blob: 0f1fc609e33456562691fc7fbc00840a17e6f393 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<class name="baseDrawSave" extends="baseDrawImage" >
<!-- saveing a file to a wml Object -->
<attribute name="savefileName" value="savefileName1" type="string" />
<attribute name="fileData" value="null" />
<attribute name="savefileDataWinRef" value="null" />
<!-- loading a file from a wml Object -->
<attribute name="loadfileData" value="null" />
<attribute name="loadfileDataIndex" value="0" type="number" />
<attribute name="loadfileDataWinRef" value="null" />
<attribute name="loadObjectTimer" value="null" />
<attribute name="loadmessageId" value="206" type="number" />
<attribute name="syncmessageId" value="207" type="number" />
<attribute name="_loadmessageTxt" value="" type="string" />
<!-- loading a file from wml synchronize with remote Users -->
<attribute name="_loadingUsers" value="null" />
<attribute name="wmlfileName" value="" type="string" />
<attribute name="wmlroom" value="" type="string" />
<attribute name="wmldomain" value="" type="string" />
<attribute name="wmlspreadNews" value="false" type="boolean" />
<attribute name="wmlLoadingCompleteMessage" value="null" />
<attribute name="synccheckTime" value="1000" type="number" />
<!-- loading all stage objects on init -->
<attribute name="isInitLoader" value="false" type="boolean" />
<!-- Export Image Type -->
<attribute name="exportType" value="svg" type="string" />
<!-- Vars for storing screenshot
removed cause of performance and
no php backend availible anymore -->
<attribute name="MCRef" value="null" />
<attribute name="pixelArray" value="null" />
<attribute name="snap" value="null" />
<attribute name="bpData" value="null" />
<attribute name="MatrixValue" value="null" />
<attribute name="w" value="0" type="number" />
<attribute name="h" value="0" type="number" />
<attribute name="a" value="0" type="number" />
<attribute name="pixel_del" value="$once{ new LzDelegate(this, 'buildPixelArray' )}" />
<attribute name="sendpictureName" value="snapchot.jpg" type="string" />
<attribute name="isSendPartArray" value="true" type="boolean" />
<attribute name="isRecordingLoad" value="false" type="boolean" />
<attribute name="isinitRecordingLoad" value="false" type="boolean" />
<!-- Start and Stop Event will be thrown by the loading process -->
<event name="onwmlloadStart" />
<event name="onwmlloadStop" />
<!-- Images will be send in packages
so timeout is workaround
<attribute name="sendPartURL" value="" type="string" />
<!-- create Image from whole Array
Large Images will not be rendered correctly here cause
there can be a timeout -->
<attribute name="sendURL" value="" type="string" />
<event name="onprogress" />
<method name="catchSnapshot">
this.MCRef = this.getDisplayObject();
//Debug.write("this.MCRef: ",this.MCRef);
this.snap = new flash.display.BitmapData(this.width, this.height, false, 0 );
//Matrix to scale the new image
this.MatrixValue = new flash.geom.Matrix();
this.MatrixValue.scale(1, 1);
//Copy video image
this.snap.draw(this.MCRef, this.MatrixValue);
this.bpData = this.snap.getPixels(this.snap.rectangle);
this.w = this.width;
this.h = this.height;
this.a = 0;
this.pixelArray = new Array();
<netRemoteCallHib name="saveAsImage" funcname="fileservice.saveAsImage" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
<netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.parent.bpData;</method></netparam>
<handler name="ondata" args="value">
//Debug.write(" saveAsImage: ",value);
<method name="buildPixelArray" args="item">
for(var b=0; b<=this.h; b++){
var tmp = this.snap.getPixel(a, b);
var perc = Math.round((this.a*100)/this.w);
if (this.onprogress) this.onprogress.sendEvent(perc);
//Finish capturing
if (this.isSendPartArray){
this.sendPHPData(this.pixelArray, this.h, this.w);
} else {
this.sendPHPData(this.pixelArray, this.h, this.w);
//free memory
<method name="sendPHPData" args="pix,pixH,pixW">
//Debug.write("### sendPHPData: ",pix,pixH,pixW);
//Create the LoadVars object and pass data to PHP script
var output = new LoadVars();
output.img = pix.toString();
output.height = pixH;
output.width = pixW;
//The page (and this movie itself) should be in a server to work
output.send(this.sendURL, "output", "POST");
<!-- saving all object on whiteBoard as wml-file -->
<handler name="sendObject">
if ($debug) Debug.write("sendObject doSave: ",this.baseactionobjectList);
this.fileData = this.baseactionobjectList;
this.savefileDataWinRef = new lz.saveAsWmlWindow(canvas.main_content._content.inner,{
<method name="confirmSaveAsObject" args="fileName" >
this.savefileName = fileName;
<netRemoteCallHib name="saveAsObject" funcname="fileservice.saveAsObject" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
<netparam><method name="getValue"> return canvas.sessionId; </method></netparam>
<netparam><method name="getValue">return hib.currentroomid;</method></netparam>
<netparam><method name="getValue"> return parent.parent.savefileName; </method></netparam>
<netparam><method name="getValue"> return parent.parent.fileData;</method></netparam>
<handler name="ondata" args="value">
if ($debug) Debug.write(" saveAsImage: ",value);
if (value>0){
} else {
new lz.rpcErrorDialog(canvas.main_content._content.inner,{errorid:value});
<method name="confirmSaveAsImageTypeExport" args="fileName,type">
this.savefileName = fileName;
this.exportType = type;
this.fileData = this.baseactionobjectList;
<method name="confirmSaveAsImageExport" args="fileName">
this.savefileName = fileName;
this.exportType = "svg";
this.fileData = this.baseactionobjectList;
<netRemoteCallHib name="addPrintList" funcname="printservice.addPrintList" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
<netparam><method name="getValue">return canvas.sessionId; </method></netparam>
<netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.parent.savefileName; </method></netparam>
<netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.parent.fileData;</method></netparam>
<netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.parent.width;</method></netparam>
<netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.parent.height;</method></netparam>
<handler name="ondata" args="value">
if ($debug) Debug.write("addPrintList: ",value);
var downloadurl = canvas.protocol + '://'+canvas.rtmphostlocal+':'+canvas.red5httpport+canvas.httpRootKey+'ExportToImage?' +
'fileName=' + parent.savefileName +
'&hash='+value +
'&exportType=' + parent.exportType +
<!-- Loading the wml Object from the library
invoked wether directly (spreadNews=true) from the library
or by remoteClient (Moderator spreadNews=false)-->
<method name="loadwmlObjectToStage" args="loadObject,fileName,room,domain,spreadNews,isInitLoader">
//Debug.write("loadwmlObjectToStage: ",loadObject,fileName,room,domain,spreadNews,isInitLoader);
if (loadObject!=null && loadObject.length>0){
this.wmlfileName = fileName;
this.wmlroom = room;
this.wmldomain = domain;
this.wmlspreadNews = spreadNews;
this.isInitLoader = isInitLoader;
this.loadfileData = loadObject;
this.loadfileDataIndex = -1;
if (this.onwmlloadStart) this.onwmlloadStart.sendEvent();
this._loadmessageTxt = canvas.getLabelName(this.loadmessageId);
this.loadfileDataWinRef = new lz.loadWhiteboardWindow(canvas.main_content._content.inner,{refObj:this});
if (this.wmlspreadNews){
//get remotely connected users sothat we can trigger event when everyBody has synchronized loading
} else {
this.loadObjectTimer = new LzDelegate( this, "loadNextObjectFromList" );
lz.Timer.addTimer( this.loadObjectTimer, 50 );
//check if this is syncing cause if init of new user
//no init-object so load directly
} else if (isInitLoader){
//check if this is conferenceView or audienceView modus
if (canvas.thishib.modus == "conference"){
if ($debug) Debug.write("############## showDevicePopUp 1 xyz");
} else if(canvas.thishib.modus == "audience"){
//check in audince modus if this user is the current moderator
//this users cannot be the moderator cause he has downloaded
//some objects from teh current moderator
//Debug.error("WARNING 1 - ERROR - this users cannot be the moderator cause he has downloaded some objects from teh current moderator");
<!-- get list of clients before loading wml-file-objects cause
we have to show the sync process
<netRemoteCallHib name="getClientListScope" funcname="getClientListScope" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
<handler name="ondata" args="value">
//The onResult-Handler will be called by the rtmpconnection
//Debug.write("getClientListScope wml and sync Instance: ",value);
parent._loadingUsers = new Array();
for (var eg in value){
if (canvas.streamid != value[eg].streamid){
////Debug.write("parent._loadingUsers value eg ",eg,value[eg]);
if (!parent.isInitLoader) {
} else {
//it is necessary to use lz.Timer cause i want to make status updates
//after each loaded object
//Debug.write("loadNextObjectFromList 2 this.loadObjectTimer");
this.parent.loadObjectTimer = new LzDelegate( this.parent, "loadNextObjectFromList" );
lz.Timer.addTimer( this.parent.loadObjectTimer, 50 );
<!-- send notification to all clients that a
wml-file has been loaded -->
<method name="notifyClient">
var obj = new Array();
obj["wmlfileName"] = this.wmlfileName;
obj["wmlroom"] = this.wmlroom;
obj["wmldomain"] = this.wmldomain;
obj["wmlspreadNews"] = this.wmlspreadNews;
var tempSendArray = new Array ();
tempSendArray[0] = 'whiteboard';
tempSendArray[1] = new Date();
////Debug.write("Setting Message");
tempSendArray[2] = "loadwml";
tempSendArray[3] = obj;
canvas.objWhiteboard = tempSendArray;
<method name="notifyClientInitSyncing">
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage = new Array();
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage[0] = "whiteboard";
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage[1] = "syncinitLoader";
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage[2] = this.wmlfileName;
<!-- invoked the loading of a wml-file by the moderator -->
<method name="remoteWmlLoader" args="fileName,room,domain">
this.loadWmlObject.String3 = room;
this.loadWmlObject.String1 = fileName;
<!-- invoked the loading of a wml-file by the moderator -->
<method name="remoteWmlLoaderRecording" args="fileName,room,domain">
this.isRecordingLoad = true;
this.loadWmlObject.String3 = room;
this.loadWmlObject.String1 = fileName;
<!-- load the objects of that wml file -->
<netRemoteCallHib name="loadWmlObject" funcname="fileservice.loadWmlObject" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
<netparam><method name="getValue"> return canvas.sessionId; </method></netparam>
<netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.String3;</method></netparam>
<netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.String1;</method></netparam>
<handler name="ondata" args="value">
////Debug.write(" loadWmlObject ",value);
<!-- this event gets triggered when a new user arrives and
start loading the init-objects
<method name="remoteSyncLoader">
this.loadfileDataWinRef = new lz.loadWhiteboardWindow(canvas.main_content._content.inner,{refObj:this});
this._loadmessageTxt = canvas.getLabelName(this.syncmessageId);
<!-- gets triggered once one object of the wml-file has been added completely to the
whiteborad -->
<handler name="onwmlLoaderSend" args="type">
//Debug.write("loadNextObjectFromList 3 this.loadObjectTimer ",type);
this.loadObjectTimer = new LzDelegate( this, "loadNextObjectFromList" );
lz.Timer.addTimer( this.loadObjectTimer, 50 );
<!-- invoke by lz.Timer
checks if object is loaded completely once it is completely loaded it checks wether
the process was invoked by moderator, so this is a remoteClient or this client is
really the moderator (this.wmlspreadNews=true)
if it ain't the mod it just throws a message to moderator and waits untill the moderator
spreads a message that all clients did succeed in loading the wml-file-objects
<method name="loadNextObjectFromList">
if ($debug) Debug.write("loadNextObjectFromList");
if (this.loadfileDataIndex<this.loadfileData.length){
var txt = (this.loadfileDataIndex+1)+'/'+this.loadfileData.length+' '+this._loadmessageTxt;
////Debug.write(" loadObject[this.loadfileDataIndex] ",this.loadfileData[this.loadfileDataIndex]);
} else {
////Debug.write("this.loadfileDataIndex complete",this.loadfileDataIndex);
this._loadmessageTxt = canvas.getLabelName(this.syncmessageId);
if (this.onwmlloadStop) this.onwmlloadStop.sendEvent();
if (this.isRecordingLoad || this.isinitRecordingLoad) {
} else if (!this.wmlspreadNews){
} else {
//Debug.write("loadNextObjectFromList this.startWmlsyncCheck");
<!-- remoteClient will send a notification to moderator
that he has completed loading -->
<method name="wmlloadingComplete">
if ($debug) Debug.warn("?? wmlloadingComplete ??");
new lz.errorPopup(canvas,{error:"?? wmlloadingComplete ??"});
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage = new Array();
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage[0] = "whiteboard";
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage[1] = "wmlloadcomplete";
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage[2] = this.wmlfileName;
<!-- sending messages/notifications of sync process -->
<netRemoteCallHib name="sendMessageWithClient" funcname="sendMessageWithClient" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
<netparam name="vars"><method name="getValue">return parent.parent.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage;</method></netparam>
<handler name="ondata" args="value">
//The onResult-Handler will be called be the rtmpconnection
////Debug.write("getValue : ",value);
<!-- after loading the objects check if all connected clients of that conference
have loaded the file completely, check it every 1 seconds -->
<method name="startWmlsyncCheck">
if ($debug) Debug.write("startWmlsyncCheck: ");
if (this._loadingUsers.length==0 || this.isInitLoader){
//Debug.write("wmlsyncComplete ");
} else {
var txt = this._loadmessageTxt+' '+this._loadingUsers.length;
this.loadObjectTimer = new LzDelegate( this, "startWmlsyncCheck" );
lz.Timer.addTimer( this.loadObjectTimer, this.synccheckTime );
<!-- the sync process is complete,
remove all loading windows from connected clients -->
<method name="wmlsyncComplete">
//set modus to hand so users can directly interact with object's
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage = new Array();
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage[0] = "whiteboard";
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage[1] = "wmlsynccomplete";
this.wmlLoadingCompleteMessage[2] = this.wmlfileName;
<!-- invoked by remote client once he has completely loaded the wml-file
remote client is waiting/still shows loading window untill all clients have
completely loaded the object/moderator sends "synccomplete" message -->
<method name="sendCompleteWmlLoadedRClient" args="client">
//detect self messageing
if (client.streamid!=canvas.streamid){
//remove client from sync list
for (var i=0;i<this._loadingUsers.length;i++){
if (this._loadingUsers[i].streamid==client.streamid){
////Debug.write("deleteing client from list: ",this._loadingUsers[i].streamid);
<!-- invoked remotely by Moderator
all clients have succeed in loading the wml-file-objects
loading win can be closed
Alert: This notification will be send from Moderator and received by ALL clients INCLUDING
the moderator, so the moderator needs no extra command *close* for loading bar cause he
gets its own *sync* complete nofification
<method name="sendCompleteWmlSync" args="client">
if ($debug) Debug.write("sendCompleteWmlSync: ",client);
if (this.isinitRecordingLoad){
this.isinitRecordingLoad = false;
if ($debug) Debug.write("this.isinitRecordingLoad",this);
if ($debug) Debug.write(this.parent.parent.parent.parent);
//Debug.write("this.loadfileDataWinRef closed: ",this.loadfileDataWinRef);
//check if this is syncing cause if init of new user
if (this.isInitLoader){
//check if this is conferenceView or audienceView modus
if (canvas.thishib.modus == "conference"){
if ($debug) Debug.write("############## showDevicePopUp 2 xyz");
} else if(canvas.thishib.modus == "audience"){
//check in audince modus if this user is the current moderator
//this users cannot be the moderator cause he has downloaded
//some objects from teh current moderator
if ($debug) Debug.warn("WARNING 2 - ERROR - this users cannot be the moderator cause he has downloaded some objects from teh current moderator");