blob: 967b0b35a7731f2326b3f4076a76c9e0cabd66a4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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"""Common implementation of Node generic related logic
Acknowledgement: This file originates from incubator-tvm"""
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from numbers import Number, Integral
from .. import _api_internal
from ..ndarray._internal import NDArrayBase
from .object import _ObjectBase, PyNativeObject, _set_node_generic
from .base import string_types
def _scalar_type_inference(value):
if hasattr(value, 'dtype'):
dtype = str(value.dtype)
elif isinstance(value, bool):
dtype = 'bool'
elif isinstance(value, float):
# We intentionally convert the float to float32 since it's more common in DL.
dtype = 'float32'
elif isinstance(value, int):
# We intentionally convert the python int to int32 since it's more common in DL.
dtype = 'int32'
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot automatically inference the type.'
' value={}'.format(value))
return dtype
def convert_to_node(value):
"""Convert a python value to corresponding node type.
value : str
The value to be inspected.
node : Node
The corresponding node value.
if isinstance(value, (_ObjectBase, NDArrayBase, PyNativeObject)):
return value
elif isinstance(value, Integral):
return _api_internal._Integer(value)
elif isinstance(value, float):
return _api_internal._Float(value)
elif isinstance(value, string_types):
return _api_internal._String(value)
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = [convert_to_node(x) for x in value]
return _api_internal._ADT(*value)
elif isinstance(value, dict):
vlist = []
for item in value.items():
if (not isinstance(item[0], (_ObjectBase, NDArrayBase, PyNativeObject)) and
not isinstance(item[0], string_types)):
raise ValueError("key of map must already been a container type")
return _api_internal._Map(*vlist)
raise ValueError(f"don't know how to convert type {type(value)} to node")
def const(value, dtype=None):
"""Construct a constant value for a given type.
value : int or float
The input value
dtype : str or None, optional
The data type.
expr : Expr
Constant expression corresponds to the value.
if dtype is None:
dtype = _scalar_type_inference(value)
return _api_internal._const(value, dtype)