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# coding: utf-8
"""TensorBoard functions that can be used to log various status during epoch."""
import logging
class LogMetricsCallback(object):
"""Log metrics periodically in TensorBoard.
This callback works almost same as `callback.Speedometer`, but write TensorBoard event file
for visualization. For more usage, please refer
logging_dir : str
TensorBoard event file directory.
After that, use `tensorboard --logdir=path/to/logs` to launch TensorBoard visualization.
prefix : str
Prefix for a metric name of `scalar` value.
You might want to use this param to leverage TensorBoard plot feature,
where TensorBoard plots different curves in one graph when they have same `name`.
The follow example shows the usage(how to compare a train and eval metric in a same graph).
>>> # log train and eval metrics under different directories.
>>> training_log = 'logs/train'
>>> evaluation_log = 'logs/eval'
>>> # in this case, each training and evaluation metric pairs has same name,
>>> # you can add a prefix to make it separate.
>>> batch_end_callbacks = [mx.contrib.tensorboard.LogMetricsCallback(training_log)]
>>> eval_end_callbacks = [mx.contrib.tensorboard.LogMetricsCallback(evaluation_log)]
>>> # run
>>> ...
>>> batch_end_callback = batch_end_callbacks,
>>> eval_end_callback = eval_end_callbacks)
>>> # Then use `tensorboard --logdir=logs/` to launch TensorBoard visualization.
def __init__(self, logging_dir, prefix=None):
self.prefix = prefix
from mxboard import SummaryWriter
self.summary_writer = SummaryWriter(logging_dir)
except ImportError:
logging.error('You can install mxboard via `pip install mxboard`.')
def __call__(self, param):
"""Callback to log training speed and metrics in TensorBoard."""
if param.eval_metric is None:
name_value = param.eval_metric.get_name_value()
for name, value in name_value:
if self.prefix is not None:
name = f'{self.prefix}-{name}'
self.summary_writer.add_scalar(name, value, global_step=param.epoch)