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[[releasing-apache,Releasing Zest]]
= Releasing Zest™
You need a unix-like environment to actually perform the release process.
This tutorial is known to work on Linux and Mac.
This tutorial is intended for Apache Zest™ commiters who want to release a new version of Apache Zest™ (Java Edition) at The Apache Software Foundation.
It describes the tools and processes of a typical release.
It is intended to be a recommendation of best practices for the Apache Zest™ project.
The instructions provided here are consistent with, but not a replacement for the[ASF Release Guidelines].
== Preparing a release
=== Select a Release Manager
A Zest committer (normally one of the development team) should post an email to the development list proposing that a release be made and nominating a release manager.
Typically, the proposer volunteers as the release manager and it passes by[lazy consensus].
=== Clone/Checkout all repositories
Clone/checkout all needed repositories, next to each other:
mkdir zest-repos
cd zest-repos
git clone zest-java
svn checkout zest-web
svn checkout --depth empty zest-dist
cd zest-dist
svn update --set-depth immediates dev
svn update --set-depth immediates release
svn update --set-depth infinity dev/zest
svn update --set-depth infinity release/zest
You should then get the following directory tree:
└── zest-repos
├── zest-java # Apache Zest™ (Java Edition) source
├── zest-web # website
└── zest-dist
├── dev
| └── zest # Releases candidate distributions
└── release
└── zest # Releases distributions
From now on, all command line snippets start from the `zest-repos` directory.
=== Build Apache Zest™ (Java Edition)
Ensure you can test, build Apache Zest™ (Java Edition), including the documentation minisite generation using Asciidoc and artifact signing.
Here is what should pass before going further:
cd zest-java
./gradlew -Dversion="<RELEASE-VERSION>" website signArchives
See the <<build-system, Build System>> tutorial for details.
=== Install Jekyll
Moreover, you will need to have a valid[Jekyll] installation as the Apache Zest™[website] is generated using it.
=== Setup git flow
`git-flow` is a git extension that add git commands to easily use the git flow branching model the Apache Zest™ project follows.
See the[installation instructions].
=== Setup git signing
Ensure you can sign git tags.
git config --global user.signingkey <YOUR-PGP-ID>
See the[Git Tools - Signing Your Work] section of the Git book.
=== Setup Apache Nexus credentials
See the Apache[Publishing Maven Artifacts] guide and the Apache Zest™ (Java Edition) <<build-system,Build System>> tutorial.
=== Update the `KEYS` files if needed.
The reference `KEYS` file can be found at the `zest-java` repository's root, that is `zest-java/KEYS`.
Ensure that it contains your public key.
Next, diff it against the ones present in the `dev` and `release` distribution areas:
diff zest-java/KEYS zest-dist/dev/zest/KEYS
diff zest-java/KEYS zest-dist/release/zest/KEYS
And update them if needed:
cp zest-java/KEYS zest-dist/dev/zest/KEYS
cp zest-java/KEYS zest-dist/release/zest/KEYS
cd zest-dist/dev/zest
svn add dev/zest/KEYS release/zest/KEYS
svn commit -m "zest: updating Zest KEYS"
== Creating a Release Candidate
=== Resolve JIRA issues
Resolve all issues on that version!
They can be resolved by:
- fixing
- marking them as `INVALID` or `WONTFIX`
- changing their fix version to another unreleased version
See the[ZEST] project on JIRA.
=== Prepare Release-Notes
Apache Zest™ release-notes are generated from JIRA issues.
Open the target Zest™ version's release-notes in[JIRA] and review them.
JIRA can produces release-notes as HTML or plain-text.
Set it up to generate plain-text release-notes.
We will need these in several formats.
Starting from the plain-text one we will generate the others.
First save the text-plain release-notes in a file named `apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-release-notes.txt`.
A good place for this file would be in the `zest-repos` directory created earlier, alongside all repositories.
Convert to Asciidoc:
cat "apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-release-notes.txt" | \
sed -e "s/* \[ZEST-\([0-9]\)*\]/- https:\/\/\/jira\/browse\/ZEST-\1[ZEST-\1]/" | \
sed -e "s/^\*\*/===/" > "apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-release-notes.adoc"
Convert to Markdown:
cat "apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-release-notes.txt" | \
sed -e "s/* \[ZEST-\([0-9]\)*\]/- [ZEST-\1](https:\/\/\/jira\/browse\/ZEST-\1)/" | \
sed -e "s/^\*\*/###/" > "apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
You should then have the following files:
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-release-notes.txt
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-release-notes.adoc
└── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>
We will use them later.
=== Create a RC branch
We use `<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#` where `RELEASE-VERSION` is the target release version and `RC#` for Release Candidate and an incremental number in case the release process has to be done several times.
cd zest-java
git flow release start "<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#"
This will eventually generates a `<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#` tag that we will amend with a `<RELEASE-VERSION>` signed tag if the vote passes, see below.
=== Audit artifacts and distributions
Make a complete build, deploying maven artifacts locally:
cd zest-java
./gradlew -Dversion="<RELEASE-VERSION>" -PuploadRepository="file://$(pwd)/build/repositories/zest-java" \
clean assemble checkDists uploadArchives
Review maven artifacts in `build/repositories/zest-java`.
Also review the release distributions in `build/distributions` where you should find the following files:
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz.MD5
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz.SHA-512
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz.asc
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz.MD5
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz.SHA-512
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz.asc
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>
├── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>
└── apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>
If any, make the required changes, commit them and iterate.
=== Close the RC branch
Once you are satisfied with the produced artifacts, close the release candidate branch:
cd zest-java
git flow release finish "<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#"
=== Checkout the RC tag
To build the release candidate bits, we need to checkout the release candidate tag, that will eventually be promoted as a signed release tag, because the Apache Zest™ build system generates versionning information based on git metadata.
cd zest-java
git checkout "<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#"
=== Build RC artifacts and distributions
cd zest-java
./gradlew -Dversion="<RELEASE-VERSION>" clean assemble
=== Stage RC maven artifacts
Stage artifacts to[] :
cd zest-java
./gradlew -Dversion="<RELEASE-VERSION>" uploadArchives
Close the staging Nexus repository by following the[Closing the staged repository] guide.
=== Upload RC distributions
Source and binary distributions, checksums and signatures must be uploaded to[].
This build created these in the `buid/distributions` directory, named `apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-[src|bin]*.*`.
As this release still is a simple candidate, we'll rename them before upload to advertise this in their names.
# Source ZIP
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
# Source TAR.GZ
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-src.tgz"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz.MD5" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-src.tgz.MD5"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz.SHA-512" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-src.tgz.SHA-512"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz.asc" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-src.tgz.asc"
# Binary ZIP
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
# Binary TAR.GZ
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-bin.tgz"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz.MD5" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-bin.tgz.MD5"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz.SHA-512" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-bin.tgz.SHA-512"
cp "zest-java/build/distributions/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz.asc" "zest-dist/dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-bin.tgz.asc"
And then upload them:
cd zest-dist/dev/zest
svn add * --force
svn commit -m "zest: upload <RELEASE-VERSION> to dist/dev/zest"
== Run the vote
Send a "VOTE" to the[developer mailing list] including links to release artifacts. A VOTE always contains two parts. Send an email to the developer mailing list with the subject line:
[VOTE] Release Zest (Java Edition) version <RELEASE-VERSION>
Here is a sample template:
Dear community,
I am happy to start the VOTE thread for Apache Zest (Java Edition) <RELEASE-VERSION>!
The changelog for this release can be found here:
The distributions to be voted on are located here:
Convenience artifacts in a maven repository are staged here:
Release distributions and convenience artifacts are signed with the following key:
Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Zest (Java Edition) <RELEASE-VERSION>.
The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of at least three +1 PMC votes are cast and there must be more positive than negative votes.
[ ] +1 Release Apache Zest (Java Edition) <RELEASE-VERSION>
[ ] 0 I don't have a strong opinion about this, but I assume it's ok
[ ] -1 Do not release Apache Zest (Java Edition) <RELEASE-VERSION> because...
Here is my vote:
+1 (binding)
After the vote is over, send a "RESULT" email to the list with the subject line:
[RESULT][VOTE] Release Zest (Java Edition) version <RELEASE-VERSION>
Here is a sample template:
To: "Zest Developers List" <>
CC: "Zest Project Management Committee List" <>
Subject: [RESULT][VOTE] Release Zest (Java Edition) version <RELEASE-VERSION>
The vote has passed|failed with the following result:
+1 (binding): <<list of names>>
+1 (non binding): <<list of names>>
I will promote|drop the distributions and artifacts.
Votes on whether a package is ready to be released use majority approval -- i.e., at least three PMC members must vote affirmatively for release, and there must be more positive than negative votes.
== VOTE passes
=== Seal the release
Create and sign the release git tag from the unsigned release candidate tag:
cd zest-java
Push all git changes:
cd zest-java
git checkout master
git push origin master
git checkout develop
git push origin master
git push origin --tags
=== Publish bits
Promote the staged Nexus repository so it gets synched to Maven Central by following the[Promoting a repo] guide.
Move the release distributions, checksums and signatures from[zest-dist/dev/zest] to[zest-dist/release/zest]:
cd zest-dist
# Source ZIP
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
# Source TAR.GZ
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-src.tgz" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-src.tgz.MD5" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz.MD5"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-src.tgz.SHA-512" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz.SHA-512"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-src.tgz.asc" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-src.tgz.asc"
# Binary ZIP
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>"
# Binary TAR.GZ
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-bin.tgz" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-bin.tgz.MD5" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz.MD5"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-bin.tgz.SHA-512" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz.SHA-512"
svn move "dev/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-RC#-bin.tgz.asc" "release/zest/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-bin.tgz.asc"
And upload them:
cd zest-dist
svn commit -m "zest: <RELEASE-VERSION>-RC# vote passed, promoted as <RELEASE-VERSION> release"
=== Wait 24 hours
For mirrors to pick up the new bits.
=== Prepare an announcement
Coordinate a press release with
You can reuse the release-notes content from the `txt`/`adoc`/`md` files created earlier.
This annoucement will be used in a variety of media like emails, websites etc...
Start with a text version and once satisfied create at least a Markdown version for the website, see below.
=== Update the Zest™ website
Generate the documentation and javadoc minisite:
cd zest-java
./gradlew -Dversion="<RELEASE-VERSION>" archiveJavadocs manuals
This will automatically put all files into the `zest-web` website repository.
Create a new post on the Zest™ website by creating a new Markdown file:
cd zest-web
touch "site/src/_posts/YYYY-MM-DD-apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>.md"
open !$
You can reuse the Markdown formatted announcement content.
Add the new released version in `zest-web/site/content/java/versions.json` below the `latest` entry:
"develop": "develop",
"latest": "latest",
"2.0": "2.0",
"<=1.4.x": "1.4"
Finally, edit `zest-web/site/src/_data/releases.yml` with the new release data.
Upmost is the latest:
- version: <RELEASE-VERSION>
announcement: YYYY/MM/DD/apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>
signer: John Doe
pgpId: FB751943
You can run the Zest™ website locally:
cd zest-web
jekyll serve
Open[] to live-preview your changes.
Once you are satisfied with the changes, build the production website:
cd zest-web
jekyll build
And publish it:
svn add * --force
svn commit -m "zest: update website"
=== Register the release
Register the new release at[]
=== Announce
Finally, send an announcement to[dev@] and[users@] mailing lists. Email announcements should have the subject line:
[ANNOUNCE] Released Zest (Java Edition) version <RELEASE-VERSION>
The announcement email should contains the release-notes as text, remember they are in the `apache-zest-java-<RELEASE-VERSION>-release-notes.txt` file you created earlier.
== VOTE fails
=== Record failure
We keep the release candidate git history.
It can be useful for reviewers to have access to it.
Remember, we created a release candidate branch and tags, no signed release tag.
cd zest-java
git checkout master
git push origin master
git checkout develop
git push origin master
git push origin --tags
=== Drop RC artifacts and distributions
Drop the Nexus staging repository by following the[Dropping a repo] guide.
Drop distributions, checksums and signatures from[zest-dist/dev/zest]
cd zest-dist/dev/zest/
svn add * --force
svn commit -m "zest: dropping <RELEASE-VERSION>-RC# from dist/dev/zest as the vote failed"
=== Start over
If a new RC is to be created, restart the process as described above.