplorer#resourceProperty
* @since 1.2
public final ObjectProperty<GridCoverageResource> resourceProperty;
* The data shown in this canvas. This property value may be set implicitly or explicitly:
* <ul>
* <li>If the {@link #resourceProperty} value is non-null, then the value will change
* automatically at any time (potentially many times) depending on user interaction.</li>
* <li>Conversely if an explicit value is set on this property,
* then the {@link #resourceProperty} is cleared.</li>
* </ul>
* Note that a change in this property value may not modify the canvas content immediately.
* Instead, a background process will request the tiles and update the canvas content later,
* when data are ready.
* <p>Current implementation is restricted to {@link GridCoverage} instances, but a future
* implementation may generalize to {@link org.opengis.coverage.Coverage} instances.</p>
* @see #getCoverage()
* @see #setCoverage(GridCoverage)
* @see CoverageExplorer#coverageProperty
public final ObjectProperty<GridCoverage> coverageProperty;
* Whether {@link #resourceProperty} or {@link #coverageProperty} is in process of being adjusted.
* This is used for preventing never-ending loop when a change of resource causes a change of coverage
* or conversely.
* @see #onPropertySpecified(GridCoverageResource, GridCoverage, ObjectProperty, GridGeometry)
private boolean isCoverageAdjusting;
* Whether at least one of {@link #coverageProperty} or {@link #resourceProperty} has a non-null value.
private boolean hasCoverageOrResource;
* A subspace of the grid coverage extent where all dimensions except two have a size of 1 cell.
* May be {@code null} if the grid coverage has only two dimensions with a size greater than 1 cell.
* @see #getSliceExtent()
* @see #setSliceExtent(GridExtent)
* @see GridCoverage#render(GridExtent)
public final ObjectProperty<GridExtent> sliceExtentProperty;
* The interpolation method to use for resampling the image.
* @see #getInterpolation()
* @see #setInterpolation(Interpolation)
public final ObjectProperty<Interpolation> interpolationProperty;
* The {@code RenderedImage} to draw together with transform from pixel coordinates to display coordinates.
* Shall never be {@code null} but may be empty. This instance shall be read and modified in JavaFX thread
* only and cloned if those data are needed by a background thread.
* @see Worker
private StyledRenderingData data;
* The {@link #data} with different operations applied on them. Currently the only supported operation is
* color ramp stretching. The coordinate system is the one of the original image (no resampling applied).
private final Map<Stretching,RenderedImage> derivedImages;
* Image resampled to a CRS which can easily be mapped to the {@linkplain #getDisplayCRS() display CRS}.
* May also include conversion to integer values for usage with index color model.
* This is the image which will be drawn in the canvas.
private RenderedImage resampledImage;
* The explorer to notify when the image shown in this canvas has changed.
* This is non-null only if this {@link CoverageCanvas} is used together with {@link CoverageControls}.
* <p>Consider as final after {@link #createPropertyExplorer()} invocation.
* This field may be removed in a future version if we revisit this API before making public.</p>
* @see #createPropertyExplorer()
private ImagePropertyExplorer propertyExplorer;
* If this canvas is associated with controls, the controls. Otherwise {@code null}.
* This is used only for notifications; a future version may use a more generic listener.
* @see CoverageControls#notifyDataChanged(GridCoverageResource, GridCoverage)
private final CoverageControls controls;
* If errors occurred during tile computations, details about the error. Otherwise {@code null}.
* This field is set once by some background thread if one or more errors occurred during calls
* to {@link RenderedImage#getTile(int, int)}. In such case, we store information about the error
* and let the rendering process continue with a tile placeholder (by default a cross (X) in a box).
* This field is read in JavaFX thread for transferring the error description to {@link #errorProperty()}.
private volatile LogRecord errorReport;
* Renderer of isolines, or {@code null} if none. The presence of this field in this class may be temporary.
* A future version may replace this field by a more complete styling framework. Note that this class holds
* references to {@link javafx.scene.control.TableView} list of items, which are the list of isoline levels
* with their colors.
IsolineRenderer isolines;
* Creates a new two-dimensional canvas for {@link RenderedImage}.
public CoverageCanvas() {
this(null, Locale.getDefault());
* Creates a new two-dimensional canvas using the given locale.
* @param controls the controls of this canvas, or {@code null} if none.
* @param locale the locale to use for labels and some messages, or {@code null} for default.
CoverageCanvas(final CoverageControls controls, final Locale locale) {
this.controls = controls;
data = new StyledRenderingData((report) -> errorReport = report.getDescription());
derivedImages = new EnumMap<>(Stretching.class);
resourceProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "resource");
coverageProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "coverage");
sliceExtentProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "sliceExtent");
interpolationProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "interpolation", data.processor.getInterpolation());
resourceProperty .addListener((p,o,n) -> onPropertySpecified(n, null, coverageProperty, null));
coverageProperty .addListener((p,o,n) -> onPropertySpecified(null, n, resourceProperty, null));
sliceExtentProperty .addListener((p,o,n) -> onPropertySpecified(getResource(), getCoverage(), null, null));
interpolationProperty.addListener((p,o,n) -> onInterpolationSpecified(n));
* Completes initialization of this canvas for use with the returned property explorer.
* The intent is to be notified when the image used for showing the coverage changed.
* This method is invoked the first time that the "Properties" section in `CoverageControls`
* is being shown.
final ImagePropertyExplorer createPropertyExplorer() {
propertyExplorer = new ImagePropertyExplorer(getLocale(), fixedPane.backgroundProperty());
propertyExplorer.setImage(resampledImage, getVisibleImageBounds());
return propertyExplorer;
* Returns the region containing the image view.
* The subclass is implementation dependent and may change in any future version.
* @return the region to show.
final Region getView() {
return fixedPane;
* Returns the resource to preserve when the coverage is adjusting. If the coverage is set for another reason
* than adjustment, then the resource should be set to null as specified in {@link #resourceProperty} contract.
final GridCoverageResource getResourceIfAdjusting() {
return isCoverageAdjusting ? getResource() : null;
* Returns the source of coverages for this viewer.
* This method, like all other methods in this class, shall be invoked from the JavaFX thread.
* @return the source of coverages shown in this viewer, or {@code null} if none.
* @see #resourceProperty
* @since 1.2
public final GridCoverageResource getResource() {
return resourceProperty.get();
* Sets the source of coverages shown in this viewer.
* This method shall be invoked from JavaFX thread and returns immediately.
* The new data are loaded in a background thread and the {@link #coverageProperty}
* value will be updated after an undetermined amount of time.
* @param resource the source of data to show in this viewer, or {@code null} if none.
* @see #resourceProperty
* @since 1.2
public final void setResource(final GridCoverageResource resource) {
// Will indirectly invoke `onPropertySpecified(…)`.
* Returns the source of image for this viewer.
* This method, like all other methods in this class, shall be invoked from the JavaFX thread.
* Note that this value may change at any time (depending on user interaction)
* if the {@link #resourceProperty} has a non-null value.
* @return the coverage shown in this explorer, or {@code null} if none.
* @see #coverageProperty
public final GridCoverage getCoverage() {
return coverageProperty.get();
* Sets the coverage to show in this viewer.
* This method shall be invoked from JavaFX thread and returns immediately.
* The new data are loaded in a background thread and will appear after an
* undetermined amount of time.
* <p>Invoking this method sets the {@link #resourceProperty} value to {@code null}.</p>
* @param coverage the data to show in this viewer, or {@code null} if none.
* @see #coverageProperty
public final void setCoverage(final GridCoverage coverage) {
// Will indirectly invoke `onPropertySpecified(…)`.
* Returns a subspace of the grid coverage extent where all dimensions except two have a size of 1 cell.
* @return subspace of the grid coverage extent where all dimensions except two have a size of 1 cell.
* @see #sliceExtentProperty
* @see GridCoverage#render(GridExtent)
public final GridExtent getSliceExtent() {
return sliceExtentProperty.get();
* Sets a subspace of the grid coverage extent where all dimensions except two have a size of 1 cell.
* Note that values set on this property may be overwritten at any time by user interactions if this
* {@code CoverageCanvas} is associated with a {@link GridSliceSelector}.
* @param sliceExtent subspace of the grid coverage extent where all dimensions except two have a size of 1 cell.
* @see #sliceExtentProperty
* @see GridCoverage#render(GridExtent)
public final void setSliceExtent(final GridExtent sliceExtent) {
// Will indirectly invoke `onPropertySpecified(…)`.
* Gets the interpolation method used during resample operations.
* @return the current interpolation method.
* @see #interpolationProperty
public final Interpolation getInterpolation() {
return interpolationProperty.get();
* Sets the interpolation method to use during resample operations.
* @param interpolation the new interpolation method.
* @see #interpolationProperty
public final void setInterpolation(final Interpolation interpolation) {
assert Platform.isFxApplicationThread();
* Returns the colors to use for given categories of sample values, or {@code null} is unspecified.
final Function<Category, java.awt.Color[]> getCategoryColors() {
return data.processor.getCategoryColors();
* Sets the colors to use for given categories in image. Invoking this method causes a repaint event,
* so it should be invoked only if at least one color is known to have changed.
* @param colors colors to use for arbitrary categories of sample values, or {@code null} for default.
final void setCategoryColors(final Function<Category, java.awt.Color[]> colors) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("setCategoryColors(Function): causes repaint.");
resampledImage = null;
* Sets the background, as a color for now but more patterns may be allowed in a future version.
final void setBackground(final Color color) {
fixedPane.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(color, null, null)));
* Sets the Coordinate Reference System in which the coverage is resampled before displaying.
* The new CRS must be compatible with the previous CRS, i.e. a coordinate operation between
* the two CRSs shall exist.
* @param newValue the new Coordinate Reference System in which to resample the coverage before displaying.
* @param anchor the point to keep at fixed display coordinates, expressed in any compatible CRS.
* If {@code null}, defaults to {@linkplain #getPointOfInterest(boolean) point of interest}.
* If non-null, the anchor must be associated to a CRS.
* @throws RenderException if the objective CRS cannot be set to the given value.
* @hidden
public void setObjectiveCRS(final CoordinateReferenceSystem newValue, DirectPosition anchor) throws RenderException {
final Long id = LogHandler.loadingStart(getResource());
try {
// With `LogHandler` because this call may cause searches in EPSG database.
super.setObjectiveCRS(newValue, anchor);
} finally {
* Sets canvas properties from the given grid geometry.
* @param newValue the grid geometry from which to get new canvas properties.
* @throws RenderException if the given grid geometry cannot be converted to canvas properties.
* @hidden
public void setGridGeometry(final GridGeometry newValue) throws RenderException {
final Long id = LogHandler.loadingStart(getResource());
try {
// With `LogHandler` because this call may cause searches in EPSG database.
} finally {
* Sets both resource and coverage properties together. Typically only one of those properties is non-null.
* If both are non-null, then it is caller's responsibility to ensure that they are consistent.
* @param request the resource or coverage to set, or {@code null} for clearing the view.
final void setImage(final ImageRequest request) {
final GridCoverageResource resource;
final GridCoverage coverage;
final GridExtent sliceExtent;
final GridGeometry zoom;
if (request != null) {
resource = request.resource;
coverage = request.coverage;
sliceExtent = request.slice;
zoom = request.zoom;
} else {
resource = null;
coverage = null;
sliceExtent = null;
zoom = null;
if (getResource() != resource || getCoverage() != coverage || getSliceExtent() != sliceExtent) {
final boolean p = isCoverageAdjusting;
try {
isCoverageAdjusting = true;
} finally {
isCoverageAdjusting = p;
onPropertySpecified(resource, coverage, null, zoom);
* Invoked when a new value has been set on {@link #resourceProperty} or {@link #coverageProperty}.
* This method fetches information such as the grid geometry and sample dimensions in a background thread.
* Those information will be used for initializing "objective CRS" and "objective to display" to new values.
* Rendering will happen in another background computation.
* @param resource the new resource, or {@code null} if none.
* @param coverage the new coverage, or {@code null} if none.
* @param toClear the property which is an alternative to the property that has been set.
* @param zoom initial "objective to display" transform to use, or {@code null} for automatic.
private void onPropertySpecified(final GridCoverageResource resource, final GridCoverage coverage,
final ObjectProperty<?> toClear, final GridGeometry zoom)
hasCoverageOrResource = (resource != null || coverage != null);
if (isCoverageAdjusting) {
if (toClear != null) try {
isCoverageAdjusting = true;
} finally {
isCoverageAdjusting = false;
if (resource == null && coverage == null) {
} else if (controls != null && controls.isAdjustingSlice) {
runAfterRendering(() -> {
} else {
BackgroundThreads.execute(new Task<GridGeometry>() {
/** Information about all bands. */
private List<SampleDimension> ranges;
* Fetches coverage domain and range. In some {@link GridCoverageResource} implementations,
* fetching the grid geometry is a costly operation. So we do it in a background thread and
* invoke {@code setNewSource(…)} later with the result. No rendering happen here.
@Override protected GridGeometry call() throws Exception {
GridGeometry domain;
final Long id = LogHandler.loadingStart(resource);
try {
if (coverage != null) {
domain = coverage.getGridGeometry();
ranges = coverage.getSampleDimensions();
} else {
domain = resource.getGridGeometry();
ranges = resource.getSampleDimensions();
* The domain should never be null and should always be complete (including envelope).
* Nevertheless we try to be safe, since `setNewSource(…)` wants a complete geometry.
* So if the envelope is missing but the extent is present, then the missing part was
* the "grid to CRS" transform. We use an identity transform with a "display CRS".
if (domain != null && !domain.isDefined(GridGeometry.ENVELOPE) && domain.isDefined(GridGeometry.EXTENT)) {
final GridExtent extent = domain.getExtent();
final int dimension = extent.getDimension();
domain = new GridGeometry(extent, PixelInCell.CELL_CORNER, MathTransforms.identity(dimension),
(dimension == BIDIMENSIONAL) ? : null);
} finally {
return domain;
* Invoked in JavaFX thread for setting the grid geometry we just fetched.
* This method requests a repaint, which will occur in another thread.
@Override protected void succeeded() {
runAfterRendering(() -> {
setNewSource(getValue(), ranges, zoom);
requestRepaint(); // Cause `Worker` class to be executed.
* Invoked when an error occurred while loading an image or processing it.
* This method popups the dialog box immediately because it is considered
* an important error.
@Override protected void failed() {
final Throwable ex = getException();
ExceptionReporter.canNotUseResource(fixedPane, ex);
* Clears the rendered image but keep the resource, coverage, grid geometry and sample dimensions unchanged.
* Invoking this method alone is useful when only the selected two-dimensional slice changed.
* If the {@link StyledRenderingData#clear()} method is not invoked, then the map projection,
* zoom, <i>etc.</i> are preserved.
* @see #clear()
private void clearRenderedImage() {
resampledImage = null;
* Invoked when a new resource or coverage has been specified.
* Caller should invoke {@link #requestRepaint()} after this method
* for loading and resampling the image in a background thread.
* <p>All arguments can be {@code null} for clearing the canvas.
* This method is invoked in JavaFX thread.</p>
* @param domain the multi-dimensional grid geometry, or {@code null} if there is no data.
* @param ranges descriptions of bands, or {@code null} if there is no data.
* @param zoom initial "objective to display" transform to use, or {@code null} for automatic.
private void setNewSource(GridGeometry domain, final List<SampleDimension> ranges, final GridGeometry zoom) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("setNewSource(…): the new domain of data is:%n\t%s", domain);
* Configure the `GridSliceSelector`, which will compute a new slice extent as a side effect.
* It will overwrite the previous value of `sliceExtent` property in this class, which needs
* to be done before to start the `Worker` process in a background thread.
* Note: we do not configure that status bar here, because `StatucBar` configures itself by
* listening to `MapCanvas` rendering events.
int[] xyDimensions;
if (controls != null) try {
isCoverageAdjusting = true;
xyDimensions = controls.sliceSelector.getXYDimensions();
} finally {
isCoverageAdjusting = false;
} else {
xyDimensions = ArraysExt.range(0, BIDIMENSIONAL);
final GridExtent extent = getSliceExtent();
if (extent != null) try {
xyDimensions = extent.getSubspaceDimensions(BIDIMENSIONAL);
} catch (SubspaceNotSpecifiedException e) {
unexpectedException(e); // We can continue with dimensions {0,1}.
* Notify the `RenderingData` and `MapCanvas`. All information below must be two-dimensional.
Envelope bounds = null;
if (domain != null) {
domain = domain.selectDimensions(xyDimensions);
if (domain.isDefined(GridGeometry.ENVELOPE)) {
bounds = domain.getEnvelope();
data.setImageSpace(domain, ranges, xyDimensions);
* Clears all information that are derived from the raw image projected to objective CRS.
* In current version this is only isolines.
private void clearIsolines() {
if (isolines != null) {
* Invoked when a new interpolation has been specified.
* @see #setInterpolation(Interpolation)
private void onInterpolationSpecified(final Interpolation newValue) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("onInterpolationSpecified(%s)", newValue);
resampledImage = null;
* Invoked in JavaFX thread for creating a renderer to be executed in a background thread.
* This method prepares the information needed but does not start the rendering itself.
* The rendering will be done later by a call to {@link Renderer#paint(Graphics2D)}.
protected Renderer createRenderer() {
return hasCoverageOrResource ? new Worker(this) : null;
* Resample and paint image in the canvas. This class performs some or all of the following tasks, in order.
* It is possible to skip the two first tasks if they were already done, but after the work started at some
* point all remaining points are executed:
* <ol>
* <li>Read a new coverage if zoom has changed more than some threshold value.</li>
* <li>Compute statistics on sample values (if needed).</li>
* <li>Stretch the color ramp (if requested).</li>
* <li>Resample the image and convert to integer values.</li>
* <li>Paint the image.</li>
* </ol>
private static final class Worker extends Renderer {
* The resource from which the data has been read, or {@code null} if unknown.
* This is used for loading a coverage if none were explicitly specified,
* and for determining a target window for logging records.
private final GridCoverageResource resource;
* The coverage specified by user or the coverage loaded from the {@linkplain #resource}.
* Should never be {@code null} after successful execution of {@link #render()}.
private GridCoverage coverage;
* Whether the value of {@link #coverage} changed since the last rendering.
* It may happen if {@link #resource} is non-null, contains pyramided data and the pyramid level
* used by this rendering is different than the pyramid level used during the previous rendering.
* Note that a {@code false} value does not mean that {@link #sliceExtent} did not changed.
private boolean coverageChanged;
* The two-dimensional slice to display. May change for the same coverage when using
* {@link ViewAndControls#sliceSelector} for navigation in dimensions other than the
* {@value #BIDIMENSIONAL} first dimensions.
private final GridExtent sliceExtent;
* Value of {@link CoverageCanvas#data} at the time this worker has been initialized.
private final StyledRenderingData data;
* Value of {@link CoverageCanvas#getObjectiveCRS()} at the time this worker has been initialized.
* This the coordinate reference system in which to reproject the data, in "real world" units.
private final CoordinateReferenceSystem objectiveCRS;
* Value of {@link CoverageCanvas#getObjectiveToDisplay()} at the time this worker has been initialized.
* This is the conversion from {@link #objectiveCRS} to the canvas display CRS.
* Can be thought as a conversion from "real world" units to pixel units
* and depends on the zoom and translation events that happened before rendering.
private final LinearTransform objectiveToDisplay;
* Value of {@link CoverageCanvas#getDisplayBounds()} at the time this worker has been initialized,
* expanded by {@link CoverageCanvas#imageMargin}. This is the size and location of the display device
* in pixel units, plus the margin. This value is usually constant when the widget is not resized.
private final Envelope2D displayBounds;
* Bounds of the currently visible area (plus margin) in units of objective CRS.
* The AOI can be used as a hint, for example in order to clip data for faster rendering.
* This is needed only if {@link #isolines} is non-null.
* @see CoverageCanvas#getAreaOfInterest()
private Rectangle2D objectiveAOI;
* The coordinates of the point to show typically (but not necessarily) in the center of display area.
* The coordinate is expressed in objective CRS.
private final DirectPosition objectivePOI;
* The {@link #data} image after color ramp stretching, before resampling is applied.
* May be {@code null} if not yet computed, in which case it will be computed by {@link #render()}.
private RenderedImage recoloredImage;
* The {@link #recoloredImage} after resampling is applied.
* May be {@code null} if not yet computed, in which case it will be computed by {@link #render()}.
private RenderedImage resampledImage;
* The resampled image with tiles computed in advance. The set of prefetched
* tiles may differ at each rendering event. This image should not be cached
* after rendering operation is completed.
private RenderedImage prefetchedImage;
* Conversion from {@link #prefetchedImage} pixel coordinates to display coordinates.
* This transform usually contains only a translation, because we do not recompute a new {@link #prefetchedImage}
* when the only change is a translation. But this transform may also contain a rotation or scale factor during
* a short time if the rendering happens while {@link #prefetchedImage} is in need to be recomputed.
* @see StyledRenderingData#displayToObjective
private AffineTransform resampledToDisplay;
* Snapshot of information required for rendering isolines, or {@code null} if none.
private IsolineRenderer.Snapshot[] isolines;
* Creates a new renderer. Shall be invoked in JavaFX thread.
Worker(final CoverageCanvas canvas) {
resource = canvas.getResource();
coverage = canvas.getCoverage();
data =;
sliceExtent = canvas.getSliceExtent();
objectiveCRS = canvas.getObjectiveCRS();
objectiveToDisplay = canvas.getObjectiveToDisplay();
displayBounds = canvas.getDisplayBounds();
objectivePOI = canvas.getPointOfInterest(true);
recoloredImage = canvas.derivedImages.get(data.selectedDerivative);
if (data.validateCRS(objectiveCRS)) {
resampledImage = canvas.resampledImage;
final Insets margin = canvas.imageMargin.get();
if (margin != null) {
final double top = margin.getTop();
final double left = margin.getLeft();
displayBounds.x -= left;
displayBounds.width += left + margin.getRight();
displayBounds.y -= top;
displayBounds.height += top + margin.getBottom();
if (canvas.isolines != null) try {
isolines = canvas.isolines.prepare();
objectiveAOI = Shapes2D.transform(MathTransforms.bidimensional(objectiveToDisplay.inverse()), displayBounds, null);
} catch (TransformException e) {
unexpectedException(e); // Should never happen.
* Returns the region of source image which is currently shown, in units of source coverage pixels.
* This method can be invoked only after {@link #render()}. It returns {@code null} if the visible
* bounds are unknown.
* @see CoverageCanvas#getVisibleImageBounds()
final Rectangle getVisibleImageBounds() {
try {
return (Rectangle) AffineTransforms2D.inverseTransform(resampledToDisplay, displayBounds, new Rectangle());
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
unexpectedException(e); // Should never happen.
return null;
* Invoked in background thread for resampling the image and stretching the color ramp.
* This method performs some of the steps documented in class Javadoc, with possibility
* to skip some steps for example if the required source image is already resampled.
protected void render() throws Exception {
final Long id = LogHandler.loadingStart(resource);
try {
* Update the transform from data CRS to objective CRS if that transform needs to be computed
* (otherwise do nothing). After the objective CRS is set, we can compute the pyramid level.
* It will determine if data needs to be loaded again.
if (resource != null) {
data.coverageLoader = MultiResolutionImageLoader.getInstance(resource, data.coverageLoader);
final GridCoverage loaded = data.ensureCoverageLoaded(objectiveToDisplay, objectivePOI);
if (coverageChanged = (loaded != null)) {
coverage = loaded;
if (data.ensureImageLoaded(coverage, sliceExtent, coverageChanged)) {
recoloredImage = null;
* Find whether resampling to apply is different than the resampling used last time that the image
* has been rendered, ignoring translations. Translations do not require new resampling operations
* because we can manage translations by changing `RenderedImage` coordinates.
boolean isValid = (resampledImage != null);
if (isValid) {
resampledToDisplay = data.getTransform(objectiveToDisplay);
isValid = (resampledToDisplay.getType() &
~(AffineTransform.TYPE_IDENTITY | AffineTransform.TYPE_TRANSLATION)) == 0;
* If user pans the image close to integer range limit, create a new resampled image shifted to
* new location (i.e. force `resampleAndConvert(…)` to be invoked again). The intent is to move
* away from integer overflow situation.
if (isValid) {
isValid = Math.max(Math.abs(resampledToDisplay.getTranslateX()),
if (TRACE && !isValid) {
trace("render(): new resample for avoiding overflow caused by translation.");
if (!isValid) {
if (recoloredImage == null) {
recoloredImage = data.recolor();
if (TRACE) {
trace("render(): recolor by application of %s.", data.selectedDerivative);
resampledImage = data.resampleAndConvert(recoloredImage, objectiveToDisplay, objectivePOI);
resampledToDisplay = data.getTransform(objectiveToDisplay);
if (TRACE) {
trace("render(): resampling result:%n\t%s", resampledImage);
* Launch isolines creation if requested. We do this operation before `prefetch(…)`
* because it will be executed in background threads while we process the coverage.
* We cannot invoke it sooner because it needs some `resampleAndConvert(…)` results.
final Future<Isolines[]> newIsolines = data.generate(isolines);
prefetchedImage = data.prefetch(resampledImage, resampledToDisplay, displayBounds);
if (newIsolines != null) {
IsolineRenderer.complete(isolines, newIsolines);
} finally {
* Draws the image after {@link #render()} finished to prepare data.
* This method is invoked in a background thread.
protected void paint(final Graphics2D gr) {
if (prefetchedImage instanceof TileErrorHandler.Executor) {
((TileErrorHandler.Executor) prefetchedImage).execute(
() -> gr.drawRenderedImage(RenderingWorkaround.wrap(prefetchedImage), resampledToDisplay),
new TileErrorHandler(data.processor.getErrorHandler(), CoverageCanvas.class, "paint"));
} else {
gr.drawRenderedImage(RenderingWorkaround.wrap(prefetchedImage), resampledToDisplay);
if (isolines != null) {
final AffineTransform at = gr.getTransform();
final Stroke st = gr.getStroke();
// Arbitrarily use a line tickness of 1/8 of source pixel size for making apparent when zoom is strong.
gr.setStroke(new BasicStroke(data.getDataPixelSize(objectivePOI) / 8));
gr.transform((AffineTransform) objectiveToDisplay); // This cast is safe in PlanarCanvas subclass.
for (final IsolineRenderer.Snapshot s : isolines) {
s.paint(gr, objectiveAOI);
* Invoked in JavaFX thread after successful {@link #paint(Graphics2D)} completion.
* This method stores the computation results.
protected boolean commit(final MapCanvas canvas) {
((CoverageCanvas) canvas).cacheRenderingData(this);
if (isolines != null) {
for (final IsolineRenderer.Snapshot s : isolines) {
return super.commit(canvas);
* Invoked in JavaFX thread after a paint event for caching rendering data.
* If the resampled image changed, all previously cached images are discarded.
private void cacheRenderingData(final Worker worker) {
if (TRACE && data.hasChanged( {
trace("cacheRenderingData(…): new visual coverage:%n%s",;
data =;
* Cache the recolored image. It does not consume lot of memory (mostly the memory used by the color model).
* The recolored image are based on the original data, so the cache does not vary with zoom level except if
* a change of zoom level caused a change of the image read from the data store.
if (worker.coverageChanged) {
derivedImages.put(data.selectedDerivative, worker.recoloredImage);
resampledImage = worker.resampledImage;
if (TRACE) {
trace("cacheRenderingData(…): objective bounds after rendering at %tT:%n%s", System.currentTimeMillis(), this);
* Notify the "Image properties" tab that the image changed. The `propertyExplorer` field is non-null
* only if the "Properties" section in `CoverageControls` has been shown at least once.
if (propertyExplorer != null) {
propertyExplorer.setImage(resampledImage, worker.getVisibleImageBounds());
if (TRACE) {
trace("cacheRenderingData(…): Update image property view with visible area %s.",
* Adjust the accuracy of coordinates shown in the status bar.
* The number of fraction digits depend on the zoom factor.
if (controls != null) {
final Object value = resampledImage.getProperty(PlanarImage.POSITIONAL_ACCURACY_KEY);
Quantity<Length> accuracy = null;
if (value instanceof Quantity<?>[]) {
for (final Quantity<?> q : (Quantity<?>[]) value) {
if (Units.isLinear(q.getUnit())) {
accuracy = q.asType(Length.class);
accuracy = GUIUtilities.shorter(accuracy, accuracy.getUnit().getConverterTo(Units.METRE)
* If error(s) occurred during calls to `RenderedImage.getTile(tx, ty)`, reports those errors.
* The `errorReport` field is reset to `null` in preparation for the next rendering operation.
final LogRecord report = errorReport;
if (report != null) {
errorReport = null;
* If the coverage changed, notify user. The coverage may have changed because of a change
* in the pyramid level when the underlying data store has pyramided data.
if (worker.coverageChanged) {
if (!isCoverageAdjusting) try {
isCoverageAdjusting = true;
} finally {
isCoverageAdjusting = false;
* Returns the region of source image which is currently shown, in units of source coverage pixels.
* This method performs the same work than {@link Worker#getVisibleImageBounds()} in a less efficient way.
* It is used when no worker is available.
* @see Worker#getVisibleImageBounds()
private Rectangle getVisibleImageBounds() {
final Envelope2D displayBounds = getDisplayBounds();
if (displayBounds != null) try {
final AffineTransform resampledToDisplay = data.getTransform(getObjectiveToDisplay());
return (Rectangle) AffineTransforms2D.inverseTransform(resampledToDisplay, displayBounds, new Rectangle());
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
unexpectedException(e); // Should never happen.
return null;
* Returns the bounds of the currently visible area in units of objective CRS.
* This AOI changes when the {@linkplain #getDisplayBounds() display bounds} or
* the {@linkplain #getObjectiveToDisplay() objective to display transform} changed.
* The AOI can be used as a hint, for example in order to clip data for faster rendering.
* @return bounds of currently visible area in objective CRS, or {@code null} if unavailable.
* @see Worker#objectiveAOI
private Rectangle2D getAreaOfInterest() throws TransformException {
final Envelope2D displayBounds = getDisplayBounds();
if (displayBounds == null) {
return null;
return Shapes2D.transform(MathTransforms.bidimensional(getObjectiveToDisplay().inverse()), displayBounds, null);
* Invoked by {@link CoverageControls} when the user selected a new color stretching mode.
* The sample values are assumed the same; only the image appearance is modified.
final void setStyling(final Stretching selection) {
if (TRACE) {
trace("setStyling(%s)", selection);
if (data.selectedDerivative != selection) {
data.selectedDerivative = selection;
resampledImage = null;
* Invoked when an exception occurred while computing a transform but the painting process can continue.
private static void unexpectedException(final Exception e) {
unexpectedException("render", e);
* Invoked when an exception occurred. The declared source method should be a public or protected method.
static void unexpectedException(final String method, final Exception e) {
Logging.unexpectedException(LOGGER, CoverageCanvas.class, method, e);
* Removes the image shown and releases memory.
* <h4>Usage</h4>
* Overriding methods in subclasses should invoke {@code super.clear()}.
* Other methods should generally not invoke this method directly,
* and use the following code instead:
* {@snippet lang="java" :
* runAfterRendering(this::clear);
* }
* @see #runAfterRendering(Runnable)
protected void clear() {
if (TRACE) {
setNewSource(null, null, null);
* Prints {@code "CoverageCanvas"} following by the given message if {@link #TRACE} is {@code true}.
* This is used for debugging purposes only.
* @param format the {@code printf} format string.
* @param arguments values to format.
private static void trace(final String format, final Object... arguments) {
if (TRACE) {
System.out.printf(format, arguments);
* Returns a string representation for debugging purposes.
* The string content may change in any future version.
public String toString() {
if (!Platform.isFxApplicationThread()) {
return super.toString();
final String lineSeparator = System.lineSeparator();
final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(1000);
final TableAppender table = new TableAppender(buffer);
try {
getGridGeometry().getGeographicExtent().ifPresent((bbox) -> {
table.append(String.format("Canvas geographic bounding box (λ,ɸ):%n"
+ "Max: % 10.5f° % 10.5f°%n"
+ "Min: % 10.5f° % 10.5f°",
bbox.getEastBoundLongitude(), bbox.getNorthBoundLatitude(),
bbox.getWestBoundLongitude(), bbox.getSouthBoundLatitude()))
final Rectangle2D aoi = getAreaOfInterest();
final DirectPosition poi = getPointOfInterest(true);
if (aoi != null && poi != null) {
table.append(String.format("Area of interest in objective CRS (x,y):%n"
+ "Max: %, 16.4f %, 16.4f%n"
+ "POI: %, 16.4f %, 16.4f%n"
+ "Min: %, 16.4f %, 16.4f%n",
aoi.getMaxX(), aoi.getMaxY(),
poi.getOrdinate(0), poi.getOrdinate(1),
aoi.getMinX(), aoi.getMinY()))
final Rectangle source = data.objectiveToData(aoi);
if (source != null) {
table.append("Extent in source coverage:").append(lineSeparator)
.append(String.valueOf(new GridExtent(source))).append(lineSeparator)
} catch (RenderException | TransformException | IOException e) {
return buffer.toString();