blob: 91d19f67c4cdd8b93fb34bf467fcf0490f770076 [file] [log] [blame]
# please insert nothing before this line: -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
package TestProtocol::echo_filter;
# see also TestFilter::both_str_con_add
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache2::Connection ();
use APR::Socket ();
use APR::Bucket ();
use APR::Brigade ();
use APR::Error ();
use base qw(Apache2::Filter);
use APR::Const -compile => qw(SUCCESS SO_NONBLOCK);
use APR::Status ();
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK MODE_GETLINE);
use constant BUFF_LEN => 1024;
sub uc_filter : FilterConnectionHandler {
my $filter = shift;
while ($filter->read(my $buffer, BUFF_LEN)) {
$filter->print(uc $buffer);
return Apache2::Const::OK;
sub handler {
my $c = shift;
# starting from Apache 2.0.49 several platforms require you to set
# the socket to a blocking IO mode
$c->client_socket->opt_set(APR::Const::SO_NONBLOCK, 0);
my $bb = APR::Brigade->new($c->pool, $c->bucket_alloc);
while (1) {
my $rc = $c->input_filters->get_brigade($bb, Apache2::Const::MODE_GETLINE);
last if APR::Status::is_EOF($rc);
die APR::Error::strerror($rc) unless $rc == APR::Const::SUCCESS;
# fflush is the equivalent of the following 3 lines of code:
# my $b = APR::Bucket::flush_create($c->bucket_alloc);
# $bb->insert_tail($b);
# $c->output_filters->pass_brigade($bb);
PerlModule TestProtocol::echo_filter
PerlOutputFilterHandler TestProtocol::echo_filter::uc_filter