blob: 5a8cb40761166a31b69e4b931b947e8686f908f9 [file] [log] [blame]
Regression Test reporting follows the following steps;
1. Go to and create a new JIRA issue about the problem.
2. Create a package named org.qi4j.tests.regression.qi123 (for QI-123) in $QI4J/tests/regression/src/main/java.
NOTE: observe that the test MUST sit in the src/MAIN/java and not under src/test
3. Create a JUnit or TestNG test capturing the issue described in JIRA.
4. Commit and push this to the 'origin develop' branch.
5. Ping the community on the qi4j-dev forum at Google Groups.
Once the reported problem has been solved, the test will be moved to the sub-project's unit test area.