blob: c1a7d12eb76f129a9cdbd45ea850242ead9aa033 [file] [log] [blame]
@access public
@topic Components
@subtopic Charts
A pie chart represents a chart that is displayed in the 2D
polar plane. This class inherits immediately from chart class
and can be instantiated directly. (Warning: Of beta quality.)
@access public
<class name="ompiechart" extends="chart">
<!--- @keywords private -->
<method name="init">
plotarea = this.getNodeOfClass("piechartplotarea");
_datalabelpool = this.createLabelViewspool();
<!--- Renders the plot area which is an instance of the piechartplotarea
class. The plot area requires to read a group of two data series, one
for the groups that are represented by the pie slices and the second
for their values. -->
<method name="renderPlotArea">
var topseries = this.getOMDataSeries();
//var numSeries = topseries.getNumDataSeries();
var numSeries = 1;
var xseries = topseries.xseries;
var yseries = topseries.yseries;
var tooltipseries = topseries.tooltipseries;
for(var i = 0; i < numSeries; i++)
plotarea.renderSeries(xseries, yseries, tooltipseries);
if ( this.datalabelEnabled ){
<!--- Renders the labels that display the values of the data series. -->
<method name="renderDataLabels">
var arrPiePieces = this.plotarea.arrPiePieces;
var topseries = this.getOMDataSeries();
var xseries = topseries.xseries;
var yseries = topseries.yseries;
var tooltipseries = topseries.tooltipseries;
if ($debug) Debug.write("arrPiePieces.length ",arrPiePieces.length);
for(var i = 0; i < arrPiePieces.length; i++){
piePiece = arrPiePieces[i];
var lbl = _datalabelpool.getView();
var ldatastyle =;
lbl.setAttribute('style', ldatastyle.label);
<!--- The plot area where the pie slices are rendered -->
<piechartplotarea name="plotarea" x="50" y="20" width="500" height="300">