blob: c9a95636346a87290afb993b030ff2d31803bed8 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.odftoolkit.simple.common.navigation;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.OdfDocumentNamespace;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.OdfSchemaDocument;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.element.draw.DrawFrameElement;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.element.draw.DrawImageElement;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.dom.element.text.TextSElement;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.pkg.OdfElement;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.pkg.OdfFileDom;
import org.odftoolkit.odfdom.pkg.manifest.OdfFileEntry;
import org.odftoolkit.simple.common.TextExtractor;
import org.odftoolkit.simple.draw.Image;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* This is a decorator class of TextSelection, which help user replace a text content with a Image from Document or from URI.
public class ImageSelection extends Selection {
private TextSelection textSelection;
private DrawFrameElement imageContainer;
private boolean mIsInserted;
* Replace the content with a Image
* @param image the reference Image to replace.
* @return the new Image in the TextDocument,the image name is set to "replace" + System.currentTimeMillis(), please update the name to others by yourself.
public Image replaceWithImage(Image image) {
Image mImage =null;
if(search instanceof TextNavigation){
TextNavigation textSearch = (TextNavigation) search;
int leftLength = textSelection.getText().length();
int index = textSelection.getIndex();
mIsInserted = false;
OdfElement parentElement = textSelection.getContainerElement();
OdfFileDom ownerDom = (OdfFileDom) parentElement.getOwnerDocument();
int nodeLength = TextExtractor.getText(
if (this.textSelection.getText().length() != nodeLength)
try {
if (imageContainer == null) {
delete(index, leftLength, parentElement);
// PrepareContainer
imageContainer = ownerDom.newOdfElement(DrawFrameElement.class);
insertOdfElement(imageContainer, index, parentElement);
} else {
NodeList nodeImages = imageContainer.getElementsByTagName("draw:image");
Node nodeImage = nodeImages.item(0);
DrawImageElement im = (DrawImageElement) nodeImage;
Image oldimage = Image.getInstanceof(im);
// PrepareContainer
imageContainer = ownerDom.newOdfElement(DrawFrameElement.class);
insertOdfElement(imageContainer, index, parentElement);
// Insert Image resource to package
DrawImageElement imageElement = imageContainer.newDrawImageElement();
InputStream is = image.getImageInputStream();
String internalPath = image.getInternalPath();
String mediaType = OdfFileEntry.getMediaTypeString(internalPath);
OdfSchemaDocument mOdfSchemaDoc = (OdfSchemaDocument) ownerDom.getDocument();
String packagePath = Image.getPackagePath(mOdfSchemaDoc,internalPath);
mOdfSchemaDoc.getPackage().insert(is, packagePath, mediaType);
packagePath = packagePath.replaceFirst(ownerDom.getDocument().getDocumentPath(), "");
Image.configureInsertedImage((OdfSchemaDocument) ownerDom.getDocument(), imageElement,packagePath, false);
// get image object
mImage = Image.getInstanceof(imageElement);
mImage.setName("replace" + System.currentTimeMillis());
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(ImageSelection.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
return mImage;
* Replace the content with a Image
* @param imageUri the URI of the reference Image to replace
* @return the new Image in the TextDocument,the image name is set to "replace" + System.currentTimeMillis(), please update the name to others by yourself
public Image replaceWithImage(URI imageUri) {
Image mImage =null;
if(search instanceof TextNavigation){
TextNavigation textSearch = (TextNavigation) search;
int leftLength = textSelection.getText().length();
int index = textSelection.getIndex();
mIsInserted = false;
OdfElement parentElement = textSelection.getContainerElement();
OdfFileDom ownerDom = (OdfFileDom) parentElement.getOwnerDocument();
int nodeLength = TextExtractor.getText(
if (this.textSelection.getText().length() != nodeLength)
if (imageContainer == null) {
delete(index, leftLength, parentElement);
// PrepareContainer
imageContainer = ownerDom.newOdfElement(DrawFrameElement.class);
insertOdfElement(imageContainer, index, parentElement);
} else {
NodeList nodeImages = imageContainer.getElementsByTagName("draw:image");
Node nodeImage = nodeImages.item(0);
DrawImageElement im = (DrawImageElement) nodeImage;
Image oldimage = Image.getInstanceof(im);
// PrepareContainer
imageContainer = ownerDom.newOdfElement(DrawFrameElement.class);
insertOdfElement(imageContainer, index, parentElement);
// Insert Image resource to package
DrawImageElement imageElement = imageContainer.newDrawImageElement();
String imageRef = imageUri.toString();
String mediaType = OdfFileEntry.getMediaTypeString(imageRef);
OdfSchemaDocument mOdfSchemaDoc = (OdfSchemaDocument) ownerDom.getDocument();
String packagePath = Image.getPackagePath(mOdfSchemaDoc, imageRef);
mOdfSchemaDoc.getPackage().insert(imageUri, packagePath, mediaType);
packagePath = packagePath.replaceFirst(ownerDom.getDocument().getDocumentPath(), "");
Image.configureInsertedImage((OdfSchemaDocument) ownerDom.getDocument(), imageElement,packagePath, false);
// get image object
mImage = Image.getInstanceof(imageElement);
mImage.setName("replace" + System.currentTimeMillis());
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.getLogger(ImageSelection.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
return mImage;
* Delete the <code>pNode<code> from the <code>fromIndex</code> text, and
* delete <code>leftLength</code> text.
private void delete(int fromIndex, int leftLength, Node pNode) {
if ((fromIndex == 0) && (leftLength == 0)) {
int nodeLength = 0;
Node node = pNode.getFirstChild();
while (node != null) {
if ((fromIndex == 0) && (leftLength == 0)) {
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
nodeLength = node.getNodeValue().length();
} else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// text:s
if (node.getLocalName().equals("s")) {
try {
nodeLength = Integer.parseInt(((Element) node).getAttributeNS(OdfDocumentNamespace.TEXT
.getUri(), "c"));
} catch (Exception e) {
nodeLength = 1;
} else if (node.getLocalName().equals("line-break")) {
nodeLength = 1;
} else if (node.getLocalName().equals("tab")) {
nodeLength = 1;
} else {
nodeLength = TextExtractor.getText((OdfElement) node).length();
if (nodeLength <= fromIndex) {
fromIndex -= nodeLength;
} else {
// the start index is in this node
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
String value = node.getNodeValue();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append(value.substring(0, fromIndex));
int endLength = fromIndex + leftLength;
int nextLength = value.length() - endLength;
fromIndex = 0;
if (nextLength >= 0) {
// delete the result
buffer.append(value.substring(endLength, value.length()));
leftLength = 0;
} else {
leftLength = endLength - value.length();
} else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// if text:s?????????
// text:s
if (node.getLocalName().equals("s")) {
// delete space
((TextSElement) node).setTextCAttribute(new Integer(nodeLength - fromIndex));
leftLength = leftLength - (nodeLength - fromIndex);
fromIndex = 0;
} else if (node.getLocalName().equals("line-break") || node.getLocalName().equals("tab")) {
fromIndex = 0;
} else {
delete(fromIndex, leftLength, node);
int length = (fromIndex + leftLength) - nodeLength;
leftLength = length > 0 ? length : 0;
fromIndex = 0;
node = node.getNextSibling();
* Construct a ImageSelection with TextSelection. Then user can replace text
* content with Image from Document or Image form System
* @param selection
* the TextSelection to be decorated.
public ImageSelection(TextSelection selection) {
textSelection = selection;
search = textSelection.getTextNavigation();
imageContainer = null;
* Delete the selection from the document the other matched selection in the
* same container element will be updated automatically because the start
* index of the following selections will be changed when the previous
* selection has been deleted.
* @throws InvalidNavigationException
* if the selection is unavailable.
public void cut() throws InvalidNavigationException {
* Paste this selection just after a specific selection.
* @param positionItem
* a selection that is used to point out the position
* @throws InvalidNavigationException
* if the selection is unavailable.
public void pasteAtEndOf(Selection positionItem) throws InvalidNavigationException {
* Paste this selection just before a specific selection.
* @param positionItem
* a selection that is used to point out the position
* @throws InvalidNavigationException
* if the selection is unavailable.
public void pasteAtFrontOf(Selection positionItem) throws InvalidNavigationException {
protected void refresh(int offset) {
protected void refreshAfterFrontalDelete(Selection deletedItem) {
protected void refreshAfterFrontalInsert(Selection insertedItem) {
private void insertOdfElement(OdfElement odfElement, int fromIndex, Node pNode) {
if (fromIndex < 0) {
fromIndex = 0;
if (fromIndex == 0 && mIsInserted) {
int nodeLength = 0;
Node node = pNode.getFirstChild();
while (node != null) {
if (fromIndex <= 0 && mIsInserted) {
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
nodeLength = node.getNodeValue().length();
if ((fromIndex != 0) && (nodeLength < fromIndex)) {
fromIndex -= nodeLength;
} else {
// insert result after node, and insert an new text node
// after the result node
String value = node.getNodeValue();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append(value.substring(0, fromIndex));
// insert the text span in appropriate position
Node nextNode = node.getNextSibling();
Node parNode = node.getParentNode();
Node newNode = node.cloneNode(true);
newNode.setNodeValue(value.substring(fromIndex, value.length()));
if (nextNode != null) {
parNode.insertBefore(odfElement, nextNode);
parNode.insertBefore(newNode, nextNode);
} else {
mIsInserted = true;
} else if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// text:s
if (node.getLocalName().equals("s")) {
try {
nodeLength = Integer.parseInt(((Element) node).getAttributeNS(OdfDocumentNamespace.TEXT
.getUri(), "c"));
} catch (Exception e) {
nodeLength = 1;
fromIndex -= nodeLength;
} else if (node.getLocalName().equals("line-break")) {
nodeLength = 1;
} else if (node.getLocalName().equals("tab")) {
nodeLength = 1;
} else {
nodeLength = TextExtractor.getText((OdfElement) node).length();
insertOdfElement(odfElement, fromIndex, node);
fromIndex -= nodeLength;
node = node.getNextSibling();