QPID-5374: Create book for Qpid JMS Client when used with AMQP 0-8/0-9/0-9-1

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diff --git a/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Appendix-Exceptions.xml b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Appendix-Exceptions.xml
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+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<appendix id="JMS-Client-0-8-Appendix-Exceptions">
+  <title>Exceptions</title>
+  <para>The methods of Qpid JMS Client throw <ulink url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/JMSException.html"
+      >JMSExceptions</ulink> in response to error conditions. Typically the exception's message
+    (#getMessage()) summarises the error condition, with contextual information being provided by
+    the messages of linked exception(s). To understand the problem, it is important to read the messages
+    associated with <emphasis>all</emphasis> the linked exceptions.</para>
+  <para>The following table describes some of the more common exceptions linked to JMSException
+    thrown by JMS methods whilst using the client:</para>
+  <table pgwide="1">
+    <title>Exceptions linked to JMSExceptions thrown by JMS methods</title>
+    <tgroup cols="3">
+      <thead>
+        <row>
+          <entry>Linked Exception</entry>
+          <entry>Message</entry>
+          <entry>Explanation/Common Causes</entry>
+        </row>
+      </thead>
+      <tbody>
+        <row>
+          <entry>AMQUnresolvedAddressException</entry>
+          <entry><emphasis>message varies</emphasis></entry>
+          <entry><para>Indicates that the hostname included in the Connection URL's <link
+                linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-Brokerlist"
+                >brokerlist</link>, could not be resolved, . This could mean that the hostname is
+              mispelt, or there is name resolution problem.</para></entry>
+        </row>
+        <row>
+          <entry>AMQConnectionFailure</entry>
+          <entry>Connection refused</entry>
+          <entry><para>Indicates that the host included in the Connection URL's <link
+                linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-Brokerlist"
+                >brokerlist</link>, actively refused the connection. This could mean that the
+              hostname and/or port number is incorrect, or the Broker may not be
+            running.</para></entry>
+        </row>
+        <row>
+          <entry>AMQConnectionFailure</entry>
+          <entry>connect timed out</entry>
+          <entry><para>Indicates that the host included in the Connection URL's <link
+                linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-Brokerlist"
+                >brokerlist</link>, could not be contacted within the <link
+                linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-ConnectTimeout"
+                >connecttimeout</link>. This could mean that the host is shutdown, or a networking
+              routing problem means the host is unreachable.</para></entry>
+        </row>
+        <row>
+          <entry>AMQConnectionFailure</entry>
+          <entry>General SSL Problem; PKIX path building failed; unable to find valid certification
+            path to requested target</entry>
+          <entry><para>Indicates that the CA that signed the Broker's certificate is not trusted by
+              the JVM of the client. If the Broker is using a private-CA (or a self signed
+              certificate) check that the client has been properly configured with a truststore. See
+                <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Connection-SSL"/></para></entry>
+        </row>
+        <row>
+          <entry>AMQTimeoutException</entry>
+          <entry>Server did not respond in a timely fashion; Request Timeout</entry>
+          <entry><para>Indicates that the broker did not respond to a request sent by the client in
+              a reasonable length of time. The timeout is governed by <link
+                linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-SyncOpTimeout"
+                  ><literal>qpid.sync_op_timeout</literal></link>.</para><para>This can be a symptom
+              of a heavily loaded broker that cannot respond or the Broker may have failed in
+              unexpected manner. Check the broker and the host on which it runs and performance of
+              its storage.</para></entry>
+        </row>
+      </tbody>
+    </tgroup>
+  </table>
+  <para>The following table describes some of the more common exceptions linked to JMSException sent
+    to <ulink url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jmx/ExceptionListener.html">ExceptionListener</ulink>
+    instances.</para>
+  <table pgwide="1">
+    <title>Exceptions linked to JMSExceptions received by ExceptionListeners</title>
+    <tgroup cols="3">
+      <thead>
+        <row>
+          <entry>Linked Exception</entry>
+          <entry>Message</entry>
+          <entry>Explanation/Common Causes</entry>
+        </row>
+      </thead>
+      <tbody>
+        <row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Appendix-Exceptions-AMQNoRouteException">
+          <entry>AMQNoRouteException</entry>
+          <entry>No Route for message [Exchange: <emphasis>exchange name</emphasis>, Routing key:
+              <emphasis>routing key</emphasis>] [error code 312: no route]</entry>
+          <entry><para>Indicate that the named exchange is unable to route a message to at least one
+              queue.</para>
+            <para>This will occur if a queue has been improperly bound to an exchange. Use the
+              Broker's management interface to check the bindings. See <xref
+                linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-MandatoryMessage"
+              /></para></entry>
+        </row>
+        <row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Appendix-Exceptions-AMQNoConsumersException">
+          <entry>AMQNoConsumersException</entry>
+          <entry>Immediate delivery is not possible. [error code 313: no consumers]</entry>
+          <entry><para>Immediate delivery was requested by the MessageProducer, but as there are no
+              consumers on any target queue, the message has been returned to the publisher. See
+                <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-ImmediateMessage"
+              />
+            </para></entry>
+        </row>
+        <row>
+          <entry>AMQDisconnectedException</entry>
+          <entry>Server closed connection and reconnection not permitted</entry>
+          <entry><para>Indicates that the connection was closed by the Broker, and as <link
+                linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Connection-Failover">failover
+                options</link> are not included in the Connection URL, the client has been unable to
+              reestablish connection.</para>
+            <para>The Connection is now closed and any attempt to use either Connection object, or
+              any objects created from the Connection will receive an <ulink
+                url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/IllegalStateException.html"
+                >IllegalStateException</ulink>.</para></entry>
+        </row>
+        <row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Appendix-Exceptions-AMQDisconnectedException">
+          <entry>AMQDisconnectedException</entry>
+          <entry>Server closed connection and no failover was successful</entry>
+          <entry><para>Indicates that the connection was closed by the Broker. The client has tried
+              failover according to the rules of the <link
+                linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Connection-Failover">failover
+                options</link>within the Connection URL, but these attempts were all
+              unsuccessful.</para>
+            <para>The Connection is now closed and any attempt to use either Connection object, or
+              any objects created from the Connection will receive an <ulink
+                url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/IllegalStateException.html"
+                >IllegalStateException</ulink>.</para></entry>
+        </row>
+      </tbody>
+    </tgroup>
+  </table>
+  <!--
+  : 
+  AMQDisconnectedException: Server closed connection 
+  -->
diff --git a/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Appendix-Maven.xml b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Appendix-Maven.xml
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+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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+ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<appendix id="JMS-Client-0-8-Appendix-Maven">
+  <title>Minimal Maven POM</title>
+  <para> The following is a minimal Maven POM required to use the Qpid Client. It is suitable for
+    use with the <link linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples">examples</link> included in this
+    book.</para>
+  <example>
+    <title>Minimal Maven POM </title>
+    <programlisting>
+    <![CDATA[
+<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
+  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+  <groupId>test</groupId>
+  <artifactId>test</artifactId>
+  <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+  <dependencies>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>]]>&qpidClientGroupId;<![CDATA[</groupId>
+      <artifactId>]]>&qpidClientArtefactId;<![CDATA[</artifactId>
+      <version>]]>&qpidVersion;<![CDATA[</version>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId>
+      <artifactId>slf4j-log4j12</artifactId>
+      <version>1.6.4</version>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.geronimo.specs</groupId>
+      <artifactId>geronimo-jms_1.1_spec</artifactId>
+      <version>1.1.1</version>
+    </dependency>
+  </dependencies>
+    ]]>
+  </programlisting>
+  </example>
+  <para>Note: We use the SLF4J Binding for Log4J12 here, but any SLF4J Binding could be used
+    instead. Similarly, Geronimo JMS Spec is used, but any dependency that provides the JMS 1.1
+    specification could be subsituted.</para>
diff --git a/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Binding-URL.xml b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Binding-URL.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
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+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<chapter id="JMS-Client-0-8-Binding-URL">
+  <title>Binding URL</title>
+  <para> The <emphasis>Binding URL</emphasis> syntax is the only addressing syntax supported by the
+    Qpid JMS client for AMQP 0-8, 0-9 and 0-9-1. It allows to specify the bindings that define the
+    relationship between a queue and an exchange, queue and exchange creation arguments and client
+    behaviour. </para>
+  <para> The format for a <emphasis>Binding URL</emphasis> is provided below <screen><![CDATA[
+<Exchange Class>://<Exchange Name>/[<Destination>]/[<Queue>][?<option>='<value>'[&<option>='<value>']]
+    ]]></screen> where <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
+        <para><emphasis>Exchange Class</emphasis>, specifies the type of the exchange, for example,
+            <emphasis>direct</emphasis>,<emphasis>topic</emphasis>,<emphasis>fanout</emphasis>, etc.
+        </para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+        <para><emphasis>Exchange Name</emphasis>, specifies the name of the exchange, for example,
+            <emphasis>amq.direct</emphasis>,<emphasis>amq.topic</emphasis>, etc. </para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+        <para><emphasis>Destination</emphasis>, is an optional part of <emphasis>Binding
+            URL</emphasis>. It can be used to specify a routing key with the non direct exchanges if
+          an option <emphasis>routingkey</emphasis> is not specified. If both
+            <emphasis>Destination</emphasis> and option <emphasis>routingkey</emphasis> are
+          specified, then option <emphasis>routingkey</emphasis> has precedence. </para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+        <para><emphasis>Queue</emphasis>, is an optional part of <emphasis>Binding URL</emphasis> to
+          specify a queue name for JMS queue destination. It is ignored in JMS topic destinations.
+          Queue names may consist of any mixture of digits, letters, and underscores </para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+        <para><emphasis>Options</emphasis>, key-value pairs separated by '=' character specifying
+          queue and exchange creation arguments, routing key, client behaviour, etc. </para>
+      </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+  </para>
+  <important>
+    <title>Binding URL option quoting</title>
+    <para>Take care with the quoting surrounding option values. Each option value
+        <emphasis>must</emphasis> be surrounded with single quotes ('). </para>
+  </important>
+  <para> The following <emphasis>Binding URL</emphasis> options are currently defined: <table
+      pgwide="1">
+      <title>Binding URL options </title>
+      <tgroup cols="3">
+        <thead>
+          <row>
+            <entry>Option</entry>
+            <entry>Type</entry>
+            <entry>Description</entry>
+          </row>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+          <row>
+            <entry><para>durable</para></entry>
+            <entry><para>boolean </para></entry>
+            <entry><para>Queue durability flag. If it is set to <emphasis>true</emphasis>, a durable
+                queue is requested to create. The durable queue should be stored on the Broker and
+                remained there after Broker restarts until it is explicitly deleted. This option has
+                no meaning for JMS topic destinations, as by nature a topic destination only exists
+                when a subscriber is connected. If durability is required for topic destinations,
+                the durable subscription should be created.</para></entry>
+          </row>
+          <row>
+            <entry><para>exclusive</para></entry>
+            <entry><para>boolean </para></entry>
+            <entry><para>Queue exclusivity flag. The client cannot use a queue that was declared as
+                exclusive by another still-open connection.</para></entry>
+          </row>
+          <row>
+            <entry><para>autodelete</para></entry>
+            <entry><para>boolean </para></entry>
+            <entry><para>Queue auto-deletion flag. If it is set to <emphasis>true</emphasis> on
+                queue creation, the queue is deleted if there are no remaining
+              subscribers.</para></entry>
+          </row>
+          <row>
+            <entry><para>exchangeautodelete</para></entry>
+            <entry><para>boolean </para></entry>
+            <entry><para>Exchange auto-deletion flag.</para></entry>
+          </row>
+          <row>
+            <entry><para>exchangedurable</para></entry>
+            <entry><para>boolean </para></entry>
+            <entry><para>Exchange durability flag. If it is set to <emphasis>true</emphasis> when
+                creating a new exchange, the exchange will be marked as durable. Durable exchanges
+                should remain active after Broker restarts. Non-durable exchanges are deleted on
+                following Broker restart.</para></entry>
+          </row>
+          <row>
+            <entry><para>routingkey</para></entry>
+            <entry><para>string </para></entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para> Defines the value of the binding key to bind a queue to the exchange. It is
+                always required to specify for JMS topic destinations. If routing key option is not
+                set in <emphasis>Binding URL</emphasis> and direct exchange class is specified, the
+                queue name is used as a routing key. <emphasis>MessagePublisher</emphasis> uses
+                routing key to publish messages onto exchange. </para>
+            </entry>
+          </row>
+          <row>
+            <entry><para>browse</para></entry>
+            <entry><para>boolean </para></entry>
+            <entry><para>If set to <emphasis>true</emphasis> on a destination for a message
+                consumer, such consumer can only read messages on the queue but cannot consume them.
+                The consumer behaves like a queue browser in this case.</para></entry>
+          </row>
+          <row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Binding-URL-Options-RejectBehaviour">
+            <entry><para>rejectbehaviour</para></entry>
+            <entry><para>string </para></entry>
+            <entry><para>Defines the reject behaviour for the re-delivered messages. If set to
+                'SERVER' the client delegates the requeue/DLQ decision to the server. If this option
+                is not specified, the messages won't be moved to the DLQ (or dropped) when delivery
+                count exceeds the maximum. </para></entry>
+          </row>
+        </tbody>
+      </tgroup>
+    </table>
+  </para>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Binding-URL-Examples">
+    <title>Binding URL Examples</title>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Binding-URL-JMS-Queues" role="h4">
+      <title>Binding URLs for declaring of JMS Queues</title>
+      <para>The Qpid client Binding URLs for JMS queue destinations can be declared using direct
+        exchange (Mostly it is a pre-defined exchange with a name "amq.direct". Also, custom direct
+        exchanges can be used.): <screen><![CDATA[
+direct://amq.direct//<Queue Name>
+         ]]></screen>
+      </para>
+      <para>The Binding URLs for destinations created with calls to
+          <emphasis>Session.createQueue(String)</emphasis> can be expressed as <screen><![CDATA[
+direct://amq.direct//<Queue Name>?durable='true'
+         ]]></screen> The durability flag is set to <emphasis>true</emphasis> in such destinations. </para>
+      <example>
+        <title>Binding URL examples for JMS queues</title>
+        <screen><![CDATA[
+        ]]></screen>
+      </example>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Binding-URL-JMS-Topics" role="h4">
+      <title>Binding URLs for declaring of JMS Topics</title>
+      <para>The Binding URLs for JMS queue destinations can be declared using topic exchange (A
+        pre-defined exchange having name "amq.topic" is used mainly. However, custom topic exchanges
+        can be used as well): <screen><![CDATA[
+topic://amq.topic//<Queue name>?routingkey='<Topic Name>'&exclusive='true'&autodelete='true'
+         ]]></screen>
+      </para>
+      <para>The Binding URLs for a topic destination created with calls to
+          <emphasis>Session.createTopic("hello")</emphasis> is provided below: <example>
+          <title>Binding URL examples for JMS topics</title>
+          <screen><![CDATA[
+        ]]></screen>
+        </example>
+      </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Binding-URL-Topics-Wildcards" role="h4">
+      <title>Wildcard characters in routing keys for topic destinations</title>
+      <para> AMQP exchanges of class <emphasis>topic</emphasis> can route messages to the queues
+        using special matches containing wildcard characters (a "#" matches one or more words, a "*"
+        matches a single word). The routing keys words are separated with a "." delimiter to
+        distinguish words for matching. Thus, if a consumer application specifies a routing key in
+        the destination like "usa.#", it should receive all the messages matching to that routing
+        key. For example, "usa.boston", "usa.new-york", etc. </para>
+      <para> The examples of the <emphasis>Binding URLs</emphasis> having routing keys with
+        wildcards characters are provided below: <screen><![CDATA[
+        ]]></screen>
+      </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Binding-URL-Extra-Examples" role="h4">
+      <title>More Examples</title>
+      <table>
+        <title>Binding URL examples</title>
+        <tgroup cols="2">
+          <thead>
+            <row>
+              <entry>Binding URL</entry>
+              <entry>Description</entry>
+            </row>
+          </thead>
+          <tbody>
+            <row>
+              <entry><para>fanout://amq.fanout//myQueue</para></entry>
+              <entry><para>Binding URL binding queue "myQueue" to predefined "amq.fanout" exchange
+                  of class "fanout"</para></entry>
+            </row>
+            <row>
+              <entry><para>topic://custom.topic//anotherQueue?routingkey='aq'</para></entry>
+              <entry><para>Binding URL binding queue "anotherQueue" to the exchange with name
+                  "custom.topic" of class "topic" using binding key "aq".</para></entry>
+            </row>
+          </tbody>
+        </tgroup>
+      </table>
+    </section>
+  </section>
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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
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+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<book xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+    <title>Qpid JMS Client for AMQP protocols 0-8, 0-9 and 0-9-1</title>
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-Introduction.xml"/>
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-Document-Scope-And-Intended-Audience.xml"/>
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-Getting-And-Dependencies.xml"/>
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-Examples.xml"/>
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-Understanding.xml"/>
+    <!-- TODO:
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-JMS-Extensions.xml"/>
+    -->
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-JNDI-Properties-Format.xml"/>
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-Connection-URL.xml"/>
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-Binding-URL.xml"/>
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-System-Properties.xml"/>
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-Logging.xml"/>
+    <!-- TODO:
+    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-Interoperability.xml"/>
+    -->
+   <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-Appendix-Exceptions.xml"/>
+   <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="JMS-Client-Appendix-Maven.xml"/>
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+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<chapter id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL">
+	<title>Connection URLs</title>
+	<para> In JNDI properties, a Connection URL specifies options for a connection. The format for a
+		Connection URL is: </para>
+	<programlisting><![CDATA[amqp://[<user>:<pass>@][<clientid>]<virtualhost>[?<option>='<value>'[&<option>=&'<value>']]]]></programlisting>
+	<para> For instance, the following Connection URL specifies a user name, a password, a client
+		ID, a virtual host ("test"), a broker list with a single broker: a TCP host with the host
+		name <quote>localhost</quote> using port 5672: </para>
+	<programlisting><![CDATA[amqp://username:password@clientid/test?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672']]></programlisting>
+	<important>
+		<title>Connection option quoting</title>
+		<para>Take care with the quoting surrounding option values. Each option value
+				<emphasis>must</emphasis> be surrounded with single quotes ('). </para>
+	</important>
+	<para>The Connection URL supports the following options:</para>
+	<table pgwide="1" id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-Options">
+		<title>Connection URL Options</title>
+		<tgroup cols="3">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry> Option </entry>
+					<entry> Type </entry>
+					<entry> Description </entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-Brokerlist">
+					<entry> brokerlist </entry>
+					<entry> see below </entry>
+					<entry> List of one or more broker addresses. </entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-Maxprefetch">
+					<entry> maxprefetch </entry>
+					<entry> integer </entry>
+					<entry>
+						<para> The maximum number of pre-fetched messages per Session. If not
+							specified, default value of 500 is used. </para>
+						<para> Note: You can also set the default per-session prefetch value on a
+							client-wide basis by configuring the client using <link
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties">Java system
+								properties.</link>
+						</para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<!-- 0-10 only
+				<row>
+					<entry> sync_publish </entry>
+					<entry> {'persistent' | 'all'} </entry>
+					<entry> A sync command is sent after every persistent message to guarantee that
+						it has been received; if the value is 'persistent', this is done only for
+						persistent messages. </entry>
+				</row>
+				-->
+				<!-- 0-10 only
+				<row>
+					<entry> sync_ack </entry>
+					<entry> Boolean </entry>
+					<entry> A sync command is sent after every acknowledgement to guarantee that it
+						has been received. </entry>
+				</row>
+				-->
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-UseLegacyMap">
+					<entry> use_legacy_map_msg_format </entry>
+					<entry> Boolean </entry>
+					<entry> If you are using JMS Map messages and deploying a new client with any
+						JMS client older than 0.8 release, you must set this to true to ensure the
+						older clients can understand the map message encoding. </entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-Failover">
+					<entry> failover </entry>
+					<entry> {'singlebroker' | 'roundrobin'
+						,<!-- Cpp/0-10 only | 'failover_exchange' --> | 'nofailover' |
+						'&lt;class&gt;'} </entry>
+					<entry>
+						<para> This option controls failover behaviour. The method
+								<literal>singlebroker</literal> uses only the first broker in the
+							list, <literal>roundrobin</literal> will try each broker given in the
+							broker list until a connection is established,
+								<!--<literal>failover_exchange</literal> connects to the initial broker
+							given in the broker URL and will receive membership updates via the
+							failover exchange. --><literal>nofailover</literal>
+							disables all retry and failover logic. Any other value is interpreted as
+							a classname which must implement the
+								<literal>org.apache.qpid.jms.failover.FailoverMethod</literal>
+							interface. </para>
+						<para> The broker list options <literal>retries</literal> and
+								<literal>connectdelay</literal> (described below) determine the
+							number of times a connection to a broker will be retried and the
+							length of time to wait between successive connection attempts before
+							moving on to the next broker in the list. The failover option
+								<literal>cyclecount</literal> controls the number of times to loop
+							through the list of available brokers before finally giving up. </para>
+						<para> Defaults to <literal>roundrobin</literal> if the brokerlist contains
+							multiple brokers, or <literal>singlebroker</literal> otherwise. </para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-CloseWhenNoRoute">
+					<entry> closeWhenNoRoute </entry>
+					<entry> boolean </entry>
+					<entry>
+						<para>See <xref
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-CloseWhenNoRoute"
+							/>.</para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry> ssl </entry>
+					<entry> boolean </entry>
+					<entry>
+						<para> If <literal>ssl='true'</literal>, use SSL for all broker connections.
+							Overrides any per-broker settings in the brokerlist (see below) entries.
+							If not specified, the brokerlist entry for each given broker is used to
+							determine whether SSL is used. </para>
+						<para> Introduced in version 0.22. </para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
+	<para> Broker lists are specified using a URL in this format: </para>
+	<programlisting><![CDATA[brokerlist=<transport>://<host>[:<;port>](?<param>='<value>')(&<param>='<value>')*]]></programlisting>
+	<para> For instance, this is a typical broker list: </para>
+	<programlisting><![CDATA[brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672']]></programlisting>
+	<para> A broker list can contain more than one broker address; if so, the connection is made to
+		the first broker in the list that is available.
+		<!--In general, it is better to use the failover
+		exchange when using multiple brokers, since it allows applications to fail over if a broker
+		goes down.--></para>
+	<example>
+		<title>Broker Lists</title>
+		<para>A broker list can specify properties to be used when connecting to the broker. This
+			broker list specifies options for configuring heartbeating</para>
+		<programlisting><![CDATA[amqp://guest:guest@test/test?brokerlist='tcp://ip1:5672?heartbeat='5'']]></programlisting>
+		<para>This broker list specifies some SSL options</para>
+		<programlisting><![CDATA[amqp://guest:guest@test/test?brokerlist='tcp://ip1:5672?ssl='true'&ssl_cert_alias='cert1'']]></programlisting>
+		<para> This broker list specifies two brokers using the connectdelay and retries broker
+			options. It also illustrates the failover connection URL property. </para>
+		<programlisting><![CDATA[amqp://guest:guest@/test?failover='roundrobin?cyclecount='2''
+	  &brokerlist='tcp://ip1:5672?retries='5'&connectdelay='2000';tcp://ip2:5672?retries='5'&connectdelay='2000''
+	  ]]></programlisting>
+	</example>
+	<important>
+		<title>Broker option quoting</title>
+		<para>Take care with the quoting surrounding broker option values. Each broker option value
+				<emphasis>must</emphasis> be surrounded with their own single quotes ('). This is in
+			addition to the quotes surround the connection option value.</para>
+	</important>
+	<para>The following broker list options are supported.</para>
+	<table pgwide="1">
+		<title>Broker List Options</title>
+		<tgroup cols="3">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry> Option </entry>
+					<entry> Type </entry>
+					<entry> Description </entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-Heartbeat">
+					<entry> heartbeat </entry>
+					<entry> Long </entry>
+					<entry> Frequency of heartbeat messages (in seconds). A value of 0 disables
+						heartbeating. <para>For compatibility with old client configuration, option
+								<varname>idle_timeout</varname> (in milliseconds) is also
+							supported.</para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<!-- 0-10 only
+				<row>
+					<entry> sasl_mechs </entry>
+					<entry> - </entry>
+					<entry> For secure applications, we suggest CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, or GSSAPI. The
+						ANONYMOUS method is not secure. The PLAIN method is secure only when used
+						together with SSL. For Kerberos, sasl_mechs must be set to GSSAPI,
+						sasl_protocol must be set to the principal for the qpidd broker, e.g.
+						qpidd/, and sasl_server must be set to the host for the SASL server, e.g.
+						sasl.com. SASL External is supported using SSL certification, e.g.
+							<literal>ssl='true'&amp;sasl_mechs='EXTERNAL'</literal>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry> sasl_encryption </entry>
+					<entry> Boolean </entry>
+					<entry> If <literal>sasl_encryption='true'</literal>, the JMS client attempts to
+						negotiate a security layer with the broker using GSSAPI to encrypt the
+						connection. Note that for this to happen, GSSAPI must be selected as the
+						sasl_mech. </entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry> sasl_protocol </entry>
+					<entry> - </entry>
+					<entry> Used only for Kerberos. <literal>sasl_protocol</literal> must be set to
+						the principal for the qpidd broker, e.g. <literal>qpidd/</literal>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry> sasl_server </entry>
+					<entry> - </entry>
+					<entry> For Kerberos, sasl_mechs must be set to GSSAPI, sasl_server must be set
+						to the host for the SASL server, e.g. <literal>sasl.com</literal>. </entry>
+				</row>
+				-->
+				<row>
+					<entry> ssl </entry>
+					<entry> Boolean </entry>
+					<entry>
+						<para>If <literal>ssl='true'</literal>, the JMS client will encrypt the
+							connection to this broker using SSL.</para>
+						<para>This can also be set/overridden for all brokers using the Connection
+							URL option <literal>ssl</literal>.</para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-TrustStore">
+					<entry> trust_store </entry>
+					<entry> String </entry>
+					<entry> Path to trust store. Used when using SSL and the Broker's certificate is
+						signed by a private-CA (or a self-signed certificate),</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-TrustStorePassword">
+					<entry> trust_store_password </entry>
+					<entry> String </entry>
+					<entry> Trust store password. Password used to open the trust store. </entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-KeyStore">
+					<entry> key_store </entry>
+					<entry> String </entry>
+					<entry> Path to key store . Used when using SSL and the client must authenticate
+						using client-auth. If the store contains more than one certificate,
+							<literal>ssl_cert_alias</literal> must be used to identify the
+						certificate that the client must present to the Broker.</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-KeyStorePassword">
+					<entry> key_store_password </entry>
+					<entry> String </entry>
+					<entry> Key store password. Password used to open the key store. </entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-SslCertAlias">
+					<entry> ssl_cert_alias </entry>
+					<entry> String </entry>
+					<entry> If multiple certificates are present in the keystore, the alias will be
+						used to extract the correct certificate. </entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry> ssl_verify_hostname </entry>
+					<entry> Boolean </entry>
+					<entry> When using SSL you can enable hostname verification by using
+							<literal>ssl_verify_hostname='true'</literal> in the broker URL.
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-Retries">
+					<entry> retries </entry>
+					<entry> Integer </entry>
+					<entry> The number of times to retry connection to each broker in the broker
+						list. Defaults to 1. </entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-ConnectDelay">
+					<entry> connectdelay </entry>
+					<entry> integer </entry>
+					<entry> Length of time (in milliseconds) to wait before attempting to reconnect.
+						Defaults to 0. </entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-ConnectTimeout">
+					<entry> connecttimeout </entry>
+					<entry> integer </entry>
+					<entry> Length of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the socket connection to
+						succeed. A value of 0 represents an infinite timeout, i.e. the connection
+						attempt will block until established or an error occurs. Defaults to 30000.
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-TcpNoDelay">
+					<entry> tcp_nodelay </entry>
+					<entry> Boolean </entry>
+					<entry> If <literal>tcp_nodelay='true'</literal>, TCP packet batching is
+						disabled. Defaults to true since Qpid 0.14. </entry>
+				</row>
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
diff --git a/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Document-Scope-And-Intended-Audience.xml b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Document-Scope-And-Intended-Audience.xml
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+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<chapter id="JMS-Client-0-8-Document-Scope-And-Intended-Audience">
+  <title>Document Scope And Intended Audience</title>
+  <para> The intended audience of this document is Java developers who are familiar with the JMS
+    specification. Readers are not required to know all the details of AMQP protocols. However, some
+    knowledge of AMQP basic concepts would be advantageous for reading of this document. </para>
+  <para> This document only covers the usage of 0-8, 0-9 and 0-9-1 AMQP protocols with Qpid JMS
+    client. The specifications for these protocols are available from the <ulink
+      url="&amqpSrc;">AMQP web site</ulink>. </para>
+  <para> The document covers some specific implementation details of JMS connections, sessions,
+    consumers and producers in <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding"/>. It also
+    demonstrates how to write a simple point to point and simple publish/subscribe application using
+    Qpid JMS Client in <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples"/>. </para>
+  <para>The Qpid JMS Client supports various configuration options which can be set via JVM system
+    properties, connection URLs and JNDI configuration file. The setting of system properties is
+    described in <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties"/>. The details of supported
+    options within the connection URLs are given in <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL"/>.
+    The details of Qpid JMS client JNDI properties format is provided in <xref
+      linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-JNDI-Properties-Format"/>. The Qpid destination URL format is covered
+    in <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Binding-URL"/>. </para>
+  <para>The Qpid JMS Client can be used for writing of JMS vendor neutral messaging applications.
+    However, in some cases it might be required to use specific AMQP features. Thus, the Qpid client
+    provides the extended operation set to invoke those features. </para>
+  <para>
+    <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Logging"/> provides the details about turning on client logging
+    which can help in debugging of various issues while developing the messaging applications. </para>
+  <para>The details about Qpid JMS Client Exceptions are provided in <xref
+      linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Appendix-Exceptions"/></para>
diff --git a/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Examples.xml b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Examples.xml
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+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
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+ regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<chapter id="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples">
+	<title>Examples</title>
+	<para>The following programs shows how to send and receive messages using the Qpid JMS client.
+		The first program illustrates a <emphasis>point to point</emphasis> example, the second, a
+		pubish/subscribe example. </para>
+	<para>Both examples show the use JNDI to obtain connection factory and destination objects which
+		the application needs. In this way the configuration is kept separate from the application
+		code itself.</para>
+	<para>The example code will be straightforward for anyone familiar with Java JMS. Readers in
+		need of an introduction are directed towards <ulink url="&oracleJmsTutorial;">Oracle's JMS
+			tutorial</ulink>.</para>
+	<section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples-PTP">
+		<title>Point to point example</title>
+		<para>In this example, we illustrate point to point messaging. We create a JNDI context
+			using a properties file, use the context to lookup a connection factory, create and
+			start a connection, create a session, and lookup a destination (a queue) from the JNDI
+			context. Then we create a producer and a consumer, send a message with the producer and
+			receive it with the consumer.</para>
+		<example id="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples-PTP-Java">
+			<title>JMS Example - Point to Point Messaging</title>
+			<programlisting language="java">
+import javax.jms.*;
+import javax.naming.Context;
+import javax.naming.InitialContext;
+import java.util.Properties;
+public class Hello {
+    public Hello() {
+    }
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        Hello hello = new Hello();
+        hello.runTest();
+    }
+    private void runTest() throws Exception {
+      Properties properties = new Properties();
+      properties.load(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("helloworld.properties"));  <co id="ptp-java-properties" linkends="callout-ptp-properties"/>
+      Context context = new InitialContext(properties);                               <co id="ptp-java-context" linkends="callout-ptp-context"/>
+      ConnectionFactory connectionFactory
+          = (ConnectionFactory) context.lookup("qpidConnectionFactory");              <co id="ptp-java-connection-factory" linkends="callout-ptp-connection-factory"/>
+      Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();                   <co id="ptp-java-connection" linkends="callout-ptp-connection"/>
+      connection.start();                                                             <co id="ptp-java-start" linkends="callout-ptp-start"/>
+      Session session = connection.createSession(true, Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED);   <co id="ptp-java-session" linkends="callout-ptp-session"/>
+      Queue queue = (Queue) context.lookup("myqueue");                                <co id="ptp-java-destination" linkends="callout-ptp-destination"/>
+      MessageConsumer messageConsumer = session.createConsumer(queue);                <co id="ptp-java-consumer" linkends="callout-ptp-consumer"/>
+      MessageProducer messageProducer = session.createProducer(queue);                <co id="ptp-java-producer" linkends="callout-ptp-producer"/>
+      TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("Hello world!");                <co id="ptp-java-send" linkends="callout-ptp-send"/>
+      messageProducer.send(message);
+      session.commit();
+      message = (TextMessage)messageConsumer.receive();                               <co id="ptp-java-receive" linkends="callout-ptp-receive"/>
+      session.commit();
+      System.out.println(message.getText());
+      connection.close();                                                             <co id="ptp-java-close" linkends="callout-ptp-close"/>
+      context.close();                                                                <co id="ptp-java-jndi-close" linkends="callout-ptp-jndi-close"/>
+    }
+	</programlisting>
+		</example>
+		<calloutlist>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-properties" arearefs="ptp-java-properties">
+				<para>Loads the JNDI properties file, which specifies the connection factory, queues
+					and topics. See <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-JNDI-Properties-Format"/> for
+					details.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-context" arearefs="ptp-java-context">
+				<para>Creates the JNDI initial context.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-connection-factory" arearefs="ptp-java-connection-factory">
+				<para>Looks up a JMS connection factory for Qpid.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-connection" arearefs="ptp-java-connection">
+				<para>Creates a JMS connection. Creating the JMS connections establishes the
+					connection to the Broker.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-start" arearefs="ptp-java-start">
+				<para>Starts the connection, required for the consumption of messages.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-session" arearefs="ptp-java-session">
+				<para>Creates a transactional session.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-destination" arearefs="ptp-java-destination">
+				<para>Looks up a destination for the queue with JNDI name <emphasis>myqueue</emphasis>.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-consumer" arearefs="ptp-java-consumer">
+				<para>Creates a consumer that reads messages from the queue<footnote>
+						<para>Creating consumer will automatically create the queue on the Broker
+							and bind it to an exchange. Specifically, in this case as the
+								<literal>queue.</literal> form is used in the JNDI properties the
+							effect will be to create a queue called <literal>queue1</literal> on the
+							Broker, and create a binding between the <literal>amq.direct</literal>
+							exchange and this queue using the queue's name. This process is
+							described in detail in <xref
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageConsumer-ConsumerSideEffect"
+							/></para>
+					</footnote>.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-producer" arearefs="ptp-java-producer">
+				<para>Creates a producer that sends messages to the queue.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-send" arearefs="ptp-java-send">
+				<para>Creates a new message of type <emphasis>javax.jms.TextMessage</emphasis>, publishes the message and commits the
+					session.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-receive" arearefs="ptp-java-receive">
+				<para>Reads the next available message (awaiting indefinitely if necessary) and
+					commits the session.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-close" arearefs="ptp-java-close">
+				<para>Closes the Connection. All sessions owned by the Connection along with their
+					MessageConsumers and MessageProducers are automatically closed. The connection
+					to the Broker is closed as this point.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-jndi-close" arearefs="ptp-java-jndi-close">
+				<para>Closes the JNDI context.</para>
+			</callout>
+		</calloutlist>
+		<para>The contents of the <literal>helloworld.properties</literal> file are shown
+			below.</para>
+		<example id="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples-PTP-PropertiesFile">
+			<title>JMS Example - Point to Point Messaging - JNDI Properties</title>
+			<programlisting language="properties">
+java.naming.factory.initial = org.apache.qpid.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory
+connectionfactory.qpidConnectionFactory = amqp://guest:guest@clientid/?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672' <co id="ptp-properties-connectionfactory" linkends="callout-ptp-properties-connectionfactory"/>
+queue.myqueue = queue1                                                                                   <co id="ptp-properties-destination" linkends="callout-ptp-properties-destination"/>
+	</programlisting>
+		</example>
+		<calloutlist>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-properties-connectionfactory"
+				arearefs="ptp-properties-connectionfactory">
+				<para>Defines a connection factory from which Connections can be created. The syntax
+					of a ConnectionURL is given in <xref
+						linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL"/>.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-ptp-properties-destination" arearefs="ptp-properties-destination">
+				<para>Defines a queue for which MessageProducers and/or MessageConsumers send and
+					receive messages. The format of these entries is described in <xref
+						linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-JNDI-Properties-Format-Queue"/>.</para>
+			</callout>
+		</calloutlist>
+	</section>
+	<section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples-PubSub">
+		<title>Publish/subscribe example</title>
+		<para>In this second example, we illustrate publish/subscribe messaging. Again, we create a
+			JNDI context using a properties file, use the context to lookup a connection factory,
+			create and start a connection, create a session, and lookup a destination (a topic) from
+			the JNDI context. Then we create a producer and two durable subscribers , send a message
+			with the producer. Both subscribers receive the same message.</para>
+		<example id="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples-PubSub-Java">
+			<title>JMS Example - Publish/subscribe Messaging</title>
+			<programlisting language="java">
+import javax.jms.*;
+import javax.naming.Context;
+import javax.naming.InitialContext;
+import java.util.Properties;
+public class StocksExample {
+    public StocksExample() {
+    }
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+      StocksExample stocks = new StocksExample();
+      stocks.runTest();
+    }
+    private void runTest() throws Exception {
+      Properties properties = new Properties();
+      properties.load(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("stocks.properties"));
+      Context context = new InitialContext(properties);
+      ConnectionFactory connectionFactory
+          = (ConnectionFactory) context.lookup("qpidConnectionFactory");
+      Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
+      connection.start();
+      Session session = connection.createSession(true, Session.SESSION_TRANSACTED);
+      Topic priceTopic = (Topic) context.lookup("myprices");                             <co id="pubsub-java-destination" linkends="callout-pubsub-destination"/>
+      MessageConsumer subscriber1 = session.createDurableSubscriber(priceTopic, "sub1"); <co id="pubsub-java-subscribers" linkends="callout-pubsub-subscribers"/>
+      MessageConsumer subscriber2 = session.createDurableSubscriber(priceTopic, "sub2" /*, "price > 150", false*/ );
+      MessageProducer messageProducer = session.createProducer(priceTopic);
+      Message message = session.createMessage();
+      message.setStringProperty("instrument", "IBM");
+      message.setIntProperty("price", 100);
+      messageProducer.send(message);
+      session.commit();
+      message = subscriber1.receive(1000);
+      session.commit();
+      System.out.println("Subscriber 1 received : " + message);
+      message = subscriber2.receive(1000);
+      session.commit();
+      System.out.println("Subscriber 2 received : " + message);
+      session.unsubscribe("sub1");                                                       <co id="pubsub-java-unsubscribe" linkends="callout-pubsub-unsubscribe"/>
+      session.unsubscribe("sub2");
+      connection.close();
+      context.close();
+    }
+	</programlisting>
+		</example>
+		<calloutlist>
+			<callout id="callout-pubsub-destination" arearefs="pubsub-java-destination">
+				<para>Looks up a destination for the topic with JNDI name myprices.</para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-pubsub-subscribers" arearefs="pubsub-java-subscribers">
+				<para>Creates two durable subscribers, <literal>sub1</literal> and
+						<literal>sub2</literal>. Durable subscriptions retain messages for the
+					client even when the client is disconnected, until the subscription is
+					unsubscribed. Subscription 2 has a (commented out) message selector argument so
+					you can conveniently experiement with the effect of those. <footnote>
+						<para>Each durable subscription is implemented as a queue on the Broker. See
+								<xref
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageConsumer-TopicSubscriptions"
+							/> for details.</para>
+					</footnote></para>
+			</callout>
+			<callout id="callout-pubsub-unsubscribe" arearefs="pubsub-java-unsubscribe">
+				<para>Unsubscribes the two durable subscribers, permanently removing the knowledge
+					of the subscriptions from the system. An application would normally
+						<emphasis>NOT</emphasis> do this. The typical use-case for durable
+					subsciption is one where the subscription exists over an extended period of
+					time.</para>
+			</callout>
+		</calloutlist>
+		<para>The contents of the <literal>stocks.properties</literal> file are shown below.</para>
+		<example id="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples-PubSub-PropertiesFile">
+			<title>JMS Example - Publish/subscribe Messaging - JNDI Properties</title>
+			<programlisting>
+java.naming.factory.initial = org.apache.qpid.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory
+connectionfactory.qpidConnectionFactory = amqp://guest:guest@clientid/?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672'
+topic.myprices = prices <co id="pubsub-properties-destination" linkends="callout-pubsub-properties-destination"/>
+	</programlisting>
+		</example>
+		<calloutlist>
+			<callout id="callout-pubsub-properties-destination"
+				arearefs="pubsub-properties-destination">
+				<para>Defines a topic for which MessageProducers and/or MessageConsumers send and
+					receive messages. The format of this entry is described in <xref
+						linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-JNDI-Properties-Format-Topic"/>.</para>
+			</callout>
+		</calloutlist>
+	</section>
diff --git a/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Getting-And-Dependencies.xml b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Getting-And-Dependencies.xml
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+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<chapter id="JMS-Client-0-8-JMS-Getting-And-Dependencies">
+  <title>Getting the Client And Dependencies</title>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-JMS-Getting-And-Dependencies-Getting">
+    <title>Getting the Client</title>
+    <para>The Qpid JMS client is available as a bundle or from &qpidMavenRepoDesc;.</para>
+    <para>The bundle (a .tar.gz) includes the Qpid JMS client itself (formed by two JAR: qpid-client
+      and qpid-common) together with slf4j-api, and geronimo-jms_1.1_spec. There is also a qpid-all
+      JAR artifact that, for convenience, includes a manifest classpath that references the other
+      JARs. The bundle is available from <ulink url="&qpidDownloadUrl;"
+        >&qpidDownloadUrlDesc;</ulink>.</para>
+    <para>The Qpid JMS client is also available from &qpidMavenRepoDesc;. Add the following
+      dependency:</para>
+    <screen><![CDATA[
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>]]>&qpidClientGroupId;<![CDATA[</groupId>
+      <artifactId>]]>&qpidClientArtefactId;<![CDATA[</artifactId>
+      <version>]]>&qpidVersion;<![CDATA[</version>
+    </dependency>
+    ]]></screen>
+    <para><xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Appendix-Maven"/> illustrates a minimal Maven POM required to use the Qpid Client.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-JMS-Getting-And-Dependencies-Dependencies">
+    <title>Dependencies</title>
+    <para>The Qpid JMS client has minimal set of external dependencies. </para>
+    <para> It requires: <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>JDK 1.6 or higher. (An up to date JDK 1.7 is recommended)</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>JMS 1.1 specification (such as geronimo-jms_1.1_spec JAR)</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><ulink url="http://www.slf4j.org">Apache SLF4J</ulink> (slf4j-api-x.y.z JAR)</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </para>
+    <para>The use of SLF4J means that application authors are free to plug in any logging framework
+      for which an SLF4J binding exists. </para>
+  </section>
diff --git a/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Introduction.xml b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Introduction.xml
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+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<!-- TODO add dependencies + getting the client -->
+<chapter id="JMS-Client-0-8-Introduction">
+  <title>Introduction</title>
+  <para>Qpid JMS client is an implementation of <ulink url="&oracleJmsSpec;">JMS specification
+      1.1</ulink>. It utilises an <ulink url="&amqpSrc;">AMQP</ulink> transport layer for the performing of messaging operations.
+    The client is intended to be used for the writing of JMS compatible messaging applications. Such
+    applications can send and receive messages via any AMQP-compatible brokers like RabbitMQ, Qpid
+    Java Broker which support the AMQP protocols 0-8, 0-9, or 0-9-1.</para>
+  <para>The Qpid JMS client hides the details of AMQP transport implementation behind the JMS API.
+    Thus, the developers need only to be familiar with JMS API in order to use the client. However,
+    the knowledge of the basic concepts of AMQP protocols can help developers in writing reliable
+    and high-performant messaging application. </para>
+  <important>
+    <title>Using the Qpid JMS client with 0-10</title>
+    <para>This book documents the behaviour of the Qpid JMS client when used with the AMQP
+      protocols <emphasis>0-8, 0-9, and 0-9-1</emphasis> only. For behaviour when using the client
+      with AMQP 0-10 protocol, please refer to <ulink url="&qpidProgrammingBook;">Programming in Apache Qpid</ulink>.</para>
+  </important>
diff --git a/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-JMS-Extensions.xml b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-JMS-Extensions.xml
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+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<chapter id="JMS-Client-0-8-JMS-Extensions">
+  <title>JMS Extensions</title>
+  <para>TODO</para>
diff --git a/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-JNDI-Properties-Format.xml b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-JNDI-Properties-Format.xml
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+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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+   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<chapter id="JMS-Client-0-8-JNDI-Properties-Format">
+  <title>JNDI Properties Format</title>
+  <para>The Qpid JMS Client comes with own JNDI context factory
+      <literal>org.apache.qpid.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory</literal> which utilises a
+    Java properties file for declaring the JMS administered objects: connection factories, queues,
+    topics and destinations. It uses the following syntax:</para>
+  <para>
+    <screen><![CDATA[
+connectionfactory.<jndi name>=<connection url>
+queue.<jndi name>=<queue name>
+topic.<jndi name>=<topic name>
+destination.<jndi name>=<binding url>
+  <para>An arbitrary number of connection factories, queues, topics, queues or destinations or can
+    be declared in the JNDI properties file. Each JNDI name must be unique.</para>
+  <para>The application looks up the objects via an InitialContext. This lookup and an example JNDI
+    properties file is provided in <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples"/></para>
+  <para>We now consider each JMS administered object type in turn.</para>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-JNDI-Properties-Format-ConnectionFactory">
+    <title>ConnectionFactory</title>
+    <para><literal>connectionfactory.</literal><emphasis>name</emphasis> declares a <ulink
+        url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/ConnectionFactory.html">ConnectionFactory</ulink> with the
+      given JNDI name. The value must be a legal Connection URL.</para>
+    <para>See <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL"/> for format of the URL and its
+      permitted options.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-JNDI-Properties-Format-Queue">
+    <title>Queue</title>
+    <para><literal>queue.</literal><emphasis>name</emphasis> declares a <ulink
+        url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Queue.html">Queue</ulink> with the given JNDI name. The
+      value is simple queue name. This is the name of the queue as known by the Broker.</para>
+    <para>The <literal>queue.</literal> form is a short hand for declaring a destination:</para>
+    <screen><![CDATA[destination.name=direct://amq.direct//<queue name>?routingkey=’<queue name>’&durable=’true’]]></screen>
+  </section>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-JNDI-Properties-Format-Topic">
+    <title>Topic</title>
+    <para><literal>topic.</literal><emphasis>name</emphasis> declares a <ulink
+        url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Topic.html">Topic</ulink> with the given JNDI name. The
+      value is topic name. This topic name is used on the Broker as a binding key between the
+        <literal>amq.topic</literal> exchange and the queue corresponding to the topic
+      subscriber.</para>
+    <para>The <literal>topic.</literal> form is a short hand for declaring a destination:</para>
+    <screen><![CDATA[destination.name=topic://amq.topic/<topic name>/?routingkey=<topic name>]]></screen>
+  </section>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-JNDI-Properties-Format-Destination">
+    <title>Destination</title>
+    <para><literal>destination.</literal><emphasis>name</emphasis> declares either a <ulink
+        url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Queue.html">Queue</ulink> or <ulink
+        url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Topic.html">Topic</ulink> (depending on the class) with the
+      given JNDI name. The value must be a Binding URL.</para>
+    <para>See <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Binding-URL"/> for format of the URL and its permitted
+      options.</para>
+  </section>
diff --git a/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Logging.xml b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-Logging.xml
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+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<chapter id="JMS-Client-0-8-Logging">
+  <title>Logging</title>
+  <para>The Qpid JMS client uses the <ulink url="http://www.slf4j.org">Apache SLF4J</ulink> logging
+    framework. All logging activity created by the client is directed through the SLF4J API. SLF4J
+    is a is a façade for other common logging frameworks. This makes it easy for application authors
+    to use their prefered logging framework in their application stack, and have the Qpid JMS Client
+    use it too. </para>
+  <para>SLF4J suppplies bindings for many common logging frameworks (<ulink
+      url="&oracleJdkDocUrl;java/util/logging/package-summary.html">JUL</ulink>, <ulink
+      url="http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/">Apache Log4J</ulink>, <ulink
+      url="http://logback.qos.ch">Logback</ulink>.</para>
+  <para>Include the SLF4J binding corresponding to the logging framework of your choosen logging
+    framework on classpath. For full details, see the SLF4J <ulink url="http://www.slf4j.org"
+      >documentation</ulink>.</para>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Logging-RecommendedProductionLoggingLevel">
+    <title>Recommended Production Logging Level</title>
+    <para>In production, it is recommended that you configure your logging framework is configured
+      with logger <literal>org.apache.qpid</literal> set to <literal>WARN</literal>.</para>
+    <para>If you are using Apache Log4j with a log4j.properties file, this simply means adding the
+      following line:</para>
+    <screen>
+      org.apache.qpid=WARN
+    </screen>
+    <para>If you are using another logging framework, or you are using Log4j but configuring in
+      another manner, refer to the documentation accompanying the logging framework for details of
+      how to proceed.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Logging-EnablingDebugLogging">
+    <title>Enabling Debug</title>
+    <para>If you are experiencing a problem, it can be informative to enable debug logging to allow
+      the behaviour of the Qpid JMS client to be understood at a deeper level.</para>
+    <para>To do this, set the <literal>org.apache.qpid</literal> logger to
+      <literal>DEBUG</literal>.</para>
+    <para>If you are using Apache Log4j with a log4j.properties file, this simply means adding (or
+      changing) the following line:</para>
+    <screen>
+      org.apache.qpid=DEBUG
+    </screen>
+    <para>If you are using another logging framework, or you are using Log4j but configuring in
+      another manner, refer to the documentation accompanying the logging framework for details of
+      how to proceed.</para>
+  </section>
diff --git a/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-System-Properties.xml b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-System-Properties.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2f419c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/doc/book/src/jms-client-0-8/JMS-Client-System-Properties.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
+                    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd"
+<!ENTITY %  entities SYSTEM  "commonEntities.xml">
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<chapter id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties">
+	<title>System Properties</title>
+	<para>The following system properties affect the behaviour of the Qpid JMS client. System
+		properties are global in nature so affect all Qpid interactions made from within the same
+		JVM. For many options, there are equivalent <link linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL"
+			>Connection URL</link> options allowing the option to be controlled at the level of the
+		Connection.</para>
+	<table pgwide="1">
+		<title>System Properties Affecting Connection Behaviour</title>
+		<tgroup cols="4">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry>Property Name</entry>
+					<entry>Type</entry>
+					<entry>Default Value</entry>
+					<entry>Description</entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.amqp.version</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>0-10</entry>
+					<entry><para>Sets the AMQP version to be used - currently supports one of
+							{0-8,0-9,0-91,0-10}.</para><para>The client will begin negotiation at
+							the specified version and only negotiate downwards if the Broker does
+							not support the specified version.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-Heartbeat">
+					<entry>qpid.heartbeat</entry>
+					<entry>int</entry>
+					<entry><para>Defaults to the heartbeat value suggested by the Broker, if
+							any.</para></entry>
+					<entry>Frequency of heartbeat messages (in seconds). A value of 0 disables
+						heartbeating. <para>Two consecutive missed heartbeats will result in the
+							connection timing out.</para><para>This can also be set per connection
+							using the <link
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-Heartbeat"
+								>Connection URL</link> options.</para><para>For compatibility with
+							old client configuration, the synonym
+								<varname>amqj.heartbeat.delay</varname> is supported.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>ignore_setclientID</entry>
+					<entry>boolean</entry>
+					<entry>false</entry>
+					<entry>If a client ID is specified in the connection URL it's used or else an ID
+						is generated. If an ID is specified after it's been set Qpid will throw an
+						exception. <para>Setting this property to 'true' will disable that check and
+							allow you to set a client ID of your choice later on.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
+	<table pgwide="1">
+		<title>Config Options For Session Behaviour</title>
+		<tgroup cols="4">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry>Property Name</entry>
+					<entry>Type</entry>
+					<entry>Default Value</entry>
+					<entry>Description</entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-DestSyntax">
+					<entry>qpid.dest_syntax</entry>
+					<entry>String</entry>
+					<entry>ADDR</entry>
+					<entry><para>The default addressing syntax.  The Address (ADDR) syntax is supported when using AMQP 0-10.  Binding URL (BURL)
+					  is supported by AMQP protocols 0-8 through to 0-10.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-Maxprefetch">
+					<entry>max_prefetch</entry>
+					<entry>int</entry>
+					<entry>500</entry>
+					<entry><para>Maximum number of pre-fetched messages per Session. This can also
+							be defaulted for sessions created on a particular connection using the
+								<link
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-Maxprefetch"
+								>Connection URL</link> options.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<!-- 0-10
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.session.command_limit</entry>
+					<entry>int</entry>
+					<entry>65536</entry>
+					<entry>Limits the # of unacked commands</entry>
+				</row>
+				<!-- 0-10
+					<row>
+					<entry>qpid.session.byte_limit</entry>
+					<entry>int</entry>
+					<entry>1048576</entry>
+					<entry>Limits the # of unacked commands in terms of bytes</entry>
+				</row>
+				-->
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.use_legacy_map_message</entry>
+					<entry>boolean</entry>
+					<entry>false</entry>
+					<entry><para>If set will use the old map message encoding. By default the Map
+							messages are encoded using the 0-10 map encoding.</para><para>This can
+							also be set per connection using the <link
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-UseLegacyMap"
+								>Connection URL</link> options.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.jms.daemon.dispatcher</entry>
+					<entry>boolean</entry>
+					<entry>false</entry>
+					<entry><para>Controls whether the Session dispatcher thread is a daemon thread
+							or not. If this system property is set to true then the Session
+							dispatcher threads will be created as daemon threads. This setting is
+							introduced in version 0.16.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
+	<table pgwide="1">
+		<title>Config Options For Consumer Behaviour</title>
+		<tgroup cols="4">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry>Property Name</entry>
+					<entry>Type</entry>
+					<entry>Default Value</entry>
+					<entry>Description</entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-DeclareExchanges">
+					<entry>qpid.declare_exchanges</entry>
+					<entry>Boolean</entry>
+					<entry>true</entry>
+					<entry><para>If true, creating a consumer will also declare the exchange on the
+							Broker (specified within the Binding URL associated with the
+							Destination), creating it if is does not already exist.
+						</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-DeclareQueues">
+					<entry>qpid.declare_queues</entry>
+					<entry>Boolean</entry>
+					<entry>true</entry>
+					<entry><para>If true, creating a consumer will also declare the queue on the
+							Broker (specified within the Binding URL associated with the
+							Destination), creating it if is does not already
+						exist.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-RejectBehaviour">
+					<entry>qpid.reject.behaviour</entry>
+					<entry>String</entry>
+					<entry>NORMAL</entry>
+					<entry><para>Used with the maximum delivery count feature. See <xref
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageConsumer-MaximumDeliveryCount"
+							/> for details.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<!-- 0-10 
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.session.max_ack_delay</entry>
+					<entry>long</entry>
+					<entry>1000 (ms)</entry>
+					<entry><para>Timer interval to flush message acks in buffer when using AUTO_ACK
+							and DUPS_OK.</para>
+						<para>When using the above ack modes, message acks are batched and sent if
+							one of the following conditions are met (which ever happens first). <itemizedlist>
+								<listitem>
+									<para>When the ack timer fires.</para>
+								</listitem>
+								<listitem>
+									<para>if un_acked_msg_count > max_prefetch/2.</para>
+								</listitem>
+							</itemizedlist>
+						</para>
+						<para>The ack timer can be disabled by setting it to 0.</para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<!-- 0-10
+				<row>
+					<entry>sync_ack</entry>
+					<entry>boolean</entry>
+					<entry>false</entry>
+					<entry><para>If set, each message will be acknowledged synchronously. When using
+							AUTO_ACK mode, you need to set this to "true", in order to get the
+							correct behaviour as described by the JMS spec.</para><para>This is set
+							to false by default for performance reasons, therefore by default
+							AUTO_ACK behaves similar to DUPS_OK.</para><para>This can also be set
+							per connection using the <link linkend="section-jms-connection-url"
+								>Connection URL</link> options.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				-->
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
+	<table pgwide="1">
+		<title>Config Options For Producer Behaviour</title>
+		<tgroup cols="4">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry>Property Name</entry>
+					<entry>Type</entry>
+					<entry>Default Value</entry>
+					<entry>Description</entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-DefaultMandatory">
+					<entry>qpid.default_mandatory</entry>
+					<entry>Boolean</entry>
+					<entry>True</entry>
+					<entry><para>If true, messages sent to Queue destinations for which cannot be
+							routed to at least one queue on the Broker, will be returned to the
+							application. See <xref
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-MandatoryMessage"
+							/> for more details.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-DefaultMandatoryTopic">
+					<entry>qpid.default_mandatory_topic</entry>
+					<entry>Boolean</entry>
+					<entry>False</entry>
+					<entry><para>If true, messages sent to Topic destinations for which cannot be
+							routed to at least one queue on the Broker, will be returned to the
+							application. See <xref
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-MandatoryMessage"
+							/> for more details..</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-DefaultImmediate">
+					<entry>qpid.default_immediate</entry>
+					<entry>Boolean</entry>
+					<entry>False</entry>
+					<entry><para>If true, the message will be returned to the application unless the
+							Broker is able to route the message to at least one queue with a
+							consumer attached. See <xref
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-ImmediateMessage"
+							/> for more details.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-FlowControlWaitFailure">
+					<entry>qpid.flow_control_wait_failure</entry>
+					<entry>Long</entry>
+					<entry>60000</entry>
+					<entry><para>Used with <xref
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-FlowControl"
+							/>. The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before timing
+							out.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-FlowControlWaitNotifyPeriod">
+					<entry>qpid.flow_control_wait_notify_period</entry>
+					<entry>Long</entry>
+					<entry>5000</entry>
+					<entry><para>Used with <xref
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-FlowControl"
+							/>. The frequency at which the log message informing that the producer
+							is flow controlled .</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<!--
+				<row>
+					<entry>sync_publish</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>"" (disabled)</entry>
+					<entry><para>If one of {persistent|all} is set then persistent messages or all
+							messages will be sent synchronously.</para><para>This can also be set
+							per connection using the <link linkend="section-jms-connection-url"
+								>Connection URL</link> options.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				-->
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
+	<table pgwide="1">
+		<title>Config Options For Threading</title>
+		<tgroup cols="4">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry>Property Name</entry>
+					<entry>Type</entry>
+					<entry>Default Value</entry>
+					<entry>Description</entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.thread_factory</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>org.apache.qpid.thread.DefaultThreadFactory</entry>
+					<entry><para>Specifies the thread factory to use.</para><para>If using a real
+							time JVM, you need to set the above property to
+								<varname>org.apache.qpid.thread.RealtimeThreadFactory</varname>.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.rt_thread_priority</entry>
+					<entry>int</entry>
+					<entry>20</entry>
+					<entry><para>Specifies the priority (1-99) for Real time threads created by the
+							real time thread factory.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
+	<table pgwide="1">
+		<title>Config Options For I/O</title>
+		<tgroup cols="4">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry>Property Name</entry>
+					<entry>Type</entry>
+					<entry>Default Value</entry>
+					<entry>Description</entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.transport</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>org.apache.qpid.transport.network.io.IoNetworkTransport</entry>
+					<entry><para>The transport implementation to be used.</para><para>A user could
+							specify an alternative transport mechanism that implements the interface
+								<varname>org.apache.qpid.transport.network.OutgoingNetworkTransport</varname>.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row id="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-SyncOpTimeout">
+					<entry>qpid.sync_op_timeout</entry>
+					<entry>long</entry>
+					<entry>60000</entry>
+					<entry><para>The length of time (in milliseconds) to wait for a synchronous
+							operation to complete.</para><para>For compatibility with older clients,
+							the synonym <varname>amqj.default_syncwrite_timeout</varname> is
+							supported.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.tcp_nodelay</entry>
+					<entry>boolean</entry>
+					<entry>true</entry>
+					<entry>
+						<para>Sets the TCP_NODELAY property of the underlying socket. The default
+							was changed to true as of Qpid 0.14.</para>
+						<para>This can also be set per connection using the Connection URL broker
+								option<link
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-TcpNoDelay"
+									><literal>tcp_nodelay</literal>.</link> options.</para>
+						<para>For compatibility with older clients, the synonym
+								<varname>amqj.tcp_nodelay</varname> is supported.</para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.send_buffer_size</entry>
+					<entry>integer</entry>
+					<entry>65535</entry>
+					<entry>
+						<para>Sets the SO_SNDBUF property of the underlying socket. Added in Qpid
+							0.16.</para>
+						<para>For compatibility with older clients, the synonym
+								<varname>amqj.sendBufferSize</varname> is supported.</para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.receive_buffer_size</entry>
+					<entry>integer</entry>
+					<entry>65535</entry>
+					<entry>
+						<para>Sets the SO_RCVBUF property of the underlying socket. Added in Qpid
+							0.16.</para>
+						<para>For compatibility with older clients, the synonym
+								<varname>amqj.receiveBufferSize</varname> is supported.</para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.failover_method_timeout</entry>
+					<entry>long</entry>
+					<entry>60000</entry>
+					<entry>
+						<para>During failover, this is the timeout for each attempt to try to
+							re-establish the connection. If a reconnection attempt exceeds the
+							timeout, the entire failover process is aborted.</para>
+						<para>It is only applicable for AMQP 0-8/0-9/0-9-1 clients.</para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
+	<!-- These are all 0-10 related
+    <table pgwide="1">
+		<title>Config Options For Security</title>
+		<tgroup cols="4">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry>Property Name</entry>
+					<entry>Type</entry>
+					<entry>Default Value</entry>
+					<entry>Description</entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.sasl_mechs</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>PLAIN</entry>
+					<entry><para>The SASL mechanism to be used. More than one could be specified as
+							a comma separated list.</para><para>We currently support the following
+							mechanisms {PLAIN | GSSAPI | EXTERNAL}.</para><para>This can also be set
+							per connection using the <link linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL"
+								>Connection URL</link> options.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.sasl_protocol</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>AMQP</entry>
+					<entry><para>When using GSSAPI as the SASL mechanism,
+								<varname>sasl_protocol</varname> must be set to the principal for
+							the qpidd broker, e.g. <varname>qpidd</varname>.</para><para>This can
+							also be set per connection using the <link
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL">Connection URL</link>
+							options.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.sasl_server_name</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>localhost</entry>
+					<entry><para>When using GSSAPI as the SASL mechanism,
+								<varname>sasl_server</varname> must be set to the host for the SASL
+							server, e.g. <varname>example.com</varname>.</para><para>This can also
+							be set per connection using the <link
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL">Connection URL</link>
+							options.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
+	<table pgwide="1">
+		<title>Config Options For Security - Standard JVM properties needed when using GSSAPI as the
+			SASL mechanism.<footnote>
+				<para>Please refer to the Java security documentation for a complete understanding
+					of the above properties.</para>
+			</footnote></title>
+		<tgroup cols="4">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry>Property Name</entry>
+					<entry>Type</entry>
+					<entry>Default Value</entry>
+					<entry>Description</entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row>
+					<entry>javax.security.auth.useSubjectCredsOnly</entry>
+					<entry>boolean</entry>
+					<entry>true</entry>
+					<entry><para>If set to 'false', forces the SASL GASSPI client to obtain the
+							kerberos credentials explicitly instead of obtaining from the "subject"
+							that owns the current thread.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>java.security.auth.login.config</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry/>
+					<entry><para>Specifies the jass configuration
+								file.</para><para><varname>Ex-Djava.security.auth.login.config=myjas.conf</varname>
+						</para><para>Here is the sample myjas.conf JASS configuration file: <programlisting><![CDATA[
+		com.sun.security.jgss.initiate {
+		com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required useTicketCache=true;
+		};
+		]]></programlisting></para></entry>
+				</row>
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
+	-->
+	<table pgwide="1">
+		<title>Config Options For Security - Using SSL for securing connections or using EXTERNAL as
+			the SASL mechanism.</title>
+		<tgroup cols="4">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry>Property Name</entry>
+					<entry>Type</entry>
+					<entry>Default Value</entry>
+					<entry>Description</entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.ssl_timeout</entry>
+					<entry>long</entry>
+					<entry>60000</entry>
+					<entry><para>Timeout value used by the Java SSL engine when waiting on
+							operations.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.ssl.KeyManagerFactory.algorithm</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>-</entry>
+					<entry>
+						<para>The key manager factory algorithm name. If not set, defaults to the
+							value returned from the Java runtime call
+								<literal>KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()</literal></para>
+						<para>For compatibility with older clients, the synonym
+								<varname>qpid.ssl.keyStoreCertType</varname> is supported.</para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>qpid.ssl.TrustManagerFactory.algorithm</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>-</entry>
+					<entry>
+						<para>The trust manager factory algorithm name. If not set, defaults to the
+							value returned from the Java runtime call
+								<literal>TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()</literal></para>
+						<para>For compatibility with older clients, the synonym
+								<varname>qpid.ssl.trustStoreCertType</varname> is supported.</para>
+					</entry>
+				</row>
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
+	<table pgwide="1">
+		<title>Config Options For Security - Standard JVM properties needed when Using SSL for
+			securing connections or using EXTERNAL as the SASL mechanism.<footnote>
+				<para>Qpid allows you to have per connection key and trust stores if required. If
+					specified per connection, the JVM arguments are ignored.</para>
+			</footnote></title>
+		<tgroup cols="4">
+			<thead>
+				<row>
+					<entry>Property Name</entry>
+					<entry>Type</entry>
+					<entry>Default Value</entry>
+					<entry>Description</entry>
+				</row>
+			</thead>
+			<tbody>
+				<row>
+					<entry>javax.net.ssl.keyStore</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>jvm default</entry>
+					<entry><para>Specifies the key store path.</para><para>This can also be set per
+							connection using the <link linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL"
+								>Connection URL</link> options.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>jvm default</entry>
+					<entry><para>Specifies the key store password.</para><para>This can also be set
+							per connection using the <link linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL"
+								>Connection URL</link> options.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>javax.net.ssl.trustStore</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>jvm default</entry>
+					<entry><para>Specifies the trust store path.</para><para>This can also be set
+							per connection using the <link linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL"
+								>Connection URL</link> options.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<entry>javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword</entry>
+					<entry>string</entry>
+					<entry>jvm default</entry>
+					<entry><para>Specifies the trust store password.</para><para>This can also be
+							set per connection using the <link
+								linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL">Connection URL</link>
+							options.</para></entry>
+				</row>
+			</tbody>
+		</tgroup>
+	</table>
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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
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+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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+ KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<chapter id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding">
+  <title>Understanding the Qpid JMS client</title>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Overview">
+    <title>Overview</title>
+    <para>The Qpid JMS client provides a JMS 1.1 compliant implementation. As such, the primary
+      source of documentation is the <ulink url="&oracleJmsSpec;">JMS specification</ulink> and the
+        <ulink url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;/javax/jms/package-summary.html">JMS javadocs</ulink>. This
+      documentation assumes the reader has familiarity with these resources.</para>
+    <para>The remainder of this section describes how the Qpid JMS client behaves and the effect(s)
+      making JMS method calls will have on the Broker. </para>
+    <para>There areas where the Qpid JMS client provides features beyond those required for JMS
+      compliance. These are described in the sections that follow.</para>
+    <para>These sections are also used to bring out differences that may surprise those moving from
+      JMS implementations provided by other vendors.</para>
+    <figure>
+      <title>Architecture of a typical JMS application</title>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="images/QpidJmsOverview.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1"/>
+        </imageobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </figure>
+  </section>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-ConnectionFactory">
+    <title>ConnectionFactory</title>
+    <para>A <ulink url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/ConnectionFactory.html">ConnectionFactory</ulink>
+      allows an application to create a <ulink url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Connection.html"
+        >Connection</ulink>.</para>
+    <para>The application obtains the ConnectionFactory from an <ulink
+        url="&oracleJdkDocUrl;javax/naming/InitialContext.html">InitialContext</ulink>. The
+      InitialContext is itself obtained from an InitialContextFactory. </para>
+    <para>The Qpid JMS client provides a single implementation of the InitialContextFactory in class
+        <literal>org.apache.qpid.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory</literal>. This
+      implementation is backed by a <ulink url="&oracleJdkDocUrl;java/util/Properties.html"
+        >Properties</ulink> object which can of course be loaded from an external properties file,
+      or created programatically.</para>
+    <para>The examples in the previous chapter illustrated the Java code required to <link
+        linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples-PTP">create the InitialContext</link> and an <link
+        linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Examples-PTP-PropertiesFile">example properties file</link>.</para>
+    <para>Note that the Qpid Broker does not present a JNDI interface to the application.</para>
+    <figure>
+      <title>JNDI overview</title>
+      <mediaobject>
+        <imageobject>
+          <imagedata fileref="images/JndiOverview.png" format="PNG" scalefit="1"/>
+        </imageobject>
+      </mediaobject>
+    </figure>
+  </section>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Connection">
+    <title>Connection</title>
+    <para>A Connection represents an open communication channel between application and
+      Broker.</para>
+    <para>Connections are created from the ConnectionFactory <footnote>
+        <para>Constructors of the AMQConnection class must not be used.</para>
+      </footnote>.</para>
+    <para>Each connection utilises a single TCP/IP connection between the process of the application
+      and the process of the Broker. The act of establishing a connection is therefore a relatively
+      expensive operation. It is recommended that the same connection is used for a series of
+      message interactions. Patterns utilising a connection per message should not be used. </para>
+    <para>The underlying TCP/IP connection remains open for the lifetime of the JMS connection. It
+      is closed when the application calls <ulink
+        url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Connection.html#close()">Connection#close()</ulink>, but it
+      can also be closed if the connection is closed from the Broker side (via a Management
+      operation or broker shutdown or running into coditions which AMQP specifications treats as errors and mandates closing the connection).
+      The JMS connection will also be closed if the underlying TCP/IP connection is broken.</para>
+    <para>Qpid connections have failover and heartbeating capabilities. They support SSL and
+      client-auth. These are described in the sub-sections that follow.</para>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Connection-Failover">
+      <title>Failover</title>
+      <para>Qpid connections support a failover feature. This is the ability to automatically
+        re-establish a failed connection, either to the same Broker, or the next Broker in the
+        broker list.</para>
+      <para>This failover process is done in a manner that is mostly transparent to the application.
+        After a successful failover, any existing Connection, Session, MessageConsumer and
+        MessageProducer objects held by the application remain valid.</para>
+      <para>If a failover occurs during the scope of a JMS Transaction, any work performed by that
+        transaction is lost. The application is made aware of this loss by way of the <ulink
+          url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/TransactionRolledBackException.html"
+          >TransactionRolledBackException</ulink> from the <ulink
+          url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Session.html#commit">Session#commit()</ulink> call.
+        Applications utilising failover must be prepared to catch this exception and respond by
+        either repeating the work of the transaction, or by propagating a rollback to the
+        originating system.</para>
+      <para>If, after all retries are exhausted, failover has failed to reconnect the application,
+        the Connection's <ulink url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/ExceptionListener.html"
+          >ExceptionListener</ulink> will receive a JMSException with a linked exception of <ulink
+          url="JMS-Client-0-8-Appendix-Exceptions-AMQDisconnectedException"
+          >AMQDisconnectedException</ulink>. Any further use of the JMS objects (Connection, Session
+        etc), will results in a <ulink url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/IllegalStateException.html"
+          >IllegalStateException</ulink>.</para>
+      <para>Configure failover using the Connection URL. Here's an example Connection URL utilising
+        failover between two brokers. Note the use of the broker options <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-Retries"
+          ><literal>retries</literal></link> and <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-ConnectDelay"
+            ><literal>connectdelay</literal></link> to control the number of connection attempts to
+        each individual broker, and the delay between each connection attempt. Also note the use of
+        the <emphasis>failover option</emphasis>
+        <literal>cyclecount</literal> to control the number of times the failover mechanism will
+        traverse the brokerlist.</para>
+      <example>
+        <title>Connection URL configured for failover</title>
+        <screen><![CDATA[
+            ?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:15672?retries='10'&connectdelay='1000';tcp://localhost:25672?retries='10'&connectdelay='1000''
+            &failover='roundrobin?cyclecount='20'']]>
+        </screen>
+      </example>
+      <para>For full details see <xref linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL"/></para>
+      <note><para>Note, that a single broker failover is enabled by default. If the failover behaviour is not desired it can be switched off
+       by setting a failover option to <emphasis>nofailover</emphasis> as in the example below
+       <example>
+        <title>Connection URL configured with nofailover</title>
+        <screen><![CDATA[
+            ?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:15672?failover='nofailover']]>
+        </screen>
+      </example>
+      </para></note>
+      <!-- TODO perhaps mention ConnectionListener?-->
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Connection-Heartbeating">
+      <title>Heartbeating</title>
+      <para>Qpid connections support heartbeating. When enabled, the Qpid JMS client and Broker
+        exchange a heartbeat during periods of inactivity. This allows both peers to discover if the
+        TCP/IP connection becomes inoperable in a timely manner.</para>
+      <para>This feature is sometimes useful in applications that must traverse firewalls as the
+        heartbeat prevents connections from being closed during periods when there is no application
+        traffic.</para>
+      <para>It is also allows the both the JMS client and the Broker to confirm that the other is
+          <emphasis>minimally</emphasis> responsive. (It does nothing however to determine the
+        health of the higher level tiers of application, for this reason, applications may implement
+        an application level heartbeat either in addition to, or instead of the heartbeat.</para>
+      <para>If the client ever fails to receive two consecutive heartbeats, the Connection will be
+        automatically closed and the Connection's <ulink
+          url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/ExceptionListener.html">ExceptionListener</ulink> will
+        receive a JMSException with a linked exception of AMQDisconnectedException. Any further use
+        of the JMS objects (Connection, Session etc), will results in a <ulink
+          url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/IllegalStateException.html"
+        >IllegalStateException</ulink>.</para>
+      <para>To enable heartbeating either use a Connection URL including the broker option <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-Heartbeat"
+            ><literal>heartbeat</literal></link>, or use the system property <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-Heartbeat"
+          ><literal>qpid.heartbeat</literal></link>. </para>
+      <example>
+        <title>Connection URL configured for heartbeating</title>
+        <screen><![CDATA[
+        </screen>
+      </example>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Connection-SSL">
+      <title>SSL</title>
+      <para>The Qpid JMS client supports connections encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and
+        SSL-Client Authentication. SSL is configured using Connection URL. To use SSL, SSL must be
+        be configured on the Broker.</para>
+      <para>Some example Connection URLs using SSL follow:</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Simple SSL when the Broker is secured by a certificate that is signed by a CA which
+            is trusted by the JVM.</para>
+          <example>
+            <title>Connection URL configured for SSL - CA trusted by JVM</title>
+            <screen><![CDATA[
+            </screen>
+          </example>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>SSL when the Broker is secured by a certificate that is signed by a CA which is NOT
+            trusted by the JVM (such as when a organisation is using a private CA, or self-signed
+            certificates are in use). For this case, we use <link
+              linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-TrustStore"
+                ><literal>trust_store</literal></link> and <link
+              linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-TrustStorePassword"
+                ><literal>trust_store_password</literal></link> to specify a path a truststore file
+            (containing the certificate of the private-CA) and the truststore password.</para>
+          <example>
+            <title>Connection URL configured for SSL - CA not trusted by JVM</title>
+            <screen><![CDATA[
+            </screen>
+          </example>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>SSL with SSL client-auth. For this case, we use <link
+              linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-KeyStore"
+                ><literal>key_store</literal></link> and <link
+              linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-BrokerOptions-KeyStorePassword"
+                ><literal>key_store_password</literal></link> to specify a path a keystore file
+            (containing the certificate of the client) and the keystore password.</para>
+          <example>
+            <title>Connection URL configured for SSL - SSL client-auth</title>
+            <screen><![CDATA[
+            </screen>
+          </example>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Session">
+    <title>Session</title>
+    <para>A Session object is a single-threaded context for producing and consuming messages.</para>
+    <para>Session objects are created from the Connection. Whilst Session objects are relatively
+      lightweight, patterns utilising a single Session per message are not recommended.</para>
+    <para>The number of sessions open per connection at any one time is limited. This value is
+      negotiated when the connection is made. It defaults to 256.</para>
+    <para>Qpid JMS Sessions have the ability to prefetch messages to improve consumer performance.
+      This feature is described next.</para>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Session-Prefecth">
+      <title>Prefetch</title>
+      <para>Prefetch specifies how many messages the client will optimistically cache for delivery
+        to a consumer. This is a useful parameter to tune that can improve the throughput of an
+        application. The prefetch buffer is scoped per <emphasis>Session</emphasis>.</para>
+      <para>The size of the prefetch buffer can be tuned per Connection using the connection url
+        option <link linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-Maxprefetch"
+            ><literal>maxprefetch</literal></link> (or JVM wide using the system property <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-Maxprefetch"
+          ><literal>max_prefetch</literal></link>). By default, prefetch defaults to 500.</para>
+      <para>There are situations when you may wish to consider reducing the size of prefetch:</para>
+      <para>
+        <orderedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>When using a <ulink url="http://www.eaipatterns.com/CompetingConsumers.html"
+                >Competing Consumers</ulink> pattern, prefetch can give the appearance of unequal
+              division of work. This will be apparent on startup when the queue has messages. The
+              first consumer started will cache prefetch size number of messages, possibly leaving
+              the other consumers with no initial work.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>When using special queue types (such as LVQs, Sorted Queue and Priority Queues).
+              For these queue types the special delivery rules apply whilst the message resides on
+              the Broker. As soon as the message is sent to the client it delivery order is then
+              fixed. For example, if using a priority queue, and a prefetch of 100, and 100 messages
+              arrive with priority 2, the broker will send these to the client. If then a new
+              message arrives with priority 1, the broker cannot leap frog messages of the lower
+              priority. The priority 1 message will be delivered at the front of the next
+              batch.</para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>When message size is large and you do not wish the memory footprint of the
+              application to grow (or suffer an OutOfMemoryError).</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </orderedlist>
+      </para>
+      <para>Finally, if using multiple MessageConsumers on a single Session, keep in mind that
+        unless you keep polling <emphasis>all</emphasis> consumers, it is possible for some traffic
+        patterns to result in consumer starvation and an application level deadlock. For example, if
+        prefetch is 100, and 100 hundred messages arrive suitable for consumer A, those messages
+        will be prefetched by the session, entirely filling the prefetch buffer. Now if the
+        application performs a blocking <ulink
+          url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/MessageConsumer.html#receive()"
+          >MessageConsumer#receive()</ulink> for Consumer B on the same Session, the application
+        will hang indefinitely as even if messages suitable for B arrive at the Broker. Those
+        messages can never be sent to the Session as no space is available in prefetch. </para>
+      <note><para>Please note, when the acknowlegement mode <emphasis>Session#SESSION_TRANSACTED</emphasis>
+       or <emphasis>Session#CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE</emphasis> is set on a consuming session,
+       the prefetched messages are released from the prefetch buffer on transaction commit/rollback
+       (in case of acknowledgement mode <emphasis>Session#SESSION_TRANSACTED</emphasis> )
+       or acknowledgement of the messages receipt (in case of acknowledgement mode
+       <emphasis>Session#CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE</emphasis> ). If the consuming application does not commit/rollback
+       the receiving transaction (for example, due to mistakes in application exception handling logic),
+       the prefetched messages continue to remain in the prefetch buffer preventing the delivery of the following messages.
+       As result, the application might stop the receiving of the messages
+       until the transaction is committed/rolled back (for <emphasis>Session#SESSION_TRANSACTED</emphasis> )
+        or received messages are acknowledged (for <emphasis>Session#CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE</emphasis>).</para></note>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Session-TemporaryQueues">
+      <title>TemporaryQueues</title>
+      <para>Qpid implements JMS temporary queues as AMQP auto-delete queues. The life cycle of these
+        queues deviates from the JMS specification.</para>
+      <para>AMQP auto-delete queues are deleted either when the <emphasis>last</emphasis> Consumer
+        closes, or the Connection is closed. If no Consumer is ever attached to the queue, the queue
+        will remain until the Connection is closed.</para>
+      <para>This deviation has no practical impact on the implementation of the <ulink
+          url="http://www.eaipatterns.com/RequestReply.html">request/reply messaging pattern</ulink>
+        utilising a per-request temporary reply queue. The reply to queue is deleted as the
+        application closes the Consumer awaiting the response. </para>
+      <para>Temporary queues are exposed to Management in the same way as normal queues. Temporary
+        queue names take the form string <literal>TempQueue</literal> followed by a random
+        UUID.</para>
+      <para>Note that <ulink url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/TemporaryQueue.html#delete()"
+          >TemporaryQueue#delete()</ulink> merely marks the queue as deleted on within the JMS
+        client (and prevents further use of the queue from the application), however, the Queue will
+        remain on the Broker until the Consumer (or Connection) is closed.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Session-CreateQueue">
+      <title>CreateQueue</title>
+      <para>In the Qpid JMS client, <ulink
+          url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Session.html#createQueue(java.lang.String)"
+          >Session#createQueue()</ulink> accepts either a queue name, or a Binding URL. If only name
+        is specified the destination will be resolved into binding URL:
+        direct://amq.direct//&lt;queue name&gt;?routingkey=’&lt;queue name&gt;’&amp;durable=’true’. </para>
+      <para>Calling Session#createQueue() has no effect on the Broker.</para>
+      <para>Reiterating the advice from the JMS javadoc, it is suggested that this method is not
+        generally used. Instead, application should lookup Destinations declared within JNDI.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Session-CreateTopic">
+      <title>CreateTopic</title>
+      <para>In the Qpid JMS client, <ulink
+          url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Session.html#createTopic(java.lang.String)"
+          >Session#createTopic()</ulink> accepts either a topic name, or a Binding URL. If only name
+        is specified the destination will be resolved into binding URL: topic://amq.topic//&lt;topic
+        name&gt;?routingkey=’&lt;topic name&gt;’.</para>
+      <para>Calling Session#createTopic() has no effect on the Broker.</para>
+      <para>Reiterating the advice from the JMS javadoc, it is suggested that this method is not
+        generally used. Instead, application should lookup Destinations declared within JNDI.</para>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer">
+    <title>MessageProducer</title>
+    <para>A MessageProducer sends a message an <emphasis>Exchange</emphasis>. It is the Exchange
+      (within the Broker) that routes the message to zero or more queue(s). Routing is performed
+      according to rules expressed as <emphasis>bindings</emphasis> between the exchange and queues
+      and a <emphasis>routing key</emphasis> included with each message.</para>
+    <para>To understand how this mechanism is used to deliver messages to queues and topics, see
+        <ulink url="&qpidJavaBrokerBook;Java-Broker-Concepts-Exchanges.html">Exchanges</ulink>
+      within the Java Broker book.</para>
+    <para>It is important to understand that when not used on a transactional session, <ulink
+        url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/MessageProducer.html#send(javax.jms.Message)"
+        >MessageProducer#send()</ulink> is <emphasis>asynchronous</emphasis> in nature. When #send()
+      returns to the application, the application cannot be certain if the Broker has received the
+      message. The Qpid JMS client may not have yet started to send the message, the message could
+      residing in a TCP/IP buffer, or the messages could be in some intermediate buffer within the
+      Broker. If the application requires certainty the message has been received by the Broker, a
+        <ulink url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Session.html#SESSION_TRANSACTED">transactional
+        session</ulink>
+      <emphasis>must</emphasis> be used.</para>
+    <para>Qpid JMS MessageProducers have a number of features above that required by JMS. These are
+      described in the sub-sections that follow.</para>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-MandatoryMessage">
+      <title>Mandatory Messages</title>
+      <para>With this feature, publishing a message with a routing key for which no binding exists
+        on the exchange will result in the message being returned to the publisher's
+        connection.</para>
+      <para>The Message is returned to the application in an asynchronous fashion via the
+        Connection's <ulink url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/ExceptionListener.html"
+          >ExceptionListener</ulink>. When a message is returned, it will be invoked with a
+        JMSException whose linked exception is an <ulink
+          url="JMS-Client-0-8-Appendix-Exceptions-AMQNoRouteException">AMQNoRouteException</ulink>.
+        The returned message is available to the application by calling
+        AMQNoRouteException#getUndeliveredMessage(). The ExceptionListener will be invoked exactly
+        once for each returned message.</para>
+      <para>The mandatory message feature is turned <emphasis>on</emphasis> by default for Queue
+        destinations and <emphasis>off</emphasis> for Topic destinations. This can be overridden
+        using system properties <link linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-DefaultMandatory"
+            ><literal>qpid.default_mandatory</literal></link> and <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-DefaultMandatoryTopic"
+            ><literal>qpid.default_mandatory_topic</literal></link> for Queues and Topics
+        respectively.</para>
+      <note><para>Please note, according to AMQP specifications the mandatory flag on a message tells the server
+       how to react if the message cannot be routed to a  queue. If this flag is set, the server will return an unroutable message with a
+       Return method. If this flag is zero, the server silently drops the message. Please, refer <ulink url="&amqpSrc;">AMQP specifications</ulink>
+        for more details.</para></note>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-CloseWhenNoRoute">
+      <title>Close When No Route</title>
+      <para>With this feature, if a mandatory message is published with a routing key for which no
+        binding exists on the exchange the Broker will close the connection. This client feature
+        requires support for the corresponding feature by the Broker.</para>
+      <para>To enable or disable from the client, use the Connection URL option <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Connection-URL-ConnectionOptions-CloseWhenNoRoute"
+            ><literal>closeWhenNoRoute</literal></link>.</para>
+      <para>See <ulink url="&qpidJavaBrokerBook;Java-Broker-Close-Connection-When-No-Route.html">
+          Closing client connections on unroutable mandatory messages</ulink> within the Java Broker
+        book for full details of the functioning of this feature.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-ImmediateMessage">
+      <title>Immediate Messages</title>
+      <para>This feature is defined in <ulink url="&amqpSrc;">AMQP specifications</ulink>.</para>
+      <para>When this feature is enabled, when publishing a message the Broker ensures that a
+        Consumer is attached to queue. If there is no Consumer attached to the queue, the message is
+        returned to the publisher's connection. The Message is returned to the application in an
+        asynchronous fashion using the Connection's <ulink
+          url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/ExceptionListener.html">ExceptionListener</ulink>.</para>
+      <para>The ExceptionListener will be invoked with a JMSException whose linked exception is an
+          <ulink url="JMS-Client-0-8-Appendix-Exceptions-AMQNoConsumersException"
+          >AMQNoConsumersException</ulink>. The returned message is available to the application by
+        calling AMQNoConsumersException#getUndeliveredMessage(). The ExceptionListener will be
+        invoked exactly once for each returned message.</para>
+      <para>The immediate message feature is turned <emphasis>off</emphasis> by default. It can be
+        enabled with system property <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-DefaultImmediate"
+            ><literal>qpid.default_immediate</literal></link>.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageProducer-FlowControl">
+      <title>Flow Control</title>
+      <para>With this feature, if a message is sent to a queue that is overflow, the producer's
+        session is blocked until the queue becomes underfull, or a timeout expires. This client
+        feature requires support for the corresponding feature by the Broker.</para>
+      <para>To control the timeout use System property <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-FlowControlWaitFailure"
+            ><literal>qpid.flow_control_wait_failure</literal></link>. To control the frequency with
+        which warnings are logged whilst a Session is blocked, use System property <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-FlowControlWaitNotifyPeriod"
+            ><literal>qpid.flow_control_wait_notify_period</literal></link></para>
+      <para>See <ulink
+          url="&qpidJavaBrokerBook;Java-Broker-Runtime-Disk-Space-Management.html#Qpid-Producer-Flow-Control"
+          > Producer Flow Control</ulink> within the Java Broker book for full details of the
+        functioning of this feature.</para>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageConsumer">
+    <title>MessageConsumer</title>
+    <para>A MessageConsumer receives messages from a Queue or Topic.</para>
+    <para>MessageConsumer objects are created from the Session.</para>
+    <para>Qpid JMS MessageConsumers have a number of features above that required by JMS. These are
+      described in the sub-sections that follow.</para>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageConsumer-ConsumerSideEffect">
+      <title>Consumers have Exchange/Queue Declaration and Binding Side Effect</title>
+      <para>By default, calling <ulink
+          url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Session.html#createConsumer(javax.jms.Destination)"
+          >Session#createConsumer()</ulink> will cause:</para>
+      <orderedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>If the exchange does not exist on the Broker, it will be created. The exchange is
+            specified by the Binding URL associated with the Destination.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>If the queue does not exist on the Broker, it will be created. The queue is
+            specified by the Binding URL associated with the Destination.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>If there is no binding between the exchange and queue, a binding will be created
+            using the routingkey as a bindingkey. The exchange, queue and routing key are specified
+            by the Binding URL associated with the Destination.</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </orderedlist>
+      <para>The exchange and queue declare side effect can be suppressed using system properties
+          <link linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-DeclareExchanges"
+            ><literal>qpid.declare_exchanges</literal></link> and <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-DeclareQueues"
+            ><literal>qpid.declare_queues</literal></link>.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageConsumer-TopicSubscriptions">
+      <title>Topic Subscriptions</title>
+      <para>The Qpid JMS client implements each subscription to a Topic as separate queue on the
+        Broker. From the perspective of the JMS application this implementational detail is
+        irrelevant: the application never needs to directly address these queues. However, these
+        details are important when considering Management and Operational concerns.</para>
+      <para>Durable topic subscriptions use a <emphasis>durable</emphasis> and
+          <emphasis>exclusive</emphasis> queue named as follows:</para>
+      <programlisting>
+        clientid: + subscriptionId
+      </programlisting>
+      <para>where <literal>subscriptionId</literal> is that passed to the <ulink
+          url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Session.html#createDurableSubscriber(javax.jms.Topic,%20java.lang.String)"
+          >Session#createDurableSubscriber(javax.jms.Topic,java.lang.String)</ulink></para>
+      <para>Calling <ulink
+          url="&oracleJeeDocUrl;javax/jms/Session.html#unsubscribe(java.lang.String)"
+          >Session#unsubscribe(java.lang.String)</ulink> deletes the underlying queue.</para>
+      <para>Non-durable topic subscriptions use a <emphasis>non-durable</emphasis>,
+          <emphasis>exclusive</emphasis> and <emphasis>auto-delete</emphasis> queue named as
+        follows:</para>
+      <programlisting>
+        tmp + _ + ip + _ + port + _ + sequence
+      </programlisting>
+      <para>where <literal>ip</literal> is the ip address of the client with dots replaced by
+        underscores, <literal>port</literal> is the ephemeral port number assigned to the client's
+        connection, and <literal>sequence</literal> is a sequence number.</para>
+      <para>Closing the consumer (or closing the connection) will delete the underlying
+        queue.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-MessageConsumer-MaximumDeliveryCount">
+      <title>Maximum Delivery Count</title>
+      <para>With this feature, the Broker keeps track of a number of times a message has been
+        delivered to a consumer. If the count ever exceeds a threshold value, the Broker moves the
+        message to a dead letter queue (DLQ). This is used to prevent poison messages preventing a
+        system's operation. This client feature requires support for the corresponding feature by
+        the Broker.</para>
+      <para>When using this feature, the application must either set system property <link
+          linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-System-Properties-RejectBehaviour">qpid.reject.behaviour</link> or
+        the Binding URL option <link linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Binding-URL-Options-RejectBehaviour"
+            ><literal>rejectbehaviour</literal></link> to the value
+        <literal>server</literal>.</para>
+      <para>See <ulink
+          url="&qpidJavaBrokerBook;Java-Broker-Runtime-Handling-Undeliverable-Messages.html#Java-Broker-Runtime-Handling-Undeliverable-Messages-Maximum-Delivery-Count"
+          > Handling Undeliverable Messages</ulink> within the Java Broker book for full details of
+          the functioning of this feature.</para>
+      <note><para>The optional JMS message header <literal>JMSXDeliveryCount</literal> is <emphasis>not</emphasis>
+          supported.</para></note>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="JMS-Client-0-8-Client-Understanding-Destinations">
+    <title>Destinations</title>
+    <para>A Destination is either a Queue or Topic. In the Qpid JMS client a Destination
+      encapsulates a Binding URL. In simple terms, the Binding URL comprises of an exchange, queue
+      and a routing key. Binding URLs are described fully by <xref
+        linkend="JMS-Client-0-8-Binding-URL"/>. </para>
+    <para>In many cases, applications do not need to deal directly with Binding URLs, instead they
+      can refer to JMS administered objects declared in the JNDI properties file with the
+        <literal>queue.</literal> and <literal>topic.</literal> prefix to create Queues and Topics
+      objects respectively. </para>
+  </section>
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+<!ENTITY qpidVersion "0.26">
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+<!ENTITY qpidClientGroupId "org.apache.qpid">
+<!ENTITY qpidClientArtefactId "qpid-client">
+<!ENTITY qpidProgrammingBook "../../Programming-In-Apache-Qpid/html/">
+<!ENTITY qpidJavaBrokerBook "../../AMQP-Messaging-Broker-Java-Book/html/">
+<!ENTITY qpidSrc "http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/qpid/trunk/qpid/java/">
+<!ENTITY amqpSrc "http://www.amqp.org">
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+<!ENTITY oracleJmsSpec "http://download.oracle.com/otndocs/jcp/7195-jms-1.1-fr-spec-oth-JSpec/">
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+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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284.83498 107.4296 270.77631 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(114 260.5)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="9.666992" y="11" textLength="26.666016">JNDI</tspan></text><path d="M 198 136 L 224.69935 130.54855 L 223.59255 135.86122 L 462.59204 185.65278 L 463.69884 180.34011 L 486 196 L 459.30065 201.45145 L 460.40745 196.13878 L 221.40796 146.34722 L 220.30116 151.65989 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_3)"/><path d="M 198 136 L 224.69935 130.54855 L 223.59255 135.86122 L 462.59204 185.65278 L 463.69884 180.34011 L 486 196 L 459.30065 201.45145 L 460.40745 196.13878 L 221.40796 146.34722 L 220.30116 151.65989 Z" stroke="#513d99" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><path d="M 130.71163 175 L 143.28837 175 L 143.28837 218.07082 L 149.57673 218.07082 L 137 238.07083 L 124.42327 218.07082 L 130.71163 218.07082 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_4)"/><path d="M 130.71163 175 L 143.28837 175 L 143.28837 218.07082 L 149.57673 218.07082 L 137 238.07083 L 124.42327 218.07082 L 130.71163 218.07082 Z" stroke="#e97b00" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(144 187.88385) rotate(90)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="0" y="11" textLength="35.361328">lookup</tspan></text><path d="M 413 266.0802 C 413 258.69126 410.8283 257.7771 394.96463 250.4646 L 394.79705 250.38894 C 378.8496 243 378.68372 243 362.3173 243 C 340.52507 243 242 243 242 243 L 242 321 L 413 321 L 413 266.0802 Z" fill="white"/><path d="M 413 266.0802 C 413 258.69126 410.8283 257.7771 394.96463 250.4646 L 394.79705 250.38894 C 378.8496 243 378.68372 243 362.3173 243 C 340.52507 243 242 243 242 243 L 242 321 L 413 321 L 413 266.0802 Z M 413 265.69956 C 413 258.69126 412.83242 258.69126 378.68372 258.69126 L 378.68372 258.69126 C 378.68372 243.07644 378.68372 243 363.31937 243" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(247 260)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="0" y="8" textLength="139.22266">java.naming.factory.initial=…</tspan><tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="7" font-weight="500" x="0" y="19" textLength="100.816406">connectionfactory.qpidCF</tspan><tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="100.816406" y="19" textLength="9.6015625">=…</tspan><tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="0" y="30" textLength="100.816406">queue.mytrades=trades</tspan><tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="0" y="41" textLength="148.82422">queue.myinstruments=instruments</tspan></text><path d="M 173.19828 275.30005 L 174.91024 265.34075 L 223.14507 273.63212 L 224.00105 268.65248 L 242 282 L 220.57713 288.57107 L 221.43311 283.59142 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_5)"/><path d="M 173.19828 275.30005 L 174.91024 265.34075 L 223.14507 273.63212 L 224.00105 268.65248 L 242 282 L 220.57713 288.57107 L 221.43311 283.59142 Z" stroke="#e97b00" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(189.84696 258.82977) rotate(9.75359)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="1.16878206" y="11" textLength="19.347656">defi</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="20.516438" y="11" textLength="23.355469">ned </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="14.516438" y="25" textLength="12.673828">by</tspan></text><g id="id10_Graphic"><path d="M 551.4536 133.07864 L 587.49484 133.70774 C 589.9817 133.75115 591.785 146.1045 591.52006 161.28219 C 591.25513 176.45988 589.0218 188.74277 586.53496 188.69936 L 550.49372 188.07026 C 548.00687 188.02685 546.20358 175.6735 546.4685 160.49581 C 546.73343 145.31812 548.96675 133.03523 551.4536 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525.4 360 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_2)"/><path d="M 403 360 L 403 135 L 416.6 110 L 539 110 L 539 335 L 525.4 360 L 403 360 M 403 135 L 525.4 135 L 539 110 M 525.4 135 L 525.4 360" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(408 135)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="36.858203" y="11" textLength="38.683594">Broker</tspan></text></g><path d="M 334 251.39115 L 334 240.60885 L 393 240.60885 L 393 235.21769 L 415 246 L 393 256.78231 L 393 251.39115 Z" fill="url(#Obj_Gradient_3)"/><path d="M 334 251.39115 L 334 240.60885 L 393 240.60885 L 393 235.21769 L 415 246 L 393 256.78231 L 393 251.39115 Z" stroke="#513d99" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(349.125 239)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="black" x="6.361328" y="11" textLength="38.027344">publish</tspan></text><g id="id10_Graphic"><path d="M 477.42644 182.83601 L 509.42644 182.83601 C 511.63444 182.83601 513.42644 194.03601 513.42644 207.83601 C 513.42644 221.63601 511.63444 232.83601 509.42644 232.83601 L 477.42644 232.83601 C 475.21844 232.83601 473.42644 221.63601 473.42644 207.83601 C 473.42644 194.03601 475.21844 182.83601 477.42644 182.83601" fill="#218041"/><path d="M 477.42644 182.83601 L 509.42644 182.83601 C 511.63444 182.83601 513.42644 194.03601 513.42644 207.83601 C 513.42644 221.63601 511.63444 232.83601 509.42644 232.83601 L 477.42644 232.83601 C 475.21844 232.83601 473.42644 221.63601 473.42644 207.83601 C 473.42644 194.03601 475.21844 182.83601 477.42644 182.83601 M 509.42644 182.83601 C 507.21844 182.83601 505.42644 194.03601 505.42644 207.83601 C 505.42644 221.63601 507.21844 232.83601 509.42644 232.83601" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/></g><g id="id594_Graphic"><path d="M 474.7307 257.26253 L 506.7307 257.26253 C 508.9387 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