blob: 84f11f64bb5e52dcb915f82cdc93cf165e23ae23 [file] [log] [blame]
# please insert nothing before this line: -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
package TestPerl::ithreads;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestUtil;
use Apache::TestTrace;
use Apache2::Const -compile => 'OK';
# XXX: at this moment ithreads can be used only with 5.8.1. However
# once ithreads will be available on CPAN, we will need to change the
# check for perl 5.8.0 and this certain version of ithreads (here and
# in t/conf/
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
plan $r, tests => 4, need
{"perl >= 5.8.1 is required (this is $])" => ($] >= 5.008001)};
# threads must have been preloaded at the server startup for this
# test (this is done at t/conf/
require threads;
# sky: the more modules are loaded, the slower new ithreads start
# because more things need to be cloned
debug '%INC size: ' . scalar(keys %INC) . "\n";
my $tid = threads->self->tid;
debug "1st TID is $tid" if defined $tid;
ok defined $tid;
my $thr = threads->new(sub {
my $tid = threads->self->tid;
debug "2nd TID is $tid" if defined $tid;
return 2;
ok t_cmp($thr->join, 2, "thread callback returned value");
require threads::shared;
my $counter_priv = 1;
my $counter_shar : shared = 1;
my $thr = threads->new(sub {
my $tid = threads->self->tid;
debug "2nd TID is $tid" if defined $tid;
$counter_priv += $counter_priv for 1..10;
lock $counter_shar;
$counter_shar += $counter_shar for 1..10;
$counter_priv += $counter_priv for 1..10;
lock $counter_shar;
$counter_shar += $counter_shar for 1..10;
ok t_cmp($counter_shar, 2**20, "shared counter");
ok t_cmp($counter_priv, 2**10, "private counter");
<VirtualHost TestPerl::ithreads>
# a new interpreter pool
PerlOptions +Parent
PerlInterpStart 1
PerlInterpMax 1
PerlInterpMinSpare 1
PerlInterpMaxSpare 1
# use test system's @INC
PerlSwitches -I@serverroot@
PerlRequire "conf/"
<Location /TestPerl__ithreads>
SetHandler modperl
PerlResponseHandler TestPerl::ithreads