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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from qpid.client import Client, Closed
from qpid.queue import Empty
from qpid.testlib import TestBase010
from qpid.datatypes import Message, RangedSet
from qpid.session import SessionException
from qpid.content import Content
from time import sleep
class MessageTests(TestBase010):
"""Tests for 'methods' on the amqp message 'class'"""
def test_no_local(self):
NOTE: this is a test of a QPID specific feature
Test that the qpid specific no_local arg is honoured.
session = self.session
#setup, declare two queues one of which excludes delivery of locally sent messages
session.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-1a", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-1b", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True, arguments={'no-local':'true'})
#establish two consumers
self.subscribe(destination="local_included", queue="test-queue-1a")
self.subscribe(destination="local_excluded", queue="test-queue-1b")
#send a message
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue-1a"), "deliver-me"))
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue-1b"), "dont-deliver-me"))
#send a message from another session on the same connection to each queue
session2 = self.conn.session("my-local-session")
session2.message_transfer(message=Message(session2.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue-1a"), "deliver-me-as-well"))
session2.message_transfer(message=Message(session2.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue-1b"), "dont-deliver-me-either"))
#send a message from a session on another connection to each queue
for q in ["test-queue-1a", "test-queue-1b"]:
session.exchange_bind(queue=q, exchange="amq.fanout", binding_key="my-key")
other = self.connect()
session3 = other.session("my-other-session")
session3.message_transfer(destination="amq.fanout", message=Message("i-am-not-local"))
#check the queues of the two consumers
excluded = session.incoming("local_excluded")
included = session.incoming("local_included")
for b in ["deliver-me", "deliver-me-as-well", "i-am-not-local"]:
msg = included.get(timeout=1)
self.assertEqual(b, msg.body)
msg = excluded.get(timeout=1)
self.assertEqual("i-am-not-local", msg.body)
excluded.get(timeout=1)"Received locally published message though no_local=true")
except Empty: None
def test_no_local_awkward(self):
NOTE: this is a test of a QPID specific feature
Check that messages which will be excluded through no-local
processing will not block subsequent deliveries
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue="test-queue", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True, arguments={'no-local':'true'})
#establish consumer which excludes delivery of locally sent messages
self.subscribe(destination="local_excluded", queue="test-queue")
#send a 'local' message
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue"), "local"))
#send a non local message
other = self.connect()
session2 = other.session("my-session", 1)
session2.message_transfer(message=Message(session2.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue"), "foreign"))
#check that the second message only is delivered
excluded = session.incoming("local_excluded")
msg = excluded.get(timeout=1)
self.assertEqual("foreign", msg.body)
excluded.get(timeout=1)"Received extra message")
except Empty: None
#check queue is empty
self.assertEqual(0, session.queue_query(queue="test-queue").message_count)
def test_no_local_exclusive_subscribe(self):
NOTE: this is a test of a QPID specific feature
Test that the no_local processing works on queues not declared
as exclusive, but with an exclusive subscription
session = self.session
#setup, declare two queues one of which excludes delivery of
#locally sent messages but is not declared as exclusive
session.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-1a", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-1b", auto_delete=True, arguments={'no-local':'true'})
#establish two consumers
self.subscribe(destination="local_included", queue="test-queue-1a")
self.subscribe(destination="local_excluded", queue="test-queue-1b", exclusive=True)
#send a message from the same session to each queue
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue-1a"), "deliver-me"))
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue-1b"), "dont-deliver-me"))
#send a message from another session on the same connection to each queue
session2 = self.conn.session("my-session")
session2.message_transfer(message=Message(session2.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue-1a"), "deliver-me-as-well"))
session2.message_transfer(message=Message(session2.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue-1b"), "dont-deliver-me-either"))
#send a message from a session on another connection to each queue
for q in ["test-queue-1a", "test-queue-1b"]:
session.exchange_bind(queue=q, exchange="amq.fanout", binding_key="my-key")
other = self.connect()
session3 = other.session("my-other-session")
session3.message_transfer(destination="amq.fanout", message=Message("i-am-not-local"))
#check the queues of the two consumers
excluded = session.incoming("local_excluded")
included = session.incoming("local_included")
for b in ["deliver-me", "deliver-me-as-well", "i-am-not-local"]:
msg = included.get(timeout=1)
self.assertEqual(b, msg.body)
msg = excluded.get(timeout=1)
self.assertEqual("i-am-not-local", msg.body)
excluded.get(timeout=1)"Received locally published message though no_local=true")
except Empty: None
def test_consume_exclusive(self):
Test an exclusive consumer prevents other consumer being created
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-2", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.message_subscribe(destination="first", queue="test-queue-2", exclusive=True)
session.message_subscribe(destination="second", queue="test-queue-2")"Expected consume request to fail due to previous exclusive consumer")
except SessionException, e:
self.assertEquals(405, e.args[0].error_code)
def test_consume_exclusive2(self):
Check that an exclusive consumer cannot be created if a consumer already exists:
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-2", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.message_subscribe(destination="first", queue="test-queue-2")
session.message_subscribe(destination="second", queue="test-queue-2", exclusive=True)"Expected exclusive consume request to fail due to previous consumer")
except SessionException, e:
self.assertEquals(405, e.args[0].error_code)
def test_consume_queue_not_found(self):
Test error conditions associated with the queue field of the consume method:
session = self.session
#queue specified but doesn't exist:
session.message_subscribe(queue="invalid-queue", destination="a")"Expected failure when consuming from non-existent queue")
except SessionException, e:
self.assertEquals(404, e.args[0].error_code)
def test_consume_queue_not_specified(self):
session = self.session
#queue not specified and none previously declared for channel:
session.message_subscribe(destination="a")"Expected failure when consuming from unspecified queue")
except SessionException, e:
self.assertEquals(531, e.args[0].error_code)
def test_consume_unique_consumers(self):
Ensure unique consumer tags are enforced
session = self.session
#setup, declare a queue:
session.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-3", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
#check that attempts to use duplicate tags are detected and prevented:
session.message_subscribe(destination="first", queue="test-queue-3")
session.message_subscribe(destination="first", queue="test-queue-3")"Expected consume request to fail due to non-unique tag")
except SessionException, e:
self.assertEquals(530, e.args[0].error_code)
def test_cancel(self):
Test compliance of the basic.cancel method
session = self.session
#setup, declare a queue:
session.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-4", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue-4"), "One"))
session.message_subscribe(destination="my-consumer", queue="test-queue-4")
myqueue = session.incoming("my-consumer")
session.message_flow(destination="my-consumer", unit=session.credit_unit.message, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
session.message_flow(destination="my-consumer", unit=session.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
#should flush here
#cancel should stop messages being delivered
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-queue-4"), "Two"))
msg = myqueue.get(timeout=1)
self.assertEqual("One", msg.body)
msg = myqueue.get(timeout=1)"Got message after cancellation: " + msg)
except Empty: None
#cancellation of non-existant consumers should be result in 404s
session.message_cancel(destination="my-consumer")"Expected 404 for recancellation of subscription.")
except SessionException, e:
self.assertEquals(404, e.args[0].error_code)
session = self.conn.session("alternate-session", timeout=10)
session.message_cancel(destination="this-never-existed")"Expected 404 for cancellation of unknown subscription.")
except SessionException, e:
self.assertEquals(404, e.args[0].error_code)
def test_ack(self):
Test basic ack/recover behaviour using a combination of implicit and
explicit accept subscriptions.
session1 = self.conn.session("alternate-session", timeout=10)
session1.queue_declare(queue="test-ack-queue", auto_delete=True)
delivery_properties = session1.delivery_properties(routing_key="test-ack-queue")
for i in ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five"]:
session1.message_transfer(message=Message(delivery_properties, i))
# verify enqueued message count, use both QMF and session query to verify consistency
self.assertEqual(5, session1.queue_query(queue="test-ack-queue").message_count)
queueObj = self.qmf.getObjects(_class="queue", name="test-ack-queue")[0]
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgDepth, 5)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalEnqueues, 5)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalDequeues, 0)
# subscribe with implied acquire, explicit accept:
session1.message_subscribe(queue = "test-ack-queue", destination = "consumer")
session1.message_flow(destination="consumer", unit=session1.credit_unit.message, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
session1.message_flow(destination="consumer", unit=session1.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
queue = session1.incoming("consumer")
msg1 = queue.get(timeout=1)
msg2 = queue.get(timeout=1)
msg3 = queue.get(timeout=1)
msg4 = queue.get(timeout=1)
msg5 = queue.get(timeout=1)
self.assertEqual("One", msg1.body)
self.assertEqual("Two", msg2.body)
self.assertEqual("Three", msg3.body)
self.assertEqual("Four", msg4.body)
self.assertEqual("Five", msg5.body)
# messages should not be on the queue:
self.assertEqual(0, session1.queue_query(queue="test-ack-queue").message_count)
# QMF shows the dequeues as not having happened yet, since they are have
# not been accepted
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgDepth, 5)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalEnqueues, 5)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalDequeues, 0)
session1.message_accept(RangedSet(,,, Two and Four
# QMF should now reflect the accepted messages as being dequeued
self.assertEqual(0, session1.queue_query(queue="test-ack-queue").message_count)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgDepth, 2)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalEnqueues, 5)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalDequeues, 3)
#subscribe from second session here to ensure queue is not auto-deleted
#when alternate session closes. Use implicit accept mode to test that
#we don't need to explicitly accept
session2 = self.conn.session("alternate-session-2", timeout=10)
session2.message_subscribe(queue = "test-ack-queue", destination = "checker", accept_mode=1)
#now close the first session, and see that the unaccepted messages are
#then redelivered to another subscriber:
# check the statistics - the queue_query will show the non-accepted
# messages have been released. QMF never considered them dequeued, so
# those counts won't change
self.assertEqual(2, session2.queue_query(queue="test-ack-queue").message_count)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgDepth, 2)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalEnqueues, 5)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalDequeues, 3)
session2.message_flow(destination="checker", unit=session2.credit_unit.message, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
session2.message_flow(destination="checker", unit=session2.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
queue = session2.incoming("checker")
msg3b = queue.get(timeout=1)
msg5b = queue.get(timeout=1)
self.assertEqual("Three", msg3b.body)
self.assertEqual("Five", msg5b.body)
extra = queue.get(timeout=1)"Got unexpected message: " + extra.body)
except Empty: None
self.assertEqual(0, session2.queue_query(queue="test-ack-queue").message_count)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgDepth, 0)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalEnqueues, 5)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalDequeues, 5)
# Subscribe one last time to keep the queue available, and to verify
# that the implied accept worked by verifying no messages have been
# returned when session2 is closed.
self.session.message_subscribe(queue = "test-ack-queue", destination = "final-checker")
# check the statistics - they should not have changed
self.assertEqual(0, self.session.queue_query(queue="test-ack-queue").message_count)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgDepth, 0)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalEnqueues, 5)
self.assertEquals(queueObj.msgTotalDequeues, 5)
self.session.message_flow(destination="final-checker", unit=self.session.credit_unit.message, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
self.session.message_flow(destination="final-checker", unit=self.session.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
extra = self.session.incoming("final-checker").get(timeout=1)"Got unexpected message: " + extra.body)
except Empty: None
def test_reject(self):
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True, alternate_exchange="amq.fanout")
session.queue_declare(queue = "r", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.exchange_bind(queue = "r", exchange = "amq.fanout")
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "consumer")
session.message_flow(destination="consumer", unit=session.credit_unit.message, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
session.message_flow(destination="consumer", unit=session.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "blah, blah"))
msg = session.incoming("consumer").get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals(msg.body, "blah, blah")
session.message_subscribe(queue = "r", destination = "checker")
session.message_flow(destination="checker", unit=session.credit_unit.message, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
session.message_flow(destination="checker", unit=session.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
msg = session.incoming("checker").get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals(msg.body, "blah, blah")
def test_credit_flow_messages(self):
Test basic credit based flow control with unit = message
#declare an exclusive queue
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
#create consumer (for now that defaults to infinite credit)
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "c")
session.message_set_flow_mode(flow_mode = 0, destination = "c")
#send batch of messages to queue
for i in range(1, 11):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "Message %d" % i))
#set message credit to finite amount (less than enough for all messages)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 5, destination = "c")
#set infinite byte credit
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "c")
#check that expected number were received
q = session.incoming("c")
for i in range(1, 6):
self.assertDataEquals(session, q.get(timeout = 1), "Message %d" % i)
#increase credit again and check more are received
for i in range(6, 11):
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 1, destination = "c")
self.assertDataEquals(session, q.get(timeout = 1), "Message %d" % i)
def test_credit_flow_bytes(self):
Test basic credit based flow control with unit = bytes
#declare an exclusive queue
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
#create consumer (for now that defaults to infinite credit)
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "c")
session.message_set_flow_mode(flow_mode = 0, destination = "c")
#send batch of messages to queue
for i in range(10):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "abcdefgh"))
#each message is currently interpreted as requiring msg_size bytes of credit
msg_size = 19
#set byte credit to finite amount (less than enough for all messages)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = msg_size*5, destination = "c")
#set infinite message credit
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "c")
#check that expected number were received
q = session.incoming("c")
for i in range(5):
self.assertDataEquals(session, q.get(timeout = 1), "abcdefgh")
#increase credit again and check more are received
for i in range(5):
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = msg_size, destination = "c")
self.assertDataEquals(session, q.get(timeout = 1), "abcdefgh")
def test_window_flow_messages(self):
Test basic window based flow control with unit = message
#declare an exclusive queue
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
#create consumer (for now that defaults to infinite credit)
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "c")
session.message_set_flow_mode(flow_mode = 1, destination = "c")
#send batch of messages to queue
for i in range(1, 11):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "Message %d" % i))
#set message credit to finite amount (less than enough for all messages)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 5, destination = "c")
#set infinite byte credit
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "c")
#check that expected number were received
q = session.incoming("c")
ids = []
for i in range(1, 6):
msg = q.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertDataEquals(session, msg, "Message %d" % i)
#acknowledge messages and check more are received
#TODO: there may be a nicer way of doing this
for i in ids:
for i in range(6, 11):
self.assertDataEquals(session, q.get(timeout = 1), "Message %d" % i)
def test_window_flow_bytes(self):
Test basic window based flow control with unit = bytes
#declare an exclusive queue
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
#create consumer (for now that defaults to infinite credit)
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "c")
session.message_set_flow_mode(flow_mode = 1, destination = "c")
#send batch of messages to queue
for i in range(10):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "abcdefgh"))
#each message is currently interpreted as requiring msg_size bytes of credit
msg_size = 19
#set byte credit to finite amount (less than enough for all messages)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = msg_size*5, destination = "c")
#set infinite message credit
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "c")
#check that expected number were received
q = session.incoming("c")
msgs = []
for i in range(5):
msg = q.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertDataEquals(session, msg, "abcdefgh")
#ack each message individually and check more are received
for i in range(5):
msg = msgs.pop()
#TODO: there may be a nicer way of doing this
self.assertDataEquals(session, q.get(timeout = 1), "abcdefgh")
def test_window_flush_ack_flow(self):
Test basic window based flow control with unit = bytes
#declare an exclusive queue
ssn = self.session
ssn.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
#create consumer
ssn.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "c",
ssn.message_set_flow_mode(flow_mode = ssn.flow_mode.window, destination = "c")
#send message A
ssn.message_transfer(message=Message(ssn.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "A"))
for unit in ssn.credit_unit.VALUES:
ssn.message_flow("c", unit, 0xFFFFFFFFL)
q = ssn.incoming("c")
msgA = q.get(timeout=10)
for unit in ssn.credit_unit.VALUES:
ssn.message_flow("c", unit, 0xFFFFFFFFL)
#send message B
ssn.message_transfer(message=Message(ssn.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "B"))
msgB = q.get(timeout=10)
def test_window_stop(self):
Ensure window based flow control reacts to stop correctly
session = self.session
#setup subscriber on a test queue
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "c")
session.message_set_flow_mode(flow_mode = 1, destination = "c")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 5, destination = "c")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "c")
#send batch of messages to queue
for i in range(0, 10):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "Message %d" % (i+1)))
#retrieve all delivered messages
q = session.incoming("c")
for i in range(0, 5):
msg = q.get(timeout = 1)
session.receiver._completed.add( this may be done automatically
self.assertDataEquals(session, msg, "Message %d" % (i+1))
session.message_stop(destination = "c")
#now send completions, normally used to move window forward,
#but after a stop should not do so
#check no more messages are sent
#re-establish window and check remaining messages
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 5, destination = "c")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "c")
for i in range(0, 5):
msg = q.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertDataEquals(session, msg, "Message %d" % (i+6))
def test_credit_window_after_messagestop(self):
Tests that the broker's credit window size doesnt exceed the requested value when completing
previous messageTransfer commands after a message_stop and message_flow.
session = self.session
#create queue
session.queue_declare(queue = self.test_queue_name, exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
#send 11 messages
for i in range(1, 12):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key=self.test_queue_name), "message-%d" % (i)))
session.message_subscribe(queue=self.test_queue_name, destination="a")
a = session.incoming("a")
session.message_set_flow_mode(flow_mode = 1, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
# issue 5 message credits
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 5, destination = "a")
# get 5 messages
ids = RangedSet()
for i in range(1, 6):
msg = a.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("message-%d" % (i), msg.body)
# now try and read a 6th message. we expect this to fail due to exhausted message credit.
extra = a.get(timeout=1)"Got unexpected message: " + extra.body)
except Empty: None
session.message_stop(destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 5, destination = "a")
# complete earlier messages after setting the window to 5 message credits
# Now continue to read the next 5 messages
for i in range(6, 11):
msg = a.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("message-%d" % (i), msg.body)
# now try and read the 11th message. we expect this to fail due to exhausted message credit. If we receive an
# 11th this indicates the broker is not respecting the client's requested window size.
extra = a.get(timeout=1)"Got unexpected message: " + extra.body)
except Empty: None
def test_no_credit_wrap(self):
Ensure that adding credit does not result in wrapround, lowering the balance.
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue = self.test_queue_name, exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.message_subscribe(queue=self.test_queue_name, destination="a")
a = session.incoming("a")
session.message_set_flow_mode(flow_mode =, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 0xFFFFFFFAL, destination = "a")
#test wraparound of credit balance does not occur
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 10, destination = "a")
for i in range(1, 50):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key=self.test_queue_name), "message-%d" % (i)))
session.message_flush(destination = "a")
for i in range(1, 50):
msg = a.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("message-%d" % (i), msg.body)
def test_subscribe_not_acquired(self):
Test the not-acquired modes works as expected for a simple case
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
for i in range(1, 6):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "Message %s" % i))
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "a", acquire_mode = 1)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "b", acquire_mode = 1)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "b")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "b")
for i in range(6, 11):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "Message %s" % i))
#both subscribers should see all messages
qA = session.incoming("a")
qB = session.incoming("b")
for i in range(1, 11):
for q in [qA, qB]:
msg = q.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("Message %s" % i, msg.body)
#TODO: tidy up completion
#TODO: tidy up completion
#messages should still be on the queue:
self.assertEquals(10, session.queue_query(queue = "q").message_count)
def test_acquire_with_no_accept_and_credit_flow(self):
Test that messages recieved unacquired, with accept not
required in windowing mode can be acquired.
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "acquire me"))
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "a", acquire_mode = 1, accept_mode = 1)
session.message_set_flow_mode(flow_mode =, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
msg = session.incoming("a").get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("acquire me", msg.body)
#message should still be on the queue:
self.assertEquals(1, session.queue_query(queue = "q").message_count)
transfers = RangedSet(
response = session.message_acquire(transfers)
#check that we get notification (i.e. message_acquired)
self.assert_( in response.transfers)
#message should have been removed from the queue:
self.assertEquals(0, session.queue_query(queue = "q").message_count)
def test_acquire(self):
Test explicit acquire function
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "acquire me"))
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "a", acquire_mode = 1)
session.message_flow(destination="a", unit=session.credit_unit.message, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
session.message_flow(destination="a", unit=session.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
msg = session.incoming("a").get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("acquire me", msg.body)
#message should still be on the queue:
self.assertEquals(1, session.queue_query(queue = "q").message_count)
transfers = RangedSet(
response = session.message_acquire(transfers)
#check that we get notification (i.e. message_acquired)
self.assert_( in response.transfers)
#message should have been removed from the queue:
self.assertEquals(0, session.queue_query(queue = "q").message_count)
def test_release(self):
Test explicit release function
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "release me"))
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "a")
session.message_flow(destination="a", unit=session.credit_unit.message, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
session.message_flow(destination="a", unit=session.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
msg = session.incoming("a").get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("release me", msg.body)
session.message_cancel(destination = "a")
#message should not have been removed from the queue:
self.assertEquals(1, session.queue_query(queue = "q").message_count)
def test_release_ordering(self):
Test order of released messages is as expected
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
for i in range (1, 11):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "released message %s" % (i)))
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 10, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
queue = session.incoming("a")
first = queue.get(timeout = 1)
for i in range(2, 10):
msg = queue.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("released message %s" % (i), msg.body)
last = queue.get(timeout = 1)
released = RangedSet()
#TODO: may want to clean this up...
for i in range(1, 11):
self.assertEquals("released message %s" % (i), queue.get(timeout = 1).body)
def test_ranged_ack(self):
Test acking of messages ranges
session = self.conn.session("alternate-session", timeout=10)
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", auto_delete=True)
delivery_properties = session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q")
for i in range (1, 11):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(delivery_properties, "message %s" % (i)))
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 10, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
queue = session.incoming("a")
ids = []
for i in range (1, 11):
msg = queue.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("message %s" % (i), msg.body)
#ack all but the fourth message (command id 2)
accepted = RangedSet()
accepted.add(ids[0], ids[2])
accepted.add(ids[4], ids[9])
#subscribe from second session here to ensure queue is not
#auto-deleted when alternate session closes (no need to ack on these):
self.session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "checker")
#now close the session, and see that the unacked messages are
#then redelivered to another subscriber:
session = self.session
session.message_flow(destination="checker", unit=session.credit_unit.message, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
session.message_flow(destination="checker", unit=session.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
queue = session.incoming("checker")
self.assertEquals("message 4", queue.get(timeout = 1).body)
def test_subscribe_not_acquired_2(self):
session = self.session
#publish some messages
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
for i in range(1, 11):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "message-%d" % (i)))
#consume some of them
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "a")
session.message_set_flow_mode(flow_mode = 0, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 5, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
queue = session.incoming("a")
for i in range(1, 6):
msg = queue.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("message-%d" % (i), msg.body)
#complete and accept
#TODO: tidy up completion
#now create a not-acquired subscriber
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "b", acquire_mode=1)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "b")
#check it gets those not consumed
queue = session.incoming("b")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 1, destination = "b")
for i in range(6, 11):
msg = queue.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("message-%d" % (i), msg.body)
#TODO: tidy up completion
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 1, destination = "b")
#check all 'browsed' messages are still on the queue
self.assertEqual(5, session.queue_query(queue="q").message_count)
def test_subscribe_not_acquired_3(self):
session = self.session
#publish some messages
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
for i in range(1, 11):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "message-%d" % (i)))
#create a not-acquired subscriber
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "a", acquire_mode=1)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 10, destination = "a")
#browse through messages
queue = session.incoming("a")
for i in range(1, 11):
msg = queue.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("message-%d" % (i), msg.body)
if (i % 2):
#try to acquire every second message
response = session.message_acquire(RangedSet(
#check that acquire succeeds
self.assert_( in response.transfers)
#create a second not-acquired subscriber
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "b", acquire_mode=1)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "b")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 1, destination = "b")
#check it gets those not consumed
queue = session.incoming("b")
for i in [2,4,6,8,10]:
msg = queue.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("message-%d" % (i), msg.body)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 1, destination = "b")
#check all 'browsed' messages are still on the queue
self.assertEqual(5, session.queue_query(queue="q").message_count)
def test_release_unacquired(self):
session = self.session
#create queue
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
#send message
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "my-message"))
#create two 'browsers'
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "a", acquire_mode=1)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 10, destination = "a")
queueA = session.incoming("a")
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "b", acquire_mode=1)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "b")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 10, destination = "b")
queueB = session.incoming("b")
#have each browser release the message
msgA = queueA.get(timeout = 1)
msgB = queueB.get(timeout = 1)
#cancel browsers
session.message_cancel(destination = "a")
session.message_cancel(destination = "b")
#create consumer
session.message_subscribe(queue = "q", destination = "c")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "c")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 10, destination = "c")
queueC = session.incoming("c")
#consume the message then ack it
msgC = queueC.get(timeout = 1)
#ensure there are no other messages
def test_release_order(self):
session = self.session
#create queue
session.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
#send messages
for i in range(1, 11):
session.message_transfer(message=Message(session.delivery_properties(routing_key="q"), "message-%d" % (i)))
session.message_subscribe(queue="q", destination="a")
a = session.incoming("a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = "a")
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 10, destination = "a")
# receive all messages into list
messages = [];
for i in range(1, 11):
msg = a.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("message-%d" % (i), msg.body)
# accept/release received messages
for i, msg in enumerate(messages, start=1):
if (i % 2):
#accept all odd messages
#release all even messages
session.message_subscribe(queue="q", destination="b", acquire_mode=0)
b = session.incoming("b")
for i in [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]:
msg = b.get(timeout = 1)
self.assertEquals("message-%d" % (i), msg.body)
def test_empty_body(self):
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue="xyz", exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
props = session.delivery_properties(routing_key="xyz")
session.message_transfer(message=Message(props, ""))
consumer_tag = "tag1"
session.message_subscribe(queue="xyz", destination=consumer_tag)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = consumer_tag)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value = 0xFFFFFFFFL, destination = consumer_tag)
queue = session.incoming(consumer_tag)
msg = queue.get(timeout=1)
self.assertEquals("", msg.body)
def test_incoming_start(self):
q = "test_incoming_start"
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue=q, exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
session.message_subscribe(queue=q, destination="msgs")
messages = session.incoming("msgs")
assert messages.destination == "msgs"
dp = session.delivery_properties(routing_key=q)
session.message_transfer(message=Message(dp, "test"))
msg = messages.get()
assert msg.body == "test"
def test_ttl(self):
q = "test_ttl"
session = self.session
session.queue_declare(queue=q, exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
dp = session.delivery_properties(routing_key=q, ttl=500)#expire in half a second
session.message_transfer(message=Message(dp, "first"))
dp = session.delivery_properties(routing_key=q, ttl=300000)#expire in fives minutes
session.message_transfer(message=Message(dp, "second"))
d = "msgs"
session.message_subscribe(queue=q, destination=d)
messages = session.incoming(d)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.message, value=2, destination=d)
session.message_flow(unit = session.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL, destination=d)
assert messages.get(timeout=1).body == "second"
def assertDataEquals(self, session, msg, expected):
self.assertEquals(expected, msg.body)
def assertEmpty(self, queue):
extra = queue.get(timeout=1)"Queue not empty, contains: " + extra.body)
except Empty: None
class SizelessContent(Content):
def size(self):
return None