blob: 3dbf5d1ef64b25e90a47df5cfa70ae883023a785 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package opennlp.addons.geoentitylinker;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Scores toponyms based on their proximity to a country mention. Based on the
* heuristic that typonymn mentions are more likely close to their parent
* country mentions. For instance, if the toponym Berlin is mentioned near an
* indicator of Germany, it is more likely to be Berlin Germany than Berlin
* Connecticut.
public class CountryProximityScorer implements LinkedEntityScorer<CountryContext> {
private Map<String, Set<String>> nameCodesMap;
String dominantCode = "";
public void score(List<LinkedSpan> linkedSpans, String docText, Span[] sentenceSpans, EntityLinkerProperties properties, CountryContext additionalContext) {
score(linkedSpans, additionalContext.getCountryMentions(), additionalContext.getNameCodesMap(), docText, sentenceSpans, 1000);
* Assigns a score to each BaseLink in each linkedSpan's set of N best
* matches. Currently the scoring indicates the probability that the toponym
* is correct based on the country context in the document
* @param linkedData the linked spans, holds the Namefinder results, and
* the list of BaseLink for each
* @param countryHits all the country mentions in the document
* @param nameCodesMap maps a country indicator name to a country code. Used
* to determine if the namefinder found the same exact
* toponym the country context did. If so the score is
* boosted due to the high probability that the
* NameFinder actually "rediscovered" a country
* @param docText the full text of the document...not used in this
* default implementation
* @param sentences the sentences that correspond to the doc text.
* @param maxAllowedDist a constant that is used to determine which country
* mentions, based on proximity within the text, should
* be used to score the Named Entity.
* @return
public List<LinkedSpan> score(List<LinkedSpan> linkedData, Map<String, Set<Integer>> countryHits, Map<String, Set<String>> nameCodesMap, String docText, Span[] sentences, Integer maxAllowedDist) {
this.nameCodesMap = nameCodesMap;
for (LinkedSpan<BaseLink> linkedspan : linkedData) {
linkedspan = simpleProximityAnalysis(sentences, countryHits, linkedspan, maxAllowedDist);
return linkedData;
* sets class level variable to a code based on the number of mentions
* @param countryHits
private void setDominantCode(Map<String, Set<Integer>> countryHits) {
int hits = -1;
for (String code : countryHits.keySet()) {
if (countryHits.get(code).size() > hits) {
hits = countryHits.get(code).size();
dominantCode = code;
* Generates distances from each country mention to the span's location in the
* doc text. Ultimately an attempt to ensure that ambiguously named toponyms
* are resolved to the correct country and coordinate.
* @param sentences
* @param countryHits
* @param span
* @return
private LinkedSpan<BaseLink> simpleProximityAnalysis(Span[] sentences, Map<String, Set<Integer>> countryHits, LinkedSpan<BaseLink> span, Integer maxAllowedDistance) {
Double score = 0.0;
* get the index of the actual span, begining of sentence //should generate
* tokens from sentence and create a char offset... //could have large
* sentences due to poor sentence detection or wonky doc text
int sentenceIdx = span.getSentenceid();
int sentIndexInDoc = sentences[sentenceIdx].getStart();
* create a map of all the span's proximal country mentions in the document
* Map< countrycode, set of <distances from this NamedEntity>>
Map<String, Set<Integer>> distancesFromCodeMap = new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>();
//map = Map<countrycode, Set <of distances this span is from all the mentions of the code>>
for (String cCode : countryHits.keySet()) {
//iterate over all the regex start values and calculate an offset
for (Integer cHit : countryHits.get(cCode)) {
Integer absDist = Math.abs(sentIndexInDoc - cHit);
//only include near mentions based on a heuristic
//TODO make this a property
// if (absDist < maxAllowedDistance) {
if (distancesFromCodeMap.containsKey(cCode)) {
} else {
HashSet<Integer> newset = new HashSet<Integer>();
distancesFromCodeMap.put(cCode, newset);
//we now know how far this named entity is from every country mention in the document
* the gaz matches that have a country code that have mentions in the doc
* that are closest to the Named Entity should return the best score.
* Analyzemap generates a likelihood score that the toponym from the gaz is
* referring to one of the countries, i.e, Map<countrycode, prob that this
* span is referring to the toponym form this code key>
Map<String, Double> scoreMap = analyzeMap(distancesFromCodeMap, sentences, span);
for (BaseLink link : span.getLinkedEntries()) {
//getItemParentId is the country code
String spanCountryCode = link.getItemParentID();
if (scoreMap.containsKey(spanCountryCode)) {
score = scoreMap.get(spanCountryCode);
///does the name extracted match a country name?
if (nameCodesMap.containsKey(link.getItemName().toLowerCase())) {
//if so, is it the correct country code for that name?
if (nameCodesMap.get(link.getItemName().toLowerCase()).contains(link.getItemParentID())) {
//boost the score becuase it is likely that this is the location in the text, so add 50% to the score or set to 1
//TODO: make this smarter, and utilize province/state info in the future to be even more specific
score = (score + .75) > 1.0 ? 1d : (score + .75);
if (link.getItemParentID().equals(dominantCode)) {
score = (score + .25) > 1.0 ? 1d : (score + .25);
link.getScoreMap().put("countrycontext", score);
return span;
* takes a map of distances from the toponym to each country mention and generates
* a map of scores for each country code. The map is then correlated to the
* code of the BaseLink parentid for retrieval. Then the
* score is added to the overall list.
* @param distanceMap
* @param sentences
* @param span
* @return
private Map<String, Double> analyzeMap(Map<String, Set<Integer>> distanceMap, Span[] sentences, LinkedSpan<BaseLink> span) {
Map<String, Double> scoreMap = new HashMap<String, Double>();
if (distanceMap.isEmpty()) {
return scoreMap;
TreeSet<Integer> all = new TreeSet<Integer>();
for (String key : distanceMap.keySet()) {
//get min max for normalization, this could be more efficient
Integer min = all.first();
Integer max = all.last();
if (min == max) {
min = 0;
for (String key : distanceMap.keySet()) {
TreeSet<Double> normalizedDistances = new TreeSet<Double>();
for (Integer i : distanceMap.get(key)) {
Double norm = normalize(i, min, max);
//reverse the normed distance so low numbers (closer) are better
//this could be improved with a "decaying " function using an imcreaseing negative exponent
Double reverse = Math.abs(norm - 1);
List<Double> doubles = new ArrayList<Double>(normalizedDistances);
scoreMap.put(key, slidingDistanceAverage(doubles));
return scoreMap;
* this method is an attempt to make closer clusters of mentions group
* together to smooth out the average, so one distant outlier does not kill
* the score for an obviously good hit. More elegant solution is possible
* using Math.pow, and making the score decay with distance by using an
* increasing negative exponent (I think)
* @param normDis the normalized and sorted set of distances as a list
* @return
private Double slidingDistanceAverage(List<Double> normDis) {
List<Double> windowOfAverages = new ArrayList<Double>();
if (normDis.size() < 3) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < normDis.size() - 1; i++) {
double a = normDis.get(i);
double b = normDis.get(i + 1);
windowOfAverages.add((a + b) / 2);
double sum = 0d;
for (double d : windowOfAverages) {
sum += d;
double result = sum / windowOfAverages.size();
//TODO: ++ prob when large amounts of mentions for a code
//System.out.println("avg of window:" + result);
return result;
* transposes a value within one range to a relative value in a different
* range. Used to normalize distances in this class.
* @param valueToNormalize the value to place within the new range
* @param minimum the min of the set to be transposed
* @param maximum the max of the set to be transposed
* @return
private Double normalize(int valueToNormalize, int minimum, int maximum) {
Double d = (double) ((1 - 0) * (valueToNormalize - minimum)) / (maximum - minimum) + 0;
d = d == null ? 0d : d;
return d;