blob: 443eb0192ec57b90135de491bcc2771858dd66f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ZooKeeperConnectionException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin;
import org.apache.ranger.plugin.client.BaseClient;
import org.apache.ranger.plugin.client.HadoopException;
public class HBaseClient extends BaseClient {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HBaseClient.class) ;
private static Subject subj = null;
private Configuration conf;
private static List<String> rangerInternalPropertyKeys = Arrays.asList("username",
"password", "keytabfile");
public HBaseClient(String serivceName,Map<String,String> connectionProp) {
super(serivceName, addDefaultHBaseProp(connectionProp)) ;
conf = HBaseConfiguration.create() ;
Set<String> rangerInternalPropertyKeys = getConfigHolder().getRangerInternalPropertyKeys();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: connectionProperties.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
if (rangerInternalPropertyKeys.contains(key)) {
// skip
} else {
conf.set(key, value);
//TODO: temporary solution - to be added to the UI for HBase
private static Map<String,String> addDefaultHBaseProp(Map<String,String> connectionProp) {
if (connectionProp != null) {
String param = "zookeeper.znode.parent" ;
String unsecuredPath = "/hbase-unsecure" ;
String authParam = "" ;
String ret = connectionProp.get(param) ;"HBase connection has [" + param + "] with value [" + ret + "]");
if (ret == null) {
ret = connectionProp.get(authParam) ;"HBase connection has [" + authParam + "] with value [" + ret + "]");
if (ret != null && ret.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {"HBase connection is resetting [" + param + "] with value [" + unsecuredPath + "]");
connectionProp.put(param, unsecuredPath) ;
return connectionProp;
public static HashMap<String, Object> connectionTest (String dataSource,
Map<String, String> configs) throws Exception {
HashMap<String, Object> responseData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
final String errMsg = " You can still save the repository and start creating "
+ "policies, but you would not be able to use autocomplete for "
+ "resource names. Check ranger_admin.log for more info.";
boolean connectivityStatus = false;
HBaseClient connectionObj = new HBaseClient(dataSource,
if (connectionObj != null) {
try {
connectivityStatus = connectionObj.getHBaseStatus();
} catch ( HadoopException e) {
LOG.error("<== HBaseClient.testConnection(): Unable to retrieve any databases using given parameters", e);
throw e;
if (connectivityStatus) {
String successMsg = "ConnectionTest Successful";
generateResponseDataMap(connectivityStatus, successMsg, successMsg,
null, null, responseData);
} else {
String failureMsg = "Unable to retrieve any databases using given parameters.";
generateResponseDataMap(connectivityStatus, failureMsg, failureMsg
+ errMsg, null, null, responseData);
return responseData;
public boolean getHBaseStatus() throws HadoopException{
boolean hbaseStatus = false;
subj = getLoginSubject();
final String errMsg = " You can still save the repository and start creating "
+ "policies, but you would not be able to use autocomplete for "
+ "resource names. Check ranger_admin.log for more info.";
if (subj != null) {
try {
hbaseStatus = Subject.doAs(subj, new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean run() {
Boolean hbaseStatus1 = false;
try {"getHBaseStatus: creating default Hbase configuration");"getHBaseStatus: setting config values from client");
setClientConfigValues(conf);"getHBaseStatus: checking HbaseAvailability with the new config");
HBaseAdmin.checkHBaseAvailable(conf);"getHBaseStatus: no exception: HbaseAvailability true");
hbaseStatus1 = true;
} catch (ZooKeeperConnectionException zce) {
String msgDesc = "getHBaseStatus: Unable to connect to `ZooKeeper` "
+ "using given config parameters.";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, zce);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(zce),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + zce) ;
throw hdpException;
} catch (MasterNotRunningException mnre) {
String msgDesc = "getHBaseStatus: Looks like `Master` is not running, "
+ "so couldn't check that running HBase is available or not, "
+ "Please try again later.";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(
msgDesc, mnre);
getMessage(mnre), msgDesc + errMsg,
null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + mnre) ;
throw hdpException;
} catch (ServiceException se) {
String msgDesc = "getHBaseStatus: Unable to check availability of "
+ "Hbase environment [" + getConfigHolder().getDatasourceName() + "].";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, se);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(se),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + se);
throw hdpException;
} catch(IOException io) {
String msgDesc = "getHBaseStatus: Unable to check availability of"
+ " Hbase environment [" + getConfigHolder().getDatasourceName() + "].";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, io);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(io),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + io) ;
throw hdpException;
} catch (Throwable e) {
String msgDesc = "getHBaseStatus: Unable to check availability of"
+ " Hbase environment [" + getConfigHolder().getDatasourceName() + "].";
LOG.error(msgDesc + e);
hbaseStatus1 = false;
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, e);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(e),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
throw hdpException;
return hbaseStatus1;
}) ;
} catch (SecurityException se) {
String msgDesc = "getHBaseStatus: Unable to connect to HBase Server instance ";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, se);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(se),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + se) ;
throw hdpException;
} else {
LOG.error("getHBaseStatus: secure login not done, subject is null");
return hbaseStatus;
private void setClientConfigValues(Configuration conf) {
if (this.connectionProperties == null) return;
Iterator<Entry<String, String>> i = this.connectionProperties.entrySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, String> e =;
String v = conf.get(e.getKey());
if (v != null && !v.equalsIgnoreCase(e.getValue())) {
conf.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
public List<String> getTableList(final String tableNameMatching, final List<String> existingTableList ) throws HadoopException {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("==> HbaseClient.getTableList() tableNameMatching " + tableNameMatching + " ExisitingTableList " + existingTableList);
List<String> ret = null ;
final String errMsg = " You can still save the repository and start creating "
+ "policies, but you would not be able to use autocomplete for "
+ "resource names. Check ranger_admin.log for more info.";
subj = getLoginSubject();
if (subj != null) {
ret = Subject.doAs(subj, new PrivilegedAction<List<String>>() {
public List<String> run() {
List<String> tableList = new ArrayList<String>() ;
HBaseAdmin admin = null ;
try {"getTableList: setting config values from client");
setClientConfigValues(conf);"getTableList: checking HbaseAvailability with the new config");
HBaseAdmin.checkHBaseAvailable(conf);"getTableList: no exception: HbaseAvailability true");
admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf) ;
HTableDescriptor [] htds = admin.listTables(tableNameMatching);
if (htds != null) {
for (HTableDescriptor htd : admin.listTables(tableNameMatching)) {
String tableName = htd.getNameAsString();
if (existingTableList != null && existingTableList.contains(tableName)) {
} else {
} else {
LOG.error("getTableList: null HTableDescription received from HBaseAdmin.listTables");
} catch (ZooKeeperConnectionException zce) {
String msgDesc = "getTableList: Unable to connect to `ZooKeeper` "
+ "using given config parameters.";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, zce);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(zce),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + zce) ;
throw hdpException;
} catch (MasterNotRunningException mnre) {
String msgDesc = "getTableList: Looks like `Master` is not running, "
+ "so couldn't check that running HBase is available or not, "
+ "Please try again later.";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(
msgDesc, mnre);
getMessage(mnre), msgDesc + errMsg,
null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + mnre) ;
throw hdpException;
} catch(IOException io) {
String msgDesc = "getTableList: Unable to get HBase table List for [repository:"
+ getConfigHolder().getDatasourceName() + ",table-match:"
+ tableNameMatching + "].";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, io);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(io),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + io) ;
throw hdpException;
} catch (Throwable e) {
String msgDesc = "getTableList : Unable to get HBase table List for [repository:"
+ getConfigHolder().getDatasourceName() + ",table-match:"
+ tableNameMatching + "].";
LOG.error(msgDesc + e);
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, e);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(e),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
throw hdpException;
finally {
if (admin != null) {
try {
admin.close() ;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to close HBase connection [" + getConfigHolder().getDatasourceName() + "]", e);
return tableList ;
}) ;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("<== HbaseClient.getTableList() " + ret);
return ret ;
public List<String> getColumnFamilyList(final String columnFamilyMatching, final List<String> tableList,final List<String> existingColumnFamilies) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("==> HbaseClient.getColumnFamilyList() columnFamilyMatching " + columnFamilyMatching + " ExisitingTableList " + tableList + "existingColumnFamilies " + existingColumnFamilies);
List<String> ret = null ;
final String errMsg = " You can still save the repository and start creating "
+ "policies, but you would not be able to use autocomplete for "
+ "resource names. Check ranger_admin.log for more info.";
subj = getLoginSubject();
if (subj != null) {
try {
ret = Subject.doAs(subj, new PrivilegedAction<List<String>>() {
String tblName = null;
public List<String> run() {
List<String> colfList = new ArrayList<String>() ;
HBaseAdmin admin = null ;
try {"getColumnFamilyList: setting config values from client");
setClientConfigValues(conf);"getColumnFamilyList: checking HbaseAvailability with the new config");
HBaseAdmin.checkHBaseAvailable(conf);"getColumnFamilyList: no exception: HbaseAvailability true");
admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf) ;
if (tableList != null) {
for (String tableName: tableList) {
tblName = tableName;
HTableDescriptor htd = admin.getTableDescriptor(tblName.getBytes()) ;
if (htd != null) {
for (HColumnDescriptor hcd : htd.getColumnFamilies()) {
String colf = hcd.getNameAsString() ;
if (colf.matches(columnFamilyMatching)) {
if (existingColumnFamilies != null && existingColumnFamilies.contains(colf)) {
} else {
} catch (ZooKeeperConnectionException zce) {
String msgDesc = "getColumnFamilyList: Unable to connect to `ZooKeeper` "
+ "using given config parameters.";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, zce);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(zce),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + zce) ;
throw hdpException;
} catch (MasterNotRunningException mnre) {
String msgDesc = "getColumnFamilyList: Looks like `Master` is not running, "
+ "so couldn't check that running HBase is available or not, "
+ "Please try again later.";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(
msgDesc, mnre);
getMessage(mnre), msgDesc + errMsg,
null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + mnre) ;
throw hdpException;
} catch(IOException io) {
String msgDesc = "getColumnFamilyList: Unable to get HBase ColumnFamilyList for "
+ "[repository:" +getConfigHolder().getDatasourceName() + ",table:" + tblName
+ ", table-match:" + columnFamilyMatching + "] ";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, io);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(io),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + io) ;
throw hdpException;
} catch (SecurityException se) {
String msgDesc = "getColumnFamilyList: Unable to get HBase ColumnFamilyList for "
+ "[repository:" +getConfigHolder().getDatasourceName() + ",table:" + tblName
+ ", table-match:" + columnFamilyMatching + "] ";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, se);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(se),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + se) ;
throw hdpException;
} catch (Throwable e) {
String msgDesc = "getColumnFamilyList: Unable to get HBase ColumnFamilyList for "
+ "[repository:" +getConfigHolder().getDatasourceName() + ",table:" + tblName
+ ", table-match:" + columnFamilyMatching + "] ";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, e);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(e),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + e) ;
throw hdpException;
finally {
if (admin != null) {
try {
admin.close() ;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to close HBase connection [" + getConfigHolder().getDatasourceName() + "]", e);
return colfList ;
}) ;
} catch (SecurityException se) {
String msgDesc = "getColumnFamilyList: Unable to connect to HBase Server instance ";
HadoopException hdpException = new HadoopException(msgDesc, se);
hdpException.generateResponseDataMap(false, getMessage(se),
msgDesc + errMsg, null, null);
LOG.error(msgDesc + se) ;
throw hdpException;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("<== HbaseClient.getColumnFamilyList() " + ret);
return ret ;