blob: 4406fb80785034513ba69b4ca3c48b8f5a6f35fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License") + you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.HttpVersion;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.entity.AbstractHttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParams;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.openmeetings.utils.crypt.MD5;
import org.red5.logging.Red5LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
public class OpenXGHttpClient {
private static final Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(
OpenXGHttpClient.class, OpenmeetingsVariables.webAppRootKey);
private Configurationmanagement cfgManagement;
private OpenXGReturnObjectDaoImpl openXGReturnObjectDao;
public String digest_calculate(Object[] params) throws Exception {
String stringToMd5 = "";
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
stringToMd5 += params[i];
return MD5.do_checksum(stringToMd5);
public void openSIPgUserCreateTest() {
try {
String first_name = "Matti";
String middle_i = "X";
String last_name = "Virtanen";
String email = "";
String password = "password";
middle_i, last_name, email, password, "test");
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[openSIPgUserCreateTest]", err);
* Creates a SIP User using the RPC Methods of openXG
* @param first_name
* @param middle_i
* @param last_name
* @param email
* @param password
* @return
public UserSipData openSIPgUserCreateUser(String first_name,
String middle_i, String last_name, String email, String login,
String password) {
try {
// Check if the OpenXG Gateway is enabled in general
Configuration sip_openxg_enable = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (sip_openxg_enable == null
|| !sip_openxg_enable.getConf_value().equals("yes")) {
log.debug("SIP is disabled");
return null;
// client_id and client_secret
Configuration openxg_client_id = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
Configuration openxg_client_secret = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (openxg_client_id == null || openxg_client_secret == null) {
throw new Exception(
" or openxg.client.secret missing in Configuration table");
String client_id = openxg_client_id.getConf_value();
String client_secret = openxg_client_secret.getConf_value();
// domain
Configuration openxg_client_domain = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (openxg_client_domain == null) {
throw new Exception(
"openxg.client.domain missing in Configuration table");
String domain = openxg_client_domain.getConf_value();
// openxg_community_code
Configuration openxg_community_code = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (openxg_community_code == null) {
throw new Exception(
" missing in Configuration table");
String community_code = openxg_community_code.getConf_value();
// language_code
Configuration openxg_language_code = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (openxg_language_code == null) {
throw new Exception(
"openxg.language.code missing in Configuration table");
String language_code = openxg_language_code.getConf_value();
// adminid
Configuration openxg_adminid = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (openxg_adminid == null) {
throw new Exception(
"openxg.adminid missing in Configuration table");
String adminid = openxg_adminid.getConf_value();
// sip_language_phonecode, for example +358, is important as port of
// the
// number/login for the SIP-User via the applet
Configuration sip_language_phonecode = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (sip_language_phonecode == null) {
throw new Exception(
"No sip.language.phonecode set in Configuration");
// Calculate the number in national format
Configuration sip_phonerange_start = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
Configuration sip_phonerange = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
Configuration sip_phonerange_currentindex = cfgManagement
.getConfKey(3L, "sip.phonerange.currentindex");
if (sip_phonerange_start == null || sip_phonerange == null
|| sip_phonerange_currentindex == null) {
throw new Exception(
"sip.phonerange.start, sip.phonerange or sip.phonerange.currentindex missing in Configuration table");
// Long sipPhoneRangeStart =
// Long.parseLong(sip_phonerange_start.getConf_value());
// Long sipPhoneRange =
// Long.parseLong(sip_phonerange.getConf_value());
// Long sipPhoneRangeCurrentIndex =
// Long.parseLong(sip_phonerange_currentindex.getConf_value());
// Not sure anymore if this is really needed, we don't need a number
// in national format
// if (sipPhoneRangeCurrentIndex >= sipPhoneRange) {
// throw new
// Exception("You have no more numbers, you need to allocate more numbers and alter the Configuration value sip.phonerange");
// }
// Long useridAsNumber = sipPhoneRangeStart +
// sipPhoneRangeCurrentIndex;
// log.debug("(sip_phonerange_start.getConf_value().length()) "+(sip_phonerange_start.getConf_value().length()+1));
// //The userid == the Number allocated in National Format!
// //The userid is calculated on the number of available numbers in
// the range
// String userid =
// String.format("%0"+(sip_phonerange_start.getConf_value().length())+"d",
// useridAsNumber);
String userid = login;
// sipPhoneRangeCurrentIndex++;
// sip_phonerange_currentindex.setConf_value(""+sipPhoneRangeCurrentIndex);
// cfgManagement.updateConfig(sip_phonerange_currentindex);
String digest = this.digest_calculate(new Object[] { client_id,
userid, domain, first_name, middle_i, last_name, password,
community_code, language_code, email, adminid,
client_secret });
// Get the XML-String representative
String stringToPost = OpenXGCustomXMLMarshall.getInstance()
.openSIPgUserCreate(client_id, digest, userid, domain,
first_name, middle_i, last_name, password,
community_code, language_code, email, adminid);
OpenXGReturnObject openXGReturnObject = this
log.debug(" Status_code " + openXGReturnObject.getStatus_code());
log.debug(" Status_string " + openXGReturnObject.getStatus_string());
if (openXGReturnObject.getStatus_code().equals("200")) {
// Add User URI
String digestURI = this.digest_calculate(new Object[] {
client_id, userid, domain, adminid, client_secret });
// Get the XML-String representative
String stringToPostURI = OpenXGCustomXMLMarshall.getInstance()
.openSIPgURIUserIDAdd(client_id, digestURI, userid,
domain, adminid);
OpenXGReturnObject openXGReturnObjectURI = this
log.debug(" openXGReturnObjectURI Status Code "
+ openXGReturnObjectURI.getStatus_code());
log.debug(" openXGReturnObjectURI Status String "
+ openXGReturnObjectURI.getStatus_string());
UserSipData userSipData = new UserSipData();
// userSipData.setUsername(sip_language_phonecode.getConf_value()
// + useridAsNumber);
return userSipData;
} else {
throw new Exception(
"Could not add SIP User - Gateway response Error Code: "
+ openXGReturnObject.getStatus_code()
+ " Message: "
+ openXGReturnObject.getStatus_string());
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[openSIPgUserCreateTest]", err);
return null;
public OpenXGReturnObject openSIPgCreateConference() {
try {
// Check if the OpenXG Gateway is enabled in general
Configuration sip_openxg_enable = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (sip_openxg_enable == null
|| !sip_openxg_enable.getConf_value().equals("yes")) {
log.debug("SIP is disabled");
return null;
// client_id and client_secret
Configuration openxg_client_id = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
Configuration openxg_client_secret = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (openxg_client_id == null || openxg_client_secret == null) {
throw new Exception(
" or openxg.client.secret missing in Configuration table");
String client_id = openxg_client_id.getConf_value();
String client_secret = openxg_client_secret.getConf_value();
// domain
Configuration openxg_client_domain = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (openxg_client_domain == null) {
throw new Exception(
"openxg.client.domain missing in Configuration table");
String domain = openxg_client_domain.getConf_value();
// language_code
Configuration openxg_language_code = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (openxg_language_code == null) {
throw new Exception(
"openxg.language.code missing in Configuration table");
String language_code = openxg_language_code.getConf_value();
// adminid
Configuration openxg_adminid = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (openxg_adminid == null) {
throw new Exception(
"openxg.adminid missing in Configuration table");
String adminid = openxg_adminid.getConf_value();
Date d = new Date();
long starttime = d.getTime() / 1000;
long endTime = (d.getTime() / 1000) + (60 * 60);
// "0", "2147483647",
// permanent conferences
starttime = 0;
endTime = 2147483647;
String digest = this.digest_calculate(new Object[] { client_id,
"067201101", domain, "" + starttime, "" + endTime,
language_code, adminid, client_secret });
Configuration openxg_wrapper_url = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (openxg_wrapper_url == null) {
throw new Exception(
"No openxg.wrapper.url set in Configuration");
String strURL = openxg_wrapper_url.getConf_value();
// Prepare HTTP post
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(strURL);
post.addHeader("User-Agent", "OpenSIPg XML_RPC Client");
// Get the XML-String representative
String stringToPost = OpenXGCustomXMLMarshall.getInstance()
.openSIPgCreateConference(client_id, digest, "067201101",
domain, "" + starttime, "" + endTime,
language_code, adminid);
OpenXGReturnObject openXGReturnObject = this
return openXGReturnObject;
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[openSIPgUserCreate]", err);
return null;
public OpenXGReturnObject openSIPgPost(String stringToPost) {
try {
Configuration openxg_wrapper_url = cfgManagement.getConfKey(3L,
if (openxg_wrapper_url == null) {
throw new Exception(
"No openxg.wrapper.url set in Configuration");
String strURL = openxg_wrapper_url.getConf_value();
// Prepare HTTP post
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(strURL);
post.addHeader("User-Agent", "OpenSIPg XML_RPC Client");
// log.debug(stringToPost);
AbstractHttpEntity entity = new ByteArrayEntity(
// Prepare HTTP post
HttpParams params = post.getParams();
HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, "utf-8");
HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
// Request content will be retrieved directly
// from the input stream
// Get HTTP client
HttpClient httpclient = getHttpClient();
// Execute request
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(post);
int resCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
// Display status code
log.debug("Response status code: " + response);
if (resCode == 200) {
HttpEntity ent = response.getEntity();
String responseBody = (ent != null) ? EntityUtils.toString(ent) : "";
log.debug("parseReturnBody " + responseBody);
OpenXGReturnObject oIG = this.parseOpenXGReturnBody(ent.getContent());
log.debug("oIG 1 " + oIG.getStatus_code());
log.debug("oIG 2 " + oIG.getStatus_string());
return oIG;
} else {
throw new Exception(
"Could not connect to OpenXG, check the URL for the Configuration");
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[openSIPgUserCreate]", err);
return null;
* @param inputStream
* @return
public OpenXGReturnObject parseOpenXGReturnBody(InputStream inputStream) {
try {
OpenXGReturnObject openXGReturnObject = new OpenXGReturnObject();
// log.debug("parseReturnBody "+inputStream);
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory
// get a builder to create a DOM document
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = builder.parse(inputStream);
NodeList members = document.getElementsByTagName("member");
// log.debug("members LENGTH "+members.getLength());
for (int i = 0; i < members.getLength(); i++) {
Element member = (Element) members.item(i);
NodeList name = member.getElementsByTagName("name");
// log.debug("Name "+name.item(0).getNodeName());
Node nameTextNode = name.item(0).getFirstChild();
log.debug("getNodeValue " + nameTextNode.getNodeValue());
if (nameTextNode.getNodeValue().equals("status_code")) {
NodeList string = member.getElementsByTagName("string");
// log.debug("Value "+string.item(0).getNodeName());
Node valueTextNode = string.item(0).getFirstChild();
// log.debug("Value "+valueTextNode.getNodeValue());
} else if (nameTextNode.getNodeValue().equals("status_string")) {
NodeList string = member.getElementsByTagName("string");
// log.debug("Value "+string.item(0).getNodeName());
Node valueTextNode = string.item(0).getFirstChild();
// log.debug("Value "+valueTextNode.getNodeValue());
} else if (nameTextNode.getNodeValue().equals(
"conference_number")) {
NodeList string = member.getElementsByTagName("string");
// log.debug("Value "+string.item(0).getNodeName());
Node valueTextNode = string.item(0).getFirstChild();
// log.debug("Value "+valueTextNode.getNodeValue());
} else if (nameTextNode.getNodeValue().equals("conference_pin")) {
NodeList string = member.getElementsByTagName("string");
// log.debug("Value "+string.item(0).getNodeName());
Node valueTextNode = string.item(0).getFirstChild();
// log.debug("Value "+valueTextNode.getNodeValue());
return openXGReturnObject;
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[parseOpenXGReturnBody]", err);
return null;
public HttpClient getHttpClient() {
try {
SSLSocketFactory sf = new SSLSocketFactory(SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"), SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER);
HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);
HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, HTTP.UTF_8);
SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
registry.register(new Scheme("http", 80, PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));
registry.register(new Scheme("https", 443, sf));
ClientConnectionManager ccm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(registry);
return new DefaultHttpClient(ccm, params);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new DefaultHttpClient();