blob: a4b88355c3aa252d019a26161d393e460f0ebc12 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author resneck
* <p>A PHP port of the core filemgr data structure.</p>
class CAS_Filemgr_RangeQueryCriteria {
public $elementName;
public $startValue;
public $endValue;
public $inclusive;
* <p>
* Default Constructor
* </p>.
function __construct(){
$this->elementName = '';
$this->startValue = '';
$this->endValue = '';
$this->inclusive = true;
* @param elementName
* The name of the element to search on.
* @param start
* The start value for the range search as a String.
* @param end
* The end value for the range search as a String.
* @param inclusive
* Boolean: true for inclusive, false for exclusive.
function __init($elementName, $start, $end, $inclusive){
$this->elementName = $elementName;
$this->startValue = $start;
$this->endValue = $end;
$this->inclusive = $inclusive;
function __initXmlRpc($xmlRpcData){
$this->elementName = (isset($xmlRpcData['elementName']))
? $xmlRpcData['elementName']
: '';
$this->value = (isset($xmlRpcData['start']))
? $xmlRpcData['start']
: '';
$this->value = (isset($xmlRpcData['end']))
? $xmlRpcData['end']
: '';
$this->value = (isset($xmlRpcData['inclusive']))
? (bool)$xmlRpcData['inclusive']
: true;
* Accessor method for the start value of the element to search on.
* @return The start value of the element to search on as a String.
function getStartValue() {
return $this->startValue;
* Mutator method for the start value fo the element to search on.
* @param value
* The start value of the range as a String.
function setStartValue($value) {
$this->startValue = $value;
* Accessor method for the end value of the element to search on.
* @return The end value of the element to search on as a String.
function getEndValue() {
return $this->endValue;
* Mutator method for the end value fo the element to search on.
* @param value
* The end value of the range as a String.
function setEndValue($value) {
$this->endValue = $value;
* Accessor method for the inclusive setting for the range.
* @return The boolean inclusive/exclusive flag.
function getInclusive() {
return $this->inclusive;
* Mutator method for the inclusive setting for the range. Note that flag
* should be set to true for inclusive, false for exclusive.
* @param inclusive
* The boolean inclusive/exclusive flag.
function setInclusive($flag) {
$this->inclusive = $flag;
* Implementation of the abstract method inherited from QueryCriteria for
* accessing the element name to search on.
* @return The element name to search on as a String.
function getElementName() {
return $this->elementName;
* Implementation of the abstract method inherited from QueryCriteria for
* mutating the element name to search on.
* @param elementName
* The element name to search on as a String.
function setElementName($elementName) {
$this->elementName = $elementName;
function toAssocArray(){
return array(
'startValue' => $this->startValue,
'endValue' => $this->endValue,
'elementName' => $this->elementName,
'inclusive' => $this->inclusive);
function toXmlRpcStruct(){
$inclusiveStr = ($this->inclusive)
? 'true'
: 'false';
return new XML_RPC_Value(array(
'class' => new XML_RPC_Value('org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.RangeQueryCriteria', 'string'),
'elementStartValue' => new XML_RPC_Value($this->startValue,'string'),
'elementEndValue' => new XML_RPC_Value($this->endValue,'string'),
'elementName' => new XML_RPC_Value($this->elementName,'string'),
'inclusive' => new XML_RPC_Value($inclusiveStr, 'string')), 'struct');