blob: e0bbc943b43d93ab65be55f2cdbf403ed77525a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* Tests for {@link}
public class NgramLanguageModelTest {
public void testEmptyVocabularyProbability() throws Exception {
NGramLanguageModel model = new NGramLanguageModel();
assertEquals("probability with an empty vocabulary is always 0", 0d, model.calculateProbability(new StringList("")), 0d);
assertEquals("probability with an empty vocabulary is always 0", 0d, model.calculateProbability(new StringList("1", "2", "3")), 0d);
public void testRandomVocabularyAndSentence() throws Exception {
NGramLanguageModel model = new NGramLanguageModel();
for (StringList sentence : LanguageModelTestUtils.generateRandomVocabulary(10)) {
model.add(sentence, 2, 3);
double probability = model.calculateProbability(LanguageModelTestUtils.generateRandomSentence());
assertTrue("a probability measure should be between 0 and 1 [was " + probability + "]", probability >= 0 && probability <= 1);
public void testNgramModel() throws Exception {
NGramLanguageModel model = new NGramLanguageModel(4);
model.add(new StringList("I", "saw", "the", "fox"), 1, 4);
model.add(new StringList("the", "red", "house"), 1, 4);
model.add(new StringList("I", "saw", "something", "nice"), 1, 2);
double probability = model.calculateProbability(new StringList("I", "saw", "the", "red", "house"));
assertTrue("a probability measure should be between 0 and 1 [was " + probability + "]", probability >= 0 && probability <= 1);
StringList tokens = model.predictNextTokens(new StringList("I", "saw"));
assertEquals(new StringList("the", "fox"), tokens);
public void testBigramProbabilityNoSmoothing() throws Exception {
NGramLanguageModel model = new NGramLanguageModel(2, 0);
model.add(new StringList("<s>", "I", "am", "Sam", "</s>"), 1, 2);
model.add(new StringList("<s>", "Sam", "I", "am", "</s>"), 1, 2);
model.add(new StringList("<s>", "I", "do", "not", "like", "green", "eggs", "and", "ham", "</s>"), 1, 2);
double probability = model.calculateProbability(new StringList("<s>", "I"));
assertEquals(0.666d, probability, 0.001);
probability = model.calculateProbability(new StringList("Sam", "</s>"));
assertEquals(0.5d, probability, 0.001);
probability = model.calculateProbability(new StringList("<s>", "Sam"));
assertEquals(0.333d, probability, 0.001);
probability = model.calculateProbability(new StringList("am", "Sam"));
assertEquals(0.5d, probability, 0.001);
probability = model.calculateProbability(new StringList("I", "am"));
assertEquals(0.666d, probability, 0.001);
probability = model.calculateProbability(new StringList("I", "do"));
assertEquals(0.333d, probability, 0.001);
probability = model.calculateProbability(new StringList("I", "am", "Sam"));
assertEquals(0.333d, probability, 0.001);
public void testTrigram() throws Exception {
NGramLanguageModel model = new NGramLanguageModel(3);
model.add(new StringList("I", "see", "the", "fox"), 2, 3);
model.add(new StringList("the", "red", "house"), 2, 3);
model.add(new StringList("I", "saw", "something", "nice"), 2, 3);
double probability = model.calculateProbability(new StringList("I", "saw", "the", "red", "house"));
assertTrue("a probability measure should be between 0 and 1 [was " + probability + "]", probability >= 0 && probability <= 1);
StringList tokens = model.predictNextTokens(new StringList("I", "saw"));
assertEquals(new StringList("something", "nice"), tokens);
public void testBigram() throws Exception {
NGramLanguageModel model = new NGramLanguageModel(2);
model.add(new StringList("I", "see", "the", "fox"), 1, 2);
model.add(new StringList("the", "red", "house"), 1, 2);
model.add(new StringList("I", "saw", "something", "nice"), 1, 2);
double probability = model.calculateProbability(new StringList("I", "saw", "the", "red", "house"));
assertTrue("a probability measure should be between 0 and 1 [was " + probability + "]", probability >= 0 && probability <= 1);
StringList tokens = model.predictNextTokens(new StringList("I", "saw"));
assertEquals(new StringList("something"), tokens);
public void testSerializedNGramLanguageModel() throws Exception {
NGramLanguageModel languageModel = new NGramLanguageModel(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/opennlp/tools/ngram/ngram-model.xml"), 3);
double probability = languageModel.calculateProbability(new StringList("The", "brown", "fox", "jumped"));
assertTrue("a probability measure should be between 0 and 1 [was " + probability + "]", probability >= 0 && probability <= 1);
StringList tokens = languageModel.predictNextTokens(new StringList("fox"));
assertEquals(new StringList("jumped"), tokens);
public void testTrigramLanguageModelCreationFromText() throws Exception {
int ngramSize = 3;
NGramLanguageModel languageModel = new NGramLanguageModel(ngramSize);
InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/opennlp/tools/languagemodel/sentences.txt");
for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(stream)) {
String[] array = line.split(" ");
List<String> split = Arrays.asList(array);
List<String> generatedStrings = NGramGenerator.generate(split, ngramSize, " ");
for (String generatedString : generatedStrings) {
String[] tokens = generatedString.split(" ");
if (tokens.length > 0) {
languageModel.add(new StringList(tokens), 1, ngramSize);
StringList tokens = languageModel.predictNextTokens(new StringList("neural", "network", "language"));
assertEquals(new StringList("models"), tokens);
double p1 = languageModel.calculateProbability(new StringList("neural", "network", "language", "models"));
double p2 = languageModel.calculateProbability(new StringList("neural", "network", "language", "model"));
assertTrue(p1 > p2);