blob: 01546501c9fbda4383f0a541cfd2b0a0ba3ff4a2 [file] [log] [blame]
= ServiceMix
Apache Software Foundation
* <<quickstart#,Quickstart Guide>> +
[smx-list-description]#If you're new to Apache ServiceMix, this document will guide you in your first steps in Apache ServiceMix.#
* <<user-guide#,User Guide>> +
[smx-list-description]#Apache ServiceMix contains a lot of different components and it embeds a lot of other Apache projects.
This user guide will help you select and configure the right components when building your own solution.#
* <<activemq-guide#,ActiveMQ Guide>> +
[smx-list-description]#Apache ServiceMix embeds Apache ActiveMQ to provide a JMS message broker that you can interact with
from your Camel routes, providing support for message persistence, clustering, failover, ...#
* <<camel-guide#,Camel Guide>> +
[smx-list-description]#Apache Camel is a core component of Apache ServiceMix. This guide will show you how to build and deploy
Camel routes for Apache ServiceMix.#
* <<activiti-guide#,Activiti Guide>> +
[smx-list-description]#Apache ServiceMix embeds Activiti to provide a light-weight workflow and Business Process Management
(BPM) Platform targeted at business people, developers and system admins, ...#
* <<karaf-commands#,Karaf Command Reference>> +
[smx-list-description]#Help pages for all the available Karaf commands in the Apache ServiceMix console.#
* link:++[Karaf User Guide] +
[smx-list-description]#Apache ServiceMix uses Apache Karaf as the underlying OSGi server runtime. This manual explains about the features and functionality provided by Karaf.#
* link:++[Karaf Developer Guide] +
[smx-list-description]#The Apache Karaf Developer Guide gives you some information about developing with and for the OSGi server runtime.#
* <<resources#,Further Resources>> +
[smx-list-description]#A selection of related books and websites.#
* <<contribute#,We welcome contributions!>>
* <<documentation#,Complete Documentation>> +
[smx-list-description]#The complete ServiceMix documentation as one file, without the Karaf documentation.#