blob: 0792c102a70057cae4709cabc49d09426daceb72 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
$module = App::Get()->loadModule();
require_once($module->modulePath . "/classes/CasBrowser.class.php");
require_once($module->modulePath . "/scripts/widgets/FilterWidget.php");
require_once($module->modulePath . "/scripts/widgets/ProductPageWidget.php");
// Get a CAS-Browser XML/RPC client
$browser = new CasBrowser();
$client = $browser->getClient();
// Get a Product Type object
$productType = $client->getProductTypeById(App::Get()->request->segments[0]);
$ptID = $productType->getId();
$ptName = $productType->getName();
$typeInfo = $productType->toAssocArray();
// Determine the visibility level based on the current user
$ptVisibilityLevel = $browser->getProductTypeVisibilityLevel($ptID);
// Redirect the user if they are not authorized
if ($ptVisibilityLevel == CasBrowser::VIS_NONE) {
App::Get()->redirect(SITE_ROOT . '/errors/403');
// Store any filter parameters passed in via URL
$filterParams = array();
$segments = App::Get()->request->segments;
for($index = 1; isset($segments[$index]) && $segments[$index] != ""; $index = $index + 2){
array_push($filterParams, array($segments[$index], $segments[$index + 1]));
if(count($filterParams) > 0){
$filterButtonValue = "Hide Filters";
$filterButtonValue = "Show Filters";
// Initialize the FilterWidget
$querySiteRoot = (isset(App::Get()->settings['query_service_url']))
? App::Get()->settings['query_service_url']
: 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $module->moduleRoot;
$resultFormat = "json";
$filterWidget = new FilterWidget(array(
'productType' => $productType,
'htmlID' => 'cas_browser_product_list',
'loadingID' => 'loading_icon_container',
'siteUrl' => $querySiteRoot,
'pagedResults' => true,
'resultFormat' => $resultFormat));
// Determine whether to show the download widget
$showDownloadWidget = (isset(App::Get()->settings['browser_show_download_widget'])
&& App::Get()->settings['browser_show_download_widget'] == 0)
? false
: true;
// Prepare BreadcrumbWigdet
$bcw = new BreadcrumbsWidget();
$bcw->add('Home',SITE_ROOT . '/');
$bcw->add("Browse By Type", $module->moduleRoot . '/');
$bcw->add($ptName, $module->moduleRoot."/dataset/{$ptID}");
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#showFilters').click(function() {
if ($(this).val() == "Show Filters") {
$(this).val('Hide Filters');
} else {
$(this).val('Show Filters');
if(count($filterParams) > 0){
foreach($filterParams as $filter){
echo "createFilter('" . $filter[0] . "','" . $filter[1] . "');\n";
echo 'displayPermalink();';
echo '$("#filter_widget").css("display", "block");';
sendRequest(<?php echo '"' . $resultFormat . '"'; ?>);
<div class="container">
<hr class="space"/>
<div id="cas_browser_container" class="span-24 last">
<div id="section_products">
<h2 ><?php echo $ptName?></h2>
<div id="section_type_metadata">
<p><?php echo $typeInfo['description']?></p>
<hr class="space"/>
<ul class="tabmenu">
<li class=""> <a href="<?php echo $module->moduleRoot?>/dataset/<?php echo $ptID?>">Additional Information</a></li>
<li class="selected"><a href="<?php echo $module->moduleRoot?>/products/<?php echo $ptID?>">Downloadable Files</a></li>
<?php if ( $ptVisibilityLevel == CasBrowser::VIS_LIMIT ):?>
<div class="notice">
Additional information may exist that is not visible due to your current access permissions.
<?php endif;?>
<div id="section_filter_tools_container">
<div id="section_filter_tools_buttons">
<input type="button" id="showFilters" value=<?php echo '"' . $filterButtonValue . '"';?>/>
<div id="section_filter_tools">
<div id="filter_widget">
Filter: <?php $filterWidget->render(); ?>
<input type="hidden" id="page_num" value="1">
<?php if ( !App::Get()->settings['browser_private_products_visibility'] && $ptVisibilityLevel == CasBrowser::VIS_LIMIT ):?>
<h3>Public Downloadable Files for this Dataset</h3>
<?php else :?>
<h3>Downloadable Files for this Dataset</h3>
<?php endif;?>
<div id="loading_icon_container">
<img src="<?php echo App::Get()->request->moduleStatic . '/img/loading.gif'; ?>"/>
<div id="cas_browser_product_list"></div>