ZEST-107 Fix JSONEntityState clone logic

The cloneStateIfGlobalStateLoaded() method of JSONEntityState is called
before any change is made to the entity state.

This method starts with the following check:

if( isStateNotCloned() )
// Do the clone

And the (private) isStateNotCloned() method returns:
status == EntityStatus.LOADED

IOW, the code says that it will clone state if status is loaded,
but does the opposite!

Rewriting the cloneStateIfGlobalStateLoaded() method,
as Tibor suggested, fixes the issue:

if( status != EntityState.LOADED )
// Do the clone

I removed the isStateNotCloned() method BTW as it was not used elsewhere
and the code is simpler without it.
diff --git a/core/spi/src/main/java/org/qi4j/spi/entitystore/helpers/JSONEntityState.java b/core/spi/src/main/java/org/qi4j/spi/entitystore/helpers/JSONEntityState.java
index 435acde..ae60809 100644
--- a/core/spi/src/main/java/org/qi4j/spi/entitystore/helpers/JSONEntityState.java
+++ b/core/spi/src/main/java/org/qi4j/spi/entitystore/helpers/JSONEntityState.java
@@ -308,14 +308,9 @@
-    boolean isStateNotCloned()
-    {
-        return status == EntityStatus.LOADED;
-    }
     void cloneStateIfGlobalStateLoaded()
-        if( isStateNotCloned() )
+        if( status != EntityStatus.LOADED )