blob: 87ff65d69a31d01b7a2d557e2dd2b9bb0050d4fb [file] [log] [blame]
# please insert nothing before this line: -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
package TestAPI::uri;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache::Test;
use Apache::TestUtil;
use Apache::TestRequest;
use APR::Pool ();
use APR::URI ();
use Apache2::URI ();
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => 'OK';
my $location = '/' . Apache::TestRequest::module2path(__PACKAGE__);
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
plan $r, tests => 24;
# basic
my $uri = $r->parsed_uri;
ok $uri->isa('APR::URI');
ok t_cmp($uri->path, qr/^$location/, "path");
my $up = $uri->unparse;
ok t_cmp($up, qr/^$location/, "unparse");
# construct_server
my $server = $r->construct_server;
ok t_cmp(join(':', $r->get_server_name, $r->get_server_port),
my $hostname = "";
my $server = $r->construct_server($hostname);
ok t_cmp(join(':', $hostname, $r->get_server_port),
my $hostname = "";
my $port = "9097";
my $server = $r->construct_server($hostname, $port);
ok t_cmp(join(':', $hostname, $port),
"construct_server($hostname, $port)");
my $hostname = "";
my $port = "9097";
my $server = $r->construct_server($hostname, $port, $r->pool->new);
ok t_cmp(join(':', $hostname, $port),
"construct_server($hostname, $port, new_pool)");
# construct_url
# if no args are passed then only $r->uri will be included (no
# query and no fragment fields)
my $curl = $r->construct_url;
t_debug("construct_url: $curl");
t_debug("r->uri: " . $r->uri);
my $parsed = APR::URI->parse($r->pool, $curl);
ok $parsed->isa('APR::URI');
my $up = $parsed->unparse;
ok t_cmp($up, qr/$location/, "unparse");
my $path = '/foo/bar';
ok t_cmp($parsed->path, $path, "parsed path");
# this time include args in the constructed url
my $fragment = "fragment";
my $curl = $r->construct_url(sprintf "%s?%s", $r->uri, $r->args);
t_debug("construct_url: $curl");
t_debug("r->uri: ", $r->uri);
my $parsed = APR::URI->parse($r->pool, $curl);
my $up = $parsed->unparse;
ok t_cmp($up, qr/$location/, 'construct_url($uri)');
ok t_cmp($parsed->query, $r->args, "args vs query");
# this time include args and a pool object
my $curl = $r->construct_url(sprintf("%s?%s", $r->uri, $r->args),
t_debug("construct_url: $curl");
t_debug("r->uri: ", $r->uri);
my $up = APR::URI->parse($r->pool, $curl)->unparse;
ok t_cmp($up, qr/$location/, 'construct_url($uri, $pool)');
# segfault test
# test the segfault in apr < 0.9.2 (fixed on mod_perl side)
# passing only the /path
my $parsed = APR::URI->parse($r->pool, $r->uri);
# set hostname, but not the scheme
my $expected = $r->construct_url;
my $received = $parsed->unparse;
t_debug("the real received is: $received");
# apr < 0.9.2-dev + fix in mpxs_apr_uri_unparse will return
# '://localhost.localdomain:8529/TestAPI::uri'
# apr >= 0.9.2 with internal fix will return
# '//localhost.localdomain:8529/TestAPI::uri'
# so in order to test pre-0.9.2 and post-0.9.2-dev we massage it
$expected =~ s|^http:||;
$received =~ s|^:||;
ok t_cmp($received, $expected,
"the bogus url is expected when 'hostname' is set " .
"but not 'scheme'");
# parse_uri
my $path = "/foo/bar";
my $query = "query";
my $fragment = "fragment";
my $newr = Apache2::RequestRec->new($r->connection, $r->pool);
my $url_string = "$path?$query#$fragment";
# new request
ok t_cmp($newr->uri, $path, "uri");
ok t_cmp($newr->args, $query, "args");
ok t_cmp($newr->path_info, '/bar', "path_info");
my $puri = $newr->parsed_uri;
ok t_cmp($puri->path, $path, "path");
ok t_cmp($puri->query, $query, "query");
ok t_cmp($puri->fragment, $fragment, "fragment");
ok t_cmp($puri->rpath, '/foo', "rpath");
my $port = 6767;
ok t_cmp($puri->port, $port, "port");
ok t_cmp($puri->unparse,
# unescape_url
my @c = qw(one two three);
my $url_string = join '%20', @c;
ok $url_string eq "@c";