blob: effdfb49f9fd4281cda9e0bfddb428dd5a7a6ebe [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>hawtio :: hawtio Dispatch plugin</description>
<!-- hawtio plugins are almost always war files -->
<!-- filtered plugin properties, we don't define plugin-scripts here
as we build that dynamically using maven-antrun-plugin below. -->
<!-- plugin-context is what context this plugin will handle requests on
in the application server -->
<!-- plugin-name is the name of our plugin, affects the name used for
the plugin's mbean -->
<!-- plugin-domain is currently unused, we just define it to an empty
string -->
<plugin-domain />
<!-- this lets this plugin deploy nicely into karaf, these get used
for the ImportPackage directive for maven-bundle-plugin -->
<!-- we only need to embed this dependency in the war, this contains
a nice helper class that our plugin can use to export it's plugin
mbean -->
<!-- servlet API is provided by the container -->
<!-- logging -->
<!-- we want to ensure src/main/resources/WEB-INF/web.xml is being filtered
so that it picks up all of our javascript files -->
<!-- We use maven-antrun-plugin to build up a list of
javascript files for our plugin mbean, this means
it needs to run before the maven-resources-plugin
copies and filters the web.xml, since for this
example we use contextParam settings to configure
our plugin mbean -->
<!-- we run this early in the build process before
maven-resources-plugin is run. We're exporting the
plugin-scripts property from here, so we need to
use maven-antrun-plugin 1.6 or up -->
<echo>Building plugin javascript file list</echo>
<!-- javascript-files will contain all of the javascript in
our project -->
<fileset id="javascript-files" dir="${basedir}/src/main/webapp">
<include name="**/*.js" />
<!-- we need to strip out the top level path which is
our source directory and be sure to change the directory
separators to forward slashes -->
<pathconvert pathsep="," dirsep="/" property="plugin-scripts" refid="javascript-files">
<map from="${basedir}/src/main/webapp/" to="" />
<echo>Files: ${plugin-scripts}</echo>
<copy file="src/main/resources/" todir="target/classes" />
<!-- this exports plugin-scripts to the maven build, without
this line ${plugin-scripts} in the web.xml file won't be
replaced -->
<!-- defining this maven plugin in the same phase as the
maven-antrun-plugin but *after* we've configured the
maven-antrun-plugin ensures we filter resources *after*
we've discovered the plugin .js files. -->
<!-- maven-bundle-plugin config, needed to make this war
deployable in karaf, defines the context that this bundle
should handle requests on -->
<!-- We define the maven-war-plugin here and make sure it uses
the manifest file generated by the maven-bundle-plugin. We
also ensure it picks up our filtered web.xml and not the one
in src/main/resources -->