blob: e76b432ce92cdda5f56cb567233610404ebff4a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# please insert nothing before this line: -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
package TestPerl::hash_attack;
# if the rehashing of the keys in the stash happens due to the hash attack,
# mod_perl must not fail to find the previously cached stash entry (response
# and fixup handlers in this test). Moreover it must not fail to find
# that entry on the subsequent requests.
# the hash attack is detected when HV_MAX_LENGTH_BEFORE_REHASH keys find
# themselves in the same hash bucket on splitting (which happens when the
# number of keys crosses the threshold of a power of 2), in which case
# starting from 5.8.2 the hash will rehash all its keys using a random hash
# seed (PL_new_hash_seed, set in mod_perl or via PERL_HASH_SEED environment
# variable)
# Prior to the attack condition hashes use the PL_hash_seed, which is
# always 0.
# only in 5.8.1 hashes always use a non-zero PL_hash_seed (unless set
# to 0 via PERL_HASH_SEED environment variable or compiled without
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::TestTrace;
use Apache2::Const -compile => 'OK';
use Math::BigInt;
use constant MASK_U32 => 2**32;
use constant HASH_SEED => 0; # 5.8.2: always zero before the rehashing
use constant START => "a";
# create conditions which will trigger a rehash on the current stash
# (__PACKAGE__::). Relevant for perl 5.8.2 and higher.
sub init {
my $r = shift;
no strict 'refs';
my @attack_keys = attack(\%{__PACKAGE__ . "::"}) if $] >= 5.008002;
# define a new symbol (sub) after the attack has caused a re-hash
# check that mod_perl finds that symbol (fixup2) in the stash
no warnings 'redefine';
eval qq[sub fixup2 { return Apache2::Const::OK; }];
$r->push_handlers(PerlFixupHandler => \&fixup2);
return Apache2::Const::DECLINED;
sub fixup { return Apache2::Const::OK; }
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
return Apache2::Const::OK;
sub buckets { scalar(%{$_[0]}) =~ m#/([0-9]+)\z# ? 0+$1 : 8 }
sub attack {
my $stash = shift;
#require Hash::Util; # avail since 5.8.0
debug "starting attack (it may take a long time!)";
my @keys;
# the minimum of bits required to mount the attack on a hash
my $min_bits = log(THRESHOLD)/log(2);
# if the hash has already been populated with a significant amount
# of entries the number of mask bits can be higher
my $keys = scalar keys %$stash;
my $bits = $keys ? log($keys)/log(2) : 0;
$bits = $min_bits if $min_bits > $bits;
$bits = ceil($bits);
# need to add 3 bits to cover the internal split cases
$bits += 3;
my $mask = 2**$bits-1;
debug "mask: $mask ($bits)";
my $s = START;
my $c = 0;
# get 2 keys on top of the THRESHOLD
my $h;
while (@keys < THRESHOLD+2) {
next if exists $stash->{$s};
$h = hash($s);
next unless ($h & $mask) == 0;
debug sprintf "%2d: %5s, %08x %s", $c, $s, $h, scalar(%$stash);
push @keys, $s;
debug "The hash collision attack has been successful"
if Internals::HvREHASH(%$stash);
} continue {
# If the rehash hasn't been triggered yet, it's being delayed until the
# next bucket split. Add keys until a split occurs.
unless (Internals::HvREHASH(%$stash)) {
debug "Will add padding keys until hash split";
my $old_buckets = buckets($stash);
while (buckets($stash) == $old_buckets) {
next if exists $stash->{$s};
$h = hash($s);
debug sprintf "%2d: %5s, %08x %s", $c, $s, $h, scalar(%$stash);
push @keys, $s;
debug "The hash collision attack has been successful"
if Internals::HvREHASH(%$stash);
# this verifies that the attack was mounted successfully. If
# HvREHASH is on it is. Otherwise the sequence wasn't successful.
die "Failed to mount the hash collision attack"
unless Internals::HvREHASH(%$stash);
debug "ending attack";
return @keys;
# least integer >= n
sub ceil {
my $value = shift;
return int($value) < $value ? int($value) + 1 : int($value);
# trying to provide the fastest equivalent of C macro's PERL_HASH in
# Perl - the main complication is that the C macro uses U32 integer
# (unsigned int), which we can't do it Perl (it can do I32, with 'use
# integer'). So we outsmart Perl and take modules 2*32 after each
# calculation, emulating overflows that happen in C.
sub hash {
my $s = shift;
my @c = split //, $s;
my $u = HASH_SEED;
for (@c) {
# (A % M) + (B % M) == (A + B) % M
# This works because '+' produces a NV, which is big enough to hold
# the intermidiate result. We only need the % before any "^" and "&"
# to get the result in the range for an I32.
# and << doesn't work on NV, so using 1 << 10
$u += ord;
$u += $u * (1 << 10); $u %= MASK_U32;
$u ^= $u >> 6;
$u += $u << 3; $u %= MASK_U32;
$u ^= $u >> 11; $u %= MASK_U32;
$u += $u << 15; $u %= MASK_U32;
# a bit slower but simpler version
sub hash_original {
my $s = shift;
my @c = split //, $s;
my $u = HASH_SEED;
for (@c) {
$u += ord; $u %= MASK_U32;
$u += $u << 10; $u %= MASK_U32;
$u ^= $u >> 6; $u %= MASK_U32;
$u += $u << 3; $u %= MASK_U32;
$u ^= $u >> 11; $u %= MASK_U32;
$u += $u << 15; $u %= MASK_U32;
PerlModule TestPerl::hash_attack
PerlInitHandler TestPerl::hash_attack::init
# call twice to verify an access to the same hash value after the rehash
PerlFixupHandler TestPerl::hash_attack::fixup TestPerl::hash_attack::fixup