blob: 4bd06110a81444304de74d6660135b0f6e5879eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSArray;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSBase;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSNull;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSNumber;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSObject;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSObjectKey;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSStream;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.XrefTrailerResolver.XRefType;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.SecurityHandler;
import static org.apache.pdfbox.util.Charsets.ISO_8859_1;
* PDF-Parser which first reads startxref and xref tables in order to know valid objects and parse only these objects.
* First {@link PDFParser#parse()} or {@link FDFParser#parse()} must be called before page objects
* can be retrieved, e.g. {@link PDFParser#getPDDocument()}.
* This class is a much enhanced version of <code>QuickParser</code> presented in <a
* href="">PDFBOX-1104</a> by Jeremy Villalobos.
public class COSParser extends BaseParser
private static final String PDF_HEADER = "%PDF-";
private static final String FDF_HEADER = "%FDF-";
private static final String PDF_DEFAULT_VERSION = "1.4";
private static final String FDF_DEFAULT_VERSION = "1.0";
private static final char[] XREF_TABLE = new char[] { 'x', 'r', 'e', 'f' };
private static final char[] XREF_STREAM = new char[] { '/', 'X', 'R', 'e', 'f' };
private static final char[] STARTXREF = new char[] { 's','t','a','r','t','x','r','e','f' };
private static final byte[] ENDSTREAM = new byte[] { E, N, D, S, T, R, E, A, M };
private static final byte[] ENDOBJ = new byte[] { E, N, D, O, B, J };
private static final long MINIMUM_SEARCH_OFFSET = 6;
private static final int X = 'x';
private static final int STRMBUFLEN = 2048;
private final byte[] strmBuf = new byte[ STRMBUFLEN ];
protected final RandomAccessRead source;
* Only parse the PDF file minimally allowing access to basic information.
public static final String SYSPROP_PARSEMINIMAL =
* The range within the %%EOF marker will be searched.
* Useful if there are additional characters after %%EOF within the PDF.
public static final String SYSPROP_EOFLOOKUPRANGE =
* How many trailing bytes to read for EOF marker.
private static final int DEFAULT_TRAIL_BYTECOUNT = 2048;
* EOF-marker.
protected static final char[] EOF_MARKER = new char[] { '%', '%', 'E', 'O', 'F' };
* obj-marker.
protected static final char[] OBJ_MARKER = new char[] { 'o', 'b', 'j' };
private long trailerOffset;
* file length.
protected long fileLen;
* is parser using auto healing capacity ?
private boolean isLenient = true;
protected boolean initialParseDone = false;
* Contains all found objects of a brute force search.
private Map<COSObjectKey, Long> bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets = null;
private List<Long> bfSearchXRefTablesOffsets = null;
private List<Long> bfSearchXRefStreamsOffsets = null;
* The security handler.
protected SecurityHandler securityHandler = null;
* how many trailing bytes to read for EOF marker.
private int readTrailBytes = DEFAULT_TRAIL_BYTECOUNT;
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(COSParser.class);
* Collects all Xref/trailer objects and resolves them into single
* object using startxref reference.
protected XrefTrailerResolver xrefTrailerResolver = new XrefTrailerResolver();
* The prefix for the temp file being used.
public static final String TMP_FILE_PREFIX = "tmpPDF";
* Default constructor.
public COSParser(RandomAccessRead source)
super(new RandomAccessSource(source));
this.source = source;
* Sets how many trailing bytes of PDF file are searched for EOF marker and 'startxref' marker. If not set we use
* default value {@link #DEFAULT_TRAIL_BYTECOUNT}.
* <p>We check that new value is at least 16. However for practical use cases this value should not be lower than
* 1000; even 2000 was found to not be enough in some cases where some trailing garbage like HTML snippets followed
* the EOF marker.</p>
* <p>
* In case system property {@link #SYSPROP_EOFLOOKUPRANGE} is defined this value will be set on initialization but
* can be overwritten later.
* </p>
* @param byteCount number of trailing bytes
public void setEOFLookupRange(int byteCount)
if (byteCount > 15)
readTrailBytes = byteCount;
* Parses cross reference tables.
* @param startXRefOffset start offset of the first table
* @return the trailer dictionary
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
protected COSDictionary parseXref(long startXRefOffset) throws IOException
long startXrefOffset = Math.max(0, parseStartXref());
// check the startxref offset
long fixedOffset = checkXRefOffset(startXrefOffset);
if (fixedOffset > -1)
startXrefOffset = fixedOffset;
long prev = startXrefOffset;
// ---- parse whole chain of xref tables/object streams using PREV reference
long lastPrev = -1;
while (prev > 0 && prev != lastPrev)
lastPrev = prev;
// seek to xref table;
// skip white spaces
// -- parse xref
if (source.peek() == X)
// xref table and trailer
// use existing parser to parse xref table
// parse the last trailer.
trailerOffset = source.getPosition();
// PDFBOX-1739 skip extra xref entries in RegisSTAR documents
while (isLenient && source.peek() != 't')
if (source.getPosition() == trailerOffset)
// warn only the first time
LOG.warn("Expected trailer object at position " + trailerOffset
+ ", keep trying");
if (!parseTrailer())
throw new IOException("Expected trailer object at position: "
+ source.getPosition());
COSDictionary trailer = xrefTrailerResolver.getCurrentTrailer();
// check for a XRef stream, it may contain some object ids of compressed objects
int streamOffset = trailer.getInt(COSName.XREF_STM);
// check the xref stream reference
fixedOffset = checkXRefStreamOffset(streamOffset, false);
if (fixedOffset > -1 && fixedOffset != streamOffset)
streamOffset = (int)fixedOffset;
trailer.setInt(COSName.XREF_STM, streamOffset);
if (streamOffset > 0)
parseXrefObjStream(prev, false);
LOG.error("Skipped XRef stream due to a corrupt offset:"+streamOffset);
throw new IOException("Skipped XRef stream due to a corrupt offset:"+streamOffset);
prev = trailer.getInt(COSName.PREV);
if (prev > 0)
// check the xref table reference
fixedOffset = checkXRefOffset(prev);
if (fixedOffset > -1 && fixedOffset != prev)
prev = fixedOffset;
trailer.setLong(COSName.PREV, prev);
// parse xref stream
prev = parseXrefObjStream(prev, true);
if (prev > 0)
// check the xref table reference
fixedOffset = checkXRefOffset(prev);
if (fixedOffset > -1 && fixedOffset != prev)
prev = fixedOffset;
COSDictionary trailer = xrefTrailerResolver.getCurrentTrailer();
trailer.setLong(COSName.PREV, prev);
if (prev == lastPrev)
//TODO better idea needed? PDFBOX-3446
throw new IOException("/Prev loop at offset " + prev);
// ---- build valid xrefs out of the xref chain
COSDictionary trailer = xrefTrailerResolver.getTrailer();
document.setIsXRefStream(XRefType.STREAM == xrefTrailerResolver.getXrefType());
// check the offsets of all referenced objects
// copy xref table
return trailer;
* Parses an xref object stream starting with indirect object id.
* @return value of PREV item in dictionary or <code>-1</code> if no such item exists
private long parseXrefObjStream(long objByteOffset, boolean isStandalone) throws IOException
// ---- parse indirect object head
readExpectedString(OBJ_MARKER, true);
COSDictionary dict = parseCOSDictionary();
COSStream xrefStream = parseCOSStream(dict);
parseXrefStream(xrefStream, objByteOffset, isStandalone);
return dict.getLong(COSName.PREV);
* Looks for and parses startxref. We first look for last '%%EOF' marker (within last
* {@link #DEFAULT_TRAIL_BYTECOUNT} bytes (or range set via {@link #setEOFLookupRange(int)}) and go back to find
* <code>startxref</code>.
* @return the offset of StartXref
* @throws IOException If something went wrong.
protected final long getStartxrefOffset() throws IOException
byte[] buf;
long skipBytes;
// read trailing bytes into buffer
final int trailByteCount = (fileLen < readTrailBytes) ? (int) fileLen : readTrailBytes;
buf = new byte[trailByteCount];
skipBytes = fileLen - trailByteCount;;
int off = 0;
int readBytes;
while (off < trailByteCount)
readBytes =, off, trailByteCount - off);
// in order to not get stuck in a loop we check readBytes (this should never happen)
if (readBytes < 1)
throw new IOException(
"No more bytes to read for trailing buffer, but expected: "
+ (trailByteCount - off));
off += readBytes;
// find last '%%EOF'
int bufOff = lastIndexOf(EOF_MARKER, buf, buf.length);
if (bufOff < 0)
if (isLenient)
// in lenient mode the '%%EOF' isn't needed
bufOff = buf.length;
LOG.debug("Missing end of file marker '" + new String(EOF_MARKER) + "'");
throw new IOException("Missing end of file marker '" + new String(EOF_MARKER) + "'");
// find last startxref preceding EOF marker
bufOff = lastIndexOf(STARTXREF, buf, bufOff);
long startXRefOffset = skipBytes + bufOff;
if (bufOff < 0)
if (isLenient)
LOG.debug("Can't find offset for startxref");
return -1;
throw new IOException("Missing 'startxref' marker.");
return startXRefOffset;
* Searches last appearance of pattern within buffer. Lookup before _lastOff and goes back until 0.
* @param pattern pattern to search for
* @param buf buffer to search pattern in
* @param endOff offset (exclusive) where lookup starts at
* @return start offset of pattern within buffer or <code>-1</code> if pattern could not be found
protected int lastIndexOf(final char[] pattern, final byte[] buf, final int endOff)
final int lastPatternChOff = pattern.length - 1;
int bufOff = endOff;
int patOff = lastPatternChOff;
char lookupCh = pattern[patOff];
while (--bufOff >= 0)
if (buf[bufOff] == lookupCh)
if (--patOff < 0)
// whole pattern matched
return bufOff;
// matched current char, advance to preceding one
lookupCh = pattern[patOff];
else if (patOff < lastPatternChOff)
// no char match but already matched some chars; reset
patOff = lastPatternChOff;
lookupCh = pattern[patOff];
return -1;
* Return true if parser is lenient. Meaning auto healing capacity of the parser are used.
* @return true if parser is lenient
public boolean isLenient()
return isLenient;
* Change the parser leniency flag.
* This method can only be called before the parsing of the file.
* @param lenient try to handle malformed PDFs.
public void setLenient(boolean lenient)
if (initialParseDone)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot change leniency after parsing");
this.isLenient = lenient;
* Creates a unique object id using object number and object generation
* number. (requires object number &lt; 2^31))
private long getObjectId(final COSObject obj)
return obj.getObjectNumber() << 32 | obj.getGenerationNumber();
* Adds all from newObjects to toBeParsedList if it is not an COSObject or
* we didn't add this COSObject already (checked via addedObjects).
private void addNewToList(final Queue<COSBase> toBeParsedList,
final Collection<COSBase> newObjects, final Set<Long> addedObjects)
for (COSBase newObject : newObjects)
addNewToList(toBeParsedList, newObject, addedObjects);
* Adds newObject to toBeParsedList if it is not an COSObject or we didn't
* add this COSObject already (checked via addedObjects).
private void addNewToList(final Queue<COSBase> toBeParsedList, final COSBase newObject,
final Set<Long> addedObjects)
if (newObject instanceof COSObject)
final long objId = getObjectId((COSObject) newObject);
if (!addedObjects.add(objId))
* Will parse every object necessary to load a single page from the pdf document. We try our
* best to order objects according to offset in file before reading to minimize seek operations.
* @param dict the COSObject from the parent pages.
* @param excludeObjects dictionary object reference entries with these names will not be parsed
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
protected void parseDictObjects(COSDictionary dict, COSName... excludeObjects) throws IOException
// ---- create queue for objects waiting for further parsing
final Queue<COSBase> toBeParsedList = new LinkedList<COSBase>();
// offset ordered object map
final TreeMap<Long, List<COSObject>> objToBeParsed = new TreeMap<Long, List<COSObject>>();
// in case of compressed objects offset points to stmObj
final Set<Long> parsedObjects = new HashSet<Long>();
final Set<Long> addedObjects = new HashSet<Long>();
addExcludedToList(excludeObjects, dict, parsedObjects);
addNewToList(toBeParsedList, dict.getValues(), addedObjects);
// ---- go through objects to be parsed
while (!(toBeParsedList.isEmpty() && objToBeParsed.isEmpty()))
// -- first get all COSObject from other kind of objects and
// put them in objToBeParsed; afterwards toBeParsedList is empty
COSBase baseObj;
while ((baseObj = toBeParsedList.poll()) != null)
if (baseObj instanceof COSDictionary)
addNewToList(toBeParsedList, ((COSDictionary) baseObj).getValues(), addedObjects);
else if (baseObj instanceof COSArray)
final Iterator<COSBase> arrIter = ((COSArray) baseObj).iterator();
while (arrIter.hasNext())
addNewToList(toBeParsedList,, addedObjects);
else if (baseObj instanceof COSObject)
COSObject obj = (COSObject) baseObj;
long objId = getObjectId(obj);
COSObjectKey objKey = new COSObjectKey(obj.getObjectNumber(), obj.getGenerationNumber());
if (!parsedObjects.contains(objId))
Long fileOffset = xrefTrailerResolver.getXrefTable().get(objKey);
// it is allowed that object references point to null,
// thus we have to test
if (fileOffset != null && fileOffset != 0)
if (fileOffset > 0)
objToBeParsed.put(fileOffset, Collections.singletonList(obj));
// negative offset means we have a compressed
// object within object stream;
// get offset of object stream
fileOffset = xrefTrailerResolver.getXrefTable().get(
new COSObjectKey((int)-fileOffset, 0));
if ((fileOffset == null) || (fileOffset <= 0))
throw new IOException(
"Invalid object stream xref object reference for key '" + objKey + "': "
+ fileOffset);
List<COSObject> stmObjects = objToBeParsed.get(fileOffset);
if (stmObjects == null)
stmObjects = new ArrayList<COSObject>();
objToBeParsed.put(fileOffset, stmObjects);
// NULL object
COSObject pdfObject = document.getObjectFromPool(objKey);
// ---- read first COSObject with smallest offset
// resulting object will be added to toBeParsedList
if (objToBeParsed.isEmpty())
for (COSObject obj : objToBeParsed.remove(objToBeParsed.firstKey()))
COSBase parsedObj = parseObjectDynamically(obj, false);
if (parsedObj != null)
addNewToList(toBeParsedList, parsedObj, addedObjects);
// add objects not to be parsed to list of already parsed objects
private void addExcludedToList(COSName[] excludeObjects, COSDictionary dict, final Set<Long> parsedObjects)
if (excludeObjects != null)
for (COSName objName : excludeObjects)
COSBase baseObj = dict.getItem(objName);
if (baseObj instanceof COSObject)
parsedObjects.add(getObjectId((COSObject) baseObj));
* This will parse the next object from the stream and add it to the local state.
* @param obj object to be parsed (we only take object number and generation number for lookup start offset)
* @param requireExistingNotCompressedObj if <code>true</code> object to be parsed must not be contained within
* compressed stream
* @return the parsed object (which is also added to document object)
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
protected final COSBase parseObjectDynamically(COSObject obj,
boolean requireExistingNotCompressedObj) throws IOException
return parseObjectDynamically(obj.getObjectNumber(),
obj.getGenerationNumber(), requireExistingNotCompressedObj);
* This will parse the next object from the stream and add it to the local state.
* It's reduced to parsing an indirect object.
* @param objNr object number of object to be parsed
* @param objGenNr object generation number of object to be parsed
* @param requireExistingNotCompressedObj if <code>true</code> the object to be parsed must be defined in xref
* (comment: null objects may be missing from xref) and it must not be a compressed object within object stream
* (this is used to circumvent being stuck in a loop in a malicious PDF)
* @return the parsed object (which is also added to document object)
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
protected COSBase parseObjectDynamically(long objNr, int objGenNr,
boolean requireExistingNotCompressedObj) throws IOException
// ---- create object key and get object (container) from pool
final COSObjectKey objKey = new COSObjectKey(objNr, objGenNr);
final COSObject pdfObject = document.getObjectFromPool(objKey);
if (pdfObject.getObject() == null)
// not previously parsed
// ---- read offset or object stream object number from xref table
Long offsetOrObjstmObNr = xrefTrailerResolver.getXrefTable().get(objKey);
// sanity test to circumvent loops with broken documents
if (requireExistingNotCompressedObj
&& ((offsetOrObjstmObNr == null) || (offsetOrObjstmObNr <= 0)))
throw new IOException("Object must be defined and must not be compressed object: "
+ objKey.getNumber() + ":" + objKey.getGeneration());
// maybe something is wrong with the xref table -> perform brute force search for all objects
if (offsetOrObjstmObNr == null && isLenient && bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets == null)
if (bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets != null && !bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets.isEmpty())
LOG.debug("Add all new read objects from brute force search to the xref table");
Map<COSObjectKey, Long> xrefOffset = xrefTrailerResolver.getXrefTable();
final Set<Map.Entry<COSObjectKey, Long>> entries = bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets.entrySet();
for (Entry<COSObjectKey, Long> entry : entries)
COSObjectKey key = entry.getKey();
// add all missing objects to the xref table
if (!xrefOffset.containsKey(key))
xrefOffset.put(key, entry.getValue());
offsetOrObjstmObNr = xrefOffset.get(objKey);
if (offsetOrObjstmObNr == null)
// not defined object -> NULL object (Spec. 1.7, chap. 3.2.9)
else if (offsetOrObjstmObNr > 0)
// offset of indirect object in file
parseFileObject(offsetOrObjstmObNr, objKey, pdfObject);
// xref value is object nr of object stream containing object to be parsed
// since our object was not found it means object stream was not parsed so far
parseObjectStream((int) -offsetOrObjstmObNr);
return pdfObject.getObject();
private void parseFileObject(Long offsetOrObjstmObNr, final COSObjectKey objKey, final COSObject pdfObject) throws IOException
// ---- go to object start;
// ---- we must have an indirect object
final long readObjNr = readObjectNumber();
final int readObjGen = readGenerationNumber();
readExpectedString(OBJ_MARKER, true);
// ---- consistency check
if ((readObjNr != objKey.getNumber()) || (readObjGen != objKey.getGeneration()))
throw new IOException("XREF for " + objKey.getNumber() + ":"
+ objKey.getGeneration() + " points to wrong object: " + readObjNr
+ ":" + readObjGen + " at offset " + offsetOrObjstmObNr);
COSBase pb = parseDirObject();
String endObjectKey = readString();
if (endObjectKey.equals(STREAM_STRING))
if (pb instanceof COSDictionary)
COSStream stream = parseCOSStream((COSDictionary) pb);
if (securityHandler != null)
securityHandler.decryptStream(stream, objKey.getNumber(), objKey.getGeneration());
pb = stream;
// this is not legal
// the combination of a dict and the stream/endstream
// forms a complete stream object
throw new IOException("Stream not preceded by dictionary (offset: "
+ offsetOrObjstmObNr + ").");
endObjectKey = readLine();
// we have case with a second 'endstream' before endobj
if (!endObjectKey.startsWith(ENDOBJ_STRING) && endObjectKey.startsWith(ENDSTREAM_STRING))
endObjectKey = endObjectKey.substring(9).trim();
if (endObjectKey.length() == 0)
// no other characters in extra endstream line
// read next line
endObjectKey = readLine();
else if (securityHandler != null)
securityHandler.decrypt(pb, objKey.getNumber(), objKey.getGeneration());
if (!endObjectKey.startsWith(ENDOBJ_STRING))
if (isLenient)
LOG.warn("Object (" + readObjNr + ":" + readObjGen + ") at offset "
+ offsetOrObjstmObNr + " does not end with 'endobj' but with '"
+ endObjectKey + "'");
throw new IOException("Object (" + readObjNr + ":" + readObjGen
+ ") at offset " + offsetOrObjstmObNr
+ " does not end with 'endobj' but with '" + endObjectKey + "'");
private void parseObjectStream(int objstmObjNr) throws IOException
final COSBase objstmBaseObj = parseObjectDynamically(objstmObjNr, 0, true);
if (objstmBaseObj instanceof COSStream)
// parse object stream
PDFObjectStreamParser parser = new PDFObjectStreamParser((COSStream) objstmBaseObj, document);
catch(IOException exception)
if (isLenient)
LOG.debug("Stop reading object stream "+objstmObjNr+" due to an exception", exception);
// the error is handled in parseDictObjects
throw exception;
// register all objects which are referenced to be contained in object stream
for (COSObject next : parser.getObjects())
COSObjectKey stmObjKey = new COSObjectKey(next);
Long offset = xrefTrailerResolver.getXrefTable().get(stmObjKey);
if (offset != null && offset == -objstmObjNr)
COSObject stmObj = document.getObjectFromPool(stmObjKey);
* Returns length value referred to or defined in given object.
private COSNumber getLength(final COSBase lengthBaseObj, final COSName streamType) throws IOException
if (lengthBaseObj == null)
return null;
COSNumber retVal = null;
// maybe length was given directly
if (lengthBaseObj instanceof COSNumber)
retVal = (COSNumber) lengthBaseObj;
// length in referenced object
else if (lengthBaseObj instanceof COSObject)
COSObject lengthObj = (COSObject) lengthBaseObj;
if (lengthObj.getObject() == null)
// not read so far, keep current stream position
final long curFileOffset = source.getPosition();
boolean isObjectStream = COSName.OBJ_STM.equals(streamType);
parseObjectDynamically(lengthObj, isObjectStream);
// reset current stream position;
if (lengthObj.getObject() == null)
throw new IOException("Length object content was not read.");
if (!(lengthObj.getObject() instanceof COSNumber))
throw new IOException("Wrong type of referenced length object " + lengthObj
+ ": " + lengthObj.getObject().getClass().getSimpleName());
retVal = (COSNumber) lengthObj.getObject();
throw new IOException("Wrong type of length object: "
+ lengthBaseObj.getClass().getSimpleName());
return retVal;
private static final int STREAMCOPYBUFLEN = 8192;
private final byte[] streamCopyBuf = new byte[STREAMCOPYBUFLEN];
* This will read a COSStream from the input stream using length attribute within dictionary. If
* length attribute is a indirect reference it is first resolved to get the stream length. This
* means we copy stream data without testing for 'endstream' or 'endobj' and thus it is no
* problem if these keywords occur within stream. We require 'endstream' to be found after
* stream data is read.
* @param dic dictionary that goes with this stream.
* @return parsed pdf stream.
* @throws IOException if an error occurred reading the stream, like problems with reading
* length attribute, stream does not end with 'endstream' after data read, stream too short etc.
protected COSStream parseCOSStream(COSDictionary dic) throws IOException
COSStream stream = document.createCOSStream(dic);
// read 'stream'; this was already tested in parseObjectsDynamically()
* This needs to be dic.getItem because when we are parsing, the underlying object might still be null.
COSNumber streamLengthObj = getLength(dic.getItem(COSName.LENGTH), dic.getCOSName(COSName.TYPE));
if (streamLengthObj == null)
if (isLenient)
LOG.warn("The stream doesn't provide any stream length, using fallback readUntilEnd, at offset "
+ source.getPosition());
throw new IOException("Missing length for stream.");
// get output stream to copy data to
if (streamLengthObj != null && validateStreamLength(streamLengthObj.longValue()))
OutputStream out = stream.createRawOutputStream();
readValidStream(out, streamLengthObj);
// restore original (possibly incorrect) length
stream.setItem(COSName.LENGTH, streamLengthObj);
OutputStream out = stream.createRawOutputStream();
readUntilEndStream(new EndstreamOutputStream(out));
// restore original (possibly incorrect) length
if (streamLengthObj != null)
stream.setItem(COSName.LENGTH, streamLengthObj);
String endStream = readString();
if (endStream.equals("endobj") && isLenient)
LOG.warn("stream ends with 'endobj' instead of 'endstream' at offset "
+ source.getPosition());
// avoid follow-up warning about missing endobj
else if (endStream.length() > 9 && isLenient && endStream.substring(0,9).equals(ENDSTREAM_STRING))
LOG.warn("stream ends with '" + endStream + "' instead of 'endstream' at offset "
+ source.getPosition());
// unread the "extra" bytes
else if (!endStream.equals(ENDSTREAM_STRING))
throw new IOException(
"Error reading stream, expected='endstream' actual='"
+ endStream + "' at offset " + source.getPosition());
return stream;
* This method will read through the current stream object until
* we find the keyword "endstream" meaning we're at the end of this
* object. Some pdf files, however, forget to write some endstream tags
* and just close off objects with an "endobj" tag so we have to handle
* this case as well.
* This method is optimized using buffered IO and reduced number of
* byte compare operations.
* @param out stream we write out to.
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
private void readUntilEndStream( final OutputStream out ) throws IOException
int bufSize;
int charMatchCount = 0;
byte[] keyw = ENDSTREAM;
// last character position of shortest keyword ('endobj')
final int quickTestOffset = 5;
// read next chunk into buffer; already matched chars are added to beginning of buffer
while ( ( bufSize = strmBuf, charMatchCount, STRMBUFLEN - charMatchCount ) ) > 0 )
bufSize += charMatchCount;
int bIdx = charMatchCount;
int quickTestIdx;
// iterate over buffer, trying to find keyword match
for ( int maxQuicktestIdx = bufSize - quickTestOffset; bIdx < bufSize; bIdx++ )
// reduce compare operations by first test last character we would have to
// match if current one matches; if it is not a character from keywords
// we can move behind the test character; this shortcut is inspired by the
// Boyer-Moore string search algorithm and can reduce parsing time by approx. 20%
quickTestIdx = bIdx + quickTestOffset;
if (charMatchCount == 0 && quickTestIdx < maxQuicktestIdx)
final byte ch = strmBuf[quickTestIdx];
if ( ( ch > 't' ) || ( ch < 'a' ) )
// last character we would have to match if current character would match
// is not a character from keywords -> jump behind and start over
bIdx = quickTestIdx;
// could be negative - but we only compare to ASCII
final byte ch = strmBuf[bIdx];
if ( ch == keyw[ charMatchCount ] )
if ( ++charMatchCount == keyw.length )
// match found
if ( ( charMatchCount == 3 ) && ( ch == ENDOBJ[ charMatchCount ] ) )
// maybe ENDSTREAM is missing but we could have ENDOBJ
keyw = ENDOBJ;
// no match; incrementing match start by 1 would be dumb since we already know
// matched chars depending on current char read we may already have beginning
// of a new match: 'e': first char matched; 'n': if we are at match position
// idx 7 we already read 'e' thus 2 chars matched for each other char we have
// to start matching first keyword char beginning with next read position
charMatchCount = ( ch == E ) ? 1 : ( ( ch == N ) && ( charMatchCount == 7 ) ) ? 2 : 0;
// search again for 'endstream'
int contentBytes = Math.max( 0, bIdx - charMatchCount );
// write buffer content until first matched char to output stream
if ( contentBytes > 0 )
out.write( strmBuf, 0, contentBytes );
if ( charMatchCount == keyw.length )
// keyword matched; unread matched keyword (endstream/endobj) and following buffered content
source.rewind( bufSize - contentBytes );
// copy matched chars at start of buffer
System.arraycopy( keyw, 0, strmBuf, 0, charMatchCount );
// this writes a lonely CR or drops trailing CR LF and LF
private void readValidStream(OutputStream out, COSNumber streamLengthObj) throws IOException
long remainBytes = streamLengthObj.longValue();
while (remainBytes > 0)
final int chunk = (remainBytes > STREAMCOPYBUFLEN) ? STREAMCOPYBUFLEN : (int) remainBytes;
final int readBytes =, 0, chunk);
if (readBytes <= 0)
// shouldn't happen, the stream length has already been validated
throw new IOException("read error at offset " + source.getPosition()
+ ": expected " + chunk + " bytes, but read() returns " + readBytes);
out.write(streamCopyBuf, 0, readBytes);
remainBytes -= readBytes;
private boolean validateStreamLength(long streamLength) throws IOException
boolean streamLengthIsValid = true;
long originOffset = source.getPosition();
long expectedEndOfStream = originOffset + streamLength;
if (expectedEndOfStream > fileLen)
streamLengthIsValid = false;
LOG.warn("The end of the stream is out of range, using workaround to read the stream, "
+ "stream start position: " + originOffset + ", length: " + streamLength
+ ", expected end position: " + expectedEndOfStream);
if (!isString(ENDSTREAM))
streamLengthIsValid = false;
LOG.warn("The end of the stream doesn't point to the correct offset, using workaround to read the stream, "
+ "stream start position: " + originOffset + ", length: " + streamLength
+ ", expected end position: " + expectedEndOfStream);
return streamLengthIsValid;
* Check if the cross reference table/stream can be found at the current offset.
* @param startXRefOffset
* @return the revised offset
* @throws IOException
private long checkXRefOffset(long startXRefOffset) throws IOException
// repair mode isn't available in non-lenient mode
if (!isLenient)
return startXRefOffset;
if (source.peek() == X && isString(XREF_TABLE))
return startXRefOffset;
if (startXRefOffset > 0)
long fixedOffset = checkXRefStreamOffset(startXRefOffset, true);
if (fixedOffset > -1)
return fixedOffset;
// try to find a fixed offset
return calculateXRefFixedOffset(startXRefOffset, false);
* Check if the cross reference stream can be found at the current offset.
* @param startXRefOffset the expected start offset of the XRef stream
* @param checkOnly check only but don't repair the offset if set to true
* @return the revised offset
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
private long checkXRefStreamOffset(long startXRefOffset, boolean checkOnly) throws IOException
// repair mode isn't available in non-lenient mode
if (!isLenient || startXRefOffset == 0)
return startXRefOffset;
// seek to offset-1;
int nextValue =;
// the first character has to be a whitespace, and then a digit
if (isWhitespace(nextValue))
if (isDigit())
// it's a XRef stream
readExpectedString(OBJ_MARKER, true);
// check the dictionary to avoid false positives
COSDictionary dict = parseCOSDictionary();;
if (dict != null && "XRef".equals(dict.getNameAsString(COSName.TYPE)))
return startXRefOffset;
catch (IOException exception)
// there wasn't an object of a xref stream
// try to repair the offset;
// try to find a fixed offset
return checkOnly ? -1 : calculateXRefFixedOffset(startXRefOffset, true);
* Try to find a fixed offset for the given xref table/stream.
* @param objectOffset the given offset where to look at
* @param streamsOnly search for xref streams only
* @return the fixed offset
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
private long calculateXRefFixedOffset(long objectOffset, boolean streamsOnly) throws IOException
if (objectOffset < 0)
LOG.error("Invalid object offset " + objectOffset + " when searching for a xref table/stream");
return 0;
// start a brute force search for all xref tables and try to find the offset we are looking for
long newOffset = bfSearchForXRef(objectOffset, streamsOnly);
if (newOffset > -1)
LOG.debug("Fixed reference for xref table/stream " + objectOffset + " -> " + newOffset);
return newOffset;
LOG.error("Can't find the object xref table/stream at offset " + objectOffset);
return 0;
* Check the XRef table by dereferencing all objects and fixing the offset if necessary.
* @throws IOException if something went wrong.
private void checkXrefOffsets() throws IOException
// repair mode isn't available in non-lenient mode
if (!isLenient)
Map<COSObjectKey, Long> xrefOffset = xrefTrailerResolver.getXrefTable();
if (xrefOffset != null)
boolean bruteForceSearch = false;
for (Entry<COSObjectKey, Long> objectEntry : xrefOffset.entrySet())
COSObjectKey objectKey = objectEntry.getKey();
Long objectOffset = objectEntry.getValue();
// a negative offset number represents a object number itself
// see type 2 entry in xref stream
if (objectOffset != null && objectOffset >= 0
&& !checkObjectKeys(objectKey, objectOffset))
LOG.debug("Stop checking xref offsets as at least one couldn't be dereferenced");
bruteForceSearch = true;
if (bruteForceSearch)
if (bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets != null && !bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets.isEmpty())
List<COSObjectKey> objStreams = new ArrayList<COSObjectKey>();
// find all object streams
for (COSObjectKey key : xrefOffset.keySet())
Long offset = xrefOffset.get(key);
if (offset != null && offset < 0 )
COSObjectKey objStream = new COSObjectKey(-offset, 0);
if (!objStreams.contains(objStream))
objStreams.add(new COSObjectKey(-offset, 0));
// remove all found object streams
for (COSObjectKey key : bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets.keySet())
// remove all objects which are part of an object stream which wasn't found
for (COSObjectKey key : objStreams)
Set<Long> objects = xrefTrailerResolver.getContainedObjectNumbers((int)(key.getNumber()));
for (Long objNr :objects)
xrefOffset.remove(new COSObjectKey(objNr, 0));
LOG.debug("Replaced read xref table with the results of a brute force search");
* Check if the given object can be found at the given offset.
* @param objectKey the object we are looking for
* @param offset the offset where to look
* @return returns true if the given object can be dereferenced at the given offset
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
private boolean checkObjectKeys(COSObjectKey objectKey, long offset) throws IOException
// there can't be any object at the very beginning of a pdf
return false;
long objectNr = objectKey.getNumber();
int objectGen = objectKey.getGeneration();
long originOffset = source.getPosition();;
String objectString = createObjectString(objectNr, objectGen);
if (isString(objectString.getBytes(ISO_8859_1)))
// everything is ok, return origin object key;
return true;
catch (IOException exception)
// Swallow the exception, obviously there isn't any valid object number
// no valid object number found
return false;
* Create a string for the given object id.
* @param objectID the object id
* @param genID the generation id
* @return the generated string
private String createObjectString(long objectID, int genID)
return Long.toString(objectID) + " " + Integer.toString(genID) + " obj";
* Brute force search for every object in the pdf.
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
private void bfSearchForObjects() throws IOException
if (bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets == null)
bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets = new HashMap<COSObjectKey, Long>();
long originOffset = source.getPosition();
long currentOffset = MINIMUM_SEARCH_OFFSET;
String objString = " obj";
char[] string = objString.toCharArray();
if (isString(string))
long tempOffset = currentOffset - 1;;
int genID = source.peek();
// is the next char a digit?
if (isDigit(genID))
genID -= 48;
if (isSpace())
while (tempOffset > MINIMUM_SEARCH_OFFSET && isSpace())
int length = 0;
while (tempOffset > MINIMUM_SEARCH_OFFSET && isDigit())
if (length > 0)
byte[] objIDBytes = source.readFully(length);
String objIdString = new String(objIDBytes, 0,
objIDBytes.length, ISO_8859_1);
Long objectID;
objectID = Long.valueOf(objIdString);
catch (NumberFormatException exception)
objectID = null;
if (objectID != null)
bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets.put(new COSObjectKey(objectID, genID), tempOffset+1);
while (!source.isEOF());
// reestablish origin position;
* Search for the offset of the given xref table/stream among those found by a brute force search.
* @param streamsOnly search for xref streams only
* @return the offset of the xref entry
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
private long bfSearchForXRef(long xrefOffset, boolean streamsOnly) throws IOException
long newOffset = -1;
long newOffsetTable = -1;
long newOffsetStream = -1;
if (!streamsOnly)
if (!streamsOnly && bfSearchXRefTablesOffsets != null)
// TODO to be optimized, this won't work in every case
newOffsetTable = searchNearestValue(bfSearchXRefTablesOffsets, xrefOffset);
if (bfSearchXRefStreamsOffsets != null)
// TODO to be optimized, this won't work in every case
newOffsetStream = searchNearestValue(bfSearchXRefStreamsOffsets, xrefOffset);
// choose the nearest value
if (newOffsetTable > -1 && newOffsetStream > -1)
long differenceTable = xrefOffset - newOffsetTable;
long differenceStream = xrefOffset - newOffsetStream;
if (Math.abs(differenceTable) > Math.abs(differenceStream))
newOffset = newOffsetStream;
newOffset = newOffsetTable;
else if (newOffsetTable > -1)
newOffset = newOffsetTable;
else if (newOffsetStream > -1)
newOffset = newOffsetStream;
return newOffset;
private long searchNearestValue(List<Long> values, long offset)
long newValue = -1;
long currentDifference = -1;
int currentOffsetIndex = -1;
int numberOfOffsets = values.size();
// find the nearest value
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfOffsets; i++)
long newDifference = offset - values.get(i);
// find the nearest offset
if (currentDifference == -1
|| (Math.abs(currentDifference) > Math.abs(newDifference)))
currentDifference = newDifference;
currentOffsetIndex = i;
if (currentOffsetIndex > -1)
newValue = values.get(currentOffsetIndex);
return newValue;
* Brute force search for all xref entries (tables).
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
private void bfSearchForXRefTables() throws IOException
if (bfSearchXRefTablesOffsets == null)
// a pdf may contain more than one xref entry
bfSearchXRefTablesOffsets = new Vector<Long>();
long originOffset = source.getPosition();;
// search for xref tables
while (!source.isEOF())
if (isString(XREF_TABLE))
long newOffset = source.getPosition(); - 1);
// ensure that we don't read "startxref" instead of "xref"
if (isWhitespace())
} + 4);
* Brute force search for all /XRef entries (streams).
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
private void bfSearchForXRefStreams() throws IOException
if (bfSearchXRefStreamsOffsets == null)
// a pdf may contain more than one /XRef entry
bfSearchXRefStreamsOffsets = new Vector<Long>();
long originOffset = source.getPosition();;
// search for XRef streams
String objString = " obj";
char[] string = objString.toCharArray();
while (!source.isEOF())
if (isString(XREF_STREAM))
// search backwards for the beginning of the stream
long newOffset = -1;
long xrefOffset = source.getPosition();
boolean objFound = false;
for (int i = 1; i < 30 && !objFound; i++)
long currentOffset = xrefOffset - (i * 10);
if (currentOffset > 0)
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
if (isString(string))
long tempOffset = currentOffset - 1;;
int genID = source.peek();
// is the next char a digit?
if (isDigit(genID))
genID -= 48;
if (isSpace())
int length = 0;;
while (tempOffset > MINIMUM_SEARCH_OFFSET && isDigit())
if (length > 0)
newOffset = source.getPosition();
LOG.debug("Fixed reference for xref stream " + xrefOffset
+ " -> " + newOffset);
objFound = true;
if (newOffset > -1)
} + 5);
* Rebuild the trailer dictionary if startxref can't be found.
* @return the rebuild trailer dictionary
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
protected final COSDictionary rebuildTrailer() throws IOException
COSDictionary trailer = null;
if (bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets != null)
xrefTrailerResolver.nextXrefObj( 0, XRefType.TABLE );
for (Entry<COSObjectKey, Long> entry : bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets.entrySet())
xrefTrailerResolver.setXRef(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
trailer = xrefTrailerResolver.getTrailer();
// search for the different parts of the trailer dictionary
for(Entry<COSObjectKey, Long> entry : bfSearchCOSObjectKeyOffsets.entrySet())
Long offset = entry.getValue();;
readExpectedString(OBJ_MARKER, true);
COSDictionary dictionary = parseCOSDictionary();
if (dictionary != null)
// document catalog
if (COSName.CATALOG.equals(dictionary.getCOSName(COSName.TYPE)))
trailer.setItem(COSName.ROOT, document.getObjectFromPool(entry.getKey()));
// info dictionary
else if (dictionary.containsKey(COSName.MOD_DATE) &&
|| dictionary.containsKey(COSName.AUTHOR)
|| dictionary.containsKey(COSName.SUBJECT)
|| dictionary.containsKey(COSName.KEYWORDS)
|| dictionary.containsKey(COSName.CREATOR)
|| dictionary.containsKey(COSName.PRODUCER)
|| dictionary.containsKey(COSName.CREATION_DATE)))
trailer.setItem(COSName.INFO, document.getObjectFromPool(entry.getKey()));
// TODO encryption dictionary
catch(IOException exception)
LOG.debug("Skipped object " + entry.getKey() + ", either it's corrupt or not a dictionary");
return trailer;
* This will parse the startxref section from the stream.
* The startxref value is ignored.
* @return the startxref value or -1 on parsing error
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
private long parseStartXref() throws IOException
long startXref = -1;
if (isString(STARTXREF))
// This integer is the byte offset of the first object referenced by the xref or xref stream
startXref = readLong();
return startXref;
* Checks if the given string can be found at the current offset.
* @param string the bytes of the string to look for
* @return true if the bytes are in place, false if not
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
private boolean isString(byte[] string) throws IOException
boolean bytesMatching = false;
if (source.peek() == string[0])
int length = string.length;
byte[] bytesRead = new byte[length];
int numberOfBytes =, 0, length);
while (numberOfBytes < length)
int readMore =, numberOfBytes, length - numberOfBytes);
if (readMore < 0)
numberOfBytes += readMore;
if (Arrays.equals(string, bytesRead))
bytesMatching = true;
return bytesMatching;
* Checks if the given string can be found at the current offset.
* @param string the bytes of the string to look for
* @return true if the bytes are in place, false if not
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
private boolean isString(char[] string) throws IOException
boolean bytesMatching = true;
long originOffset = source.getPosition();
for (char c : string)
if ( != c)
bytesMatching = false;
return bytesMatching;
* This will parse the trailer from the stream and add it to the state.
* @return false on parsing error
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
private boolean parseTrailer() throws IOException
if(source.peek() != 't')
return false;
//read "trailer"
long currentOffset = source.getPosition();
String nextLine = readLine();
if( !nextLine.trim().equals( "trailer" ) )
// in some cases the EOL is missing and the trailer immediately
// continues with "<<" or with a blank character
// even if this does not comply with PDF reference we want to support as many PDFs as possible
// Acrobat reader can also deal with this.
if (nextLine.startsWith("trailer"))
// we can't just unread a portion of the read data as we don't know if the EOL consist of 1 or 2 bytes
int len = "trailer".length();
// jump back right after "trailer" + len);
return false;
// in some cases the EOL is missing and the trailer continues with " <<"
// even if this does not comply with PDF reference we want to support as many PDFs as possible
// Acrobat reader can also deal with this.
COSDictionary parsedTrailer = parseCOSDictionary();
xrefTrailerResolver.setTrailer( parsedTrailer );
return true;
* Parse the header of a pdf.
* @return true if a PDF header was found
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
protected boolean parsePDFHeader() throws IOException
* Parse the header of a fdf.
* @return true if a FDF header was found
* @throws IOException if something went wrong
protected boolean parseFDFHeader() throws IOException
private boolean parseHeader(String headerMarker, String defaultVersion) throws IOException
// read first line
String header = readLine();
// some pdf-documents are broken and the pdf-version is in one of the following lines
if (!header.contains(headerMarker))
header = readLine();
while (!header.contains(headerMarker))
// if a line starts with a digit, it has to be the first one with data in it
if ((header.length() > 0) && (Character.isDigit(header.charAt(0))))
header = readLine();
// nothing found
if (!header.contains(headerMarker))
return false;
//sometimes there is some garbage in the header before the header
//actually starts, so lets try to find the header first.
int headerStart = header.indexOf( headerMarker );
// greater than zero because if it is zero then there is no point of trimming
if ( headerStart > 0 )
//trim off any leading characters
header = header.substring( headerStart, header.length() );
// This is used if there is garbage after the header on the same line
if (header.startsWith(headerMarker) && !header.matches(headerMarker + "\\d.\\d"))
if (header.length() < headerMarker.length() + 3)
// No version number at all, set to 1.4 as default
header = headerMarker + defaultVersion;
LOG.debug("No version found, set to " + defaultVersion + " as default.");
String headerGarbage = header.substring(headerMarker.length() + 3, header.length()) + "\n";
header = header.substring(0, headerMarker.length() + 3);
float headerVersion = -1;
String[] headerParts = header.split("-");
if (headerParts.length == 2)
headerVersion = Float.parseFloat(headerParts[1]);
catch (NumberFormatException exception)
LOG.debug("Can't parse the header version.", exception);
if (headerVersion < 0)
throw new IOException( "Error getting header version: " + header);
// rewind;
return true;
* This will parse the xref table from the stream and add it to the state
* The XrefTable contents are ignored.
* @param startByteOffset the offset to start at
* @return false on parsing error
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurs.
protected boolean parseXrefTable(long startByteOffset) throws IOException
if(source.peek() != 'x')
return false;
String xref = readString();
if( !xref.trim().equals( "xref" ) )
return false;
// check for trailer after xref
String str = readString();
byte[] b = str.getBytes(ISO_8859_1);
// signal start of new XRef
xrefTrailerResolver.nextXrefObj( startByteOffset, XRefType.TABLE );
if (str.startsWith("trailer"))
LOG.warn("skipping empty xref table");
return false;
// Xref tables can have multiple sections. Each starts with a starting object id and a count.
// first obj id
long currObjID = readObjectNumber();
// the number of objects in the xref table
long count = readLong();
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if(source.isEOF() || isEndOfName((char)source.peek()))
if(source.peek() == 't')
//Ignore table contents
String currentLine = readLine();
String[] splitString = currentLine.split("\\s");
if (splitString.length < 3)
LOG.warn("invalid xref line: " + currentLine);
/* This supports the corrupt table as reported in
* PDFBOX-474 (XXXX XXX XX n) */
long currOffset = Long.parseLong(splitString[0]);
int currGenID = Integer.parseInt(splitString[1]);
COSObjectKey objKey = new COSObjectKey(currObjID, currGenID);
xrefTrailerResolver.setXRef(objKey, currOffset);
catch(NumberFormatException e)
throw new IOException(e);
else if(!splitString[2].equals("f"))
throw new IOException("Corrupt XRefTable Entry - ObjID:" + currObjID);
if (!isDigit())
return true;
* Fills XRefTrailerResolver with data of given stream.
* Stream must be of type XRef.
* @param stream the stream to be read
* @param objByteOffset the offset to start at
* @param isStandalone should be set to true if the stream is not part of a hybrid xref table
* @throws IOException if there is an error parsing the stream
private void parseXrefStream(COSStream stream, long objByteOffset, boolean isStandalone) throws IOException
// the cross reference stream of a hybrid xref table will be added to the existing one
// and we must not override the offset and the trailer
if ( isStandalone )
xrefTrailerResolver.nextXrefObj( objByteOffset, XRefType.STREAM );
xrefTrailerResolver.setTrailer( stream );
PDFXrefStreamParser parser = new PDFXrefStreamParser( stream, document, xrefTrailerResolver );
* This will get the document that was parsed. parse() must be called before this is called.
* When you are done with this document you must call close() on it to release
* resources.
* @return The document that was parsed.
* @throws IOException If there is an error getting the document.
public COSDocument getDocument() throws IOException
if( document == null )
throw new IOException( "You must call parse() before calling getDocument()" );
return document;
* Parse the values of the trailer dictionary and return the root object.
* @param trailer The trailer dictionary.
* @return The parsed root object.
* @throws IOException If an IO error occurs or if the root object is
* missing in the trailer dictionary.
protected COSBase parseTrailerValuesDynamically(COSDictionary trailer) throws IOException
// PDFBOX-1557 - ensure that all COSObject are loaded in the trailer
// PDFBOX-1606 - after securityHandler has been instantiated
for (COSBase trailerEntry : trailer.getValues())
if (trailerEntry instanceof COSObject)
COSObject tmpObj = (COSObject) trailerEntry;
parseObjectDynamically(tmpObj, false);
// parse catalog or root object
COSObject root = (COSObject) trailer.getItem(COSName.ROOT);
if (root == null)
throw new IOException("Missing root object specification in trailer.");
return parseObjectDynamically(root, false);