blob: ba777afa7064381fcbfe8d977286c3124c2d7a97 [file] [log] [blame]
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Apache Phoenix</name>
<description>A SQL layer over HBase</description>
<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
<comments />
<name>Apache Software Foundation</name>
<name>Codehaus Public</name>
<id>apache release</id>
<!-- General Properties -->
<!-- Hadoop Versions -->
<!-- Dependency versions -->
<!-- Test Dependencies -->
<!-- Plugin versions -->
<!-- Set default encoding so multi-byte tests work correctly on the Mac -->
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
<!-- exclude docs -->
<!-- exclude examples -->
<!-- exclude source control files -->
<!-- exclude IDE files -->
<!-- We put slow-running tests into src/it and run them during the
integration-test phase using the failsafe plugin. This way
developers can run unit tests conveniently from the IDE or via
"mvn package" from the command line without triggering time
consuming integration tests. -->
<argLine>-enableassertions -Xmx3000m</argLine>
<!-- TODO turn back on javadocs - disabled now for testing -->
<!-- <goal>jar</goal> -->
<argLine>-enableassertions -Xmx2250m</argLine>
<!-- All projects create a test jar -->
<!-- Intra-project dependencies -->
<!-- General Dependencies -->
<!-- Make sure we have all the antlr dependencies -->
<!-- Test Dependencies -->
<!-- Needed by HBase to run the minicluster -->
<!-- Profile for building against Hadoop 1. Active by default. Not used
if another Hadoop profile is specified with mvn -Dhadoop.profile=foo -->
<!-- Intra-project dependency -->
<!-- Hadoop dependencies -->
<!-- Profile for building against Hadoop 2. Activate using: mvn -Dhadoop.profile=2 -->
<!-- Intra-project dependency -->
<!-- Hadoop dependencies -->
<!-- this profile should be activated for release builds -->