blob: 692e91b83ae09f4fcff1294ff4c7b1563f210237 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License") + you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import org.red5.logging.Red5LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;
* The Service contains methods to login and create hash to directly enter
* conference rooms, recordings or the application in general
* @author sebawagner
* @webservice UserService
public class UserWebService {
private static final Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(
UserWebService.class, OpenmeetingsVariables.webAppRootKey);
private Sessionmanagement sessionManagement;
private Configurationmanagement cfgManagement;
private Usermanagement userManagement;
private Fieldmanagment fieldmanagment;
private ErrorManagement errorManagement;
private Organisationmanagement organisationmanagement;
private SOAPLoginDaoImpl soapLoginDao;
private UsersDaoImpl usersDao;
private MainService mainService;
private AuthLevelmanagement authLevelManagement;
* load this session id before doing anything else Returns an Object of Type
* Sessiondata, this contains a sessionId, use that sessionId in all Methods
* @return
public Sessiondata getSession() {
log.debug("SPRING LOADED getSession -- ");
return mainService.getsessiondata();
* uth function, use the SID you get by getSession, return positive means
* logged-in, if negative its an ErrorCode, you have to invoke the Method
* getErrorByCode to get the Text-Description of that ErrorCode
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* Username from OpenMeetings, the user has to have Admin-rights
* @param userpass
* Userpass from OpenMeetings
* @return
public Long loginUser(String SID, String username, String userpass)
throws AxisFault {
try {
Object obj = userManagement.loginUser(SID, username, userpass,
null, false);
if (obj == null) {
return new Long(-1);
String objName = obj.getClass().getName();
if (objName.equals("java.lang.Long")) {
return (Long) obj;
} else {
return new Long(1);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[loginUser]", err);
return new Long(-1);
* loads an Error-Object. If a Method returns a negative Result, its an
* Error-id, it needs a language_id to specify in which language you want to
* display/read the error-message. English has the Language-ID one, for
* different one see the list of languages
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param errorid
* the error id (negative Value here!)
* @param language_id
* The id of the language
* @return
public ErrorResult getErrorByCode(String SID, long errorid, long language_id) {
try {
if (errorid < 0) {
ErrorValues eValues = errorManagement
.getErrorValuesById(errorid * (-1));
if (eValues != null) {
Fieldlanguagesvalues errorValue = fieldmanagment
eValues.getFieldvalues_id(), language_id);
Fieldlanguagesvalues typeValue = fieldmanagment
.getFieldvalues_id(), language_id);
if (errorValue != null) {
return new ErrorResult(errorid, errorValue.getValue(),
} else {
return new ErrorResult(errorid,
"Error ... please check your input", "Error");
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[getErrorByCode] ", err);
return null;
* Adds a new Usre like through the Frontend, but also does activates the
* Account To do SSO see the methods to create a hash and use those ones!
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* any username
* @param userpass
* any userpass
* @param lastname
* any lastname
* @param firstname
* any firstname
* @param email
* any email
* @param additionalname
* any additionalname
* @param street
* any street
* @param zip
* any zip
* @param fax
* any fax
* @param states_id
* a valid states_id
* @param town
* any town
* @param language_id
* the language_id
* @param baseURL
* the baseURL is needed to send the Initial Email correctly to
* that User, otherwise the Link in the EMail that the new User
* will reveive is not valid
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long addNewUser(String SID, String username, String userpass,
String lastname, String firstname, String email,
String additionalname, String street, String zip, String fax,
long states_id, String town, long language_id, String baseURL)
throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
Configuration conf = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
String jName_timeZone = "";
if (conf != null) {
jName_timeZone = conf.getConf_value();
Long user_id = userManagement.registerUser(username, userpass,
lastname, firstname, email, new Date(), street,
additionalname, fax, zip, states_id, town, language_id,
"", baseURL, true, // generate
// SIP
// Data
// if
// the
// config
// is
// enabled
if (user_id == null || user_id < 0) {
return user_id;
Users user = userManagement.getUserById(user_id);
// activate the User
user.setUpdatetime(new Date());
return user_id;
} else {
return new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("setUserObject", err);
throw new AxisFault(err.getMessage());
* Adds a new User like through the Frontend, but also does activates the
* Account
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* any username
* @param userpass
* any userpass
* @param lastname
* any lastname
* @param firstname
* any firstname
* @param email
* any email
* @param additionalname
* any additionalname
* @param street
* any street
* @param zip
* any zip
* @param fax
* any fax
* @param states_id
* a valid states_id
* @param town
* any town
* @param language_id
* the language_id
* @param baseURL
* the baseURL is needed to send the Initial Email correctly to
* that User, otherwise the Link in the EMail that the new User
* will reveive is not valid
* @param jNameTimeZone
* the name of the timezone for the user
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long addNewUserWithTimeZone(String SID, String username,
String userpass, String lastname, String firstname, String email,
String additionalname, String street, String zip, String fax,
long states_id, String town, long language_id, String baseURL,
String jNameTimeZone) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
Long user_id = userManagement.registerUser(username, userpass,
lastname, firstname, email, new Date(), street,
additionalname, fax, zip, states_id, town, language_id,
"", baseURL, true, // generate
// SIP
// Data
// if
// the
// config
// is
// enabled
if (user_id < 0) {
return user_id;
Users user = userManagement.getUserById(user_id);
// activate the User
user.setUpdatetime(new Date());
return user_id;
} else {
return new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("setUserObject", err);
throw new AxisFault(err.getMessage());
* Adds a new User like through the Frontend, but also does activates the
* Account, sends NO email (no matter what you configured) and sets the
* users external user id and type
* Use the methods to create a hash for SSO, creating users is not required
* for SSO
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* any username
* @param userpass
* any userpass
* @param lastname
* any lastname
* @param firstname
* any firstname
* @param email
* any email
* @param additionalname
* any additionalname
* @param street
* any street
* @param zip
* any zip
* @param fax
* any fax
* @param states_id
* a valid states_id
* @param town
* any town
* @param language_id
* the language_id
* @param jNameTimeZone
* the name of the timezone for the user
* @param externalUserId
* externalUserId
* @param externalUserType
* externalUserType
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long addNewUserWithExternalType(String SID, String username,
String userpass, String lastname, String firstname, String email,
String additionalname, String street, String zip, String fax,
long states_id, String town, long language_id,
String jNameTimeZone, String externalUserId, String externalUserType)
throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkAdminLevel(user_level)) {
Users testUser = userManagement.getUserByExternalIdAndType(
externalUserId, externalUserType);
if (testUser != null) {
throw new Exception("User does already exist!");
// This will send no email to the users
Long user_id = userManagement.registerUserNoEmail(username,
userpass, lastname, firstname, email, new Date(),
street, additionalname, fax, zip, states_id, town,
language_id, "", true, // generate SIP Data if
// the config is enabled
if (user_id < 0) {
return user_id;
Users user = userManagement.getUserById(user_id);
// activate the User
user.setUpdatetime(new Date());
return user_id;
} else {
return new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("addNewUserWithExternalType", err);
throw new AxisFault(err.getMessage());
* Delete a certain user by its id
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param userId
* the openmeetings user id
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long deleteUserById(String SID, Long userId) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkAdminLevel(user_level)) {
// Setting user deleted
return userId;
} else {
return new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("deleteUserById", err);
throw new AxisFault(err.getMessage());
* Delete a certain user by its external user id
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param externalUserId
* externalUserId
* @param externalUserType
* externalUserId
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long deleteUserByExternalUserIdAndType(String SID,
String externalUserId, String externalUserType) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkAdminLevel(user_level)) {
Users userExternal = userManagement.getUserByExternalIdAndType(
externalUserId, externalUserType);
Long userId = userExternal.getUser_id();
// Setting user deleted
return userId;
} else {
return new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("deleteUserById", err);
throw new AxisFault(err.getMessage());
* deprecated use setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHash
* Description: sets the SessionObject for a certain SID, after setting this
* Session-Object you can use the SID + a RoomId to enter any Room.
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* any username
* @param firstname
* any firstname
* @param lastname
* any lastname
* @param profilePictureUrl
* any profilePictureUrl
* @param email
* any email
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long setUserObject(String SID, String username, String firstname,
String lastname, String profilePictureUrl, String email)
throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
RemoteSessionObject remoteSessionObject = new RemoteSessionObject(
username, firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl, email);
log.debug("username " + username);
log.debug("firstname " + firstname);
log.debug("lastname " + lastname);
log.debug("profilePictureUrl " + profilePictureUrl);
log.debug("email " + email);
// XStream xStream = new XStream(new XppDriver());
XStream xStream = new XStream(new DomDriver("UTF-8"));
String xmlString = xStream.toXML(remoteSessionObject);
log.debug("xmlString " + xmlString);
sessionManagement.updateUserRemoteSession(SID, xmlString);
return new Long(1);
} else {
return new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("setUserObject", err);
throw new AxisFault(err.getMessage());
// return new Long(-1);
* deprecated use setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHash
* Description: sets the SessionObject for a certain SID, after setting this
* Session-Object you can use the SID + a RoomId to enter any Room.
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* any username
* @param firstname
* any firstname
* @param lastname
* any lastname
* @param profilePictureUrl
* any profilePictureUrl
* @param email
* any email
* @param externalUserId
* if you have any external user Id you may set it here
* @param externalUserType
* you can specify your system-name here, for example "moodle"
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long setUserObjectWithExternalUser(String SID, String username,
String firstname, String lastname, String profilePictureUrl,
String email, String externalUserId, String externalUserType)
throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
RemoteSessionObject remoteSessionObject = new RemoteSessionObject(
username, firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl,
email, externalUserId, externalUserType);
log.debug("username " + username);
log.debug("firstname " + firstname);
log.debug("lastname " + lastname);
log.debug("profilePictureUrl " + profilePictureUrl);
log.debug("email " + email);
log.debug("externalUserId " + externalUserId);
log.debug("externalUserType " + externalUserType);
// XStream xStream = new XStream(new XppDriver());
XStream xStream = new XStream(new DomDriver("UTF-8"));
String xmlString = xStream.toXML(remoteSessionObject);
log.debug("xmlString " + xmlString);
sessionManagement.updateUserRemoteSession(SID, xmlString);
return new Long(1);
} else {
return new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("setUserObjectWithExternalUser", err);
throw new AxisFault(err.getMessage());
* Description: sets the SessionObject for a certain SID, after setting this
* Session-Object you can use the SID + a RoomId to enter any Room. ...
* Session-Hashs are deleted 15 minutes after the creation if not used.
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* any username
* @param firstname
* any firstname
* @param lastname
* any lastname
* @param profilePictureUrl
* any profilePictureUrl
* @param email
* any email
* @param externalUserId
* if you have any external user Id you may set it here
* @param externalUserType
* you can specify your system-name here, for example "moodle"
* @param room_id
* the room id the user should be logged in
* @param becomeModeratorAsInt
* 0 means no Moderator, 1 means Moderator
* @param showAudioVideoTestAsInt
* 0 means don't show Audio/Video Test, 1 means show Audio/Video
* Test Application before the user is logged into the room
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public String setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHash(String SID, String username,
String firstname, String lastname, String profilePictureUrl,
String email, String externalUserId, String externalUserType,
Long room_id, int becomeModeratorAsInt, int showAudioVideoTestAsInt)
throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
RemoteSessionObject remoteSessionObject = new RemoteSessionObject(
username, firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl,
email, externalUserId, externalUserType);
log.debug("username " + username);
log.debug("firstname " + firstname);
log.debug("lastname " + lastname);
log.debug("profilePictureUrl " + profilePictureUrl);
log.debug("email " + email);
log.debug("externalUserId " + externalUserId);
log.debug("externalUserType " + externalUserType);
// XStream xStream = new XStream(new XppDriver());
XStream xStream = new XStream(new DomDriver("UTF-8"));
String xmlString = xStream.toXML(remoteSessionObject);
log.debug("xmlString " + xmlString);
sessionManagement.updateUserRemoteSession(SID, xmlString);
boolean becomeModerator = false;
if (becomeModeratorAsInt != 0) {
becomeModerator = true;
boolean showAudioVideoTest = false;
if (showAudioVideoTestAsInt != 0) {
showAudioVideoTest = true;
String hash = soapLoginDao.addSOAPLogin(SID, room_id,
becomeModerator, showAudioVideoTest, false, // allowSameURLMultipleTimes
null, // recording_id
false, // showNickNameDialogAsInt
"room", // LandingZone,
true // allowRecording
if (hash != null) {
return hash;
} else {
return "" + new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("setUserObjectWithAndGenerateRoomHash", err);
throw new AxisFault(err.getMessage());
return "" + new Long(-1);
* Description: sets the SessionObject for a certain SID, after setting this
* Session-Object you can use the SID + a RoomId to enter any Room.
* ++ the user can press f5 to reload the page / use the link several times,
* the SOAP Gateway does remember the IP of the user and the will only the
* first user that enters the room allow to re-enter. ... Session-Hashs are
* deleted 15 minutes after the creation if not used.
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* any username
* @param firstname
* any firstname
* @param lastname
* any lastname
* @param profilePictureUrl
* any profilePictureUrl
* @param email
* any email any email
* @param externalUserId
* if you have any external user Id you may set it here
* @param externalUserType
* you can specify your system-name here, for example "moodle"
* @param room_id
* the room id the user should be logged in
* @param becomeModeratorAsInt
* 0 means no Moderator, 1 means Moderator
* @param showAudioVideoTestAsInt
* 0 means don't show Audio/Video Test, 1 means show Audio/Video
* Test Application before the user is logged into the room
* @return
public String setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURL(String SID,
String username, String firstname, String lastname,
String profilePictureUrl, String email, String externalUserId,
String externalUserType, Long room_id, int becomeModeratorAsInt,
int showAudioVideoTestAsInt) {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
RemoteSessionObject remoteSessionObject = new RemoteSessionObject(
username, firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl,
email, externalUserId, externalUserType);
log.debug("username " + username);
log.debug("firstname " + firstname);
log.debug("lastname " + lastname);
log.debug("profilePictureUrl " + profilePictureUrl);
log.debug("email " + email);
log.debug("externalUserId " + externalUserId);
log.debug("externalUserType " + externalUserType);
// XStream xStream = new XStream(new XppDriver());
XStream xStream = new XStream(new DomDriver("UTF-8"));
String xmlString = xStream.toXML(remoteSessionObject);
log.debug("xmlString " + xmlString);
sessionManagement.updateUserRemoteSession(SID, xmlString);
boolean becomeModerator = false;
if (becomeModeratorAsInt != 0) {
becomeModerator = true;
boolean showAudioVideoTest = false;
if (showAudioVideoTestAsInt != 0) {
showAudioVideoTest = true;
String hash = soapLoginDao.addSOAPLogin(SID, room_id,
becomeModerator, showAudioVideoTest, true, // allowSameURLMultipleTimes
null, // recording_id
false, // showNickNameDialogAsInt
"room", // LandingZone,
true // allowRecording
if (hash != null) {
return hash;
} else {
return "" + new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("setUserObjectWithAndGenerateRoomHash", err);
return "" + new Long(-1);
* Description: sets the SessionObject for a certain SID, after setting this
* Session-Object you can use the SID + a RoomId to enter any Room.
* ++ the user can press f5 to reload the page / use the link several times,
* the SOAP Gateway does remember the IP of the user and the will only the
* first user that enters the room allow to re-enter. ... Session-Hashs are
* deleted 15 minutes after the creation if not used.
* ++ sets the flag if the user can do recording in the conference room
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* any username
* @param firstname
* any firstname
* @param lastname
* any lastname
* @param profilePictureUrl
* any profilePictureUrl
* @param email
* any email
* @param externalUserId
* if you have any external user Id you may set it here
* @param externalUserType
* you can specify your system-name here, for example "moodle"
* @param room_id
* the room id the user should be logged in
* @param becomeModeratorAsInt
* 0 means no Moderator, 1 means Moderator
* @param showAudioVideoTestAsInt
* 0 means don't show Audio/Video Test, 1 means show Audio/Video
* Test Application before the user is logged into the room
* @param allowRecording
* 0 means don't allow Recording, 1 means allow Recording
* @return
public String setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURLAndRecFlag(String SID,
String username, String firstname, String lastname,
String profilePictureUrl, String email, String externalUserId,
String externalUserType, Long room_id, int becomeModeratorAsInt,
int showAudioVideoTestAsInt, int allowRecording) {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
RemoteSessionObject remoteSessionObject = new RemoteSessionObject(
username, firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl,
email, externalUserId, externalUserType);
log.debug("username " + username);
log.debug("firstname " + firstname);
log.debug("lastname " + lastname);
log.debug("profilePictureUrl " + profilePictureUrl);
log.debug("email " + email);
log.debug("externalUserId " + externalUserId);
log.debug("externalUserType " + externalUserType);
log.debug("allowRecording " + allowRecording);
// XStream xStream = new XStream(new XppDriver());
XStream xStream = new XStream(new DomDriver("UTF-8"));
String xmlString = xStream.toXML(remoteSessionObject);
log.debug("xmlString " + xmlString);
sessionManagement.updateUserRemoteSession(SID, xmlString);
boolean becomeModerator = false;
if (becomeModeratorAsInt != 0) {
becomeModerator = true;
boolean showAudioVideoTest = false;
if (showAudioVideoTestAsInt != 0) {
showAudioVideoTest = true;
boolean allowRecordingBool = false;
if (allowRecording != 0) {
allowRecordingBool = true;
String hash = soapLoginDao.addSOAPLogin(SID, room_id,
becomeModerator, showAudioVideoTest, true, // allowSameURLMultipleTimes
null, // recording_id
false, // showNickNameDialogAsInt
"room", // LandingZone,
allowRecordingBool // allowRecording
if (hash != null) {
return hash;
} else {
return "" + new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("setUserObjectWithAndGenerateRoomHash", err);
return "" + new Long(-1);
* Description: sets the SessionObject for a certain SID, after setting this
* Session-Object you can use the SID and directly login into the dashboard
* ++ the user can press f5 to reload the page / use the link several times,
* the SOAP Gateway does remember the IP of the user and the will only the
* first user that enters the room allow to re-enter. ... Session-Hashs are
* deleted 15 minutes after the creation if not used.
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* any username
* @param firstname
* any firstname
* @param lastname
* any lastname
* @param profilePictureUrl
* any absolute profilePictureUrl
* @param email
* any email
* @param externalUserId
* if you have any external user Id you may set it here
* @param externalUserType
* you can specify your system-name here, for example "moodle"
* @return
public String setUserObjectMainLandingZone(String SID, String username,
String firstname, String lastname, String profilePictureUrl,
String email, String externalUserId, String externalUserType) {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
RemoteSessionObject remoteSessionObject = new RemoteSessionObject(
username, firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl,
email, externalUserId, externalUserType);
log.debug("username " + username);
log.debug("firstname " + firstname);
log.debug("lastname " + lastname);
log.debug("profilePictureUrl " + profilePictureUrl);
log.debug("email " + email);
log.debug("externalUserId " + externalUserId);
log.debug("externalUserType " + externalUserType);
// XStream xStream = new XStream(new XppDriver());
XStream xStream = new XStream(new DomDriver("UTF-8"));
String xmlString = xStream.toXML(remoteSessionObject);
log.debug("xmlString " + xmlString);
sessionManagement.updateUserRemoteSession(SID, xmlString);
String hash = soapLoginDao.addSOAPLogin(SID, null, false, true,
true, // allowSameURLMultipleTimes
null, // recording_id
false, // showNickNameDialogAsInt
"dashboard", // LandingZone,
true // allowRecording
if (hash != null) {
return hash;
} else {
log.debug("Invalid access via SOAP " + SID + " UserD"
+ users_id + " " + user_level);
return "" + new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("setUserObjectWithAndGenerateRoomHash", err);
return "" + new Long(-1);
* Description: sets the SessionObject for a certain SID, after setting this
* Session-Object you can use the SID + a RoomId to enter any Room.
* ++ the user can press f5 to reload the page / use the link several times,
* the SOAP Gateway does remember the IP of the user and the will only the
* first user that enters the room allow to re-enter. ... Session-Hashs are
* deleted 15 minutes after the creation if not used.
* ++ Additionally you can set a param showNickNameDialogAsInt, the effect
* if that param is 1 is, that the user gets a popup where he can enter his
* nickname right before he enters the conference room. All nicknames and
* emails users enter are logged in the conferencelog table.
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* any username
* @param firstname
* any firstname
* @param lastname
* any lastname
* @param profilePictureUrl
* any profilePictureUrl
* @param email
* any email
* @param externalUserId
* if you have any external user Id you may set it here
* @param externalUserType
* you can specify your system-name here, for example "moodle"
* @param room_id
* the room id the user should be logged in
* @param becomeModeratorAsInt
* 0 means no Moderator, 1 means Moderator
* @param showAudioVideoTestAsInt
* 0 means don't show Audio/Video Test, 1 means show Audio/Video
* Test Application before the user is logged into the room
* @param showNickNameDialogAsInt
* 0 means do not show the popup to enter a nichname, 1 means
* that there is a popup to enter the nickname for the conference
* @return
public String setUserAndNickName(String SID, String username,
String firstname, String lastname, String profilePictureUrl,
String email, String externalUserId, String externalUserType,
Long room_id, int becomeModeratorAsInt,
int showAudioVideoTestAsInt, int showNickNameDialogAsInt) {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
RemoteSessionObject remoteSessionObject = new RemoteSessionObject(
username, firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl,
email, externalUserId, externalUserType);
log.debug("username " + username);
log.debug("firstname " + firstname);
log.debug("lastname " + lastname);
log.debug("profilePictureUrl " + profilePictureUrl);
log.debug("email " + email);
log.debug("externalUserId " + externalUserId);
log.debug("externalUserType " + externalUserType);
log.debug("showNickNameDialogAsInt" + showNickNameDialogAsInt);
// XStream xStream = new XStream(new XppDriver());
XStream xStream = new XStream(new DomDriver("UTF-8"));
String xmlString = xStream.toXML(remoteSessionObject);
log.debug("xmlString " + xmlString);
sessionManagement.updateUserRemoteSession(SID, xmlString);
boolean becomeModerator = false;
if (becomeModeratorAsInt != 0) {
becomeModerator = true;
boolean showAudioVideoTest = false;
if (showAudioVideoTestAsInt != 0) {
showAudioVideoTest = true;
boolean showNickNameDialog = false;
if (showNickNameDialogAsInt != 0) {
showNickNameDialog = true;
String hash = soapLoginDao.addSOAPLogin(SID, room_id,
becomeModerator, showAudioVideoTest, true, null,
showNickNameDialog, "room", // LandingZone,
true // allowRecording
if (hash != null) {
return hash;
} else {
return "" + new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("setUserObjectWithAndGenerateRoomHash", err);
return "" + new Long(-1);
* Use this method to access a Recording instead of Room
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param username
* any username
* @param firstname
* any firstname
* @param lastname
* any lastname
* @param externalUserId
* if you have any external user Id you may set it here
* @param externalUserType
* you can specify your system-name here, for example "moodle"
* @param recording_id
* the id of the recording, get a List of all Recordings with
* RoomService::getFlvRecordingByExternalRoomType
* @return
public String setUserObjectAndGenerateRecordingHashByURL(String SID,
String username, String firstname, String lastname,
String externalUserId, String externalUserType, Long recording_id) {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
RemoteSessionObject remoteSessionObject = new RemoteSessionObject(
username, firstname, "", "", "", externalUserId,
log.debug("username " + username);
log.debug("firstname " + firstname);
log.debug("lastname " + lastname);
log.debug("profilePictureUrl " + "");
log.debug("email " + "");
log.debug("externalUserId " + externalUserId);
log.debug("externalUserType " + externalUserType);
// XStream xStream = new XStream(new XppDriver());
XStream xStream = new XStream(new DomDriver("UTF-8"));
String xmlString = xStream.toXML(remoteSessionObject);
log.debug("xmlString " + xmlString);
sessionManagement.updateUserRemoteSession(SID, xmlString);
String hash = soapLoginDao.addSOAPLogin(SID, null, false,
false, true, // allowSameURLMultipleTimes
recording_id, // recording_id
false, // showNickNameDialogAsInt
"room", // LandingZone,
true // allowRecording
if (hash != null) {
return hash;
} else {
return "" + new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("setUserObjectWithAndGenerateRoomHash", err);
return "" + new Long(-1);
* Add a user to a certain organization
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param user_id
* the user id
* @param organisation_id
* the organization id
* @param insertedby
* user id of the operating user
* @return
public Long addUserToOrganisation(String SID, Long user_id,
Long organisation_id, Long insertedby) {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
return organisationmanagement.addUserToOrganisation(user_id,
organisation_id, users_id);
} else {
return new Long(-26);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("addUserToOrganisation", err);
return new Long(-1);
* Search users and return them
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param organisation_id
* the organization id
* @param start
* first record
* @param max
* max records
* @param orderby
* orderby clause
* @param asc
* asc or desc
* @return
public SearchResult<Users> getUsersByOrganisation(String SID,
long organisation_id, int start, int max, String orderby,
boolean asc) {
try {
Long users_id = sessionManagement.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManagement.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelManagement.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
return organisationmanagement
start, max, orderby, asc);
} else {
log.error("Need Administration Account");
SearchResult<Users> sResult = new SearchResult<Users>();
return sResult;
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("getUsersByOrganisation", err);
return null;
* Kick a user by its public SID
* @param SID
* The SID from getSession
* @param publicSID
* the publicSID (you can get it from the call to get users in a
* room)
* @return
public Boolean kickUserByPublicSID(String SID, String publicSID) {
try {
Boolean salida = false;
salida = userManagement.kickUserByPublicSID(SID, publicSID);
if (salida == null)
salida = false;
return salida;
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[kickUser]", err);
return null;