blob: 956900cf706c878f7c57fac8f8b1766d31d5b3d1 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __dispatch_compose_h__
#define __dispatch_compose_h__ 1
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <qpid/dispatch/buffer.h>
#include <qpid/dispatch/iterator.h>
/** A linked list of buffers composing a sequence of AMQP data objects. */
typedef struct qd_composed_field_t qd_composed_field_t;
* Composing AMQP data trees.
* @defgroup compose compose
* Compose a tree-structure representing an AMQP datatype that can
* be serialized into a message.
* @{
* Begin composing a new field for a message.
* The new field can be standalone or appended onto an existing field.
* @param performative The performative for the message section being composed.
* @param extend An existing field onto which to append the new field or NULL to
* create a standalone field.
* @return A pointer to the newly created field.
qd_composed_field_t *qd_compose(uint64_t performative, qd_composed_field_t *extend);
* Free the resources associated with a composed field.
* @param field A field pointer returned by qd_compose.
void qd_compose_free(qd_composed_field_t *field);
* Begin to compose the elements of a list in the field. This is called before inserting
* the first list element.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
void qd_compose_start_list(qd_composed_field_t *field);
* Complete the composition of a list in the field. This is called after the last
* list element has been inserted.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
void qd_compose_end_list(qd_composed_field_t *field);
* Insert an empty list into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
void qd_compose_empty_list(qd_composed_field_t *field);
* Begin to compose the elements os a map in the field. This is called before
* inserting the first element-pair into the map.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
void qd_compose_start_map(qd_composed_field_t *field);
* Complete the composition of a map in the field. This is called after the last
* element-pair has been inserted.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
void qd_compose_end_map(qd_composed_field_t *field);
* Insert a null element into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
void qd_compose_insert_null(qd_composed_field_t *field);
* Insert a boolean value into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param value The boolean (zero or non-zero) value to insert.
void qd_compose_insert_bool(qd_composed_field_t *field, int value);
* Insert an unsigned integer (up to 32 bits) into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param value The unsigned integer value to be inserted.
void qd_compose_insert_uint(qd_composed_field_t *field, uint32_t value);
* Insert a long (64-bit) unsigned value into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param value The unsigned integer value to be inserted.
void qd_compose_insert_ulong(qd_composed_field_t *field, uint64_t value);
* Insert a signed integer (up to 32 bits) into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param value The integer value to be inserted.
void qd_compose_insert_int(qd_composed_field_t *field, int32_t value);
* Insert a long signed integer (64 bits) into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param value The integer value to be inserted.
void qd_compose_insert_long(qd_composed_field_t *field, int64_t value);
* Insert a timestamp into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param value The timestamp value to be inserted.
void qd_compose_insert_timestamp(qd_composed_field_t *field, uint64_t value);
* Insert a UUID into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param value The pointer to the first octet in the UUID to be inserted.
void qd_compose_insert_uuid(qd_composed_field_t *field, const uint8_t *value);
* Insert a binary blob into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param value The pointer to the first octet to be inserted.
* @param len The length, in octets, of the binary blob.
void qd_compose_insert_binary(qd_composed_field_t *field, const uint8_t *value, uint32_t len);
* Insert a binary blob from a list of buffers.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param buffers A pointer to a list of buffers to be inserted as binary data. Note that
* the buffer list will be left empty by this function.
void qd_compose_insert_binary_buffers(qd_composed_field_t *field, qd_buffer_list_t *buffers);
* Insert a null-terminated utf8-encoded string into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param value A pointer to a null-terminated string.
void qd_compose_insert_string(qd_composed_field_t *field, const char *value);
* Insert a utf8-encoded string into the field from an iterator
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param iter An iterator for a string value. The caller is responsible for freeing
* this iterator after the call is complete.
void qd_compose_insert_string_iterator(qd_composed_field_t *field, qd_field_iterator_t *iter);
* Insert a symbol into the field.
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param value A pointer to a null-terminated ASCII string.
void qd_compose_insert_symbol(qd_composed_field_t *field, const char *value);
* Insert a type-tagged value into the field from an iterator
* @param field A field created by qd_compose.
* @param iter An iterator for a typed value. The caller is responsible for freeing
* this iterator after the call is complete.
void qd_compose_insert_typed_iterator(qd_composed_field_t *field, qd_field_iterator_t *iter);
* Begin composing a new sub field that can be appended to a composed field.
* @param extend An existing field onto which to append the new field or NULL to
* create a standalone field.
* @return A pointer to the newly created field.
qd_composed_field_t *qd_compose_subfield(qd_composed_field_t *extend);
* Steal the underlying buffers away from a composed field.
* @param field A composed field whose buffers will be taken
* @param list To hold the extracted buffers
void qd_compose_take_buffers(qd_composed_field_t *field,
qd_buffer_list_t *list);
* Append a buffer list into a composed field. If field is a container type
* (list, map), the container's count will be incremented by one.
* @param field A field created by ::qd_compose().
* @param list A list of buffers containing a single completely encoded data
* object. Ownership of these buffers is given to field.
void qd_compose_insert_buffers(qd_composed_field_t *field, qd_buffer_list_t *list);