blob: 9bd465cbe17b514759927195f8553943a5301e4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package commands
import (
const (
ACTIVATION_ID = "activationId"
WEB_EXPORT_ANNOT = "web-export"
RAW_HTTP_ANNOT = "raw-http"
FINAL_ANNOT = "final"
WEB_SECURE_ANNOT = "require-whisk-auth"
NODE_JS_EXT = ".js"
PYTHON_EXT = ".py"
JAVA_EXT = ".jar"
SWIFT_EXT = ".swift"
ZIP_EXT = ".zip"
PHP_EXT = ".php"
BAL_BIN_EXT = ".balx"
RUBY_EXT = ".rb"
RUST_EXT = ".rs"
GO_EXT = ".go"
NODE_JS = "nodejs"
PYTHON = "python"
JAVA = "java"
SWIFT = "swift"
PHP = "php"
RUBY = "ruby"
RUST = "rust"
GO = "go"
BAL = "ballerina"
DEFAULT = "default"
BLACKBOX = "blackbox"
SEQUENCE = "sequence"
MAX_JS_INT = 1<<53 - 1
var actionCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "action",
Short: wski18n.T("work with actions"),
var actionCreateCmd = &cobra.Command{
Short: wski18n.T("create a new action"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var action *whisk.Action
var err error
if whiskErr := CheckArgs(
"Action create",
wski18n.T("An action name and code artifact are required.")); whiskErr != nil {
return whiskErr
if action, err = parseAction(cmd, args, false); err != nil {
return actionParseError(cmd, args, err)
if action, err = augmentAction(cmd, args, action, ACTION_CREATE); err != nil {
return actionParseError(cmd, args, err)
if _, _, err = Client.Actions.Insert(action, false); err != nil {
return actionInsertError(action, err)
return nil
var actionUpdateCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "update ACTION_NAME [ACTION]",
Short: wski18n.T("update an existing action, or create an action if it does not exist"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var action *whisk.Action
var err error
if whiskErr := CheckArgs(
"Action update",
wski18n.T("An action name is required. A code artifact is optional.")); whiskErr != nil {
return whiskErr
if action, err = parseAction(cmd, args, true); err != nil {
return actionParseError(cmd, args, err)
if action, err = augmentAction(cmd, args, action, ACTION_UPDATE); err != nil {
return actionParseError(cmd, args, err)
if _, _, err = Client.Actions.Insert(action, true); err != nil {
return actionInsertError(action, err)
return nil
var actionInvokeCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "invoke ACTION_NAME",
Short: wski18n.T("invoke action"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var err error
var qualifiedName = new(QualifiedName)
var parameters interface{}
if whiskErr := CheckArgs(
"Action invoke",
wski18n.T("An action name is required.")); whiskErr != nil {
return whiskErr
if qualifiedName, err = NewQualifiedName(args[0]); err != nil {
return NewQualifiedNameError(args[0], err)
parameters = getParameters(Flags.common.param, false, false)
blocking := Flags.common.blocking || Flags.action.result
resultOnly := Flags.action.result
header := !resultOnly
res, err := invokeAction(
return printInvocationResponse(*qualifiedName, blocking, header, res, err)
func invokeAction(
qualifiedName QualifiedName,
parameters interface{},
blocking bool,
result bool) (interface{}, error) {
// TODO remove all global modifiers
Client.Namespace = qualifiedName.GetNamespace()
res, _, err := Client.Actions.Invoke(
return res, err
func printInvocationResponse(
qualifiedName QualifiedName,
blocking bool,
header bool,
result interface{},
err error) error {
if err == nil {
printInvocationMsg(qualifiedName, blocking, header, result, color.Output)
} else {
if !blocking {
return handleInvocationError(err, qualifiedName.GetEntityName())
} else {
return printFailedBlockingInvocationResponse(qualifiedName, header, result, err)
return err
func printFailedBlockingInvocationResponse(
qualifiedName QualifiedName,
header bool,
result interface{},
err error) error {
if isBlockingTimeout(err) {
getValueFromResponse(ACTIVATION_ID, result))
return err
} else if isApplicationError(err) {
return err
} else {
return handleInvocationError(err, qualifiedName.GetEntityName())
var actionGetCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "get ACTION_NAME [FIELD_FILTER | --summary | --url]",
Short: wski18n.T("get action"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var err error
var field string
var action *whisk.Action
var qualifiedName = new(QualifiedName)
var fetchCode bool
if whiskErr := CheckArgs(args, 1, 2, "Action get", wski18n.T("An action name is required.")); whiskErr != nil {
return whiskErr
if !Flags.action.url && !Flags.common.summary && len(args) > 1 {
field = args[1]
if !fieldExists(&whisk.Action{}, field) {
return invalidFieldFilterError(field)
if qualifiedName, err = NewQualifiedName(args[0]); err != nil {
return NewQualifiedNameError(args[0], err)
Client.Namespace = qualifiedName.GetNamespace()
fetchCode = cmd.LocalFlags().Changed(SAVE_AS_FLAG) || cmd.LocalFlags().Changed(SAVE_FLAG)
if action, _, err = Client.Actions.Get(qualifiedName.GetEntityName(), fetchCode); err != nil {
return actionGetError(qualifiedName.GetEntityName(), fetchCode, err)
if Flags.action.url {
actionURL, err := action.ActionURL(Properties.APIHost,
if err != nil {
errStr := wski18n.T("Invalid host address '{{.host}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"host": Properties.APIHost, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
printActionGetWithURL(qualifiedName.GetEntity(), actionURL)
} else if Flags.common.summary {
} else if cmd.LocalFlags().Changed(SAVE_AS_FLAG) || cmd.LocalFlags().Changed(SAVE_FLAG) {
return saveCode(*action, Flags.action.saveAs)
} else {
if len(field) > 0 {
printActionGetWithField(qualifiedName.GetEntityName(), field, action)
} else {
printActionGet(qualifiedName.GetEntityName(), action)
return nil
var actionDeleteCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "delete ACTION_NAME",
Short: wski18n.T("delete action"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var qualifiedName = new(QualifiedName)
var err error
if whiskErr := CheckArgs(
"Action delete",
wski18n.T("An action name is required.")); whiskErr != nil {
return whiskErr
if qualifiedName, err = NewQualifiedName(args[0]); err != nil {
return NewQualifiedNameError(args[0], err)
Client.Namespace = qualifiedName.GetNamespace()
if _, err = Client.Actions.Delete(qualifiedName.GetEntityName()); err != nil {
return actionDeleteError(qualifiedName.GetEntityName(), err)
return nil
var actionListCmd = &cobra.Command{
Short: wski18n.T("list all actions in a namespace or actions contained in a package"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var qualifiedName = new(QualifiedName)
var actions []whisk.Action
var err error
if whiskErr := CheckArgs(
"Action list",
wski18n.T("An optional namespace is the only valid argument.")); whiskErr != nil {
return whiskErr
if len(args) == 1 {
if qualifiedName, err = NewQualifiedName(args[0]); err != nil {
return NewQualifiedNameError(args[0], err)
Client.Namespace = qualifiedName.GetNamespace()
options := &whisk.ActionListOptions{
Skip: Flags.common.skip,
Limit: Flags.common.limit,
if actions, _, err = Client.Actions.List(qualifiedName.GetEntityName(), options); err != nil {
return actionListError(qualifiedName.GetEntityName(), options, err)
sortByName := Flags.common.nameSort
printList(actions, sortByName)
return nil
func parseAction(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, update bool) (*whisk.Action, error) {
var err error
var existingAction *whisk.Action
var paramArgs []string
var annotArgs []string
var parameters interface{}
var annotations interface{}
var qualifiedName = new(QualifiedName)
if qualifiedName, err = NewQualifiedName(args[0]); err != nil {
return nil, NewQualifiedNameError(args[0], err)
Client.Namespace = qualifiedName.GetNamespace()
action := new(whisk.Action)
action.Name = qualifiedName.GetEntityName()
action.Namespace = qualifiedName.GetNamespace()
action.Limits = getLimits(
paramArgs = Flags.common.param
annotArgs = Flags.common.annotation
if len(paramArgs) > 0 {
if parameters, err = getJSONFromStrings(paramArgs, true); err != nil {
return nil, getJSONFromStringsParamError(paramArgs, true, err)
action.Parameters = parameters.(whisk.KeyValueArr)
if len(annotArgs) > 0 {
if annotations, err = getJSONFromStrings(annotArgs, true); err != nil {
return nil, getJSONFromStringsAnnotError(annotArgs, true, err)
action.Annotations = annotations.(whisk.KeyValueArr)
if len(Flags.action.kind) > 0 && len(Flags.action.docker) > 0 {
errStr := wski18n.T("Cannot specify both --kind and --docker at the same time.")
return nil, whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.NOT_ALLOWED, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
if Flags.action.copy {
var copiedQualifiedName = new(QualifiedName)
if copiedQualifiedName, err = NewQualifiedName(args[1]); err != nil {
return nil, NewQualifiedNameError(args[1], err)
Client.Namespace = copiedQualifiedName.GetNamespace()
if existingAction, _, err = Client.Actions.Get(copiedQualifiedName.GetEntityName(), FETCH_CODE); err != nil {
return nil, actionGetError(copiedQualifiedName.GetEntityName(), FETCH_CODE, err)
Client.Namespace = qualifiedName.GetNamespace()
action.Exec = existingAction.Exec
action.Parameters = append(action.Parameters, existingAction.Parameters...)
action.Annotations = append(action.Annotations, existingAction.Annotations...)
} else if Flags.action.sequence {
if len(args) == 2 {
action.Exec = new(whisk.Exec)
action.Exec.Kind = SEQUENCE
action.Exec.Components = csvToQualifiedActions(args[1])
} else {
return nil, noArtifactError()
} else if len(args) > 1 || len(Flags.action.docker) > 0 {
action.Exec, err = getExec(args, Flags.action)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !update {
return nil, noArtifactError()
if update {
action.DelAnnotations = Flags.action.delAnnotation
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Parsed action struct: %#v\n", action)
return action, err
func augmentAction(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, action *whisk.Action, update bool) (*whisk.Action, error) {
var err error
var existingAction *whisk.Action = nil
var augmentedAction *whisk.Action = new(whisk.Action)
*augmentedAction = *action
if update {
if existingAction, _, err = Client.Actions.Get(action.Name, DO_NOT_FETCH_CODE); err != nil {
whiskErr, isWhiskError := err.(*whisk.WskError)
if (isWhiskError && whiskErr.ExitCode != whisk.EXIT_CODE_NOT_FOUND) || !isWhiskError {
return nil, actionGetError(action.Name, DO_NOT_FETCH_CODE, err)
// Augment the action's annotations with the --web related annotations
if augmentedAction, err = augmentWebArg(cmd, args, action, augmentedAction, existingAction); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Augment the action's annotations with the --web-secure related annotations
if augmentedAction, err = augmentWebSecureArg(cmd, args, action, augmentedAction, existingAction); err != nil {
return nil, err
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Augmented action struct: %#v\n", augmentedAction)
return augmentedAction, err
func augmentWebArg(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, action *whisk.Action, augmentedAction *whisk.Action, existingAction *whisk.Action) (*whisk.Action, error) {
var err error
preserveAnnotations := action.Annotations == nil
if cmd.LocalFlags().Changed(WEB_FLAG) {
augmentedAction.Annotations, err = webAction(Flags.action.web, action.Annotations, action.Name, preserveAnnotations, existingAction)
if existingAction != nil && err == nil {
// Always carry forward any existing --web-secure annotation value
// Although it can be overwritten later if --web-secure is set
webSecureAnnotations := getWebSecureAnnotations(existingAction)
if len(webSecureAnnotations) > 0 {
augmentedAction.Annotations = augmentedAction.Annotations.AppendKeyValueArr(webSecureAnnotations)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "augmentWebArg: Augmented action struct: %#v\n", augmentedAction)
return augmentedAction, nil
* Return a whisk.Action augmented with --web-secure annotation updates
* originalAction: a action constructed from command line argument
* action: an action constructed from command line args + possible other augmentation (i.e. --web annotations)
* existingAction: on an action update, this is the existing action
func augmentWebSecureArg(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, originalAction *whisk.Action, action *whisk.Action, existingAction *whisk.Action) (*whisk.Action, error) {
preserveAnnotations := action.Annotations == nil
var augmentedAction *whisk.Action = new(whisk.Action)
*augmentedAction = *action
disableWebAction := strings.ToLower(Flags.action.web) == "false" || strings.ToLower(Flags.action.web) == "no"
isWebSecureFlagValidToUse := action.WebAction() || (existingAction != nil && existingAction.WebAction() && !disableWebAction)
// Process the --web-secure flag when set
if cmd.LocalFlags().Changed(WEB_SECURE_FLAG) {
// The --web-secure option is only valid when:
// 1. action --web is set to either true or raw (i.e. web-export annotation is true)
// -OR-
// 2. existing action web-export annotation is true && action --web is not false/no
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "disableWebAction: %v isWebSecureFlagValidToUse: %v\n", disableWebAction, isWebSecureFlagValidToUse)
if !isWebSecureFlagValidToUse {
return nil, webSecureUsageError()
// Carry forward some or all of the existing action's annotations
// all -> if original command line had at least one annotation specified
// some -> if original command line had NO annotations, carry forward web/websecure annotation values
if existingAction != nil {
if preserveAnnotations {
augmentedAction.Annotations = action.Annotations.AppendKeyValueArr(existingAction.Annotations)
} else {
augmentedAction.Annotations = action.Annotations.AppendKeyValueArr(getWebActionAnnotations(existingAction))
augmentedAction.Annotations = augmentedAction.Annotations.AppendKeyValueArr(getWebSecureAnnotations(existingAction))
// when "--web-secure false", need to delete require-whisk-auth annotation
secureSecret := webSecureSecret(Flags.action.websecure) // will be false when "--web-secure false"
existingSecret := augmentedAction.Annotations.GetValue(WEB_SECURE_ANNOT)
_, disableSecurity := secureSecret.(bool)
if existingSecret != nil && disableSecurity {
augmentedAction.DelAnnotations = []string{"require-whisk-auth"}
augmentedAction.Annotations = updateWebSecureAnnotation(Flags.action.websecure, augmentedAction.Annotations)
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "augmentWebSecureArg: Augmented action struct: %#v\n", augmentedAction)
return augmentedAction, nil
func getExec(args []string, params ActionFlags) (*whisk.Exec, error) {
var err error
var code string
var exec *whisk.Exec
exec = new(whisk.Exec)
kind := params.kind
isNative := params.native
docker := params.docker
mainEntry := params.main
ext := ""
if len(args) == 2 {
artifact := args[1]
ext = filepath.Ext(artifact)
code, err = ReadFile(artifact)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "ReadFile(%s) error: %s\n", artifact, err)
return nil, err
if ext == ZIP_EXT || ext == JAVA_EXT || ext == BAL_BIN_EXT {
code = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(code))
exec.Code = &code
} else if len(args) == 1 && len(docker) == 0 {
return nil, noArtifactError()
} else if len(args) > 1 {
return nil, noArtifactError()
if len(kind) > 0 {
exec.Kind = kind
} else if len(docker) > 0 || isNative {
exec.Kind = BLACKBOX
if isNative {
exec.Image = "openwhisk/dockerskeleton"
} else {
exec.Image = docker
} else if ext == SWIFT_EXT {
exec.Kind = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", SWIFT, DEFAULT)
} else if ext == NODE_JS_EXT {
exec.Kind = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", NODE_JS, DEFAULT)
} else if ext == PYTHON_EXT {
exec.Kind = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", PYTHON, DEFAULT)
} else if ext == JAVA_EXT {
exec.Kind = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", JAVA, DEFAULT)
} else if ext == PHP_EXT {
exec.Kind = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", PHP, DEFAULT)
} else if ext == RUBY_EXT {
exec.Kind = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", RUBY, DEFAULT)
} else if ext == RUST_EXT {
exec.Kind = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", RUST, DEFAULT)
} else if ext == GO_EXT {
exec.Kind = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", GO, DEFAULT)
} else if ext == BAL_BIN_EXT {
exec.Kind = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", BAL, DEFAULT)
} else {
if ext == ZIP_EXT {
return nil, zipKindError()
} else {
return nil, extensionError(ext)
// Error if entry point is not specified for Java
if len(mainEntry) != 0 {
exec.Main = mainEntry
} else {
if exec.Kind == "java" {
return nil, javaEntryError()
return exec, nil
func getBinaryKindExtension(runtime string) (extension string) {
switch strings.ToLower(runtime) {
case JAVA:
extension = JAVA_EXT
case BAL:
extension = BAL_BIN_EXT
extension = ZIP_EXT
return extension
func getKindExtension(runtime string) (extension string) {
switch strings.ToLower(runtime) {
case NODE_JS:
extension = NODE_JS_EXT
case PYTHON:
extension = PYTHON_EXT
case SWIFT:
case PHP:
extension = fmt.Sprintf(".%s", runtime)
case RUBY:
extension = RUBY_EXT
case RUST:
extension = RUST_EXT
case GO:
extension = GO_EXT
return extension
func saveCode(action whisk.Action, filename string) (err error) {
var code string
var runtime string
var exec whisk.Exec
exec = *action.Exec
runtime = strings.Split(exec.Kind, ":")[0]
if strings.ToLower(runtime) == BLACKBOX && exec.Code == nil && *exec.Binary == false {
return cannotSaveImageError()
} else if strings.ToLower(runtime) == SEQUENCE {
return cannotSaveSequenceError()
if exec.Code != nil {
code = *exec.Code
if *exec.Binary {
decoded, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(code)
code = string(decoded)
if len(filename) == 0 {
filename = action.Name + getBinaryKindExtension(runtime)
} else {
if len(filename) == 0 {
filename = action.Name + getKindExtension(runtime)
if exists, err := FileExists(filename); err != nil {
return err
} else if exists {
return fileExistsError(filename)
if err := writeFile(filename, code); err != nil {
return err
pwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "os.Getwd() error: %s\n", err)
return err
savedPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", pwd, string(os.PathSeparator), filename)
return nil
func webAction(webMode string, annotations whisk.KeyValueArr, entityName string, preserveAnnotations bool, existingAction *whisk.Action) (whisk.KeyValueArr, error) {
switch strings.ToLower(webMode) {
case "yes":
case "true":
return webActionAnnotations(preserveAnnotations, annotations, entityName, addWebAnnotations, existingAction)
case "no":
case "false":
return webActionAnnotations(preserveAnnotations, annotations, entityName, deleteWebAnnotations, existingAction)
case "raw":
return webActionAnnotations(preserveAnnotations, annotations, entityName, addRawAnnotations, existingAction)
return nil, webInputError(webMode)
type WebActionAnnotationMethod func(annotations whisk.KeyValueArr) whisk.KeyValueArr
func webActionAnnotations(
preserveAnnotations bool,
annotations whisk.KeyValueArr,
entityName string,
webActionAnnotationMethod WebActionAnnotationMethod,
existingAction *whisk.Action) (whisk.KeyValueArr, error) {
if preserveAnnotations && existingAction != nil {
annotations = whisk.KeyValueArr.AppendKeyValueArr(annotations, existingAction.Annotations)
annotations = webActionAnnotationMethod(annotations)
return annotations, nil
func addWebAnnotations(annotations whisk.KeyValueArr) whisk.KeyValueArr {
annotations = deleteWebAnnotationKeys(annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(WEB_EXPORT_ANNOT, true, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(RAW_HTTP_ANNOT, false, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(FINAL_ANNOT, true, annotations)
return annotations
func deleteWebAnnotations(annotations whisk.KeyValueArr) whisk.KeyValueArr {
annotations = deleteWebAnnotationKeys(annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(WEB_EXPORT_ANNOT, false, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(RAW_HTTP_ANNOT, false, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(FINAL_ANNOT, false, annotations)
return annotations
func addRawAnnotations(annotations whisk.KeyValueArr) whisk.KeyValueArr {
annotations = deleteWebAnnotationKeys(annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(WEB_EXPORT_ANNOT, true, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(RAW_HTTP_ANNOT, true, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(FINAL_ANNOT, true, annotations)
return annotations
func deleteWebAnnotationKeys(annotations whisk.KeyValueArr) whisk.KeyValueArr {
annotations = deleteKey(WEB_EXPORT_ANNOT, annotations)
annotations = deleteKey(RAW_HTTP_ANNOT, annotations)
annotations = deleteKey(FINAL_ANNOT, annotations)
return annotations
func getWebActionAnnotations(action *whisk.Action) whisk.KeyValueArr {
var webKvArr = make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 3, 3)
var j = 0
var i = action.Annotations.FindKeyValue(WEB_EXPORT_ANNOT)
if i > -1 {
webKvArr[j] = action.Annotations[i]
i = action.Annotations.FindKeyValue(RAW_HTTP_ANNOT)
if i > -1 {
webKvArr[j] = action.Annotations[i]
i = action.Annotations.FindKeyValue(FINAL_ANNOT)
if i > -1 {
webKvArr[j] = action.Annotations[i]
return webKvArr[0:j]
func getWebSecureAnnotations(action *whisk.Action) whisk.KeyValueArr {
var webKvArr = make(whisk.KeyValueArr, 1, 1)
var j = 0
var i = action.Annotations.FindKeyValue(WEB_SECURE_ANNOT)
if i > -1 {
webKvArr[j] = action.Annotations[i]
return webKvArr[0:j]
* Update the existing annotations with the web security annotation
* If the current web security setting and existing setting are the "same", keep the existing value
* -> checking for the same "--web-secure true" setting means just checking if the two values are integers
* If the current web security setting is "false", remove any existing setting
func updateWebSecureAnnotation(websecure string, annotations whisk.KeyValueArr) whisk.KeyValueArr {
secureSecret := webSecureSecret(websecure) // will be false when "--web-secure false"
existingSecret := annotations.GetValue(WEB_SECURE_ANNOT)
_, disableSecurity := secureSecret.(bool)
_, newSecretIsInt := secureSecret.(int64)
var existingSecretIsInt bool = false
if existingSecret != nil {
_, existingSecretIsInt = existingSecret.(json.Number)
if existingSecretIsInt && newSecretIsInt {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Retaining existing secret number\n")
} else if existingSecret != nil && disableSecurity {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "disabling web-secure; deleting annotation: %v\n", WEB_SECURE_ANNOT)
annotations = deleteKey(WEB_SECURE_ANNOT, annotations)
} else {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Setting %v annotation; prior secret %v new secret %v\n",
WEB_SECURE_ANNOT, reflect.TypeOf(existingSecret), reflect.TypeOf(secureSecret))
annotations = annotations.AddOrReplace(&whisk.KeyValue{Key: WEB_SECURE_ANNOT, Value: secureSecret})
return annotations
// Generate a secret according to the --web-secure setting
// true: return a random int64
// false: return false, meaning no secret was returned
// string: return the same string
func webSecureSecret(webSecureMode string) interface{} {
switch strings.ToLower(webSecureMode) {
case "true":
return genWebActionSecureKey()
case "false":
return false
return webSecureMode
func getLimits(memorySet bool, logSizeSet bool, timeoutSet bool, concurrencySet bool, memory int, logSize int, timeout int, concurrency int) *whisk.Limits {
var limits *whisk.Limits
if memorySet || logSizeSet || timeoutSet || concurrencySet {
limits = new(whisk.Limits)
if memorySet {
limits.Memory = &memory
if logSizeSet {
limits.Logsize = &logSize
if timeoutSet {
limits.Timeout = &timeout
if concurrencySet {
limits.Concurrency = &concurrency
return limits
func nestedError(errorMessage string, err error) error {
return whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(
func nonNestedError(errorMessage string) error {
return whisk.MakeWskError(
func actionParseError(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, err error) error {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "parseAction(%s, %s) error: %s\n", cmd.Name(), args, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T(
"Invalid argument(s). {{.required}}",
"required": err,
return nestedError(errMsg, err)
func actionInsertError(action *whisk.Action, err error) error {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Client.Actions.Insert(%#v, false) error: %s\n", action, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T(
"Unable to create action '{{.name}}': {{.err}}",
"name": action.Name,
"err": err,
return nestedError(errMsg, err)
func getJSONFromStringsParamError(params []string, keyValueFormat bool, err error) error {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "getJSONFromStrings(%#v, %t) failed: %s\n", params, keyValueFormat, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T(
"Invalid parameter argument '{{.param}}': {{.err}}",
"param": fmt.Sprintf("%#v", params),
"err": err,
return nestedError(errMsg, err)
func getJSONFromStringsAnnotError(annots []string, keyValueFormat bool, err error) error {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "getJSONFromStrings(%#v, %t) failed: %s\n", annots, keyValueFormat, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T(
"Invalid annotation argument '{{.annotation}}': {{.err}}",
"annotation": fmt.Sprintf("%#v", annots),
"err": err,
return nestedError(errMsg, err)
func invalidFieldFilterError(field string) error {
errMsg := wski18n.T(
"Invalid field filter '{{.arg}}'.",
"arg": field,
return nonNestedError(errMsg)
func actionDeleteError(entityName string, err error) error {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Client.Actions.Delete(%s) error: %s\n", entityName, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T(
"Unable to delete action '{{.name}}': {{.err}}",
"name": entityName,
"err": err,
return nestedError(errMsg, err)
func actionGetError(entityName string, fetchCode bool, err error) error {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Client.Actions.Get(%s, %t) error: %s\n", entityName, fetchCode, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T(
"Unable to get action '{{.name}}': {{.err}}",
"name": entityName,
"err": err,
return nestedError(errMsg, err)
func handleInvocationError(err error, entityName string) error {
"Client.Actions.Invoke(%s) error: %s\n",
errMsg := wski18n.T(
"Unable to invoke action '{{.name}}': {{.err}}",
"name": entityName,
"err": err,
return nestedError(errMsg, err)
func actionListError(entityName string, options *whisk.ActionListOptions, err error) error {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Client.Actions.List(%s, %#v) error: %s\n", entityName, options, err)
errMsg := wski18n.T(
"Unable to obtain the list of actions for namespace '{{.name}}': {{.err}}",
"name": getClientNamespace(),
"err": err,
return nestedError(errMsg, err)
func webInputError(arg string) error {
errMsg := wski18n.T(
"Invalid argument '{{.arg}}' for --web flag. Valid input consist of 'yes', 'true', 'raw', 'false', or 'no'.",
"arg": arg,
return nonNestedError(errMsg)
func webSecureUsageError() error {
errMsg := wski18n.T("The --web-secure option is only valid when the --web option is enabled.")
return nonNestedError(errMsg)
func zipKindError() error {
errMsg := wski18n.T("creating an action from a .zip artifact requires specifying the action kind explicitly")
return nonNestedError(errMsg)
func noArtifactError() error {
errMsg := wski18n.T("An action name and code artifact are required.")
return nonNestedError(errMsg)
func extensionError(extension string) error {
errMsg := wski18n.T(
"'{{.name}}' is not a supported action runtime",
"name": extension,
return nonNestedError(errMsg)
func javaEntryError() error {
errMsg := wski18n.T("Java actions require --main to specify the fully-qualified name of the main class")
return nonNestedError(errMsg)
func cannotSaveImageError() error {
return nonNestedError(wski18n.T("Cannot save Docker images"))
func cannotSaveSequenceError() error {
return nonNestedError(wski18n.T("Cannot save action sequences"))
func fileExistsError(file string) error {
errMsg := wski18n.T("The file '{{.file}}' already exists", map[string]interface{}{
"file": file,
return nonNestedError(errMsg)
func printActionCreated(entityName string) {
"{{.ok}} created action {{.name}}\n",
"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"),
"name": boldString(entityName),
func printActionUpdated(entityName string) {
"{{.ok}} updated action {{.name}}\n",
"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"),
"name": boldString(entityName),
func printBlockingTimeoutMsg(namespace string, entityName string, activationID interface{}) {
"{{.ok}} invoked /{{.namespace}}/{{.name}}, but the request has not yet finished, with id {{.id}}\n",
"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"),
"namespace": boldString(namespace),
"name": boldString(entityName),
"id": boldString(activationID),
func printInvocationMsg(
qualifiedName QualifiedName,
blocking bool,
header bool,
response interface{},
outputStream io.Writer) {
if header {
"{{.ok}} invoked /{{.namespace}}/{{.name}} with id {{.id}}\n",
"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"),
"namespace": boldString(qualifiedName.GetNamespace()),
"name": boldString(qualifiedName.GetEntityName()),
"id": boldString(getValueFromResponse(ACTIVATION_ID, response)),
if blocking {
printJSON(response, outputStream)
func printActionGetWithField(entityName string, field string, action *whisk.Action) {
"{{.ok}} got action {{.name}}, displaying field {{.field}}\n",
"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"),
"name": boldString(entityName),
"field": boldString(field),
printField(action, field)
func printActionGetWithURL(entityName string, actionURL string) {
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} got action {{.name}}\n",
"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"),
"name": boldString(entityName),
func printActionGet(entityName string, action *whisk.Action) {
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} got action {{.name}}\n",
"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"),
"name": boldString(entityName),
func printActionDeleted(entityName string) {
"{{.ok}} deleted action {{.name}}\n",
"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"),
"name": boldString(entityName),
func printSavedActionCodeSuccess(name string) {
"{{.ok}} saved action code to {{.name}}\n",
"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"),
"name": boldString(name),
// Generate a random number to be used as a web action's require-whisk-auth secret
func genWebActionSecureKey() int64 {
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix()))
// Truncate integer for API GW interoperability
return r.Int63() & MAX_JS_INT
// Check if the specified action is a web-action
func isWebAction(client *whisk.Client, qname QualifiedName) (*whisk.Action, error) {
var err error = nil
savedNs := client.Namespace
client.Namespace = qname.GetNamespace()
fullActionName := "/" + qname.GetNamespace() + "/" + qname.GetEntityName()
action, _, err := client.Actions.Get(qname.GetEntityName(), DO_NOT_FETCH_CODE)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "client.Actions.Get(%s, %t) error: %s\n", fullActionName, DO_NOT_FETCH_CODE, err)
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Unable to obtain action '%s' for web action validation\n", fullActionName)
errMsg := wski18n.T("Unable to get action '{{.name}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"name": fullActionName, "err": err})
err = whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errMsg), err, whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_NETWORK, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG,
} else {
err = errors.New(wski18n.T("Action '{{.name}}' is not a web action. Issue 'wsk action update \"{{.name}}\" --web true' to convert the action to a web action.",
map[string]interface{}{"name": fullActionName}))
if action.WebAction() {
err = nil
client.Namespace = savedNs
return action, err
func init() {
actionCreateCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&Flags.action.native, "native", false, wski18n.T("treat ACTION as native action (zip file provides a compatible executable to run)"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.action.docker, "docker", "", wski18n.T("use provided docker image (a path on DockerHub) to run the action"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&Flags.action.copy, "copy", false, wski18n.T("treat ACTION as the name of an existing action"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&Flags.action.sequence, "sequence", false, wski18n.T("treat ACTION as comma separated sequence of actions to invoke"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.action.kind, "kind", "", wski18n.T("the `KIND` of the action runtime (example: swift:default, nodejs:default)"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.action.main, "main", "", wski18n.T("the name of the action entry point (function or fully-qualified method name when applicable)"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.action.timeout, TIMEOUT_FLAG, "t", TIMEOUT_LIMIT, wski18n.T("the timeout `LIMIT` in milliseconds after which the action is terminated"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.action.memory, MEMORY_FLAG, "m", MEMORY_LIMIT, wski18n.T("the maximum memory `LIMIT` in MB for the action"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.action.logsize, LOG_SIZE_FLAG, "l", LOGSIZE_LIMIT, wski18n.T("the maximum log size `LIMIT` in MB for the action"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.action.concurrency, CONCURRENCY_FLAG, "c", CONCURRENCY_LIMIT, wski18n.T("the maximum intra-container concurrent activation `LIMIT` for the action"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&Flags.common.annotation, "annotation", "a", nil, wski18n.T("annotation values in `KEY VALUE` format"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Flags.common.annotFile, "annotation-file", "A", "", wski18n.T("`FILE` containing annotation values in JSON format"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&Flags.common.param, "param", "p", nil, wski18n.T("parameter values in `KEY VALUE` format"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Flags.common.paramFile, "param-file", "P", "", wski18n.T("`FILE` containing parameter values in JSON format"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.action.web, WEB_FLAG, "", wski18n.T("treat ACTION as a web action, a raw HTTP web action, or as a standard action; yes | true = web action, raw = raw HTTP web action, no | false = standard action"))
actionCreateCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.action.websecure, WEB_SECURE_FLAG, "", wski18n.T("secure the web action. where `SECRET` is true, false, or any string. Only valid when the ACTION is a web action"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&Flags.action.native, "native", false, wski18n.T("treat ACTION as native action (zip file provides a compatible executable to run)"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.action.docker, "docker", "", wski18n.T("use provided docker image (a path on DockerHub) to run the action"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&Flags.action.copy, "copy", false, wski18n.T("treat ACTION as the name of an existing action"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&Flags.action.sequence, "sequence", false, wski18n.T("treat ACTION as comma separated sequence of actions to invoke"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.action.kind, "kind", "", wski18n.T("the `KIND` of the action runtime (example: swift:default, nodejs:default)"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.action.main, "main", "", wski18n.T("the name of the action entry point (function or fully-qualified method name when applicable)"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.action.timeout, TIMEOUT_FLAG, "t", TIMEOUT_LIMIT, wski18n.T("the timeout `LIMIT` in milliseconds after which the action is terminated"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.action.memory, MEMORY_FLAG, "m", MEMORY_LIMIT, wski18n.T("the maximum memory `LIMIT` in MB for the action"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.action.logsize, LOG_SIZE_FLAG, "l", LOGSIZE_LIMIT, wski18n.T("the maximum log size `LIMIT` in MB for the action"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.action.concurrency, CONCURRENCY_FLAG, "c", CONCURRENCY_LIMIT, wski18n.T("the maximum intra-container concurrent activation `LIMIT` for the action"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&Flags.common.annotation, "annotation", "a", []string{}, wski18n.T("annotation values in `KEY VALUE` format"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Flags.common.annotFile, "annotation-file", "A", "", wski18n.T("`FILE` containing annotation values in JSON format"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&Flags.common.param, "param", "p", []string{}, wski18n.T("parameter values in `KEY VALUE` format"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Flags.common.paramFile, "param-file", "P", "", wski18n.T("`FILE` containing parameter values in JSON format"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.action.web, WEB_FLAG, "", wski18n.T("treat ACTION as a web action, a raw HTTP web action, or as a standard action; yes | true = web action, raw = raw HTTP web action, no | false = standard action"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.action.websecure, WEB_SECURE_FLAG, "", wski18n.T("secure the web action. where `SECRET` is true, false, or any string. Only valid when the ACTION is a web action"))
actionUpdateCmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&Flags.action.delAnnotation, "del-annotation", []string{}, wski18n.T("the list of annotations to be deleted from the action, e.g. --del-annotation key1 --del-annotation key2"))
actionInvokeCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&Flags.common.param, "param", "p", []string{}, wski18n.T("parameter values in `KEY VALUE` format"))
actionInvokeCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Flags.common.paramFile, "param-file", "P", "", wski18n.T("`FILE` containing parameter values in JSON format"))
actionInvokeCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&Flags.common.blocking, "blocking", "b", false, wski18n.T("blocking invoke"))
actionInvokeCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&Flags.action.result, "result", "r", false, wski18n.T("blocking invoke; show only activation result (unless there is a failure)"))
actionGetCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&Flags.common.summary, "summary", "s", false, wski18n.T("summarize action details; parameters with prefix \"*\" are bound, \"**\" are bound and finalized"))
actionGetCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&Flags.action.url, "url", "r", false, wski18n.T("get action url"))
actionGetCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.action.saveAs, SAVE_AS_FLAG, "", wski18n.T("file to save action code to"))
actionGetCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&, SAVE_FLAG, "", false, wski18n.T("save action code to file corresponding with action name"))
actionListCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.common.skip, "skip", "s", 0, wski18n.T("exclude the first `SKIP` number of actions from the result"))
actionListCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&Flags.common.limit, "limit", "l", 30, wski18n.T("only return `LIMIT` number of actions from the collection"))
actionListCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&Flags.common.nameSort, "name-sort", "n", false, wski18n.T("sorts a list alphabetically by entity name; only applicable within the limit/skip returned entity block"))