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[[howto-assemble-application,Assemble an Application]]
= Assemble an Application =
We receive a lot of questions about how applications should be assembled, and since we don't have any XML to "fill in"
and everything is to be done programmatically, it escalates the need to provide more hands-on explanation of how this is
If you want to reproduce what's explained in this tutorial, remember to depend on the Core Bootstrap artifact:
At runtime you will need the Core Runtime artifact too. See the <<howto-depend-on-zest>> tutorial for details.
== Basics ==
First let's recap the structural requirements of Zest;
* There is one and only one Application instance per Zest™ Runtime.
* Every Application must contain one or more Layers.
* All Composites must be declared in one or more Modules.
* Each Module belong to a Layer.
* Layers are ordered in hierarchies, from simple to complex.
* Access to Composites are limited by visibility rules.
Ok, that was quite a handful. Let's look at them one by one.
== Application ==
The first one means that for each Zest™ Runtime you start, there will be exactly one application. As far as we know, Zest
is fully isolated, meaning there are no static members being populated and such.
== Layers ==
Layers are the super-structures of an application. We have been talking about them for decades, drawn them on paper and
whiteboards (or even black boards for those old enough), and sometimes organized the codebases along such boundaries.
But, there has been little effort to enforce the Layer mechanism in code, although it is an extremely powerful
construct. First of all it implies directional dependency and a high degree of order, spagetti code is reduced if
successfully implemented. For Zest, it means that we can restrict access to Composite and Object declarations, so that
higher layers can not reach them incidentally. You can enforce architecture to a high degree. You can require all
creation of composites to go through an exposed Factory, which doesn't require the Composite to be public. And so on.
Layers have hierarchy, i.e. one layer is top of one or more layers, and is below one or more layers, except for the
layers at the top and bottom. You could have disjoint layers, which can't access each other, meaning a couple of layers
that are both the top and bottom.
== Modules ==
The Module concept has also been around forever. And in Zest™ we also makes the Modules explicit. Each Module belong to a
Layer, and for each Module you declare the Composite and Object types for that Module, together with a Visibility rule,
one of; application, layer, module.
== Visibility ==
The Visibility rules are perhaps the most powerful aspect of the above. Visibility is a mechanism that kicks in whenever
a Composite type need to be looked up. It defines both the scoping rules of the client as well as the provider. A lookup
is either a direct reference, such as
or an indirect lookup, such as
where it will first map the Person to a reachable PersonEntity.
The algorithm is as follows;
* Look in the callers Module, if there is one and only one Composite type matching, use it. If there are two or more
Composite types matching, then throw an ambiguity exception. If there are zero, proceed to the next step.
* Look in all Modules in the callers Layer. If there is one and only one Composite type that matches and is either
Visibility.layer, then use it. If there are two or more Composite types matching, then throw an ambiguity
exception. If there are zero, proceed to the next step.
* Look in all Layers that caller's Layer uses. If there is one and only one Composite type that matches and is
either Visibility.application, then use it. If there are two or more Composite types matching, then throw an
ambiguity exception. If there are zero, proceed to the next step.
* Throw a CompositeNotFoundException.
The underlying principle comes down to Rickard's "Speaker Analogy", you can hear him (and not the other speakers at the
conference) because you are in the same room. I.e. if something is really close by, it is very likely that this is what
we want to use, and then the search expands outwards.
== Combining The Above ==
Ok, that was a whole lot of theory and probably take you more than one read-through to fully get into your veins (slow
acting addiction).
How to structure your code is beyond the scope of this section. If you are an experienced designer, you will have done
that before, and you may have started out with good intentions at times only to find yourself in a spaghetti swamp
later, or perhaps in the also famous "Clear as Clay" or "Ball (bowl?) of Mud". Either way, you need to draw on your
experience and come up with good structure that Zest™ lets you enforce.
So, for the sake of education, we are going to look at an application that consists of many layers, each with a few
modules. See picture below.
Image of Example of Layers
Figure 1. Example of Layers
So, lets see how we code up this bit in the actual code first.
The above is the basic setup on how to structure a real-world applicaton, unless you intend to mess with the
implementations of various Zest™ systems (yes there are hooks for that too), but that is definitely beyond the scope of
this tutorial.
Now, the createXyzLayer() methods were excluded to keep the sample crisp and easy to follow. Let's take a look at what
it could be to create the Domain Layer.
We just call the layerAssembly() method, which will return either an existing Layer with that name or create a new one
if one doesn't already exist, and then delegate to methods for creating the ModuleAssembly instances. In those method
we need to declare which Composites, Entities, Services and Objects that is in each Module.
We also need to handle the shutdown case, so in the main() method we have a installShutdownHook() method call. It is
actually very, very simple;
This concludes this tutorial. We have looked how to get the initial Zest™ runtime going, how to declare the assembly
for application model creation and finally the activation of the model itself.