blob: 07b15d8494860dacfdbfd455aac3b4f87d830cfd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package npanday.repository.impl;
import npanday.repository.RepositoryConverter;
import npanday.dao.Project;
import npanday.dao.ProjectDao;
import npanday.dao.ProjectFactory;
import npanday.registry.DataAccessObjectRegistry;
import npanday.ArtifactType;
import npanday.artifact.ApplicationConfig;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.layout.ArtifactRepositoryLayout;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.layout.DefaultRepositoryLayout;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.handler.ArtifactHandler;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.handler.DefaultArtifactHandler;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.manager.WagonManager;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.openrdf.repository.Repository;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.Set;
* Implementation of the RepositoryConverter.
public class RepositoryConverterImpl
implements RepositoryConverter
* The artifact factory component, which is used for creating artifacts.
private org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory artifactFactory;
* The data access object registry used for finding DAO objects
private npanday.registry.DataAccessObjectRegistry daoRegistry;
* Resolver for timestamp artifacts
private ArtifactResolver artifactResolver;
private static Logger logger = Logger.getAnonymousLogger();
* Used my unit tests to initialize the objects that plexus injects
* @param daoRegistry the data access object registry used for finding DAO objects
* @param artifactFactory the artifact factory used to create artifacts
* @param wagonManager the manager used to download artifacts
protected void initTest( ArtifactFactory artifactFactory, WagonManager wagonManager, ArtifactResolver artifactResolver )
this.daoRegistry = daoRegistry;
this.artifactFactory = artifactFactory;
this.artifactResolver = artifactResolver;
* @see RepositoryConverter#convertRepositoryFormat(org.openrdf.repository.Repository,
public void convertRepositoryFormat( File mavenRepository )
throws IOException
ProjectDao dao = (ProjectDao) daoRegistry.find( "dao:project" );
dao.init( artifactFactory, artifactResolver );
Set<Project> projects = dao.getAllProjects();
for ( Project project : projects )
logger.finest( "NPANDAY-190-000: Converting Project: Artifact ID = " + project.getArtifactId() +
", Dependency Count =" + project.getProjectDependencies().size() );
Artifact artifact = ProjectFactory.createArtifactFrom( project, artifactFactory, mavenRepository );
Model model = ProjectFactory.createModelFrom( project );
ArtifactHandler handler = new DefaultArtifactHandler(
ArtifactType.getArtifactTypeForPackagingName( artifact.getType() ).getExtension() );
artifact.setArtifactHandler( handler );
ArtifactRepositoryLayout layout = new DefaultRepositoryLayout();
if ( !project.getArtifactType().equals( "pom" ) )
if ( artifact.getFile().exists() )
FileUtils.copyFile( artifact.getFile(), new File( mavenRepository, layout.pathOf( artifact ) ) );
logger.warning( "NPANDAY-190-001: Could not find file: " + artifact.getFile().getAbsolutePath() );
if ( !artifact.getType().equals( "exe.config" ) )//This is attached
ArtifactHandler pomhandler = new DefaultArtifactHandler( "pom" );
artifact.setArtifactHandler( pomhandler );
File pomFile = new File( mavenRepository, pathOfPom( artifact ) );
FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter( pomFile );
new MavenXpp3Writer().write( fileWriter, model );
IOUtil.close( fileWriter );
artifact.setArtifactHandler( handler );
public void convertRepositoryFormatFor( Artifact artifact, ApplicationConfig applicationConfig, File mavenRepository )
throws IOException
ProjectDao dao = (ProjectDao) daoRegistry.find( "dao:project" );
dao.init( artifactFactory, artifactResolver );
Project project = dao.getProjectFor( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion(),
artifact.getType(), artifact.getClassifier() );
logger.finest( "NPANDAY-190-002: Converting Project: Artifact ID = " + project.getArtifactId() +
", Dependency Count =" + project.getProjectDependencies().size() );
Model model = ProjectFactory.createModelFrom( project );
ArtifactHandler handler = new DefaultArtifactHandler(
ArtifactType.getArtifactTypeForPackagingName( artifact.getType() ).getExtension() );
artifact.setArtifactHandler( handler );
ArtifactRepositoryLayout layout = new DefaultRepositoryLayout();
if ( !project.getArtifactType().equals( "pom" ) )
if ( artifact.getFile().exists() )
FileUtils.copyFile( artifact.getFile(), new File( mavenRepository, layout.pathOf( artifact ) ) );
logger.warning( "NPANDAY-190-003: Could not find file: " + artifact.getFile().getAbsolutePath() );
if ( applicationConfig != null )
File destPath = applicationConfig.getConfigBuildPath();
if ( destPath.exists() )
FileUtils.copyFile( destPath, applicationConfig.getRepositoryPath( mavenRepository ) );
if ( !artifact.getType().equals( "exe.config" ) )//This is attached
ArtifactHandler pomhandler = new DefaultArtifactHandler( "pom" );
artifact.setArtifactHandler( pomhandler );
File pomFile = new File( mavenRepository, pathOfPom( artifact ) );
FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter( pomFile );
new MavenXpp3Writer().write( fileWriter, model );
IOUtil.close( fileWriter );
artifact.setArtifactHandler( handler );
* Returns the path of the the specified artifact's pom file.
* @param artifact the artifact
* @return the path of the the specified artifact's pom file
private String pathOfPom( Artifact artifact )
StringBuffer artifactPath = new StringBuffer();
for ( String groupId : artifact.getGroupId().split( "[.]" ) )
artifactPath.append( groupId ).append( File.separator );
artifactPath.append( artifact.getArtifactId() ).append( File.separator ).append( artifact.getBaseVersion() ).
append( File.separator ).append( artifact.getArtifactId() ).append( "-" ).append(
artifact.getBaseVersion() ).append( "." ).append( ( artifact.getArtifactHandler() ).getExtension() );
return artifactPath.toString();