blob: 22469592febc99680d188dcf303a9885d4fa05c9 [file] [log] [blame]
# please insert nothing before this line: -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
package TestAPR::flatten;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestUtil;
use TestCommon::Utils;
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use APR::Bucket ();
use APR::Brigade ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => 'OK';
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
plan $r, tests => 26;
# first, create a brigade
my $pool = $r->pool;
my $ba = $r->connection->bucket_alloc;
my $bb = APR::Brigade->new($pool, $ba);
# now, let's put several buckets in it
for (1 .. 10) {
my $data = 'x' x 20000;
my $bucket = APR::Bucket->new($ba, $data);
# ok, that's 10 buckets of 20,000 = 200,000 characters
ok t_cmp($bb->length,
# syntax: require a $bb
eval { APR::Brigade::flatten("") };
ok t_cmp($@,
qr!usage: \$bb->flatten\(\$buf, \[\$wanted\]\)!,
'APR::Brigade::flatten() requires a brigade');
# flatten() will slurp up the entire brigade
# equivalent to calling apr_brigade_pflatten
my $len = $bb->flatten(my $data);
verify($len, 200000, $data, 1);
# flatten(0) returns 0 bytes
my $len = $bb->flatten(my $data, 0);
t_debug('$bb->flatten(0) returns a defined value');
ok (defined $data);
verify($len, 0, $data, 0);
# flatten($length) will return the first $length bytes
# equivalent to calling apr_brigade_flatten
# small
my $len = $bb->flatten(my $data, 30);
verify($len, 30, $data, 1);
# large
my $len = $bb->flatten(my $data, 190000);
verify($len, 190000, $data, 1);
# more than enough
my $len = $bb->flatten(my $data, 300000);
verify($len, 200000, $data, 1);
# fetch from a brigade with no data in it
my $len = APR::Brigade->new($pool, $ba)->flatten(my $data);
t_debug('empty brigade returns a defined value');
ok (defined $data);
verify($len, 0, $data, 0);
# this sub runs 3 sub-tests with a false $check_content
# and 4 otherwise
sub verify {
my ($len, $expected_len, $data, $check_content) = @_;
ok t_cmp($len,
"\$bb->flatten(\$data, $len) returned $len bytes");
ok t_cmp(length($data),
"\$bb->flatten(\$data, $len) returned all expected data");
ok TestCommon::Utils::is_tainted($data);
if ($check_content) {
# don't use t_cmp() here, else we get 200,000 characters
# to look at in verbose mode
t_debug("data all 'x' characters");
ok ($data !~ m/[^x]/);