blob: c3ab9211aff5ff1ff4a006af6dc6a49eadadf1d0 [file] [log] [blame]
USE CASE Register Handling Event [subfunction]
System registers cargo handling event data received from handling authority (port, shipper etc).
Scope.......... Booking application ("system")
Level.......... subfunction
Primary actor.. System
Preconditions.. Cargo trackingId is know by system and handler.
Trigger........ Handling authority ("handler") submits handling event data for one or more cargos to system.
Main Success Scenario
1. System publishes event stating that handling event registration attempt has been received.
2. System verifies that submitted data is complete.
3. System verifies that submitted data can represent a valid handling event.
4. System creates and saves handling event from submitted data.
5. System <inspects cargo> to verify that handling event was expected
6. System publishes event stating that handling event has been registered.
2-5a. System couldn't create handling event:
1. System publishes event stating unsuccessful registration.
2a. Submitted completion time, tracking id, event type or unLocode is null or empty:
1. Failure.
3a. Handling event type string is not recognized:
1. Failure.
3b. Tracking id doesn't represent a cargo in system:
1. Failure.
3c. Tracking id doesn't represent a routed cargo in system:
1. Failure.
3d. Location is not recognized in system:
1. Failure.
3e. Handling event type requires voyage:
1. System finds voyage in store with voyage number.
a. Voyage number is null:
1. Failure.
b. Voyage number doesn't represent a voyage in system:
1. Failure.
3f. Handling event type prohibits voyage:
1. System sets voyage to null.
We could also check that a new event is not older than the last registered one...
Success guarantees:
Handling event is registered in system.
Cargo is successfully updated.
Handler is notified of successful handling event registration.
Customer is notified if cargo is misdirected or has arrived.
Minimal guarantees:
System data is in a valid state.
Registration attempt data is logged.
Customer - wants notification when cargo has arrived or is misdirected.
Handler - wants confirmation that handling event registration was successful.
Booking - wants all data to be in a valid and updated state and have a logger of all events.
I think the execution flow in RegisterHandlingEvent is easier to follow compared to that of DDDSample:
1. HandlingReportServiceImpl -> JmsApplicationEventsImpl -> HandlingEventRegistrationAttemptConsumer
2. HandlingReportServiceImpl -> HandlingReportParser
3. HandlingReportServiceImpl -> JmsApplicationEventsImpl -> HandlingEventRegistrationAttemptConsumer
4. HandlingEventRegistrationAttemptConsumer -> HandlingEventServiceImpl -> HandlingEventFactory
5. HandlingEventServiceImpl -> HandlingEventRepositoryHibernate
6. HandlingEventServiceImpl -> JmsApplicationEventsImpl -> CargoHandledConsumer
7. CargoHandledConsumer -> CargoInspectionServiceImpl
8. CargoInspectionServiceImpl -> CargoRepositoryHibernate