blob: 0bbdb1206c7be46a4f4ea345fa7959de544eedec [file] [log] [blame]
@access public
@topic Components
@subtopic Charts
simple legend class
@access public
<class name="omlegend" extends="drawview" >
<!--- @keyword private -->
<attribute name="topmargin" type="number" value="0"/>
<!--- @keyword private -->
<attribute name="bottommargin" type="number" value="0"/>
<!--- @keyword private -->
<attribute name="leftmargin" type="number" value="0"/>
<!--- @keyword private -->
<attribute name="rightmargin" type="number" value="0"/>
<!--- @keyword private -->
<attribute name="verticalgap" type="number" value="1"/>
<!--- Indicates if legend box will have a border, default: true -->
<attribute name="legendborder" type="boolean" value="true"/>
<!--- Allow to set the line width from the legend tag -->
<attribute name="borderWidth" type="number" value="1"/>
<!--- Allow to set the color line from the legend tag -->
<attribute name="borderColor" type="color" value="0x000000"/>
<!--- Allow to set the fill color from the legend tag -->
<attribute name="fillColor" type="color" value="0xFFFFFF"/>
<!--- Indicates how the legend items will be displayed, default: vertical -->
<attribute name="direction" type="string" value="vertical"/>
<!--- Indicates the style will be applied tho the border legend box -->
<attribute name="styleBorder" type="string" value="null"/>
<!--- Indicates the Font will be used in the legend item text -->
<attribute name="legendFont" type="string" value="serif"/>
<!--- Indicates the Font size wiil be used in the legend item text, default: 10px -->
<attribute name="legendFontsize" type="size" value="6"/>
<!--- Indicates the Font color wiil be used in the legend item text, default: black -->
<attribute name="legendFontcolor" type="color" value="0x000000"/>
<!--- Indicates where the legend box will be positioned, default: right -->
<attribute name="position" type="string" value="right"/>
<!--- Takes the relationship with the chart -->
<attribute name="chart" type="expression" value="${null}"/>
<attribute name="chartClassName" type="string" value="${null}"/>
<simplelayout axis="y"/>
<!--- @keywords private
<handler name="oninitdone" reference="this.chart">
var lChart = this.getChartInstance();
if( lChart != null ) {
this.chartClassName = lChart.constructor.tagname;
<handler name="oninit">
var tObject = parent.getOMDataSeries();
this.chart = parent;
for (var i=0;i<tObject.tooltipseries.length;i++) {
new lz.omlegenditem(this.viewlegendbox,{tBox:tObject.tooltipseries[i]});
<!-- Top Margin -->
<view height="${parent.topmargin}" />
<!-- Legend box -->
<view name="viewlegendbox">
<simplelayout spacing="${parent.parent.verticalgap}"/>
<method name="init">
if ( parent.direction == 'horizontal'){
this.layouts[0].setAttribute('axis', 'x');
} else {
this.layouts[0].setAttribute('axis', 'y');
<!-- Bottom Margin -->
<view height="${parent.bottommargin}"/>
<!--- @keywords private -->
<method name="border">
var lStartX = Math.ceil(this.lineWidth/2);
var lStartY = Math.ceil(this.lineWidth/2);
var lOrgWidth = this.width;
var lOrgHeight = this.height;
this.lineWidth = this.borderWidth;
this.strokeStyle = this.borderColor;
this.fillStyle = this.fillColor;
this.moveTo(lStartX, lStartY);
this.lineTo(this.width, lStartY);
this.lineTo(this.width, this.height);
this.lineTo(lStartY, this.height);
this.lineTo(lStartX, lStartY);
// Restores the original dimensions of the legend, due to the changes
// that the lineTo()'s calls perform over the legendbox dimensions.
this.setAttribute( "width", lOrgWidth );
this.setAttribute( "height", lOrgHeight );
<!--- @keywords private -->
<method name="getChartInstance">
return this.chart;
<!--- event that allows custom action for mouse over event
@param Number item: The identifier legend item
<event name="onitemmouseover" />
<!--- event that allows custom action for mouse out event
@param Number item: The identifier legend item
<event name="onitemmouseout" />
<!--- event that allows custom action for mouse down event
@param Number item: The identifier legend item
<event name="onitemmousedown" />
<!--- event that allows custom action for mouse up event
@param Number item: The identifier legend item
<event name="onitemmouseup" />
<!--- event that allows custom action for mouse click event
@param Number item: The identifier legend item
<event name="onitemmouseclick" />
<!--- @keyword private
individual legend item -->
<class name="omlegenditem" >
<attribute name="identifier" type="number" value="0"/>
<attribute name="tBox" type="string" value=""/>
<attribute name="linevisible" type="boolean" value="false"/>
<simplelayout axis="x" spacing="$once{parent.parent.parent.verticalgap}"/>
<view name="leftmarginview" width="$once{parent.parent.parent.leftmargin}" />
<marker name="legendmarker"></marker>
<text name="legendtext" resize="true" text="$once{ parent.tBox }"
<view name="rightmarginview" width="${parent.parent.parent.rightmargin}"/>
<method name="init">
var colors = new Array(0);
var imagesPath = new Array(0);
var legenditems = parent.subviews;
var legendmarkeritem;
if( parent.parent.chartClassName == "piechart" ) {
var arrPieces = parent.parent.getChartInstance().plotarea.arrPiePieces;
var piePiece;
for(var i = 0; i < arrPieces.length; i++){
piePiece = arrPieces[i];
colors[i] =;
if ( legenditems[i] != null ){
legendmarkeritem = legenditems[i].legendmarker;
} else {
var topseries = parent.parent.getChartInstance().getDataSeries();
var numSeries = topseries.getNumDataSeries();
for(var i = 0; i < numSeries; i++){
var ldatastyle = parent.parent.getChartInstance().style.getDataStyle(i);
if ( parent.parent.chartClassName == "linechart" )
colors[i] = ldatastyle.line.color;
if ( ldatastyle.region.image != null ){
imagesPath[i] = ldatastyle.region.image;
} else {
colors[i] = ldatastyle.region.color;
if ( legenditems[i] != null ){
legendmarkeritem = legenditems[i].legendmarker;
legendmarkeritem.setAttribute('width', ldatastyle.point.width);
legendmarkeritem.setAttribute('height', ldatastyle.point.height);
for(var i = 0; i < legenditems.length; i++){
var legenditem = legenditems[i];
legendmarkeritem = legenditem.legendmarker;
if ( imagesPath[i] != null ){
legendmarkeritem.setAttribute('opacity', ldatastyle.region.opacity);
legendmarkeritem.setAttribute( "visible", true );
legendmarkeritem.setAttribute('bgcolor', colors[i]);
this.setAttribute('identifier', i);
<!--- calls the method that implements the acton
@keyword private-->
<handler name="onmouseover">
<!--- calls the method that implements the acton
@keyword private-->
<handler name="onmouseout">
<!--- calls the method that implements the acton
@keyword private-->
<handler name="onmousedown">
<!--- calls the method that implements the acton
@keyword private-->
<handler name="onmouseup">
<!--- calls the method that implements the acton
@keyword private-->
<handler name="onclick">