blob: 2ae861e64e3cb03c9d65baa9515f126197d12f2d [file] [log] [blame]
Qpid Dispatch
A lightweight AMQP router for building scalable, available, and performant messaging
To build dispatch on a yum-based Linux system, you will need the following
packages installed:
- qpid-proton-c-devel (0.10 or later)
- python-qpid-proton (0.10 or later)
- cmake
- make
- gcc
- python-devel
Dispatch will not build on Windows.
To build formatted documentation (man pages, HTML, PDF) see the requirements in doc/README
Building and testing
From the dispatch directory:
$ mkdir my_build # or directory of your choice.
$ cd my_build
$ cmake ..
$ make
Running The Tests
From the <build> directory you can run all the system and tests with:
$ ctest -VV
ctest uses the script <build>/test/ to set up the correct environment for
tests. You can use it to run tests individually from the <build>/tests
directory, for example:
$ ./ unit_tests_size 3
$ ./ -m unittest system_tests_qdstat
Run it without arguments to get a summary of how it can be used:
$ ./
Clean build, install and test
$ source;
This does the following:
- NOTE: delete any existing directories 'build' and 'install'
- Do a fresh cmake and make in directory 'build'
- Run unit tests (not system tests) in 'build'
- Do 'make install' into the directory 'install'
- Run system tests on the installation in 'install'.
Valgrind support
If valgrind is installed it will be used by default when running the tests.
Set the cmake option 'USE_VALGRIND' to 'ON' or 'OFF' to enable/disable valgrind.
You can also set the environment variable 'USE_VALGRIND' to 'ON or 'OFF'.
If set the environment variable takes precendence over the cmake option.
By default valgrind uses the memcheck tool to find memory-related
issues. The tool can be overrided using the 'VALGRIND_TOOL'
environment variable. The location of the valgrind suppression file
can be overrided by setting the 'VALGRIND_SUPPRESSIONS' environment
variable to an alternate suppression file. Additional valgrind
options can be passed by setting the 'VALGRIND_OPTS' to a space
separated string containing the additional options.
E.g. VALGRIND_OPTS="--xml=yes --max-stackframe=10000000"