blob: e50af2242cd9bc25ff7245ecec75c086d72a49ad [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# under the License.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This is a python script that generates operator wrappers such as FullyConnected,
# based on current libmxnet.dll. This script is written so that we don't need to
# write new operator wrappers when new ones are added to the library.
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.util import find_library
import os
import logging
import platform
import re
import sys
import tempfile
import filecmp
import shutil
import codecs
def gen_enum_value(value):
return 'k' + value[0].upper() + value[1:]
class EnumType:
name = ''
enumValues = []
def __init__(self, typeName = 'ElementWiseOpType', \
typeString = "{'avg', 'max', 'sum'}"): = typeName
if (typeString[0] == '{'): # is a enum type
isEnum = True
# parse enum
self.enumValues = typeString[typeString.find('{') + 1:typeString.find('}')].split(',')
for i in range(0, len(self.enumValues)):
self.enumValues[i] = self.enumValues[i].strip().strip("'")
logging.warn(f"trying to parse none-enum type as enum: {typeString}")
def GetDefinitionString(self, indent = 0):
indentStr = ' ' * indent
ret = indentStr + 'enum class {} {{\n'.format(
for i in range(0, len(self.enumValues)):
ret = ret + indentStr + f' {gen_enum_value(self.enumValues[i])} = {i}'
if (i != len(self.enumValues) -1):
ret = ret + ","
ret = ret + "\n"
ret = ret + "};\n"
return ret
def GetDefaultValueString(self, value = ''):
return + "::" + gen_enum_value(value)
def GetEnumStringArray(self, indent = 0):
indentStr = ' ' * indent
ret = indentStr + 'static const char *{}Values[] = {{\n'.format(
for i in range(0, len(self.enumValues)):
ret = ret + indentStr + f' "{self.enumValues[i]}"'
if (i != len(self.enumValues) -1):
ret = ret + ","
ret = ret + "\n"
ret = ret + indentStr + "};\n"
return ret
def GetConvertEnumVariableToString(self, variable=''):
return f"{}Values[int({variable})]"
class Arg:
typeDict = {'boolean':'bool',\
'boolean or None':'dmlc::optional<bool>',\
'Symbol[]':'const std::vector<Symbol>&',\
'Symbol or Symbol[]':'const std::vector<Symbol>&',\
'NDArray[]':'const std::vector<Symbol>&',\
'NDArray-or-Symbol[]':'const std::vector<Symbol>&',\
'int (non-negative)': 'uint32_t',\
'long (non-negative)': 'uint64_t',\
'int or None':'dmlc::optional<int>',\
'float or None':'dmlc::optional<float>',\
'double or None':'dmlc::optional<double>',\
'Shape or None':'dmlc::optional<Shape>',\
'string':'const std::string&',\
'tuple of <float>':'nnvm::Tuple<mx_float>',\
'tuple of <>':'mxnet::cpp::Shape',\
name = ''
type = ''
description = ''
isEnum = False
enum = None
hasDefault = False
defaultString = ''
def __init__(self, opName = '', argName = '', typeString = '', descString = ''): = argName
self.description = descString
if (typeString[0] == '{'): # is enum type
self.isEnum = True
self.enum = EnumType(self.ConstructEnumTypeName(opName, argName), typeString)
self.type =
self.type = self.typeDict[typeString.split(',')[0]]
print(f'argument "{argName}" of operator "{opName}" has unknown type "{typeString}"')
if typeString.find('default=') != -1:
self.hasDefault = True
self.defaultString = typeString.split('default=')[1].strip().strip("'")
if typeString.startswith('string'):
self.defaultString = self.MakeCString(self.defaultString)
elif self.isEnum:
self.defaultString = self.enum.GetDefaultValueString(self.defaultString)
elif self.defaultString == 'None':
self.defaultString = self.type + '()'
elif self.type == "bool":
if self.defaultString == "1" or self.defaultString == "True":
self.defaultString = "true"
self.defaultString = "false"
elif self.defaultString[0] == '(':
self.defaultString = 'Shape' + self.defaultString
elif self.defaultString[0] == '[':
self.defaultString = 'Shape(' + self.defaultString[1:-1] + ")"
elif self.type == 'dmlc::optional<int>':
self.defaultString = self.type + '(' + self.defaultString + ')'
elif self.type == 'dmlc::optional<bool>':
self.defaultString = self.type + '(' + self.defaultString + ')'
elif typeString.startswith('caffe-layer-parameter'):
self.defaultString = 'textToCaffeLayerParameter(' + self.MakeCString(self.defaultString) + ')'
hasCaffe = True
def MakeCString(self, str):
str = str.replace('\n', "\\n")
str = str.replace('\t', "\\t")
return '\"' + str + '\"'
def ConstructEnumTypeName(self, opName = '', argName = ''):
a = opName[0].upper()
# format ArgName so instead of act_type it returns ActType
argNameWords = argName.split('_')
argName = ''
for an in argNameWords:
argName = argName + an[0].upper() + an[1:]
typeName = a + opName[1:] + argName
return typeName
class Op:
name = ''
description = ''
args = []
def __init__(self, name = '', description = '', args = []): = name
self.description = description
# add a 'name' argument
nameArg = Arg(, \
'symbol_name', \
'string', \
'name of the resulting symbol')
args.insert(0, nameArg)
# reorder arguments, put those with default value to the end
orderedArgs = []
for arg in args:
if not arg.hasDefault:
for arg in args:
if arg.hasDefault:
self.args = orderedArgs
def WrapDescription(self, desc = ''):
ret = []
sentences = desc.split('.')
lines = desc.split('\n')
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if len(line) <= 80:
while len(line) > 80:
pos = line.rfind(' ', 0, 80)+1
if pos <= 0:
pos = line.find(' ')
if pos < 0:
pos = len(line)
line = line[pos:]
return ret
def GenDescription(self, desc = '', \
firstLineHead = ' * \\brief ', \
otherLineHead = ' * '):
ret = ''
descs = self.WrapDescription(desc)
ret = ret + firstLineHead
if len(descs) == 0:
return ret.rstrip()
ret = (ret + descs[0]).rstrip() + '\n'
for i in range(1, len(descs)):
ret = ret + (otherLineHead + descs[i]).rstrip() + '\n'
return ret
def GetOpDefinitionString(self, use_name, indent=0):
ret = ''
indentStr = ' ' * indent
# define enums if any
for arg in self.args:
if arg.isEnum and use_name:
# comments
ret = ret + self.GenDescription(arg.description, \
'/*! \\brief ', \
' * ')
ret = ret + " */\n"
# definition
ret = ret + arg.enum.GetDefinitionString(indent) + '\n'
# create function comments
ret = ret + self.GenDescription(self.description, \
'/*!\n * \\brief ', \
' * ')
for arg in self.args:
if != 'symbol_name' or use_name:
ret = ret + self.GenDescription( + ' ' + arg.description, \
' * \\param ', \
' * ')
ret = ret + " * \\return new symbol\n"
ret = ret + " */\n"
# create function header
declFirstLine = indentStr + f'inline Symbol {}('
ret = ret + declFirstLine
argIndentStr = ' ' * len(declFirstLine)
arg_start = 0 if use_name else 1
if len(self.args) > arg_start:
ret = ret + self.GetArgString(self.args[arg_start])
for i in range(arg_start+1, len(self.args)):
ret = ret + ',\n'
ret = ret + argIndentStr + self.GetArgString(self.args[i])
ret = ret + ') {\n'
# create function body
# if there is enum, generate static enum<->string mapping
for arg in self.args:
if arg.isEnum:
ret = ret + arg.enum.GetEnumStringArray(indent + 2)
# now generate code
ret = ret + indentStr + f' return Operator(\"{}\")\n'
for arg in self.args: # set params
if arg.type == 'Symbol' or \
arg.type == 'const std::string&' or \
arg.type == 'const std::vector<Symbol>&':
v =
if arg.isEnum:
v = arg.enum.GetConvertEnumVariableToString(v)
ret = ret + indentStr + ' ' * 11 + \
f'.SetParam(\"{}\", {v})\n'
#ret = ret[:-1] # get rid of the last \n
symbols = ''
inputAlreadySet = False
for arg in self.args: # set inputs
if arg.type != 'Symbol':
inputAlreadySet = True
#if symbols != '':
# symbols = symbols + ', '
#symbols = symbols +
ret = ret + indentStr + ' ' * 11 + \
f'.SetInput(\"{}\", {})\n'
for arg in self.args: # set input arrays vector<Symbol>
if arg.type != 'const std::vector<Symbol>&':
if (inputAlreadySet):
logging.error(f"op {} has both Symbol[] and Symbol inputs!")
inputAlreadySet = True
symbols =
ret = ret + f'({symbols})\n'
ret = ret + indentStr + ' ' * 11
if use_name:
ret = ret + '.CreateSymbol(symbol_name);\n'
ret = ret + '.CreateSymbol();\n'
ret = ret + indentStr + '}\n'
return ret
def GetArgString(self, arg):
ret = f'{arg.type} {}'
if arg.hasDefault:
ret = ret + ' = ' + arg.defaultString
return ret
def ParseAllOps():
MXNET_DLL int MXSymbolListAtomicSymbolCreators(mx_uint *out_size,
AtomicSymbolCreator **out_array);
MXNET_DLL int MXSymbolGetAtomicSymbolInfo(AtomicSymbolCreator creator,
const char **name,
const char **description,
mx_uint *num_args,
const char ***arg_names,
const char ***arg_type_infos,
const char ***arg_descriptions,
const char **key_var_num_args);
cdll.libmxnet = cdll.LoadLibrary(sys.argv[1])
ListOP = cdll.libmxnet.MXSymbolListAtomicSymbolCreators
GetOpInfo = cdll.libmxnet.MXSymbolGetAtomicSymbolInfo
ListOP.argtypes=[POINTER(c_int), POINTER(POINTER(c_void_p))]
GetOpInfo.argtypes=[c_void_p, \
POINTER(c_char_p), \
POINTER(c_char_p), \
POINTER(c_int), \
POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p)), \
POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p)), \
POINTER(POINTER(c_char_p)), \
POINTER(c_char_p), \
nOps = c_int()
opHandlers = POINTER(c_void_p)()
r = ListOP(byref(nOps), byref(opHandlers))
ret = ''
ret2 = ''
for i in range(0, nOps.value):
handler = opHandlers[i]
name = c_char_p()
description = c_char_p()
nArgs = c_int()
argNames = POINTER(c_char_p)()
argTypes = POINTER(c_char_p)()
argDescs = POINTER(c_char_p)()
varArgName = c_char_p()
return_type = c_char_p()
GetOpInfo(handler, byref(name), byref(description), \
byref(nArgs), byref(argNames), byref(argTypes), \
byref(argDescs), byref(varArgName), byref(return_type))
if name.value.decode('utf-8').startswith('_'): # get rid of functions like __init__
args = []
for i in range(0, nArgs.value):
arg = Arg(name.value.decode('utf-8'),
op = Op(name.value.decode('utf-8'), description.value.decode('utf-8'), args)
ret = ret + op.GetOpDefinitionString(True) + "\n"
ret2 = ret2 + op.GetOpDefinitionString(False) + "\n"
return ret + ret2
if __name__ == "__main__":
#et = EnumType(typeName = 'MyET')
#arg = Arg()
#print(arg.ConstructEnumTypeName('SoftmaxActivation', 'act_type'))
#arg = Arg(opName = 'FullConnected', argName='act_type', \
# typeString="{'elu', 'leaky', 'prelu', 'rrelu'},optional, default='leaky'", \
# descString='Activation function to be applied.')
#arg = Arg("fc", "alpha", "float, optional, default=0.0001", "alpha")
#decl = "%s %s" % (arg.type,
#if arg.hasDefault:
# decl = decl + "=" + arg.defaultString
temp_file_name = ""
output_file = '../include/mxnet-cpp/op.h'
# generate file header
patternStr = ("/*!\n"
"* \\file op.h\n"
"* \\brief definition of all the operators\n"
"* \\author Chuntao Hong, Xin Li\n"
"#ifndef MXNET_CPP_OP_H_\n"
"#define MXNET_CPP_OP_H_\n"
"#include <string>\n"
"#include <vector>\n"
"#include \"mxnet-cpp/base.h\"\n"
"#include \"mxnet-cpp/shape.h\"\n"
"#include \"mxnet-cpp/op_util.h\"\n"
"#include \"mxnet-cpp/operator.h\"\n"
"#include \"dmlc/optional.h\"\n"
"#include \"nnvm/tuple.h\"\n"
"namespace mxnet {{\n"
"namespace cpp {{\n"
"}} //namespace cpp\n"
"}} //namespace mxnet\n"
"#endif // MXNET_CPP_OP_H_\n")
# Generate a temporary file name
tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
temp_file_name =
with, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
except Exception as e:
if (os.path.exists(output_file)):
if len(temp_file_name) > 0:
if os.path.exists(output_file):
if not filecmp.cmp(temp_file_name, output_file):
if not os.path.exists(output_file):
shutil.move(temp_file_name, output_file)